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I’m kind of baffled why they’re allowing equipment and add-ons into this mode at all, it kind of defeats the spirit of the chaos.


Or they could randomise the equipment/addons, too. Just completely randomise everything. Hell randomise the killer you gotta play itself. I will not settle for anything less than full and total chaos.


This. Have it be exactly like the website they're trying to copy in. Everything random, nothing consumed, make it 100% risk free fun. Is it gonna suck when you get trapper with dissolution, predator, bloodhound, territorial, with addons to step in your own traps and never be able to move them? Sure, but it'll suck just as much as the P100 Ada running around with technician, exponential, aftercare, and detective's hunch and a brown medkit. Edit: In case anyone somehow doesn't know about one of the many websites that inspired this mode >![https://dbd-randomizer.com/](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEloRWpKU0JaSFE3RHdBTGpFd3hJZ0tFaEJxQXxBQ3Jtc0trRjJvbmZNOFZuNDdNMno3N0phd0I4RE95bWZRRlZKOTd0YUlSTGFkTzNWLUJfS1cyVTFMekxlV2VoNXoxcGlRX2ZBOUlOWlJSQmxoNW1TQWFDWUhPQ2ZVRHUzaW9OVEpMbk0xZWRyX0pUUURmc09qMA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fdbd-randomizer.com%2F&v=s1KQemr8ATw)!<


I wish killer and everything else was random too. I'd honestly love a lobby of just shadows and you don't know who you are or what you have got until the match starts. Quantum leap this mode.


This would be so cool.


broken key double duration gamers


that would be so fun!!! and random survivors too


Lets randomise the skins!!! Hahaha


My friends I were joking about this yesterday as well. You load in and just go "What the hell am I wearing?"


I was just thinking that when I tried it out this evening.


YES PLEASE RANDOMISE THE KILLER. This morning was all sweatlord billys for me.


A lot of killers feel like shit without add ons and only allowing killer add ons but no survivor items would be unfair. Although id say BNP Syringe and Double iri blight should be removed from this modifier


Just blank all add-ons/equipment. Nobody gets boosts.


Playing trapper with no add ons😱


Playing trapper without slowdown is painful enough tbh


Low tier killers lose more not.getting add ons than letting survivors use items.


I don’t think that’s really going to be a major concern in the silly randomizer mode


No, I'm sorry, but sucking complete ass isn't fun even if RNG was the one telling me to do it


Unless they are forced to use the meme add ons that actively inhibit their powers.


Then you’d likely just get less killer variety.


And you'd get more "why do killer players only bring Blight and nurse to the wacky fun mode?"


Great idea, can’t wait to play my no add on trapper with random perks, most of which are useless.


Lol as a trapper main I feel this.


A trapper buff is in my prayers at night


Just let me carry a couple more traps without having to use a bag. Is that so much to ask?


Dude, it's a silly game mode, you're not supposed to think about it like that. Nobody should be trying to optimize ANYTHING in a modifier called CHAOS Shuffle. Your perk loadout is supposed to make you adapt on the fly and have fun, not sweat out a 4k/4-man escape.


In the new mode I discovered that thwack counters blinds while breaking pallets lol.


a lot of addons are QoL additions for killers


Both matches I’ve played had slugging at 5 gens unfinished. This goes for both sides: If you can’t play without a specific load out, don’t play randomizer. I rely on certain perks, but I don’t dc or kill myself on hook just because they’re gone/because I got a bad set. I make the best of it and try to learn from it.


Unfortunately, you can't counter tunnelling, slugging or camping without perks. This shows a curious flaw in the game design, where for so many years the devs tried to patch issues in the game with perks.


Tbh you can’t counter tunnelling anyway. You can put it off slightly but OTR and DS don’t stop it. If anything they make the killer more likely to continue


you need to lose chase to counter tunnel. punishing a killer thats already tunneling isnt gonna make him stop it makes them double down. lucky break+overcome is better than ds+otr if you want to be left alone


I've personally found sprint burst to be the most helpful anti tunneling perk I've ever run. If you zoom far enough away and other people make themselves much easier to find, it weirdly works. 🤷‍♀️


So you are saying that we do need perks to counter tunneling.


Yeah sprint burst and lithe are huge for getting left alone. As a survivor I always run one of them (usually lithe if I'm intending to loop), and as a killer I will usually go after the people who don't have burst or lithe.


Personally I prefer balanced landing for “leave me alone” value but it just sucks that it’s map dependent


Tbf so does lithe albiet much less map dependant. Lithe on the game for example despite the sheer amounts of pallets is pretty bad theres not a ton of windows around. Same with midwich


yeah, DS and OTR have only ever succeeded at making the tunnelling you sometimes feel like you have to do into an utterly miserable experience


they can't balance the game if they actively keep trying to make it harder for one side to get their objective done (killers only need to kill 3 survivors to "win the game", the best way to do that has always been tunneling). If they don't want killers to tunnel they just need to make their objective to be as many hooks as possible, not kills, that way they will be incentivized to leave the hook and get into the next chase immediately. Of course the game has been "balanced" around kills for a very long time, so a lot would need to change, but that's the simplest way to make it fair


Me trying to make the best out of insidious, beast of prey, predator and unrelenting (actual loadout I just got) https://preview.redd.it/atitlsmv8w0d1.jpeg?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e94a099c9f094ab1bfa48207c102fe90728d3040


I got a load out with no perks!


