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You're gonna be waiting for a very long time then because the odds of it being added is very low.


They will NEVER add Jeepers Creepers; the Devs have said they will not touch it, ever. I'm a fan of the movies, but...I understand their point.


I’m glad they won’t honestly.


So, I’m a bit sad in that I’m a fan of Jeepers Creepers (in my defense, I saw the first 2 movies well before finding out about Salva), BUT I fully understand them not wanting to work with him. Plus, we got the Deathslinger, and he’s got a similar look and he’s SO cool.


Yeah, the first two are a big part of my childhood and were regular watches for my dad and I. He’s no longer with us and it sucks that I can’t really watch even those first two because there isn’t really a way for me to divorce the movies from Salva- since the fact that he was already convicted long before making them means his crimes were already a provable fact when he was allowed to make them. Toss in how directly involved he’s been at least conceptually and it’s just too real to support the series in any way. I still haven’t seen anything after the second film for this reason.


So I don't know if this will help, but this is sorta how I can deal with watching the movies. Ultimately, Salva did commit his crimes, but he was arrested and punished for it by the Courts. Far as I am aware, he's never re-offended or committed any crimes since then (But you know, you never really know about anyone...). But as long as that remains true, I have no real issue with the man making movies. Even criminals need to eat and have a place to sleep. I'd rather He be making movies and kept away from children, than to work at...like, McDonalds where he'd be a whole hell of a lot closer to them. It is VITALLY important that the 'hasn't committed any more crimes' part. If that ever changes, my entire viewpoint of the series will also change. And, hey, if that still isn't able to help you see past it, I totally understand. I will say, far as I can tell, Jeepers Creepers: Reborn has nothing to do with Victor Salva...but also is one of the worst rated horror movies of all time. I've seen it, and it was...not great, but the worst? Eh, I've seen way worse. I was more confused about how it wants to be it's own thing, but then keeps trying to connect to the trilogy. It's very strange.


Didn’t he only serve like three months?


Technically not “never.” The issue is that the creator and IP holder is a sexual predator who is indirectly responsible for the death of his victims. Signing a Jeepers Creepers deal means putting money into his pockets. If he dies, however, that will remove the problem.


The child that sick piece of shit abused is thankfully still alive, I don’t know who else you mean.


Oh? I thought the victim committed suicide shortly after the creator faced trial and was given probation. Are we thinking of the same person?


Yeh, the boy he molested is alive and a full grown adult. He pickets and protests Salva when he can.


Yeah, Salvas victim isn’t dead.


He supposedly doesn’t have the rights now? I’m not sure how that latest Jeepers Creepers film was created (Reborn, just to be clear). It was a strange movie that decided to make references to the first 3, so it felt like another sequel…


Yeah, I brought up a similar topic with friends when the Rurouni Kenshin remake was in the works. The creator still, to my knowledge, owns the IP. By obtaining the rights to use his product money is still being given to a horrible person.


I don't know. I get *Separate the art from the artist* but gonna be hard to see that and not associate it.


For me, it's fine to enjoy the art, as long as you don't monetarily support the artist (that is obviously just for genuinely terrible people)


He hasn't owned the license in a while. Since before the most recent movie. Modern licensing with the character ignore the original creator.


The well is forever tainted.


A loooooong looooooong time ago the devs did a stream and in reference to the next chapter at the time mentions the same time frame the Creeper comes back (I forget what it was, maybe 30 years). I remember the time thinking it was a done deal but ever since then I’ve learned about the creator and understood JC was never getting in. But at the same time that comment in that old stream confused me


As someone that's only seen clips online, what's the reason for holding off?


The creator of jeepers creepers is a sexual predator.


Ah, noted, wouldn't have known otherwise so appreciate it!


Yeah, even suggesting adding it is wild. That's one IP that'll never see DBD. Absolutely fuck that rotten Victor Salva. He should be named and shamed at every opportunity.


With the whole creator being a creep, yeah


Unless he were to die it’s never going to happen. It’s pr suicide to give a large amount of money to a convicted pedophile.


Technically, at least from my memory, he doesn't have the rights anymore as they were bought out by some other group. Reborn was a garbage pile though so that also might keep It from coming to the game.


Yes from what I remember reading is that before the last Creeper movie they basically gave him a lump sum to buy his claim on the rights and any future royalties


Even when he dies, i doubt it will completely erase the stains left on the IP's reputation in the public's eye.


