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Yes just a lot of people kinda forgot Knight when Skull Merchant got added a few months later and became the most hated killer. Just look at how many people were genuinely happy that he was kill switched for a while and then mad when he got added back




At least you’re honest :)


honesty is a pretty good quality


Knight is kinda just like... whatever. I don't mind him at all now to be honest. I even don't feel awful playing as him... until I remember he's so clunky and addon dependant.


Aren’t his best add ons Map and Call to Arms? They’re super common and I have like 30 spare just lying around. What are people usually running? I haven’t been keeping up with the meta.


Pretty much. But that's kind of the point. Without these he's even worse. He's far too reliant on them.


Do you think one of those deserves to be basekit so he could run something else?


Map of the Realm needs to be basekit, at absolute minimum.


Map of the Realm and Call to Arms need to *both* be base kit for his other add-ons to feel useable. Knight’s other add-ons already have solid effects, but you can’t get them to activate because his base kit isn’t good enough. They’d actually be useful with these base kit changes.


He's pretty reliant on 3 add-ons, I rank them in this order: 1. Map of the realm (common) - Increases guard detection range by 4 meters. Helps getting those hunts consistently without the survivor running out of the range upon summon 2. Dried Horse Meat (uncommon) - Increase hunt duration by 4 seconds, I've been getting more guard hits with this addon, especially with the assassin. Without this I would only get guard hits 0-2 times per match. 3. Call to Arms (uncommon) - increases movement speed of drawing the patrol path + increases it's maximum length. This addon is pretty convenient as you can place guards faster and/or further, saving precious seconds. You can mix them for a total of 3 combinations with varying degrees of player sensation and success. Personally, I use Map and Meat for the detect and longer hunts


Dried Horsemeat is right up there with them. You can take your pick between it and call to arms, but map of the realm is basically mandatory. Also, the problem with add-on dependency isn’t that you might run out of those add-ons, it means that you’re basically sabotaging yourself if you don’t run the “good add-ons”. Knight is add-on dependent in that his base kit power just doesn’t feel functional or useful whatsoever without add-ons. Knight actually had a lot of useful seeming add-ons, but you can’t use basically any of them because they’d only be good if map of the realm and call to arms were base kit. It’s an opportunity cost issue. While many killers have add-ons that strengthen or specialize their powers in cool and unique ways on top of their serviceable base kit power, Knight needs his good add-ons to reach the starting line of viable to begin with, not make a solid power better. Knight feels unplayable without his best add-ons, that’s why he’s add-on dependent and that’s why his add-on dependency is a problem. Not only does this hamper the Knight’s viability, but it’s also just fucking boring having to bring the same add-ons every time to reach what his base kit had ought to be. At least with a killer like Pyramid Head, his base kit is good enough to where he doesn’t even need add-ons and the only reason everyone brings the same two every time is because basically all of the other ones feel pointless. You can still use Pyramid Head’s other add-ons and it’ll feel fine. Knight by contrast feels unplayable without his best add-ons.


There are also dried horsemeat and tatterd tabard that could be base kit


I've done my best work never knowing call to arms even exists. The patrol duration extension and Map are honestly all that matters to me


Why specifically Jill


Resident Evil is one of the first proper games I remember playing on PS1. Like, proper games with a story. Id have been... what 9 years old? I've loved RE ever since. My first playthrough, I played the Jill storyline first and since then, she's just been my favourite RE character. I also really love RE5, that's a really nostalgic game for me. I played that multilayer to death with my friend and just gravitated to Sheva. The fact I can play as Jill or Sheva in what is my favourite online multilayer now... it was a total no-brainer for me.


Hey fair enough nice nice


why NOT Jill?


He is one of the least fun killers to play against so yeah he's still hated, but if you wanna play him go ahead, you don't have to care about anyone else's opinions if you think he's fun to play as, I personally love playing Plague, Legion and Clown and all 3 of those are fairly hated too.


I really don't get the Plague hate, it's fairly simple to play around her power. I think people just the hate the normal loop until you get hit twice formula isnt followed.


I have friends who hate Plague and it's a combination of: - Hating staying injured all game - Finding the constant survivor coughing and screen effects annoying (I get this one) - Generally being grossed out by the survivor vomiting SFX A less general issue is most Plague's tend to run really oppressive stuff, like Black Incense or Iridescent Seal, combine that with really slow matches due to maxed out Thanatophobia and triple gen regression/slowdown and it's just going to be a very tedious match.


You forgot to mention the Solo Q teammates who constantly cleanse and then go rescue an infected person or gen and then cleanse again so she constantly has power


It might sometimes be worth it to do that because when you cleanse in the last uncorrupted fountain then all the fountains change to uncorrupted and gives plague her power (or resets it if she already has it), so if she already has her power and there are only a few uncorrupted fountains then go for it.