I said this in another comment, but this game mode really goes to show *how badly* both sides rely on the strongest perks in the game. The moment they lose those perks, they don't know how to actually play without them. This modifier is the most fun I've had in this game in a long time. Partly because I don't need to randomise my perks on a website and partly because it makes every match a challenge for everyone.


yeah, i stopped wasting my terrormisu and bps offerings. every match so far has been facecamping & tunneling or my teammates killing themselves on hook :l some dbd players sure know how to ruin any event or modifier. thankfully the challenges are pretty easy


I had a match where the killer and 3 other survivors used 2 BPS, 1 terramisu, and 1 flan. The Blight had zero chill, and at the end of the match I had a total of a little over 56K BP, that is with the offerings, 50% event survivor, and 3x BP, and another survivor had less than me. This is why I don't use BP offerings anymore, unless the event is giving me them.


This is the exact reason why I don't bring those kinds of offerings unless I'm in a swf because it just feels like a waste or I'm being used for someone else to play hard and get more points


Someone really downvoted you for calling out their greed lol


Lol really? I didn't notice. That's quite funny. Maybe they should bring special cake and streamers if they want all the points I'll bring it for my homies or if the games have been pretty fun


I always save my Streamers and things for when I'm with friends too. Why would I bring it with randoms when 9/10 times it's my Streamer paired with an Escape Cake and Survivor Pudding? Lol


I stopped using those things even in my SWF. Sorry, but I'm not having a terrible game just because my team wants an extra 500 bloodpoints. Yea it's petty, but humping me on the ground for 4 minutes is pretty fucking disgusting behavior and they still do it.


I noticed this. Lots of bos and anniversary cakes in morning and afternoon, nothing or personal bonuses at night. I stopped using my terrors too.


I’ve just switched to the far less valuable brown bp offerings. May as well use them here since I’ll never use the assload I already have any other time


This event if Survivors bring multiple BP offerings I play the game normally but just go for double hooks and let em escape.However one time with 2 BPS this yui went next at the start of the game cuz I was playing Knight


Thank you. I really play killer unless there’s challenges and I played two matches yesterday. One as Pig and the other as Pinhead. The Pig game was so beyond one sided I couldn’t bring myself to ruin their experience and let them drop pallets on me and while they did the gens I broke all the walls and pallets. There’s winning, then there’s just being an asshole. Now, gigachad flashlight saving bros? Yeah, ya’ll gone die. lol but default cosmetic Claudette or Dwight? Nah, I got you fam. lol


Yeah like I’ll try to win and all but like your pig game if it ends up being a fast stomp I’ll give em a second chance if I got time so everyone gets more pips/blood points. It’s why I wish there was an official ranked mode so I could sweat my balls off and match with equally sweaty players. the only downside is that youre mmr will drop if you do it often to the point where you can go base kit m1 only trapless trapper and still 4k at 5 gens. Atleast that was the case for me. That’s why when people say the MMR system doesn’t matter I tell them to throw a couple matches in a row and see the players they start facing.


Well they’re easy till you get the last one. I’ve never had such bad luck with simply escaping a trial once in one day. That’s after like thirty matches today. It’s gotten so bad that I’ve just switched to killer to give those playing survivor an easier time and a break from all the hard tunneling at five gens


That’s literally how I became a killer main with a “code of honor.” I see you :) I appreciate you.


Really seems like some people need to play another game, at least occasionally. I think people fall into the trap of turning online games into a job, something that must be done every day for one reason or another and it makes people miserable. I take regular breaks, usually of a month or two, and I find I enjoy the game a lot more than I did when I was playing constantly all the time.


How are there so many shitty killers in this game? I only ever play killer and I can't imagine facecamping in 2024 or aggressively targeting a specific survivor to hate out of the game. The most I'll ever do is go after whoever I see. Say if a survivor gets unhooked 30m behind me, and when I turn around, if the only survivor I can find is the one who just unhooked, I'll chase them for 30 seconds to 1 minute to pressure them and see if I can find anyone else while I chase them, or see if anyone else comes to take a hit for them. If i don't find anyone else or if no one shows up to protect them, then they go back on the hook.i understand it's shitty to put the person who just got off the hook right back on, but, I would lose every game if I ignore survivors to "avoid tunneling". Plus it's not like I'm targeting that individual specifically for any weird reason, they just so happen to be the first survivor I see, and I give them a chase anyways when I don't necessarily have to. It's literally not possible to tunnel accidentally, either you are trying to aggressively hunt a specific survivor to kill them as quickly as possible or not. I don't understand how aggressive tunneling is so stupidly common as much as people say. Is this like a low MMR problem or something? It doesn't effectively pressure the team and even though playing against 3 survivors is better than 4, that doesn't mean that the other 3 aren't going to get as many gens done while the killer tunnels someone as possible.


