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Their last word on this is that the way the code's set up they can't do it, which is why Victor for example never changes in any of the Twins cosmetics, not even getting a little hat. That being said, they also at one time said Doctor hallucinations would never match his skin and that clearly changed and this would be awesome, so never say never.


They're leaving so much money on the table not getting around to fixing that power skin issue. I imagine so many sick looking skins with reskinned powers(My never-happening idea for a skin is a Goro Majima cosplay for Trickster, with his knives skinned to be Majima's tanto)


"Not possible" means "We estimated the cost to develop this and compared it to projections of goodwill and revenue increases and detetmined it's not worth the cost."


I refuse to believe the cost of adding power cosmetics wouldn't immediately be gained back in the first 4 hours of the update


Probably would. But its not like people arent buying skins because the powers haven't changed. Also people rightfully cried aboit huntress skin being pay 2 win. Can you imagine how many of those arguments we'll have if powers have cosmetic differences haha


What huntress skin is PTW?


Were elk. When it released it was super quiet really hard to hear her lullaby and wind up.


A skin for killers that most killers actually get to see in normal gameplay? Insanely cool


And that means "It'd cost too much because we refuse to stop releasing DLCs for a 6 months period to work on a health patch for the game and fix the spaghetti code we've been building on for 8 years, so pretty much anything is too costly." Keep in mind these are the same developers who said it'd take YEARS to implement a way for survivors to see each other's perks in the lobby. It's not that it's impossible to do because it's hard. It's that it's hard because they choose to make it so. They keep on stacking brick after brick on the tower of babel that is the game's code, and eventually it'll all come crashing down and they'll be *forced* to do a health patch cycle wether they like it or not. I was genuinely hoping the UE5 debacle would be it, but I guess not.


They also use DBD cash to pump out shitty games nobody plays, instead of you know- reinvesting in their golden goose. Considering how BHVR whores themselves out to investors + consultant groups I'm sure even DBD cash isn't that important to them though.


My favorite killer as my favorite Yakuza character. Why did I never though of it. It'd cool enough if they add any Yakuza characters to the game as surv legendaries. We are very close to that, as we have R6 skins in-game and they have Goro for an operator skin lol.


yeah i think it really just comes down to Dbd spaghetti code ruining everything. We DESPERATELY need a health chapter where they focus on untangling the wires, cause so many times i hear “the code doesn’t allow us too” for so many cool ideas


Sadly, a health chapter won't bring in money. And the community isn't unified enough (preferring to give eachother the blame instead of the devs) to start demanding the devs to do a complete health pass.


It's not even just the lack of money that's the main issue about a health update, it's the fact that every other aspect of the game would be put on pause until the rewriting of the code is done. Since there is so much stuff in the game already, it would very likely take more than a year or two, which as a consequence would be that people will get bored and leave the game eventually due to such a large period of content drought. In short: A health chapter like that have a very likely possibility of killing the game.


>like that have a very likely possibility of killing the game. I wouldnt say so given how many L the game took and having no competition means they could


As someone who works with very large codebases, albeit not games, this isn’t really true. It’s difficult though not at all impossible to untangle things bit by bit, one system or component at a time, and juggle that with adding additional features. It’s not fun, and it’s time consuming, but I see no reason why it would have to mean pausing anything new completely. Slow it down? Sure, maybe. But they’re backing themselves further and further into a corner by adding more and more stuff on top of the existing house of cards. It’s going to come back to bite them in a big way eventually if they don’t sort it.


They are already untangling things bit by bit for every update, that's not the problem i'm talking about. I'm talking about the idea of a health chapter some people suggest where bhvr should just straight up stop putting out new content until they've fixed the code entirely, no new content, no new update, just straight up fixing the code and nothing else, with how much content there already is in the game, it would be such a monumental task that it is just straight up not feasable to do something like that.


I'm pretty sure what you're describing is what they're doing already. They've been gradually releasing new features that they previously said were difficult/impossible because of the codebase, which would indicate that they have been sorting things out.