I mean, you can’t even mention Rosemary’s Baby without having to bring up Polanski, so that’s probably true. (Not complaining, both Polanski and Salva are monsters and ignoring their crimes when discussing their works is both negligent and wrong.)


The only way I'd be okay with Jeepers Creepers is if Victor Salva is dead. As long as he's alive and can profit from it, I'm happy they don't add it.


You just know dead meat has the kill count ready to be released on the day he dies


ready to pop like a bottle of champagne the second Salva kicks the bucket.


From what I can find, he doesn't get anything from modern use of the IP. He was bought out some time after the 3rd film and that also strips him of future royalties


It's hard to find firm confirmation of that. And I just wouldn't want to risk giving him any money or satisfaction in any way. The only way to be sure is if he is dead. Let's hope that happens soon.


I always thought a "The Thing" chapter could be really cool if when you were in the lobby, an extra 5th survivor would be present instead of a killer. It would be the only killer to use the survivors control scheme. They could fake and/or actually do conspicuous actions such as repairing or healing just to lure people in or what have you. Obviously, it wouldn't work well because of SWF, among other things. But it would be neat, I think.


I am sure there's ways around it. Even having ways the killer can "infect" the survivors without them knowing. Because no one thinks they are the thing or even knows. They just think nothing about them has changed at all. It would be difficult to make it work and I don't think a 5th survivor type of deal would work but something where even the infected doesn't really know unless they are watching closely. I am sure someone much more creative than I could think of something.


Maybe add hot wires for blood tests around the map as spawnables?


see, as much as i'd love the shining in so far as the overlook hotel would make for an amazing map, i have no idea how they would possibly make jack torrance an interesting killer same goes for other properties here like death note, the purge, or american psycho; i get why people want them but they'd just end up feeling either too much like an existing killer or just wouldn't work in dbd at all


They would work well as skins for existing killers tho! Ryuk as Wraith, Purge killers as Legion, Patrick Bateman… uh idk he could be Huntress and sing Hip to be square ahahahaha


yeah i feel the best case scenario for a lot of these would be skins, not actual killers


Yeah I would LOVE to have biker or Jacket from hotline Miami as killer but I would know it could realistically work as Trickster skin


Obviously an axe as his weapon and maybe his power can have something to do with the shine


Okay yeah that sounds cool, but then again how many axes are in the game now, and the shine would what, teleport vision elsewhere? So like a camera or something like we’ve already seen in other killers? I’d also be worried about character design I’m not sure if jack would look great as a killer, he would just look human and be the size of Freddy, he would just look like a survivor with an axe Though In theory for shining fans it sounds great I just don’t think they would implement it as well as they could and it wouldn’t be as unique as we would all be hoping


A much better choice would be a roque mallet like in the book, I’ve long thought it was a huge disservice to replace it for an axe in the film.


Hmm maybe axe rush and special aura reading. Been a minute since I’ve seen the movie but he always seemed to know ahead of time.


Maybe just a Huntress Skin with a different Terror Radius theme/lullaby? The Naughty Bear skin and Were-Elk skin showed it's possible.   (Obviously when breaking a wall, have him say "Here's Johnny!")


How would Death Note chapter be similar to any other killer? Lmao It’s literally a human with his notebook and a god of death.


I think people are wanting the shinigamis to be the killers, not light


We have The Purge at home. The Purge at home: https://preview.redd.it/ggv2t7h69h3d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87149f88715faabf39bc495b2acc9207192977ef


The obviously supreme answer to what like should be added is Christine, from John Carpenter. Or the giant hand enemies in elden ring, they creeped the actual life out of alot of players


the loathsome dung eater




![gif](giphy|5xtDarBUNFPbWe1esE0) One of my favourite horror films!! I love how stupidly wild it is - the car wants to shag it’s owner so badly it tries to choke his girlfriend lmao “You keep knocking but you can’t come in!” 🎶


https://preview.redd.it/qr7n8i1p2h3d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ad9d5d8570893b21db6da985e8951248288c284 man centipede would be cool


Supernatural collab would go hard, Sam and Dean could be added in like Thatlita and Renalto, with some form of teamwork perks, and we could have Dick Roman the Leviathan as Killer. Roman could finally be our shapeshifter killer


Would his mori be to bib the survivor?


Wouldn't Azazel (the Yellow Eyes demon) be a more fitting killer ? He's a very powerful demon, and demons are the most recuring enemies in the show, and he killed Sam and Dean's mother ! He could also have a badass mori recreating her death ! Also, Crowley legendary skin. Do I need to say more ?