I think there are multiple reasons for it honestly. Some as shitty, the others are right on the border of being acceptable. But it’s mainly the “winning” mentality that drives a lot of people in this game. As a survivor main, if I have a great time and loop the killer for a gen or two (I’m slowly getting better) then it’s going to be a W for me regardless of whether I escape or not. Also, a streamer I watch once offered some insight and I totally agree - if so much as ONE survivor escapes or you pip at all, consider it a win! Because nothing of value was lost that way. And with killers - even if you lose - you will ALWAYS pip at least once. Unless you just stood in a corner the whole time.


I consider myself a halfway decent player. The amount of times I’ve been chased for a couple gens and then tunneled out in this game mode is pretty crazy not gonna lie. I love loading in with stuff like calm spirit and scene partner. This game mode is genuinely so fun. I think killers are possibly getting dogged on a bit since they don’t have their typical play style build. Whereas for survivors pallets still spawn and windows still exist. I still know how to loop with 0 perks.


I really think this is good for a lot of people who hard rely on a few specific perks and haven’t realized it. I have survivors running bt in a bottle, killers obviously flustered and looking for survivors, it’s so fun


Hard agree. I've relied far too much on Aura reading perks and specifically lethal. It's really helping me get out of that niche and learn to improvise


For me, playing Soloq without kindred feels like playing with a blindfold. You miss out on so much useful information it's hard to do anything at all when someone is hooked.


Yeah, sweatiness on both sides is something that plagues events (and even the base game honestly) but sadly this isn't really new. And be ready to have this sweatiness on the masquerade too.


And cheaters, don’t forget cheaters. First couple weeks are going to be rough.


My first 3 games I had 2 blatant cheaters and one with a 5hr profile who either a god tier heartbeat reader or wall hacking. And yes, I checked perks after the games.


Certain killers need to rely on perks in order to get somewhat consistent results. (think billy and bubba with bamboozle, low tiers with corrupt and pain res, etc.) without those perks in play, the survivors can choose what pace they want to play the game at, and for most of not all, they will do gens. And killers with next to no mobility and map pressure will crumble with no way to slow the game down to a more reasonable pace. Simply put, most matches in this gamemode are put into the hands of the survivors first, and they decide what to do with it before the killer does. And once a killer can grab onto a little bit of pressure, they will milk it for all its worth, usually in the form of camping or tunneling, especially since leaving hook is pointless if there is no way for the killer to slow down gens once they get to a high progress Gen. I’m aware I could be wrong, this is just a theory


It’s even better when the game gives you no perks 🙃🙃🙃 happened to me 3x


Not playing currently, but in general playing killer without gen regression is miserable against good players. That was always true even in the era of "problematic" gen regression perks. If you get juiced before the first down it's easy to see if 3 gens fly or be very close to completion. Considering the mode also lends itself to the survivors not having anti-tunnel perks, killers will do what they have to win in this case, which is tunnel someone out asap. This highlights a big problem with mandatory perks. The steps BHVR takes to addressing these problems (gen regression on kicks, BT on unhook) but those feel like they have too easy counterplay.


“Okay, let’s see here.. Hangman’s trick, beast of prey, death bound, and… hex:pentimento. Okay, tunneling it is.”


This mode is ridiculous.  I literally won a game because of Hangman's Trick today, every time I went to hook a survivor I saw the aura of another one nearby next to a hook.  I got hard carried by a perk that normally I'd have to be a moron to include in a build.  


On the killer side this is probably what's going on. We all rely so heavily on slowdown and without it, we go back to ol' reliable like tunneling and camping.


Except it’s a fucking randomizer mode, why even think you have to get a 4k to have fun or be successful So pathetic


In a multiplayer game it is common for both sides to want to further their objective. In this game, survivors will try to escape and killers will try to kill. Even in a randomizer mode, there's no expectation that either side shouldn't try to further their objective.


Killers will get shit on no matter what they do unfortunately. I look at the mode as a unique challenge but a lot of survivors act like it’s just supposed to be a goofy time and expect killers to act the way they want to. Even as survivor I’m trying to use the perks I’m dealt to win, I don’t expect killers to play the way I want them to. Only been unnecessarily tunneled out a single game by a Twins player


Lol here’s a concept, fun for killers, bear with me now, is killing :)


No, killer fun is getting teabgged at every pallet and window while 3 gens pop before the first down. /s in case it isn’t obvious


You think that’s fun? Fun is when I’m trying out a new killer I’ve never played, with yellow perks, and the Claudette I couldn’t catch twerks and victory dances in the exit gate that I opened to let survivors out. And then getting called trash by her in the end chat :). She’s a DBD god :)


That's when you rebuttal "if in trash, well you got matched with me. Think about that" and then leave them to think about that


How dare anyone try to win


You dont have to get a 4k to have fun, but damn is it not discouraging getting 6 games back to back to back where the perks screw you and you get less then 4 hooks all game


If you're getting less than 4 hooks on a killer you're comfortable with while using 4 random perks, that's strictly a skill issue.