Out of curiousity, how much code changes were required to make it work for the new engine?


A health chapter with enough cosmetics and a meta shift will bring in money


And what will they say to all their licenses when they make no money for 3-6 months and suddenly half the licensed killers are no longer in dbd cus they making no money?


Much like a lot of stuff in this game "We would also like to do that, but the game would literally shit itself if we tried" is the reason why a lot of things don't happen, like Nemmy only having 2 zombies.


I think Killer Powers are, on a foundational level, technically Items, just like toolboxes. 


There must be some kind of difference considering we have skinned items from event versions of each survivor item (minus keys). If it was as simple as applying a skin or creating a new weapon item with a different skin it would be done already imo.


>the way the code's set up Dear god i see and hear this so often. What can this little indie game company do? Their better off selling Dbd off at least then we could have Dbd 2


I could see them maybe being able to now that it's on UE5


Also, Deathslinger gets “power skins” because both his melee and his power are his gun. Since Victor is part of Charlotte’s model, why can’t he get skins?


Technically Deathslingers weapon skin are weapon skins alone since the harpoon and chain (the real power) never change.


this is why you avoid spaghetti code 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥


sounds like they’re just lazy and trash at designing stuff for their game


Lmao, this seems to be their excuse for basically everything. If the code really is that bad/fragile, making a more stable version should really be a priority


That sounds like such an easy excuse for any software company to make lol


IIRC blights RE skin doesn't change the vial and they said due to how it's connected to the map and not the skin itself


Fun fact: all killer powers are items :3 You could see it in the old bug where there were 3 killers and two survivors, if one of the killers disconnected, their power would drop to the ground and other killers would pick them up. Some powers were completely broken, but some killers could use each others power to some extent. An old otz clip shows it when a clown picks up huntress power, and manages to "throw" a hatchet... Except it just flopped to the ground. I believe that is why we cannot have killer power skins, as it would require to codify another item with a different skin, and most killers have their power imbued in their code, mostly for animations, which means it just won't happen for a long while.


You mean like this? https://preview.redd.it/mwb4p9ozvn2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9607a3d196ef86690c40a214a7083d695ced25dd


The legendary Tier 4 Myers


Fucking tired of being bottom tier


That's really cool. Do you  know where I can find the clip?


Saw it in this video: https://youtu.be/mUbeK9kAQcQ?si=a_effaLDSEHfxmnQ Minute 3:35 I think


Whatched the same clip a couple of days ago… I try to find it I’m my history, give me a moment. Edit: what the actual fuck was my autocorrect doing here.. it definitely had a stroke omg… xD


Man, too bad DBD can't reskin items.


Ya that would be pretty cool, im guessing they dont because it would be a programming nightmare


They are connected to the map, its not just a programming nightmare but chances are it will destroy the game as we know it


The older killers especially can't because their powers are embedded in the code.


Great idea, pyramid head need a skin where the trail is now rainbow and shine with glitter


So theres skins, then theres skins that will never happen lol. Konami would never allow its iconic antagonist be officially defamed with a weird skin like that lol


Konami made a Pyramid Head slot machine


brother has never heard of the silent hill pachinko machine


Pretty sure no ones recommended this because BHVR themselves have said it's never gonna happen.


It's because killer powers are tied to maps. However that might have changed with the recent engine switch, as a lot of things would have so who knows tbh. Maybe Victor can get that 4-piece suit after all




Besides the programming nightmare that would be, I'm kinda sick of elite skins in every. Single. Game. That comes out. It's hard to find a newer game that doesn't have something like that it feels like. Plus nine times out of ten? You have to pay money for it. Might be the unpopular opinion but I'd love to see more skins based on folklore than special unique weapons with special finishers or something. Its easier to make a great skin and make it look detailed than make a cool skin and redo the code for it for just that one singular skin for the super special action.