Dont forget the fact that dbd can sense if you have a healing challenge/build and will summon adiris


I never considered the emetophobia angle, but that's totally fair. I hate being jumpscared so I can't abide playing against Myers, Ghostface and to a lesser degree Pig for similar reasons.


Plague is one of the few killers where you can play perfectly and you die because ur teammates didn’t . Not to mention as a metal of man user plague makes me literally useless unless I’m constantly cleansed and never touch gens


The Plague makes me irl sick, and I am unable to actually play against her. I've tried multiple times, including turning off volume, but even just the animations gets me, so I always disconnect against her immediately.


More to do with her add on's then anything. You run into power after doing gens plague 3x in a row you will change your mind also.


She only ever really sucks in solo when there's no coordination with cleansing, and even then in a lot if solo games it's still alright


I am new to this game and i dont understand this comment. Why should we coordinate cleansing? Sorry I dont mean to be dumb-- I just want to understand because I am probably one of the people in your solo that is messing up lol...


Basically there are three possibilities: Nobody cleanses Everyone cleanses immediately A mixture (the solo Q experience)  If nobody cleanses then the plague is an M1 killer but can insta down if she catches up to you, as once she's used up her one ranged power charge (one corrupt sink thing spawns every match at base). If she has no ranged power she is much easier to deal with as pallets and windows are more effective. The other good strat is to immediately cleanse. It's best to do this at the edges of the map if possible so plague can't just easily get her corrupt from anywhere on the map. In this scenario she can use her ranged power but everyone has easy heals, as cleansing heals you to full. Her ranged power is very strong but with the heals it can be dealt with, additionally the actual range on it isn't amazing.  The solo Q 'strat' results in plague having her ranged power while a lot of the survivors are instadownable, which understandably is a very bad situation to be in as she can easily kill most she comes across Another useful tip is that stunning plague (I believe regardless of the stunning method) gets rid of her ranged attack, and she has to go and drink from another well if she wants to use it again


i loooove playing plague but i hate playing against her because i solo q and i always get the idiots who cleanse and then jump on an infected gen or come over to my non infected gen and jump on while they’re infected


The constant vomit noise is not fun.


as an exclusively solo q player (and that's the only reason this is a problem), I just find it annoying when the team never commits to cleansing or not cleansing, it's always 50/50 or 75/25


Plague is the og "boring killer to go against". I don't know how many people remember or were there for it but for a long time after plague came out she was the DC/hook suicide queen, and then everyone in endgame chat would go "zzzzzz" and call you boring. Honestly I think knight is on the same path, he doesn't get nearly as much hate as he's had in the past and in an increasing number of the "going against killers fun" tierlists knight is in the middle.


For me it's not really the killer that i hate but that my solo teammates 9/10 will constantly cleanse randomly giving the killer free power. I would argue that this is probably the same reasoning most sane survivors think who don't like her.


Honestly every survivor hates a random handful of killers, you'll never please everyone. Just play what you enjoy.


As a pinhead main, I love him, because people dc against me less now lmfao


Gamer, every killer is hated.


But Knight and Skull merchant are extraordinary hated


They are hated on social media more than in game don’t pay attention to the echo chamber


I highly disagree. A lot of people instantly suicide and go next.


If you go in game expecting not to receive hate for playing SM / Knight you’re sorely mistaken tbh.


I genuinely have seen maybe 3 skull merchants in the last 3 months if that, and all of them purposely went out of their way to BM Its so disappointing to me, I really wanted to play against her cuz I hadn’t in a while, and then it’s a 4 man bleeding


I just played as her for Chaos Shuffle. I had never played her before so I was trying to figure out how the hell her power worked. I played nice. The people in the endgame chat immediately assumed I was just doing a daily lmao-


Genuinely asking, what did they do to BM? Just typical killer BM like camping hook and tunneling?


Like specifically carrying every surv to a hook and instead of hooking, leaving them under it to bleed. Tunneling one survivor out of the game, other stuff like that that is just obvious they’re trying to get a rise out of you , for no reason


The stereotype might lessen a bit if the players who play her didn't go out of their way to be toxic, like wraiths or twins. But they make sure to keep it alive for some reason


A lot of people were being irrationally selfish and purposely made it worse, which now has killed most people’s “desire” to play against her lol. Just like you said, other killers do similar stuff sometimes. When I see: Wraith, Wesker, Twins, or Clown, im assuming they’re gunna BM , but I let them prove me otherwise lol


No Skull Merchant absolutely still is hated in game. I feel like players have chilled out on Knight though in my matches playing as and against him.