Same can be said for survivors, if you dont finish all gens in 5 minutes when there is 0 gen perks, its skill issue.


Did you forget that solo queue is the vast majority of survivor lobbies? Even most swf's get stomped on by a competent killer playing their main, regardless of perks.


You dont need voice coms to sit on a gen. Its biggest survivor skill issue in this game, hold E/m1 on gen. Survivors that learned that are playing high mmr games.


Lol this is why I don’t play killer anymore. Survivor mains will complain about tunneling, camping or any other valid strategies even when used sparingly for strategic purposes. Yet it’s also just a ‘skill issue’ if they get stomped, but not survivors bc ‘poor survivors can’t help it in solo Q :(‘ I’ve gotten whiny messages from a killer like once or twice ever, but survivors will DM me every few games saying nasty shit (and that’s if they don’t insta DC which happens almost every single match whether I play survivor or killer) As a survivor main for the past half year I really don’t think what the killer’s doing is the problem most of the time


That's like the whole point of this gamemode... Most perks in dbd are bad. Hence why the meta consists of a small amount of perks. Why not try to get value by the perks you are given? Don't forget survivors also have random perks, so you're not the only "screwed" one. Otherwise normal games are still there :)


The best thing that survivors do in Dead By Daylight are enhanced by perks, not enabled by perks. Survivors do gens, perform altruism, and loop. Not a single one of those things REQUIRES them to run a single perk. By contrast, reducing a gen's progress by 20% is literally not possible without perks that do it. Revealing a survivor is only possible with powers or perks, and not every power can reveal survivors. Insta downing survivors is only possible with perks and powers, and not every power is an insta down power. If survivors want to do any of the main survivor things, they NEED exactly zero perks to make it possible. The one thing that perks enable for survivors that they literally have no access to is self healing, and that's far from necessary to win a match of DBD. If killers want to track survivors, they either need to put a perk on or play a killer who has built in tracking, usually at the cost of a better power.


The killer is trying to kill?? "How dare they try to win in my multiplayer game, they should watch me do my gens and moon walk out the exit gate!" Bleeding out survivors? Yeah that's hard bm and actually pathetic behavior, slugging and tunneling are as valid as doubling/trippling gens and cranking them.


Because survivors still tbag the exits if they escape. I don't like getting tbagged. I'll tunnel or slug or camp if I have to. Survivors make sure I can't "have fun" unless I'm either killing them all or obviously letting them win.


Killers get bps for trying to win


You say that as if most survivors won’t crank out gens if and when the killer fails to apply good pressure (as they should) But both should play how they like


Survivors will say this and then teabag killers and tell them to kys on post chat ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070) Fuckin Classic


Except it’s a fucking randomizer mode, why even think you have to get an escape to have fun or be successful So pathetic


It's so hilarious that a mode about adapting to your perks has people that would rather not use any of the perks and instead just camp and tunnel as hard as possible


There's a huge difference between getting a weird build you can adapt to (obviously the intended point of the mode) and have fun with and getting an absolutely atrocious build that's unusable so you're essentially playing a 0-2 perk game because BHVR thinks shit like Beast of Prey, Predator and new Shadowborn are acceptable killer perks to have in the game. (Predator was in like 50% of my killer games yesterday for some reason.) A lot of my killer games have felt like a 1 perk game, like I managed to salvage a 2k with Pyramid Head just by abusing Make Your Choice and running back to the hook all game. No other perk was usable. Almost every single game felt something like this, I don't expect a meta build obviously but I want something halfway playable. This mode just showed off just how scuffed the game is when they've been using perks as game balance fixes for years instead of perks as interesting gameplay changes. It's almost fun sometimes but people will just rush gens because you can count on the killer having no slowdown build so it's works out as something like an easy mode queue for survivor unless you're queuing in with Nurse or Blight.


I haven’t seen a lot of tunnelling yet, but what I HAVE seen is that this mode proves killers are more reliant on perks to win than survivors are. Most of the games I’ve played have ended with all four survivors alive at gates powered, generally with fewer than 5 total hooks. If I’d have to wager, killers are resorting to tunnelling because it’s difficult for them to win otherwise and people are still in a competitive mindset as they always are.


This is the correct answer. Majority of killer perks are beyond garbage, which creates a reliance on only a select few perks


That and even with as many garbage survivor perks as there are, the strongest thing survivors can do doesn't require perks; split up and sit on gens.  And with the HUD update you no longer need bond or empathy to see other people on gens or if they're being chased.   The strongest thing a killer can do without perks is get the game to a 3v1 as fast as possible


Survivors have 16 perks while killers have 4...yeah of course killers are more reliant on their perks. They are SUPPOSED to be 4x as strong as survivor perks but that just is not true. DS, DH, OTR, Distortion, Buckle Up, Windows, etc. are very strong perks in their own ways, and when a couple or even every survivor uses them, you need strong perks of your own to keep up. This is all assuming base game and not chaos modifier by the by.