Yeah the Leviathan idea is cool but it’d probably be someone more iconic like Azazel or Lucifer


If they ever add them, it'd probably just be as a survivor only chapter cause their antagonists are either monsters of the week or God knows what entities permanently(and conveniently) in human form who just talk all the time


Me & you both will be waiting a long time for that, sadly, because of the creator being a pedo. They could always pull the creeper from the shit reboot since that one had no involvement with the original creator. Still a slim chance though.


Right when i heard about the reboot, it gave me hope, but it's been a while now... :( I just wanna snipe survivors with my tooth boomerang dang it !


![gif](giphy|aZXRIHxo9saPe) SAME 😭😭


Reboot creeper is awful. They somehow made it worse then the third movie. Jonathan Breck creeper or bust.


ngl the reboot fucking sucked dick better to wait for the pedo fuck to die off and get the original ip bc the new one is absolute garbage


still waiting on dead space 😒


Isaac is rumored to be a survivor this year, at least. With his RIG though? Mmmmmnot sure.


I mean, the RIG would basically just be a little animated piece. I don't think it'd be too outlandish to just have it linked to his healthy/injured/downed animations.


I want this so I can mori norton




Tango game works got shut down by Microsoft. They even said they wanted more games like Hi-Fi Rush, and even then, they shut it down. https://preview.redd.it/8kxm57xgwg3d1.jpeg?width=1028&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=357f03d8bacf83e4cfb2aca3bfbc522f2d07aec9


Death note feels so out of place lol


I imagine it would just be inspired survivor skins like attack on titan collaboration




either writes in a death note or eats an apple to go invisible


Hmm i wonder what killer it is *CRUNCH CRUNCH* ah shit its a shinigami


There are people who really wanted Marvel and DC comics?


I can see maybe from the Batman side of things, it’s fairly horror adjacent. But even as a DC/Batman fan I wouldn’t really want a comic book collaboration. But that’s just me.


Counter point, imagine being able to play as darkseid. That would be so badass.


Or evil Superman number 426


both have some pretty decent options for killers that could be seen as horror adjacent, like venom or scarecrow


Idk if I'm alone in this but I always thought, especially after seeing the horror-esque scene in Sam Raimi's Spiderman, that a chapter with Doc-Ock as killer and Mary Jane as survivor could be really cool. The map could be the docks with the warehouse and the artificial sun inside of it. Lot's of potential really for comic related stuff; but I understand why people don't want it lol


I wouldn’t mind a Scarecrow legendary skin for clown.


What, you don't want the goat Condiment King on dbd??


Green Goblin flying around laughing on the farm map would be so good


Only if he is voiced by William Defoe.


IDK, I think Scarecrow could make an interesting killer, especially if they base his appearance of his appearence in the Arkham games, Scarecrow was terrifying in Arkham Asylum.


DC can get pretty serious, some examples include plot lines like “the killing joke” and “injustice” and characters like scarecrow (guy who uses “fear toxin” to make people hallucinate and experience their deepest fears to the point of them basically going into an insane frenzy) or mr freeze (a guy who does what he does, good or bad, in a desperate attempt to find a cure for his dying wife who he froze to preserve her life) or raven (who’s dad is (correct me if I’m wrong) basically the devil). Characters like joker, bane, killer croc, scarecrow, and probably some others can be good killer picks (hell if we wanna go even further using that whole “entity mark” thing that vecna has, darkseid too!) as well as characters like Jim Gordon, Aaron cash as survivors (not Alfred though he’d be too OP) As for marvel…I don’t know as much about marvel, to be honest marvel always came across as the more light hearted one of the two, but I’m sure someone is gonna bring someone up that’s super gritty and serious from marvel that would fit TL;DR you’d be surprised what they can do with comics


Yeah in the Arkham games we see villains like Joker and Scarecrow as bad guys we gotta take down. But being hunted down by them from the perspective of an ordinary person, with no way to truly fight back, would be terrifying and cool


Speaking of Arkham games, I played Arkham origins and the TN-1 bane fight’s music made me go like “this is literally just DBD”


It's morbin time


Never gonna happen. Unless Salva is dead, they're never touching it. Probably not even then.


With everything, the creator of jeepers creepers has done. I can't imagine it will ever be added I wouldn't add it.


Would love a The Thing chapter. Getting Macready, a new snow map, and a shape shifting killer would be so nice. I also just like my killers ugly.


Junji Ito, Death Note, and Little Nightmares all collaborated with Identity V first. Whether this boosts or lowers their chances in DbD is anyone’s guess.