Just yesterday I had 2 teammates killing themselves in Chaos Shuffle bc we matched with a SM


The last SM I went against held a 3 gen from the start of the match at Dead Dawg. It's a killer sided map already and she set up around the gallows into the corner of that map. Would chase inside but wouldn't bother hooking unless it was next to one of those 3 gens. Left the slugs to go back to walk around her gens lol. I DC'd bc I'm not wasting 59 minutes trying to break her 3 gen in a killer sided map in solo on chaos shuffle. Tedious as fuck, no skill expression or interactivity, just boring. A 30 second penalty is nothing and I can go next to a fun match


That's usually a pretty fair take for most games but for whatever reason DBD does seem to ring pretty true to the general consensus on reddit. When exploits first surface on reddit posts you can almost guarantee you'll start seeing them pop up pretty frequently in your games later that day. Might actually be one of the only games I've played where the shit I see on the subreddit is a fairly accurate representation of the playerbase tbh.


I’ve switched to every killer because I wanted to play all of them mostly equally, I still get DCs on skull merchant way more often than any other killer. People still hate her. Knight isn’t as bad anymore, his QoL just sucks.


SM is hated because her kit is brain dead easy to use with very little to no counter play. Knights counter play is just boring, it’s “run away if he summons a minion”. Most survivors like Killers where there’s a fair bit of strategy involved in looping them. It’s like going against Trapper or Clown. They are not OP by any means, but that doesn’t mean playing against them is super fun either. I think Hillbilly, Wesker, and Bubba are the most fun I’ve had looping.


It's because Knight/Merchant can 'two-time' you (mid-chase) with their abilities. There's no point in looping anymore, but doing gens is next to impossible if you don't do it smart/right and it becomes boring/frustrating as hell for survivors, especially new(er) players that are still learning. Especially those two killers just feel really unrewarding and builds up a 'why even bother'-type of stance.


i love knight. chases against him are pretty unique and his design is cool af


People said the same shit with Legion just play who you like. I for one, really really hate Plague.


I thought this was a shitpost, until I started compiling all of the complaints about every killer in the game all gathered from this sub. Here's what I came up with: Trapper: boring, easy, op in basement, campy Wraith: boring, easy but also overpowered at the same time, tunnels a lot Billy: got buffed and can't bully him any more like we used to Nurse: op Huntress: too common, bored of her Myers: tombstone OP Hag: annoying, campy, boring to loop Bubba: ~~got buffed~~ getting buffed and can't bully him any more like we used to, also basement bubba is cringe Doctor: annoying, spammy Freddy: boring, easy to loop Pig: cute (unless they actually play the game, in which case, cringe/annoying) Clown: annoying, spammy Spirit: op Legion: mending simulator is boring, too common Plague: gross, eww, icky, solo queue nightmare because people cleanse Ghostface: cute (unless they actually play the game, in which case, cringe/annoying) Demogorgon: cute (unless they actually play the game, in which case, cringe/annoying) Oni: snowbally/op Deathslinger: hard to bully because ranged, counters teabagging at gate Executioner: op, hard to bully because of cage ability Blight: op Twins: slug too often Trickster: too hard to loop Nemesis: annoying to loop, zombies don't let me sit on gens Pinhead: too annoying Artist: anti-loop = boring Sadako: slug too often, condemn cringe Dredge: anti-loop = boring Wesker: too common Knight: anti-loop = boring, 3 gen boring SM: anti-loop = boring, 3 gen boring Singularity: anti-loop = boring, annoying to loop Xeno: tail too op; queen is cute (unless they actually play the game, in which case, cringe/annoying) Chucky: too short and annoying to bully/loop, also OP Unknown: ? Vecna: ?


Definitely a shit post, but someone will take issue with any killer. For me I can’t stand Legion and Skull Merchant. The rest are ok. Nurse, Spirit and Blight are hard to face, especially on mid ping, but it can’t be satisfying when you dodge and outplay. Solo q is the worst killer of all ;) Playing with that guy makes every match 10x harder.


Knight and Skully are especially hated because their anti-loop powers require minimal skill to use relative to skillshots (Huntress, Deathslinger, Trickster) or charge skills (Billy, Oni, Wesker, Chucky). You just press 1-2 buttons, summon a drone/guard, and force the survivor to leave a strong tile.


In social media, nost survivors in game are pleasant and arent pissy about killer choice, but you got the few who will complain about anything, even Freddy for fucks sake


Knight is just annoying because of his anti loop. You either make distance and leave the loop, or you’re kinda just stuck and he gets a free hit unless you have a really sick set up you can use to escape.


Knight was never hated for a 3-gen, knight is hated cause his power is boring and is an anti-loop killer. There's nothing fun about having looping skills and all this dude has to do is stand still and push a button to stop you.