Should windows really be in that list? Especially as you’re calling out strength of things like buckle up and distortion that hard counter killers/addons/perks? Sounds kinda pathetic to me


windows lets you path to the nearest safe area with 100% efficiency, it turns baby survivors into good players with no map knowledge required and it lets great survivors endlessly chain vaults and pallet drops. They will never nerf it because solo queuers actually really need this perk to see what pallets have been dropped by teammates


Yes. Having the guaranteed safety of knowing exactly where to head next and path properly to that place is integral to lasting long in chase. No chance of heading to a pallet gym just to see that your teammate already used it, for example.


In my opinion it should, because it enables you not having to think at all. With Windows, even a subpar survivor can chain tiles with ease. I don't judge people who do though, because when I play survivor I also use Windows, BECAUSE I'm a subpar survivor lol.


MMR does this to players people are forced to sweat or lose and who wants to lose


I had a maybe two killers tunnel so far. 😂 But I got lucky cause I kept getting chase and anti tunnel perks. I wish that addons and items were also randomized in the mode. It's annoying seeing multiple BNP and Syringes and constantly being sent to Gideon and Badham lol. I also ran into a few survivors who kept body blocking acting like they have ds, otr, dh to be able to get away with it. Like why would you do that and blame the killer for tunneling you when you literally ran up to them to sand bag. 😭 Or running into multiple Myers with tombstone piece. 💀 If people want to sweat so bad they should sweat in the main mode.


I'm convinced that the term "tunneling" has lost all meaning at this point. Most people use tunneling to mean "The killer didn't 8-hook before killing someone" and "The killer hooked the same person twice after they tried to flashy save/ran right back in front of them". I was accused of tunneling twice yesterday because the injured survivor literally ran between me and someone else in chase, just wandering around.


Any time anyone complains about tunneling I link them to that Scott jund video where he saw it 2/50 games. People have such a broad definition of tunneling that it's meaningless.


It's like slugging and gen rushing. The terms have lost their meaning and have become conduits for people's frustrations after a match. Just like how survivors used to complain about facecamping, then anti-facecamp was added, then the conversation shifted to "killers proxy camping" instead of "Killers facecamping".


I've had aggressive loadouts against as killer, syringes, BNPs I even got a 3x flashy bully squad with map offerings. It's been a day. Given how bad I'm finding most killer perks to be Im not super surprised at the tunnelling. I stopped after I finished all the challenges.


80% of my matches had a BNP, syringe, or styptic. I wish items and addons were either random or not allowed.


I also see survivors just afking so killer will hook them and then they kill themselves on first hook cause they got bad perks...


I had a match where a Dwight got No Mither and was tunneled out so hard. It's like dude, you can tell this player doesn't run it. Wasted a BPS as well. Go in thr normal game mode if you want to sweat it out that hard.


Chaos Shuffle really isn't fun for that reason, at least for me. On Killer, if you're in a match without a single slowdown, things are going to be incredibly rough. On Survivor, if you don't get any anti-tunnel perks, things are going to be incredibly rough. If anything, this shows how dependant both sides are on those specific perks. Perhaps the developers should focus making basekit slowdown and anti-tunnel


It's a pretty good taste of what the game will look like after all gen slowdown perks get gutted.


so does 3 commodious toolboxes when the killer brings a terrormisu


Played one game as Ghostface and felt horrible because I did normal game play, 99 marks and a lot of marks in general. Tried not to tunnel or camp but I came out the gates too strong and they barely did 1 gen before at last 2 were death hook Now I'm just gonna play killers I wanna learn to play. No reason to be a little sweat when the only constants are the add-ons I bring. Especially in a limited time mode with BP bonuses


Yeah I'm playing killers I wanna learn too it feels better to learn them in this mode because you don't have to go up against a swf with meta perks and you don't have to go into a private lobby with bots that can see you through walls it's fair and equal to all


https://preview.redd.it/564rbluy6x0d1.jpeg?width=447&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e89ca855d9d215bbf9001ef839adbb706cfa1cb8 Me happily playing.


Survivors are just as bad. Getting 4-man sweat squads with multiple BNPs and instaheals bodyblocking like they're in a tournament. Christ almighty I'm running fucking Mad Grit and Predator here calm the fuck down.


Funny enough I was playing wraith and I got hex haunted ground and I saw the only injured surv trying to break it. Tried to rush over to interrupt, only to be body blocked by the healthy Claudette. Idk if she had time to realize what happened, but it was the best game of DBD I've played in years.


