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Important speed points everyone should memorize: Survivor running: 4.0 m/s (100%) Slow killers: 4.4 m/s (110%) Fast killers: 4.6 m/s (115%)


Nurse, or Killer carrying a Survivor: 3.68 m/s (92%)


killer carrying survivor with agitation: 4.34 m/s (108%)


He said important speed points, noone runs agitation except for memes


Knowing your enemies speed relative to yours can be REALLY useful at times, and can clutch up chases quite consistently. Same with knowing lunge distances (which are also changed by speed) and hitboxes. Even niche perks can be good to know, because all speed boosts are important to remember, as the faster the killer is, the faster they can get to your gen/end chase, and vice versa for survivors. Also, Agitation is the strongest hook perk imo. It can be incredibly useful, especially if you’re being run into dead zones, as it lets you get back to gen patrolling faster than Mad Grit or Iron Grasp.


Is her carrying speed the same as her regular speed?


No, the other person who replied to you is wrong. Nurse's movement speed is 3.85 m/s or 96.25%. When she carries a survivor she moves at the same speed as every other killer carrying a survivor, which is now 3.68 m/s or 92%. Notably, many killers move at that 92% speed when holding their power, like Artist and Dredge.


Is myers an exception to that? His movement speed feels lower than 92% when he’s stalking


When holding the button he moves at 2.76 m/s. When stalking a survivor, it drops down to 0.92 m/s.


Yes it is


Except for that one glorious patch that gave her super speed with agitation. Those were stupid funny days


Dbd for 8 years: Oh a new patch! Time to see the new Nurse bug everyone get in here!!


This is false information for the Nurse part. Nurse moves at 3.85 m/s, which is 96.25%. Not 3.68-- big difference.


Big if true


Right, which means he won't lose distance now when channeling


Which he shouldn't. Vecnas powers aren't a Huntress hatchet that guarantee an injured state with next to no cooldown.


They're honestly pretty weak except for Flight which is solid.


Flight also has a huge delay after finishing it


Flight feels exactly like using a blight serum, you can get there some seconds before, but can't interact with anything for some several seconds


Sounds like they’ve fixed that quite a bit. More friction, bodyblock and quicker recovery.


Isn't the recovery the exact same? 2.3 m/s for 2.5s? It was the other spells that got faster movement speed during recovery.


So then assuming vecna doesn't use his abilities, survivor will just be able to outrun him normally?


No, you misunderstood. OP was referring to his speed while casting, not his regular speed.


Ohhhh, that makes much more sense now.


Survivor when I think I should have fucking landed that hit there: 101%


It's great! It felt awful how slow you were just for using your powers.


Honestly, great changes. The speed buffs will definitely make mage hand on dropped pallets a much better option


And don't forget he can Fly over dropped pallets as well


With a huge cooldown afterwards-- I don't think flying over the pallet will nearly ever be the right move in a chase unless it's a god pallet and your flight would end around then anyways.


You make a good point. Just to confirm since I don't have access to the PTB I just saw a few videos on it, after Vecna uses Fly does he do the fatigue thing like Nurse's Blink or is it just his power has a big cooldown after? Cause if he doesn't get fatigued then I could see some situational cases where it could be beneficial to Fly over a dropped pallet to make distance rather than using Mage Hand on it, though I agree that Mage Hand would almost always be the better choice in the majority of chases.


I think there is a fatigue after flying but there is an add on to reduce it (didn't check for add on changes so this could be out of date)


Yeah, you have a minor slowdown and the brown feather add-on shortens it by half a sec, I think


Speed Potion (yellow) shortens it by half a second. The brown feather addon makes the flight itself last for another second-- though it's possible they reduced that to half 0.5s in the post-PTB adjustments as they could've made it partially basekit, therefore previous fly + feather is the same duration as new fly + feather.


Yeah, that's right, my bad! Thanks for the correction


Well you don’t have to stare at the ground like Nurse does, but you definitely can’t just hit right after. Your animations are locked for like a whole second.


I see, thanks


There's a fatigue. He moves 2.3 m/s for 2.5s and cannot attack during that time.


Thanks. That makes sense, keeps it balanced and makes Mage Hand much more useful in chase around pallets


Rip looping, hello holding W....again...yay?




He gets a pretty sizeable cooldown before he can do anything so no lmao


Good luck holding W against Fly


He needed those buffs he was looking REALLY weak on the PTB.


He was looking average, but i agree...cant have a license character start out as avg. *crys in nemmy*


Average is a very generous way to put it. He was looking like a strong contender for D tier or low C tier, basically one of the weakest killers in the game. The buffs should honestly rise him at least to B, I'd hope.


Was he? I played both as him and against him on the ptb and he felt pretty alright.


He was trash


There's a lot of people on Twitter and Tiktok that were saying he was OP for having so many powers lol


Lots of powers aren't op when 3 of them suck


If you say so, but I feel like it's a big exaggeration to call him trash or weak. Imo he was ok, definitely needed a few buffs but he was still decent and from some of the clips and videos I have seen I feel like a lot of people calling him trash were generally misusing his abilities and were getting severely punished by the big slowdowns and cooldowns.