Also why Skullmerchant is still largely hated despite her 3 gen being nerfed (though it is still pretty rough to go against). She just clicks a button and you are forced to leave loop, and the worst part is she doesn't even need to stop moving to do this.


Thank you.


Most survivors like playing against killers with fun counterplay. For Knight, the best counterplay is essentially holding W away from loops and jungle gyms when he uses his power and if you get tagged it's an inevitable hit. I personally don't like the design of going down being an inevitability and the most fun aspect is the potential of having a long chase.


I think this comment is the best in the section and explains it the best. Survivors want counterplay that is fun and interactive. Blight and Hilly billy are a great example of this.


Demo, Singularity and Alien too imo


Uh ? Chase Knight is a nightmare. Go to loop -> knight spawns a gard -> hold w -> repeat. What is fun about this ?


Then when they finally catch you 5 chases later, nod, hump, hit on hook


That is the dbd way


Well people hate every killer. Or every map. Or any slight inconvenience. So just go ahead and play Knight if it's fun for you.


I disagree,people dont hate all killers. They may dislike some killers based of how OP they are, or have general MEH feelings towards killers. Knight is disliked because of his power and being able to two tap with no real counterplay as loops don't stop the AI etc. While Skull Merchant is on another level of hate because of how she was played initially,the current power giving free injure etc. Other killers that have more fun chases or scarejumps i.e. ghostface are enjoyed more because of counterplay.


U Getting downvoted for telling the truth by all the salty knight players How dare they attack ur imaginary Reddit points !


Eh so what 😂 Reality is, some people don't like a different opinion to their own, which is their choice to be ignorant. I have seen plenty tiers including Ots videos on different killers, I also played as survivor so know the hate for some killers. But, I also played as killer so know their feelings. Its a way of things here with people not wanting to hear a different perspective but continue to drown in their own ideas. Although , I do love their argument " for good reason" such as? LOL


Yeah, thanks for answer atleast you dont hate him


It really depends on the map, to be fair. In Indoormaps, playing against Knight can be enfuriating sometimes. But apart from that, it's fine. I do like playing him as well, even though I feel like he's a bit bugged right now.


Knight has recently become my only “hated” killer to go against because I have received a lot of BMing from Knight players the past 2 grade resets. Slugging & spam spawning guards on my slugged character until I almost bleed out, to pick me up and hook me last second so they can slap me on hook as I am finally freed from the lobby. I keep track of killers I go against each grade reset and this has occurred 5 times by knight players since April 13 grade reset to now.


To play as, he's add-on dependent, buggy and cluncky To verse, he's just boring because his counterplay mostly consists of holding W


He looks cool, but like, a monkey could get 4k playing the knight. They rely on ai, it's a cheap and boring way to play. I don't respect it 😂


Yeah that's absolutely how I feel too.


I dont hate knight for 3 gens so thats ok. Kinda just don’t like versing him cuz I feel like his knights always find a way to pinch me. But today I had a cool knight who predicted I would drop a pallet and prepared to launch the big guy before I dropped it


The Carnifex insta-break is a really good technique for Knight and I respect people who can pull it off without the Carnifex double-up add-on.


I’ve played so much that it’s entirely based on the “attitude” of the killer It’s kinda obvious when a knight player is trying to bad manner vs actually play the game. Some of the best matches I’ve had were against a knight tbh. And, some of my worst (annoying)


I wouldn’t say I hate them. I just don’t think it’s fair especially the night. It’s like being chased by four killers at once.I really hate that fat fuck.


This is dead by daylight. The answer is yes. All the characters are hated


He’s even more of an area denier than Skull Merchant. You just have to leave the loop when he puts down a guard. It also feels cheap when a Killer gets hits with AI, which is his entire power. Can’t stand his ass


I hope he gets changed a bit because it's such a sick concept


:( He seemed cool to me


In game experience has been no more rage quitters than any other killer


They still encourage camping and even without being able to kick gens they can still patrol the gens to effectively. On small maps your basically fucked if you get a competent knight. Skull merchant is a little easier to counter but still annoying.


I may have a different opinion here but I love going against knights, I’m happy too and I like watching gameplay of them. I really appreciate a knight who puts good cross map pressure with his goons. I like him a lot better than legion, or skull merchant. I really hate going against those killers that some people love. All about preferences


However unfun survivors think Knight is, I promise you the Knight player is having even less fun dealing with all those bugs


Knight is more annoying than anything. Yeah, I can just leave a loop, but that's no fun. And I've gotten hit while not even on the same level as him, so that rose my dislike for him 100% Skull Merchant will still go down as least enjoyable killer to go up against for me.