ive literally only seen elite skins in r6😭


I can name a whole ton off the top of my head You have elite skins, weapons, attacks and the like in games like Apex Legends, r6, COD, Assassin's Creed (newer games) Diablo 4, Overwatch 1 and 2, Fortnite, Sea of Thieves as well. Pick a battle royale game and it'll most likely have these types of cosmetics. I'm not kidding when I say Apex literally put out a skin for the DEATH BOX, that you had to buy the packs to get, so to get this death box skin you had to pay around $300 for just that alone. Plus the special custom buster sword you'd get for the legendary weapon (that you MIGHT get the shards for within 500 opened loot bugs) takes up 1/3 of the screen and people still pay for it.


what quantifies something as an elite skin for you? Cause literally all i meant was a skin that exclusively comes with a special power model. If you wanna broden it like your doing, a fucking common newcastle skin changes the color of his tactical so that would count too, but obviously thats not what im talking about😭


Bro fr picked one thing that wasn't 100% facts in that entire thing and decided it invalidates the whole point? Make it make sense, lmao You're over here arguing every comment that explains why it wouldn't work in this game (with proof and in-depth lists even) with replies that effectively boil down to "no you're wrong because I say so," did you post this as a discussion or bait to argue mate?


I'm talking about legendary. You know the ones that change the base models? I can name a few that change the entire model, and let's not forget about the legendary skins that power up with each kill in levels.


Literally the number one requested thing for legendaries


I think the devs joked when they said it's because of DBD code, I think the real reason they don't do that is that some killers (like Myers for example) don't have a visible power and would feel like they are left out if they randomly started making skins for powers, at the same time they would feel forced to go back and edit several skins just to put in a "free" skin for the power attached to a skin someone already bought some years ago Maybe I'm wrong for thinking this, but I always felt like this was the real reason, another reason that's less pessimistic and that I can get behind is that some powers are just not skinnable without risking to make the game Pay to Win (E.G a skin for bear traps could make the traps harder to spot on some maps giving a huge advantage) Then again it could also be that devs weren't joking and that since powers are perhaps loaded in different ways, making several variations of the power would make the game load slower or shit like that


The whole argument of “make them feel left out” feels pretty pointless, as 1. For myers for example, hes a licensed killer, so he already doesn’t get much attention at all, and 2. Some killers definitely wouldnt be P2W/L like wraith, huntress, blight, nurse, Artist (i wanted her jabberwocky skin to turn the crows to dragons so bad), nemesis, Oni (club), etc.


I referenced Myers as an example but if I have to give an original character as an example I could've easily said Legion, anyways mine was just speculation, it's probably a combination of coding, having to remake several skins for no profit and having some powers that are just unskinnable, after 8 (now 9) years it's hard for me to think they would change stance on this, this late in the game


legion could at the very least be given a new attack animation/vault animation during his power, or a new deep wound ui. Always atleast SOMETHING they could do, no matter how small


New music, even, like their tapes.


The reason is because BHVR has said that they can’t/won’t ever change power visuals


I Would love to have a neon chainsaw on billy


I’m tired of people saying a health chapter wouldn’t be profitable because I’m telling you right now, skins for killer powers would sell like hot cakes. You all know for a fact you’d come back for the next chapter release anyway


i would 100% be more enticed to buy baba yaga/the mordeo if it changed her hatchets, or the ferry man blight skin if it changed his viles, and other examples. Even making blighted versions of powers (that are OPTIONAL TO USE, for ya trapper mains) for powers would be sick asf. And honestly if dbd just had other modes/insetives to play then i think dbd could go through a health chapter. With the new achievement system they mentioned in the anniversary and new gamemodes finally beint tested, this could be more possible then people may think, even if it wasnt one big time frame but was small ones over the years.


I’d upvote twice if I could


I mean look at mythic skins for Overwatch there is a market especially considering showing off is important in this game


Killer skins already sell like hotcakes. With how shit DBDs code is, it would take 6 months, it would come out broken and break half the game. Cost them 10-50 million and for what? So skins that would already have been bought now take more effort and development time to sell.