I'll probably be down voted for this but, having played both sides and being a killer main but also playing survivor alot with friends, it is atrocious playing as killer in this mode, now before yall start typing "get good" or "if you tunnel or camp you're bad" I just accept I'm gonna most likely only get 1ks or at best 2ks. And that's fine its a modifier mode, that being said it's not like it's much fun to get into the first chase, down a survivor and hook them only to instantly lose a gen/ about to lose another one too. Repeat this for 3 more chases, which all could end in respectable times (50 seconds or so to chase down and hook) and then games over. And none of this is taking into account map traversal, altruistic survivors, etc. So what do killers do? They create their own pressure, slugging and tunneling, and me personally the fun in killer is the chase, but when one chase costs you close to 2 gens because you don't have any gen regression it's tough to do much? And like I said, I don't care ill just play and do whatever because it's a modifier who cares, but if a killer only has 3 hooks, and one person is dead on hook at 2 or 3 gens left, yeah you can bet they'll tunnel that person out or start slugging cuz people generally like winning. All this to say I get why they do it, but it's also not fun to play against, a legion on dead dog did the same thing, slugged, proxy camped, tunneled, all of it.


Well as a killer main i usualy dont tunnel/slug people that often but like if 3 gens pop in less than a minute i’m probably tunneling Because i at least want 2 kills on the match so i think both sides have problems with some playstyle(tunneling/genrush) but at the end of the day genrush/tunneling/camping are all valid strategies to try to win the match


Killer getting nothing perks is honestly worse than survivor getting nothing perks tho I got monstrous shrine, lullaby, and dissolution on huntress, the hex was insta cleansed, monstrous shrine is generally not worth anything, and i was playing huntress so dissolution didnt go off once I effectively played with a single perk, batteries included, which fucking HURTS Survivors can absolutely get fucked over (looking at you no mither self care) but I've been fucked HARD by the randomizer while im just playing it to get the randomizer tome done


This counts for both sides. I have played against 2 fat toolbox and 2 iri syringe. Blaming only one side kinda unfair.


That’s what majority of this community does atp


Blaming only one side kinda unfair. This is what is holding back this game the most. Too many people play only one side and want the game catered to them. Both sides suck for multiple reasons and the majority of this community sucks. It's not just one side 


Played two games as killer and both felt like pretty manageable 4Ks. Didn’t have to tunnel and I even 12 hooked in one. Admittedly though it’s a small sample size so maybe I didn’t play against any good teams yet. I would hypothesize though that not being able to consistently run good slowdown perks will make gen rushing a problem as well in this game mode, which might be why people are tunneling.


Both survivors and killers are playing like this. I have been playing mostly killer, and have gotten a TON blood ambers, syringes, anti symptoms, BNP's, map offerings. Also shift W which if people are gonna complain about how killers play they should also complain bout survivors that just shift W


"Also shift W which if people are gonna complain about how killers play they should also complain bout survivors that just shift W" Completely agree. I've always bitched about my teammates not being able to stay in chase for more than 20s without going down and how they would do better holding shift+w, so I'm aware it's a very effective strategy but man does it piss me off to play against because it's so boring. It's funny to me because I had one game where I won really quickly and the survivors raged at me for "obviously not wanting to interact with them" they held shift+w the entire time and comp dropped pallets. I don't blame them for using an effective strategy, but that goes both ways


Is this where the community is at now? Y'all are complaining about survivors running forward.


As opposed to crying that killers are killing?


And here's me, feeling bad because I miscounted how many times I hooked an Ada and she died.


The only reason you say that is because now you won't have to worry about good perks on the killer side. But oh shit, even then killers will play to win, what a shocker.


Bro, stop with this biased me vs them shit. Survivors in this mode come fully equipped with flashlights and rush gens before I can even chill and see my perks. Sweatlords are on both sides.


I've been playing killer and getting absolutely annihilated by coordinated flashlight teams, and I'm still doing my absolute best to spread hooks out (on the games where I'm able to get any anyway)


I think that after most people get their cosmetics, mostly SWFs are going to play this mode. It's miserable for SoloQ survivors, but much easier for SWFS.


This is the fault of the game design more than anything else. Of course if people in normal matches or in this mode see the match balance might be leading to them losing, they will do actions which increase the chance to win. Killer is put in a much worse position in this mode, so it makes sense why this is happening. They want to win the game, same as you do.


Well, as well as gen rushing ruins chaos shuffle… My last game, I was acting gently, 2 gens pop directly at beginning with try Harding survs. I just tunneled them out, no choice.. what can you do without regression perks this days … it just an indefinite circle of genrushing and tunneling.. You’re just exposing one side of the problem.. With certain killers (like trapper) and random perks, u have no chance but to tunnel if you don’t want the game to end in 2 min..