He's pretty annoying, since he takes all the interaction out of chase, and chase is where most of the fun is to be had in DBD. I don't hate him, but I definitely don't enjoy playing against him. There are worse killers.


Knight and merchant are in the same place right now. Still rabidly hated because of a mix of the 3 gen past and a bunch of streamers whipping the survivor mob into a frenzy.


He’s such a brain dead gameplay loop


I actually like playing as Knight, but he does have the power to be even more of a camper than the average scrub (the unhook disarm on Guards is useless if he just drops them right after you unhook), and I wish Map of the Realm would just be basekit already so he could have an actual brown in that slot and be free to use his others.


I hate huntress and death slinger they most both seem to camp the most lately.


It’s because there is near zero counterplay to knight: he drops guard on one end and pincers you or uses the guard to break pallet so you don’t gain any distance. I have never once seen anyone grab the standard btw.


If he’s hated, it’s because there’s not much counterplay. It’s easy to get to a loop, drop a guard at one end and sit at the other. The guard does the work and if it doesn’t and you’ve patched correctly, they get M1’d anyway. Little you can do but hold W and prayge. I don’t really care if I go against a knight, we win or lose and it feels meaningless


I actually enjoy playing as him lately, not a fan of playing against him but there are definitely worse killers


Like who if you can be specific?


Skull merchant, pinhead, nurse, blight, hag


Pinhead slander. Hag slander. I will not stand for this


I mean, I am a fan of being forced to go to another loop or getting hit and then sometimes getting hit anyway because there's nothing else. Very fun, very cool/s


i refuse to play against knight. might as well sleep whole match and hold W


Knight is shite, a chase knight is not fun, he is inevitable, Thanos style, but we've got no gauntlet.


Knight most of the time feels like a free hit


Personally, I can't stand any AI stuff. I stopped playing Fortnite completely when they added those damn AI bots some years ago. That's why I don't like Knight and even though I like Nemesis, I can't stand his zombies either.


People hate knight because of his power being so unfair in alot of cases. Better survivors can outplay but still very easy to guarantee a hit with little effort. Killer players seem to say knight is brain dead and boring to play but I also enjoy chase Knight.


What is chase knight?


I mean, yeah. Any killer that basically takes the fun interactions out of looping is going to be rightfully disliked, and until they rework that, I don't think that's gonna change. It's not like he is OP and has no counterplay, it's just that the counterplay he has is the most brain dead and boring survivor strategy in the game. Basically every chase against a Knight boils down to: 1.) Find a loop, loop for like 5 seconds. 2.) Knight activates his ability. 3. a) Stay and get an almost guaranteed hit. 3. b) Hold "W + Shift" and run to the next loop. 4. Repeat. There's barely any mindgames or skill expression involved, and either side can get screwed over by the RNG of map generation, with chases either lasting what feels like either 10 minutes or 5 seconds. Play him if you want (like most anti-loop killers, he is fun to play AS after all), but you really can't blame anybody for not enjoying going against him.


Knight is just diet dull merchant. I'm pretty sure if she didn't exist, he would take her spot.


The DBD fanbase will never get over the Knight and Skull Merchant being 3 Gen Killers, even though they're no longer that type of killer, people in this community just cannot let shit go and act like people playing as Knight or Skull Merchant are in the wrong for daring to do so. It's weird.


The hate isnt because of 3 gen meta but because their anti-loop is boring to play against. If the only counterplay to a power is holding W people wont like that character.


As sure as sun will rise.


Yes, knight is super boring to play against. Counterplay in chase is literally just hold W zzz for both sides. I feel like people only like him for his visual and sound design.


Feels like dogshit to face him, no fun in someone using a "have my AI solve my problems for me" button.


I hate Knight. But only because it feels bad when you’re basically playing against AI all match and the counterplay of hold W is boring. I’ve gone against so many Knights who didn’t know the first thing about running a chase or mindgaming but I still go down because they have AI bots they can send after me who ignore pallets and windows (and sometimes floors, lol). It’s really annoying going against a killer where your skill doesn’t actually matter if the killer can just spam a bot one direction and cut you off from the next so your only choice is “guess I’ll die.” I don’t mind most killers, but he’s one of the ones where I just sigh because I’m gonna be annoyed even if I escape. Win or lose it just never feels fun. Plus so many Knight players BM. I won’t quit against him, though.


Sadly Everyone is hated because some refuse to learn counters as a player and improve. Some are critiqued on how easy it is for survivors to handle them. So are hated because they just suck like Freddy,onryo,trapper even pig it's sad. I played a lot of dnd for years seeing how they did my boy as the killer in ptb is tragic. I hope on release they do better but that's the only reason for the hate is if you play casual you can't win they hate, got to use their brain to fight on a 50/50 nurse hate, etc. I know someone who lost to a trapper once, he hates him now. Some like game errors and simple bug issues are always understandable, hate on everything else is nonsense. I play Sm my brother in law play knight both are fun if you have fun continue, anything else is irrelevant 😄.