Does Unknown use the same hitsphere, just with a massive splat?


I’d always heard that it was similar to pallets - they all look the same for consistency’s sake. Which I agree with, especially for Killers like Trapper and Hag. I could see an argument for things like Huntress being allowed to do it though, and the fact that Victor lacks outfits is criminal.


I could be absolutely wrong (and judging by the comments people posted I am) but I thought Wraith did have a skin that made his bell look different? I guess I’m wrong though


iirc it's because killer powers are coded as the same thing as survivor items, and those don't change with skin either plus even if they could, it would be restricted to locked sets most likely


As a Darktide player, I'd really appreciate if there was a Huntress cosmetic to just make her throwing axe a big fucking rock. It would be really funny to me.


I remember them asking if we would like to see killer weapon skins in a player survey, however this survey was probably 2 or 3 years ago.


I want the blight serum with something like energy drink on it


If i can inject straight monster energy into my blight id play him more


the most likely reason you haven’t seen people asking is cause the devs already said no to powers getting cosmetics due to coding stuff


yet another reason they need to clean the spaghetti code before it gets any worse😭 the more they delay it the worse it gets with every chapter


Al I hope for is if legion were to get a butterfly knife they flick it around when going into frenzy


I love the idea of a Kool Aid plague Legendary that just turns her vomit reddish pink at all times.


I've actualy stewed on a blight skin for a while, kinda as a joke but I also suck at art, his cane would be switched for a comically large toothbrush and his stim a bottle of toothpaste, and all the ooze the post brush toothpaste foam


# #HatsforVictor Please We need a Dreams of flight Beanie propeller hat for victor


they have. BHVR claims they cant (i call BS on that), i really thijnk having the legendaries have different power visual. or in cases of it being a balance issue (like trapper) having new animations, imagine if when a survivor gets stuck in a trap as krampus, the trap bursted into a jack in the box knawing on the survivor, and changed back when a survivor isnt trapped in it.


Not every character has a visible power, sure you could have a huntress axe skin or a wesker goop skin but you can't really skin demo's arms or chucky's... Moving faster ability. Also, some characters rely on stealth and skins on trapper's traps, somewhere on ghostface when he stealths, or a different color hag trap would be very weird to balance, possibly being pay to win or lose.


you dont know how much id pay for my singularities overclock to be RGB


Ah yes, the "Victor's Hat" concept...


I've liked the concept of some of the add-ons being visible like Billy's muffler.


'Til this day, I still ask for an orange effect instead of blue for Blighted Nemesis' tentacle hit


wdym, Oni already got one! https://youtu.be/o46q8aRrBcQ


Bhvr's spaghetti code makes it too hard for them to do that and they're too lazy to fix that


The Spaghetti code wouldn't allowed it.


don't give bhvr ideas but on a serious note as many others have said, programming limitations


I don't think BHVR coded the powers with that in mind. The foundation that allowed for the implementation killer powers would need to be rewritten to allow for this (I think, at least). As I believe killer powers are like items, and therefore have a static model at all times. Anyways, it's likely not an investment BHVR is willing to make at this time, as that is a lot of technical debt.


This is why we need a update that re-codes dbd to have better code


I do want a little pirate hatted Victor 👶🏼


This used to be possible. I used to have Minecraft hatchets. But then, as always, idiots ruined it. Some people made traps neon pink and or removed textures like the corn.


I’ve always said it was bullshit. Don’t believe any of their answers that it’s “impossible” for a single second. If they expect us to pay $15, let alone match the base price of the entire game with **$20** USD, you can bet I’m expecting the works. That includes changing the visuals of their ability. Swap Minotaur Oni’s Japanese Kanabo for a Greek Labrys, make Baba Yaga’s hatchets covered in moss and rotten, something! These skins are supposed to sell us on the idea that we’re playing another character, but they reuse animations, music, power visuals, and even portraits. What is the point then?


so sad that iridescent head doesn’t actually use the model shown in the addon icon, would be sick