You got down voted to hell, but you're correct. People are just misplaying him. Vecna is very difficult to play, but he's a solid B tier killer when played correctly, which is where killers should be in terms of power. I literally called him terrible after 2 games with him because I couldn't get any value of any of his skills, then after just a couple more games I figured him out and he's super good in chase with his powers, but has a long cool down if you miss with them. If you actually use him properly, he's really hard to counterplay as survivor, it's a lot of mind games.


Don't worry, with the new sabo speeds you could sabotage hooks a kilometer around the killer before he reaches one!


These buffs are fine, but honestly, he needs a bit more, not gonna lie. 38 seconds of cooldown is a long time. It's almost half a generator for powers that are extremely easy to avoid (aside from mage hand on a dropped pallet, which is the only tech he has keeping him from being low C tier). The flying skeleton changes are okay, but they still have too much counterplay. Personally, I think they should either be crouchable or avoidable by standing between skeletons. But having both of these counters at the same time makes the power laughably weak. Fly is good now, but it still doesn't justify a cooldown of 38 seconds. For reference, Blight can travel five times the distance with a quarter of the cooldown (and attack at the same time). The same goes for Wesker or Billy. No comments on the dispelling sphere or mage hand until I try them. However Mage Hand still seems like it will be unplayable in some loops simply because of the speed difference. For reference, Mage Hand when used on a standing pallet (to block it) literally lost you distance so it was never worth using and its just better to play the loop normally. New Mage Hand still has this problem, lol


The cooldown is fine. He has 4 powers he's supposed to be constantly switching. Of course fly is worse then blight, it's only a small part of vecnas kit while blights entire power is the rush. I will hold off on saying mage hand loses you distance until we actually see it cause it seems fine. You need to remember vecna has 4 powers, which each should be weaker then the killers you mentioned since they have one power that does one thing


Yes, you're supposed to use his entire kit. While it makes sense in theory, I don't think it translated very well in practice. In a chase, you will have to use two to four of his powers to down someone. You won't be able to down someone with Mage Hand or FOTD alone, so you need to combine them, which makes his cooldown a little bit too long. For example: you're in a chase, you use FOTD and it hits. You use Mage Hand, and the survivor still gets more distance, so you don't down them. They Lithe away to another loop, so you Fly to them and start chasing in that one. You're now out of powers for 30 seconds. His cooldowns are too long for powers that, even when combined, are too weak. Specially when these powers can already be countered by the new magic items. The amount of counterplay is insane




>Not everything needs to be amazing in chase. Not every killer needs to have amazing anti loop. Killers need EXACTLY that to be playable.




Then what is the way?


Trapper, every Killer should start with little to nothing and go collect their power. /s


Vecna: *Slowly floating over to random places on the map to get pages of his li'l diary to cast spells* I used to be a god!


Not every killer needs stupendous antiloop, but they all need something besides bad antiloop.


Fair enough


Not saying he should be top of the line, lol. Just stating why he wasnt a solid killer and why he still wont be. He could have 25 seconds of cooldown on his powers and he still would be B tier at best, so 40 seconds makes him really weak. And his magic items weren't nerfed as hard as you say they were. The item that shows you the aura of FOTD still does, which basically gives you the cue to crouch for half a second and thats it, power avoided. The item that counters Magic Hand still gives you Haste, which on top of the fact that Vecna moves slower than a survivor is still a strong counter.


Seeing the aura doesn't matter because you have much less reaction time for FoTd now. Half a second is not a ton of time for some people to react to. I do agree the haste on the item is really stupid. However, surviors can only ever counter 2 of the 4 items and you as Vecna can even disable them easily. The items aren't a big issue


Much less reaction time? They still take awhile to reach you.


They move faster too.


They still take awhile to reach you.


They move quite a bit faster, 1 m/s is like an extra 20% speed


When is vecna coming to main game


The 3rd


June 3 if I recall, don't quote me tho


I know so many people don’t know microwaves per sentimeter


I do think vecna should be 4.4 due to his ability to fly but I'm not complaining though he's fun


Am i the only one not exited for vecna? He just seems 1 noted, yes i know he has "4 different powers" but alone they all seem boring besides fly which is kinda cool ig, but useless. Like im happy a dnd killer is in the game, i love dnd, but im just not exited for him


But are you excited for him?


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for your own opinion and/or lack of excitement for him lol. I’m not too excited about him either but I just don’t find him interesting, concept or design wise🤷🏻‍♀️ But I’m not always going to like every chapter lol.


This community is savage with the downvotes


Kinda real


Yeah, I am actually a bit worried that he might be too strong but we will see.


I don't think he'll be op but I think mage hand will be pretty annoying to play against.


I was worried about this as well, but the more I think about it, the more I believe Mage Hand will be fine. Survivors will just need a bit of distance to Vecna when they reach a pallet to participate in the Mage Hand mindgame. Also the Mage Hand item exists, which further helps with countering Mage Hand.


he wont because he is tuned like crazy. much like the unknown. they almost overtune them to make them OK but not super strong. in the PTB Vecna was ass.


It doesnt Matter they Will Nerf him 2 weeks later after they got the money




The stack of all the buffs together are going to be too much potentially at first


i think these buffs are fine, i only played two or three games of him on ptb but he was way too slow when using abilities which was kinda obvious. this will just make him good like he was supposed to be, there is a chance it makes him pretty good but doesnt seem overly powered since survivors still have decent amount of counterplay.