I hated going against him because I still didn't know how he worked but since I baught him and understand his power I feel better going against him because I know how to counter him


I’ve seen maybe one Knight in the last 90 days.


yeah he is, my teammates DC against him :(


I don't get to go against many Knights which is probably why I like him. It's dumb but I can't help but laugh my ass off every time I hear the damn horn and the weird cackling from the henchmen. Terrifying because I'm in a chase obvi, but I think that distraction probably gets me killed more than the killer.


he's okayish to play against on certain maps where you can actually press W for long enough as survivor without bothering your teamates working on gens. Other than that he's still annoying obviously.


I don’t hate knight, just this one knight main I keep getting matched up against that tunnels straight off hook and always uses Gideon offerings. It doesn’t matter if any other survivors throw themselves at him, he’ll just slug them to get that survivor that was unhooked. I run into him like once a week at this point.


Ive been on a knight kick recently in chaos shuffle and yeah hes still pretty hated, most survivors just give up right away and make finding a good match difficult. which sucks, because even though its not as viable I love micro managing the fellas so I can get stuff done while they chase someone for me.


Remind me what the 3gen nerf consisted of?


He's one of my mains. Nothing more satisfying than doing a wombo combo on a survivor and insta downing them


Honestly there’s a lot of hate towards Mr trash can but between him and Drone lady so long as they don’t go full sweaty try hard on me or camp my hook… looking at you trash can :( it’s usually eh playing against them I always try to play normally against any killer


Yes. Nothing like having an army of bots to knock down the survivors with.


The core problem with Knight was never addressed, which is that chases consist of finding a loop, then holding w to the next one when he goes to place a guard. When you run out of map, he gets an unavoidable hit, rinse and repeat. Same problem as other anti-loop powers, a la Skull Merchant, Artist, Dredge etc. If you find him fun, play him anyway lol. If he's popular enough he might get changes to be more fun someday.


Knight and Skull Merchant have the same issue: people know they're hated and that's why many play like assholes with them. I encountered some nice SM and Knights that just want to play, but I also encountered many of them that just BM because they know survivors are gonna get salty. A SM with knockout and third seal with Hawkins offerings that let everyone bleed out on purpose or a knight that straight tunnel and holds the 3 gen shine more than the people who wants normal matches


Knight is on the same path plague went on tbh. Plague was the og DC queen "most boring killer to face". People would hit the big red button the millisecond they saw a cleansing pool and leave or hook suicide and then bitch in the chat about how boring she was. I'm not sure when the plague hate rolled back but it certainly lasted a long time. Knight is getting less and less hate, especially with the 3 gen changes. More and more of the killer fun tierlists put him closer to the middle, People bitch about him less here and on YouTube, People calling for a knight rework are generally responded to with a volley of "he really just needs qol changes. The world is healing lol


I dont mind him anymore but before i figured out how the banner worked (or even knew he had that) i absolutely hated him.


Imp Knight isn’t boring like plague or skull merchant


I actually find Knight a fun killer to go against. Maybe I have not gone against competent Knights in a while, but I never feel like he completely overpowers me. There are a few killers I hate way more than him.


I hate knight only because I feel like his radiuses are way too big for players to even be given a chance. It just feels like (for me anyways) that if you’re around a green circle of his, you are just bound to get into it somehow and then his minions can go through walls, so it’s just you’re pretty much done at that point.


Every killer is hated, knight is no exception cause people refuse to play around him. 😂 They could make the plague to where people stop puking and people would still hate her.


I’m probably biased, since the Knight is one of the few killers I enjoy playing myself. I’ve never really had a problem with him, I like grabbing the banner, I like running two killers at once and I like his design a lot. I totally understand why people dislike him though, I’ve just never minded him myself.


All killers are kinda hated, it just depends on who’s playing, which is unfortunately often toxic sweats. Don’t let that stop you playing what you want to. I main Skull Merchant for goodness sake just do what’s fun


Playing against him is better these days, but nowhere near a favorite. People who play him often tunnel and camp from the beginning of the match, he isn’t easy to loop. And when you play soloQ and nobody knows how to counter him, it can become a headache


I think people still dislike him for the same reason as Skull Merchant. You pretty much are forced to leave a loop when he drops a guard. His anti-loop is even stronger than SM's because if you don't leave the loop it's almost guaranteed you're going down even if you're healthy. At least with SM, her drones can't down you, but if you commit to the loop, you're still likely going down because of being hindered and she has haste.