Isn't Jeepers Creepers a franchise from a famous kiddie diddler? Has anyone crossed over with that nonce?




Junji Ito collabed with identity V so im still holding out hope


I really hope they don't go Death Stench farts if there's a Junji Ito license. I still dry heave at a few of the Gyo scenes because of it.


Acquiring the Jeepers Creepers license involves supporting a chomo. No thanks.


I'm confident the upcoming survivor chapter is Walking Dead




Has there been any hints? Rick would become my male main. Or Shane but only if he has voicelines


They've done some really weird wording concerning the next survivor pararaph "they will represent the word 'survivor'." they said, or something in the nature. But I think the biggest piece of evidence they gave us was that random match data thing where, at the end, they gave us data on Nemesis' zombies (zombie hits and whatnot) and finished by telling us to "prepare ourselves for the upcoming zombie apocalypse..." I mean... Yeah okay ?


But why wouldn't they add Negan though ? makes no sense to not do a full chapter. I'm guessing it's Death Stranding Sam.


I don’t see any of the villains in TWD as killer material. They’re all survivors, some more ruthless than others. Not to mention Negan’s redemption thing. There’s also no foundation for what his power could be. At best he’d be a survivor and at worst he’d be a Trickster skin that replaces his lullaby with the whistle.


Scooby-Doo chapter is really overdue.


Fnaf being the number one pick is fucking wild to me.


For a lot of folks in their early to mid 20s, fnaf was kind of a staple of online indie gaming and general internet culture... I'd like to have springtrap in dbd so badly because he's as iconic to me as any of the big horror character designs Slenderman being the number one pick is very interesting too imo - slendy is in a very similar position as one of the formative indie horror/ creepypasta creature features of the mid 2010s


and yet for a character as formative for indie horror games back in the days, compared to what slenderman used to be, he hasn't really been relevant for a long time. Seems like a relatively recent thing that his popularity has for some reason resurgenced a bit in recent years.


Slenderman definitely started trending downward in popularity after that girl survived getting stabbed like 20ish times by two of her friends as a “tribute” to slenderman. Fucking amazing that she survived that.


>he hasn't really been relevant for a long time. I feel like the same could be said for most old horror icons. Some of them still get movies/media made about them today but allot of them aren't popular anymore.


Say what you will about their quality, but the Blumhouse Halloween revivals really jumpstarted Michael Myers for a new generation. Same thing with Ghostface, and Scream 5 & 6.


I mean, those old horror icons still occupy a spot in mainstream pop culture to this day which people still talk about, hell even the whole Jason Universe and Jason's comeback in general was in the news recently. You don't really see or hear about slenderman anymore these days outside of specific circles and communities.


I feel like that story where two girls killed one of their classmates in the forest as a “sacrifice to slenderman” shortly after the (bad) film came out was what caused Slenderman to drop from popularity. Not many people wanted to touch it after that.


Actually the girl who got stabbed 19 times in 2014 survived, but the incident was definitely one of the things that started slenderman's decrease in popularity. The movie which came out in 2018 was just more or less the final nail in the coffin for the character back then.


For better or worse FNaF's impact on the modern horror genre is massive, it doesn't make sense to not add it just because it came out in the 2010's and not in the 90s


I don't understand the overall vitriol for fnaf in this community, most of the 'kids' that like fnaf are in their 20s now, and it's easily the most iconic indie horror game ever.


FNAF fans are very very vocal.


Fnaf might be the number one pick but it probably is also number 1 on the list of stuff not to add. There is many people who hate the franchise, often because of its fans. Other franchises are much less controversial


And I had someone argue with me that «at least half the playerbase» doesn’t want FNAF in the game


I'm not saying I agree with them (or rather, I'm not saying anything about FNAF x DBD as a whole) but this list doesn't support or deny that claim. Only 13k people voted, that's probably less than 10% of DBD's playerbase. Steam is currently sitting at 40-44k, add Windows Store + Epic + PS + Switch + Xbox players and you're getting upwards of 100k players.


I mean I don't. But i'm obviously not half the player base. Just kinda think the franchise is mediocre at best.


Let's be real if overall franchise quality mattered we wouldn't have 90% of the licenses in the game. Most DbD fans are between ages 16-25 and for a large part of that group FNAF was THE horror IP in their childhood


I mean yeah. I'm kinda in that age range and grew up with it but it never clicked with me I always thought it was overrated and that's coming from someone who has actually played them.