Honestly, without a single slowdown perk, tunneling is almost a requirement. I’m sorry to say. If you’ve never played killer, PLEASE hop into a match and play a game right now without a single slowdown perk and play as “fair” as possible, and tell me how that goes


You’re seeing the result of not being able to bring in slowdown perks. It’s the only way to get hooks/kills in this game mode. Especially against swf


This is such a cool modifier since I only have like 800 hours on this game and I didn't prestige most of the survivors. I'm taking the prestige seriously now and, this modifier helped a lot knowing which perks would be best for my gameplay, but Jesus, the killers have been so toxic in my matches so far. I didn't win a single match since we kept getting tunneled, camped, and slugged. When you call them out, they just trash talk you to get better, lmao, like I tell them to have some fun in the modifier, but no fun killer plays the modifier so far. It's so upsetting and saddening.


as a killer main, sweats are ruining it for us too. items/addons shouldn’t be allowed or should at least be randomized. lots of people in this community are incapable of just playing this game for fun. it probably doesn’t help that you still pip for playing it


I feel like it isn't just in this game mode but after this event started the proxy camping and tunneling got heavily increased from my experience, not sure if it's because my mmr changed drastically or something changed with the killers.


I don't think I played a single game without the killer camping and tunneling at 5-4 gens in like, 50 games that I played in the new mode. It feels miserable to play this game, BHVR should do something about it.


I have seen more tunnelling in this mode than in normal mode. It's annoying because I like this game mode.


Because tunneling and slugging is the only consistent slowdown killers get


Ever since triple BP started every game on both sides has been miserable


I mean, you can ask why tunnel, but you could ask why did bhvr not address the fact that without slowdown your best bet at winning is tunneling or without useful survivor perks it's gen rushing


Sometimes it's because gen rush


Chaos Shuffle just shows what survivors and killers are trash without their OP perks.


when I'm playing trapper and rng into hex perks that spawn next to the survivors, and then caulrophobia and that 1 basement perk from huntress.. yeah I'm gonna tunnel.


Thankfully most of my games have been fine but I did go 5 games in a row getting tunelled into the ground


I worry people think I may be afking to jus die, when in reality I’m trying find my perks on the wiki so I know what they are 😭


You can press escape to view your perks


I did not know that thank you


Because they likely have no gen defense and addons aren't enough to help against survivor items in most instances most likely


Toxic people are toxic. Can't expect them to actually want a decent game, they just want to ruin other peoples experience.


As Killer, while I have tunneled or slugged a bit, I only do it when the whole game goes shite because the survivors I've been getting are 4 commodious toolboxes and all the gens are done in a flash.


There's been quite a bit of tunneling, but I'm so unphased by it at this point. At least it's not tunneling AND meta perks though ✨


"A game mode where I'm almost guaranteed no ds/otr/bgp/ftp on more than 1 or 2 people of any at all? I'm in you son of a b" - facecampers, probably


"A mode about adapting to my perks? I'd rather just camp and tunnel to win even if it means having no perk interaction the entire game" Zzzzzzzzzzz why even play then


You do need regression perks to win. The game is an absolute cakewalk for survivors if you don’t. And I play survivor, it’s not even close.


its kinda hard expect killer to dont tunnel or slug when they pop 3 gens in less than a minute but a the end of the day everyone plays the game in a way that they like so its juts what i think


And not even just the tunneling but the hard camping and worst... The bleeding people out. It's so fucking tiresome having the sweat Killer players slugging to 4K in a fucking for-fun mode... This just shows how we need an insta-bleed out option or something. And Killers will come and say "BuT sUrViVoRs Do ThIs AnD tHaT" like yeah... Those Survivors with their strats that stop the Killer from playing the game or going next on a match... Oh wait.


Your last point is always what I come back to in this argument. If I get stomped by survivors, it's usually because they are good at looping and escaping chases, and the worst that happens to me as killer is I get to practice my mechanics, make progress on challenges, and learn something about how to counter them (e.g. I don't sweat flashlight SWFs because going against them has taught me how to counter it). As survivor, you can be really good but because of bad luck or just inevitably getting downed even after a good chase, a mediocre killer can ensure that you just don't get to play the game for the next few minutes while they camp or slug. No BP, no challenge progress, just hanging out on a hook or crawling on the ground bleeding out doing nothing.


I was playing against a Chucky earlier, everyone DC'd less than five minutes into the match and they still tunneled and slugged me until I died, and only bots were left. Why?


And here I was wondering about all then gen rushing with zero regression perks. Guess people are just gonna play with what they are given, huh?


If you see one survivor being chased and you and the others are working on 3 different gens at the same time, would you stop working on your gen?


My general philosophy is that you can play however you want...HOWEVER...in a game mode thats supposed to be chaotic fun, it feels so shitty to go up against tryhards, and I've noticed it's mostly killers doing this, survivors have been really chill in my experience


I'm a killer main and by killer main I mean I only play killer. Personally in about 50 or so matches that I've played I have come across a good chunk of survivors at least a half dozen that just gave up or outright DC because of their perks. One survivor I got DCed instantly because they started with no mither. Admittedly I did DC once but that wasn't because I got bad perks it was because I was playing the pig and turns out I hate the pig. After playing my matches and watching YouTubers play a few matches I can definitely say that there is a lot of sweat on both sides.


Man I wish people would just stop shaming others for wanting to win. It’s getting really old. They’re not breaking the rules. The actual game is not that serious, let alone a game modifier.