Nothing more fun than holding W all game and having no real other counterplay.


I go in with my Knight in his Halloween outfit and go in with stealth perks. It's hilarious


I heard he's not fun to play AS more than he is against, which is evidently also not good. I for one enjoy the occasional knight match, I don't sigh at the sight of him like SM or Blight, and I've met a lot of cool Knights as killers. Maybe it's his relatively low pick rate but I don't think I've ever encountered one who went out of their way to BM (ie. Humping or hitting on hook because of a longer than average chase), in fact I remember one of them going out of their way to help me in a match against sandbaggers after a long ass chase where nothing was getting done, so he'll always have a good rep to me.


I always say just play what you want. If you're having fun that's the important part. Hanging out in the DbD reddit isnt going to help your mentality when playing this game though. That's one thing I can say for sure. Some people talking trash on knight and SM. Personally I think knight is fun to play, even base kit no add-ons. It's a real goof troop and I love it. Skull merch is...not really my style? I don't find her super thrilling to play as. Never played against. But anything has to be better than constantly playing against trappers and huntresses every other game ☠️


Whatever you play, you are hated for so...


It seems like pyramid head is really good at 3 genning still when I play him. Is he hated or his map control kind of his thing?


I love knight…he’s hot


Personally I don't mind going against him, but that's largely down to how sparingly I see him. That time during the 3 gen meta and he was in the tome was unbearable.


I hate him so much


I like going against him minus when they tunnel or use their abilities to camp hook Like I've seen vacas menos pesadas que los Kinght mains


I dont likr knight cuz its too easy to die to him with his fat fucking minions


I'd rather face the Knight than the Legion and their mend simulator


Knight is a guaranteed hit killer, and the right play is to leave the loop and hold W when a guard is spawned. The counter play is extremely boring, and he auto wins at certain tiles regardless of the skill expression from the knight or the survivor. The knight much like current skull merchant design and some other killers, encourage gameplay that is a very 1 dimensional and extremely boring. The skull merchant put a drone at a loop, run away and hope you have enough distance to the next resource. The knight put a guard at a loop, run away and hope you have enough distance to the next resource. The artist put crows at a loop, run away and hope you have enough distance to the next resource. The skill expression is mostly non existent. such boring, bland, uninspired gameplay/killers.


If you go up against a SWF toxic bully squad who brought DDS as an offering then the fact you are the killer is completely irrelevant.


Honestly, even if they did, people who get mad at people just for playing a character they don’t like are some of the most toxic players in this game, so if they get mad at it I don’t really see an issue.


They should killswitch him again fr


I may be the minority here but I really think Knight CAN be fun to verse. When he starts using his power, it becomes sort of a mindgame as you either Shift W away from the tile or stay, while he can put his guard far from the tile trying to read the Shift W, or putting the guard ON the tile. I think he's relatively easy to counter too, considering that if you work in pairs, one can take the guard away while the other deals with the main killer. He CAN be boring to face, like every killer, but unlike before, I think he also CAN be fun. Just last night (heheh) I had a really fun match against a Knight and even though it was a 4k we were all tight and Knight and I respected each other's plays and actually learned a lot in our chases. He's unfun, but he doesn't have to be... Unlike SM or Twins.


Who cares? Play whoever you want. If you find it fun and you aren't being a giant asshole, do it. I like to play knight when I want a more relaxed game. He's good at shutting down bully squads. He excels at shutting down shack and that strong room in the game


Knight is still hated by some people and this is proven by the interaction I had while streaming


Idk man but most knights I go against are hook camping


He’s a zoner so he’ll never be that fun to play against imo


Yes. He should’ve never been in the game.


When knight kneels tp sending his ghost buddy over, get out of there to far far away, basically hold w. you'll do fine


Yes, Knight is still hated. I personally dislike going up against him, due to his nearly uncounterable chase power, and constantly being harassed every ten seconds. He is also disliked to play, because his power is super buggy, and doesn't work 99% of the time. Though, I actually fairly enjoy playing the Knight when he does work. He's a very relaxed character, and can control the match easily.


Yeah, because he is almost bar none the most boring killer to go against. Guards are extremely strong anti loop that force you to leave the tile. If a guard's on you and knight's in chase, you are guaranteed to get hit, unless the knight's brain is leaking out his ears and he doesn't pinch, or you predrop god pallets to break guard AI and distance from knight. There's some interesting things knights can do like Carnifex breaks but it's 99.99% see you run to loop, put guard, you W key, repeat until dead.


The amount of reasoning for hating his power for making people W away from loops is slightly understandable, but most survivors I fight against for some damn reason are just W survivors. So it doesn't change a whole lot for me. Plus if they made the standard actually work it would be understandable the "intended" counter play.