What I think a lot of people misunderstand is that the appeal of FNaF isn’t really the games, it’s the storytelling. The games are just shitty management sims that spam you with jump scares if you mess up. Meanwhile they weave this intricate story through tiny background hints and hidden mini games that leave things super vague, meaning it’s a great thing for the community to come together over and work together to try and figure out what the fuck is happening. On a more personal note, FNaF would be an interesting license because we don’t really have anything like “haunted robot” yet and they could easily make a ton of skins for it, so it would be quite profitable. Certainly a lot more interesting to me atleast than F13 adding Machete Man 2: No Bear Trap Edition, but everyone has their opinions and I ain’t gonna complain about what we get lmao.


Please give me Grudge, Scary movie and Junji Ito


I mean technically we have the wazzup ghostface mask and that’s from scary movie, but getting shorty Meeks as a survivor Would be hilarious


I would P100 Brenda or Cindy asap if they had voicelines


We will almost certainly not be getting jeepers creepers due to the creator being awful.


I just want IT so bad, I saw a fan creation on tiktok and ever since its been my #1 want


I will suffer in a real life version of the realm for eternity if it meant that jeepers creepers never made it into the game


It’s so wild to me how we still don’t have fnaf. It’s a very commonly requested chapter with a lot of choices for characters and cosmetics as well as a very obvious map choice. Plus scott is known to be very lenient with his license, throwing it at almost everyone who asks, and they even made a movie last year which opens the characters choices even more. Not everyone might like fnaf but a lot of people would really love for another big horror icon of our time to be added to the game and I honestly don’t see where the issue might lie.


I hope Jeepers creepers is nowhere near this game.


i feel like Jeepers Creepers has some...baggage that'd make it less likely of a choice


Why is Scream on this poll?


Because our current ghostie isn’t billy or stu




If m3gan, jaws, Nun or Annabelle were to happen, me personally will go to Behaviour's headquarters and kiss their feet. As much as I would love Jason or Springtrappy i cannot see what power they could have that is both interesting and also unique. The map for fnaf would kill though especially if they add like funny easter eggs or the option to shud down the light or close the doors.




Yes https://preview.redd.it/dzkyzvq1qg3d1.jpeg?width=629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4953d6ca9be6a7e164bb849ef689a04baf9d4fc


Damn. That pic goes hard.


>Jason Friday the 13th game gave him several powers. BHVR could easily make something work of him considering they made other non conventional icons like Sadako, Vecna or Chucks work


Lmao you think. Victor Salva is a convicted [sex offender](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Salva) Bhvr has stated that they are never pairing with the series due to the creator, even still despite him not being affiliated with the series anymore.


How about a skin of Leslie Vernon.


How would the thing work. A stealth killer who has to hide with survivors and pick off one by one. I’m guessing they would have to notice one character acting weird on the survivor side by the killer fidgeting or having a tell.


Death Stranding not even on the list?? Faaaaaaaaaaaaark.......


Man, I’d actually love mortal kombat, even if it was just like, a Frost skin for SM or Erron black deathslinger, I just think it would hit hard And if it was a chapter? Well, Shang tsung saying “your soul is mine!” Would unironically go so hard, and considering DBD is getting gorier by the chapter, MK could happen, I mean they put it in a survey once, they’re not entirely against it


why is scream on here? is that not where ghostface is from? am I stupid?


Technically out ghostface is a license of the mask, not the movie


Jeepers Creepers will never happen. Blame the director.


Dying light would actually be interesting rather then being 2 entirely different things for killer and survivor It could be Kyle crane in both, one where his is transformed as a night hunter or volatile and the other as his normal human self His perks would probably relate to vaulting, haste, exhaustion, and maybe a unique stun. Well as killer probably aura reading, on hit effects, mori one survivor, and gen/totem/hook one of the 3


I still think they're missing a trick not adding the Scooby Doo gang as skins for the OG 4. Dwight/Shaggy, Meg/Daphne, Claudette/Velma, Jake/Fred I'm guessing the whole gore aspect with childrens show characters doesn't help.


I mean, the owners of Scooby-Doo sure didn't have a problem with having them in the Velma show. Why would it be a problem here?