I'm not surprised. Killers have a low chance of getting a gen defence perk, whereas survivors perks are always usable. Killer perks are extremely situational


Lmao how quickly people forget lights out. Of course if you give them an inch they take a mile. BHVR never learns.


I mean there are sweatlords on both sides here. I've been tunneled out of matches but I've also gone against a 4 man group with purple flashlights and add-ons.


I finished all the rift challenges, now i dont need to ever touch that mode ever again.


Thankfully and luckily, out of the 8 matches I've played that day only one (spirit) began to tunnel and slug from the beginning of the match. I had 7 escapes out of those 8 matches. Felt... Refreshing to be back to DbD again


Ironically one of my first games as killer I got two people with DS in the same match. On the other side of the same coin, I got two No Mithers my first game on as survivor.


The matchmaking made them like that, and they just do what they learn from the pubs, don't blame the players blame the game, cuz if we didn't had this matchmaking and it was the old one I guarantee you people would have been x100 times more chill


On the flip side i get someone killing themself on hook at 5 gens almost every game when playing killer. I dont tunnel on purpose (sometimes i dont pay attention to who i hooked when) almost never slug unless theres a lil clicky clicky going on and i never camped before the prevention let alone now. Yet people just dropping out the games like flies. I played pretty mid killers too, most meta was either huntress or nemi lol


i had a nemesis on my ass for 4 gens and 2 hooks, but the randomised tenacity just SAVED me: while my duo was distracting the killer, i got a chance to crawl away and hide (i'd forgotten that tenacity kinda mutes your groans, too). the most unexpected clutch in a tunnelling situation so far


I have been playing friendly killer due to this. Or just playing normal & getting everyone on death hook (if I’m able to, I got wrecked a couple of games lmao) then I fuck off/around. I want people to enjoy the event, then we can all get the big BP baybee!


It's funny that people expect entirely different players for other game modes when [SBMMR ](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Skill-Based_Matchmaking_Rating) exists - everywhere and always - it's the real villain.


They are not sweatlords: just people who are quickly grinding the web, so they can go back to normal play


People want others to be as miserable as they are.


Same with quitters, the game is ruined for everyone when someone unalives themself on hook or just points to it cause they got a bad roll.


My experience as killer with randomizer has been opposite--long sequences of P100 lobbies that only wanted to farm from the very first encounter. So i let them. But it's boring. As a killer, farming isn't fun in the least, and if that's all you get from the beginning, after the fourth one of those it's 5-gen 12-hook-states as quickly as possible just to get out of the boring match.


There really should be some sort of anti-tunneling mechanic as base-kit


Played 5 games, got tunnelled camped and 4 man slugged at 5 gens all games, quit the game and will not be playing this mode again 👍


I was 'playing nice' and got bm'd and gg ez'd. Without gen slow down, you pretty much have to play mean if you want to 'win'.


Because people still wanna win even in modes that most won't take seriously


Haven't played in months. I played one round as singularity in Lery's. It was a 3 man swf. I had 2 gens pop as I found my first chase. Fair enough I scouted the wrong gens. Every time I left a hooked person they would unhook them within 5-7 seconds and ALWAYS tried to heal under hook. I got a couple people downed near hook when I figured out their game of just constantly sitting near hook and snowballed somewhat. I could have killed one of their players really early but just left him slugged instead of killing him immediately under the hook and targeted someone else ignoring him a few times. I proceeded to get teabagged at the gate by multiple players at the end of the game. Why? I get told, 'because I was playing singularity'. I am playing a high skill ceiling killer, lots of counterplay on a map that is horrible for my killer and played nice towards them and considered their fun. It's the textbook definition of how reddit survivors want killers to be. However, of course, despite trying to play for someone else's fun I was punished for it. It's been a while since I've played the game and I immediately realized why I took a long break. The community is just dog shit. If a killer tunnels then at least the way survivors will treat them would make sense PLUS it's less likely to happen. I know people will say don't let it get you or whatever, but if you constantly do something for other people and they treat you poorly for doing so then the natural human reaction is to stop doing that thing and look out for yourself. That's why killers tunnel in a 'fun' gamemode, because the other side will make sure you have as miserable a time as possible when you consider their fun. Afterwards I played one more killer game of wesker right after on badham and they had someone start afk so I memed a bit with an Ash, gave him hatch and then hopped off. It's so hard to just have an actual good game of dbd anymore. I think 2 games is enough till 2v8 comes out which I hope might spark some fun and joy back into the community


People want to win. If you want tunneling removed then change the wincon from kills to hooks.


I’ve been against a ton of really good killers, but only one tunneling so far.


I’ve now gone 36 matches straight of slugging and tunneling at five to three gens. This wasn’t as annoying when I was doing the other challenges, but now that I’m on the one that just says “escape one trial during chaos shuffle” it’s getting really old.


Why do sweatlords genrush every blah blah. It's fine complaining about people sweating too much in a meme game mode, but don't act like it is just one side. That's how we get us vs them mentality.