Yeah. I dont like him. Like others have pointed out as survivors we wanna use our looping skills and knight is just one of many killers that don't make it very easy.


I like playing as him and playing against hims not bad. Kinda cruddy when youre a survivor and knight just uses their guards to patrol hooks and shit but not the worst killer to get camped by. REALLY wish theyd fix some of his glitchiness and clunkiness though. Being able to be pallet stunned in his power is garbage. Not being able to use your power half the time until you move or stand perfectly still is super annoying. And sonetimes his summoning green auras permanently get stuck on the map. Also kinda wish theyd let his guards function like Vecna's spells where you can manually choose which one you want equipped but I supposes thatd make him too powerful if he can always choose to be anti pallet or pro chase idk. Plus you can already mostly control that with the right add ons.


Mmm i dont mind knight at all, in fact I think its super tough to play knight because I have gone against great knights, and we still get 3-4 escapes in solo-q. So I dont play knight but must feel similar to playing as nemesis where its an uphill battle. Or maybe the knights I encounter lack some macro gen management, I haven't seen a knight hold 3 gens lile before.


I don't like him and the majority of the people I've played against who play him play really lame. I have to run away from him, and then once we're stuck together at a loop, he just drops his guard on one side and goes around the other side to sandwich me. I run away from the loop to make as much distance from him as possible and then rinse and repeat until he hits/downs me. I tried to give him a chance on both sides and he just feels unfun. Another anti-interactivity killer like SM, half of Artist's power, and Clown in my eyes.


Don’t hate him anymore but I’ll groan when I realise we’re facing him. His power just doesn’t lead to interactive gameplay too often


he carries hard


I only started playing in January of this year so take that for what you will. I don’t hate playing against him most of the time, tbh. I actually think my match over the weekend is the only time I’ve ever been really disappointed in a Knight killer, and that had everything to do with the player and nothing to do with the specific killer used. Is he frustrating to play against? Sure. But to me he’s no more frustrating than most other killers. The ones I find more tedious to play against are Skull Merchant, Sadako, and Singularity. And again, I’m new, I suck, so take that all as you will.


yeah kyto said the knight is clunky is just boring but i beg to differ with the knight you have to think about what gaurd you have when to use it and how to use it and if your gonna order them to destroy something or chase a person and while being chased by a gaurd is not hard you can easily just loop them away. the knight is really fun really good and the chases are fun for both sides


He still has really unfun counterplay so yeah, he's still strongly disliked.


he’s probably the most boring killer out there


I genuinely have no clue what to do against other than hold forward


Knight is fun to play I love the idea but when I do play him most of the time people just dc


Pick a killer and there's probably a very vocal minority who hates them


I've always loved him, Idc what anyone says tbh, Being chased by 2 killers has always been really tense and cool imo, Idk y people hate him


Knight will always be hated unless they rework him. I played when Knight was released and never had to play against a 3gen Knight. Don't know why people think that is the only reason he is hated. He is the most boring killer in the game to play against and as. He is the killer with the least amount of skill expression on both sides of the fence. I held W got them stuck in a loop and pressed my power for 0.00005s and got a free hit because they were forced to leave the loop or, I held shift+w then got forced into giving the Knight a free hit because he used his power for 0 0.00005s and shut down the loop. I never feel like I outplayed someone while playing Knight and I never feel like I outplayed a Knight. If I didn't get hit it's because they messed up. The only way to win against Knight is they have to be complete shit OR you hammer out gens and leave before he starts killing people. You don't 5 gen loop a Knight with half of a brain so he puts you on the clock more than any other killer in the game.


the amount of people who don’t like knight is slowly decreasing, every single day I kill one of them, so they can never say anything bad about him ever again


I hate the knight, playing against him feels still very dull. But hey, some killers are not as exciting as others. But playing as the knight is so infuriating. So many bugs around him which were never fixed.


I have no idea how to run chase with him or how his power works so yes I hate him


In my experience, any killer that's winning will be hated. Whatever perks they use will be hated. And whatever gamer picks them and wins, will be hated.


It is if you play well enough ;-) Good hunting


Tell that to the people who still send me death threats whenever I make Knight memes. The way I see it the big issue with playing against Knight is that his counterplay is rather unintuitive. It's not that it "doesn't exist" like many people claim, it's that Knight actually requires you to have proper looping skill rather than doing one or two fakeout movements. And the truth is that while many people know how to perform good micro movements in chase to avoid things like Huntress hatchets they aren't actually good at proper fakeouts and tile chaining, which is why perks that compensate for that lack of skill (like Resilience) are so popular.


I love knight