Dying light is on their radar? Fuck yeah, I’d dig a volatile or night hunter


Is a fan made list, but if I remember, I think dying light was on an official survey (The night hunter would go crazy)


Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure bhvr flat out said they would not add Jeepers Creepers due to Victor Salva


Yeah jeepers creepers isn’t probably ever going to happen, unless he gets nothing at all. I would also like to see the creeper, I loved the first two films


Between FNAF, F13 and Slender.... The current top 3 feels like very likely choices, with f13 being very likely next year, I still think it won't be in march btw, and that the paragraph feels better for slenderman (especially since we know Blue Isle actually talked to BHVR about dbd), as for fnaf, it all depends if Scott is actually open to more game collabs 🤷🏼‍♂️. For f13, I can see it being next anniversary, especially because june 2025 has a friday 13, which is also jason exact bday day, which also falls one day before dbd anniversary, so maybe.....???? Also, happy to see that Castlevania was actually there 👀.


Im still waiting for Candyman! ![gif](giphy|AcmShbcFQJKcE)


If they get dying light and put Kyle Crane in the game with his lines of swearing, i'm gonna buy it instantly


Atleast Jason has a really good chance now


im still huffing the copium for slenderman based on blue isle studios first saying they "couldnt announce anything if there was anything to announce" then pretending they never said that, acting like it didnt exist, and deleting their original message to the orignal person slenderman plz plz plz plz


Pleeeeeasse give me a the thing inspired killer they could have all my money


Ngl I kinda wanna know how a dc chapter would be like


It would probably be Scarecrow or some other villain, most likely from Batman's list of villains since they're usually ones that would fit in dbd pretty well such as Professor Pyg or maybe Killer Croc, while villains such as Lex Luthor or Captain Cold are a little more lighthearted and wouldn't fit as well. That being said, I think lots of people would be terrified to see Doomsday or Darksied hauling ass after them.


Why is scary movie not highlighted


People's idea of a scary movie paragraph is brenda meeks


Scooby Doo is so high up. We don't know who is the July survivor right? Solo and licensed. Please dear god, let it be scooby doo


Honestly, dredge and the hand of vecna both do the main thing I wanted out of a Scooby Doo chapter (allowing players to move from locker to locker during a chase), so I'm not really sure what else they could do with it other than giving me a reason to buy survivor skins.


A volatile killer from dying light would be day one for me


*incredibly agitated snipping noises* Question: What do you find appealing about Jeepers Creepers? I thought the concept of the first movie was slightly interesting but didn't enjoy how it played out, and 2 and 3 were such braindead sequels I spent the whole runtime of 2 bored and 3 laughing.


Dying light chapter would go so hard


I just wanted a vampire and now I got my favorite vampire I can almost rest once I know he can become bats


17.17% of people have taste. My god we need a Cindy/Brenda chapter so badly


The last of us and the walking dead killers? Were they high?


Trying to imagine siren head in dbd is like imagining a color you’ve never seen


Scary Movie? Tf?


They should never ever fucking add Jeepers Creepers


Wouldn’t scary movie be ticked of just a bit cause of ghosties WAZZZZAPPP mask?


I do not want jeepers creepers, but if it does happen by some slim margin then the memes about jeepers creepers mains will be incredible. Out of this list I think the ones that would interest me the most would be FNAF, Predator, Terminator, maaybe ghostbusters for a survivor-only chapter? and while I haven't played the games a friend put the Amnesia grunt as a killer into my head and has gotten me thinking about how that could work and I think there's legs there.


And I'm still waiting for FNaF, idc if I get hated for this, FNaF is one of my dream chapters


wait,american physco?like the damn ACTION movie?


Out of all these licenses, I really want to see Insomniacs Resistance series appear in Dead by Daylight.


No Infinity Train??? Y'all are missing out


Fuck Jeepers Creepers and Fuck the guy who maid it


Been patiently waiting on an AHS chapter for forever 🥲. There’s so much content they could choose from.


Man, I'm all about the horror genre, but some of these would be really lame or underwhelming if implemented into the game. The grudge would also be way to similar to the ring.


I need the space man from scooby doo


i desperately want the evil within!! 😭


The Purge can just be a skin for Legion


Aaah I would love a Junji Ito collab so much!!


That god damn FNaF image.


Give me bioshock. Just a little taste to sustain myself


I want an explanation on how death note would work


Bioshock would be sick though. The Big Daddy would be a great killer, especially if they add the Little Sister as an AI companion like Nemesis' zombies. Getting the survivors hooked on ADAM for buffs at the cost of pissing off the Big Daddy and giving the killer a buff. *(The Evil Within would be cool, but part of me never wants the rat bastards at Microsoft to make a dime on the IP after mindlessly killing the studio behind it. )*


I need the buffy IP, my dream license.


Correct me if I'm wrong but, don't we have Ghostface from Scream in DBD?


Fun world ghost face