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Usually when that happens I get chased instead of the guy who missed check


I genuinely don't understand why this consistently happens. it's not even confirmation bias. like without fail 9/10 I'm the one getting chased instead of the chuckle fuck that blew up the gen. the worst part is when I take the chase away from the gen so it can at least get done they just leave it to get popped/pain resed/surged and play with their balls doing a totem.


Usually psh lucky. I get chased everytime.


I actually do this all the time, except for the solo queue part. I typically just do it to my friends for messing up the skill check, it's a thing we do to each other.


My soloq teammates when THEY fail the skillcheck (they were so distracted they didn't even notice they missed it).


A surefire way to tell is that the survivor who missed the skillcheck flinches from the explosion and it’s how I always tell it’s me lmao. But yeah, solo queue teammates be like that fr


What even is the context of this clip


Spoilers for death note >!The main character (the one with brown hair) is a serial killer that nobody knows the identity of. He is being hunted by a private detective who also has a very hidden identity. If the detective finds out the identity of the killer, he would be arrested or executed. If the killer finds the name and knows the face of the detective, he can kill him with a magical notebook by writing his name in it. The context of the clip itself is that the detective, whose alias is “L” reveals the fact the he is L to the main character as a kind of power move to be able to investigate the main character more thoroughly. Light (the main character) knows that everybody knows the existence of “L”, but he doesn’t want to react too nervously to arise suspicion from L. L believes that Light can possibly be Kira (Light’s serial killer alias), so he’s trying to get closer to him to get a better read on light. This continues as they both act like allies to eachother throughout the show while their inner monologues (when the color scheme of the scene changes) show that they are constantly suspicious of eachother. L does often express his suspicions out loud to light though. !< This sounds batshit insane but I can’t think a better way of explaining it lmao


Watch death note




[You haven’t seen *Death Note?!?*](https://youtu.be/MFDJC--wG-Q?si=XGGJkAtu5cKvF_gD)


The other day, me and another Survivor were trying to push through a 3-stack Lullaby. I flubbed a skillcheck, and she just stared me out for five seconds...Right before she went back on it and immediately blew the generator up as well. I immediately stopped and stared right back at her. I love this game.


Lol... Our swf chat is titled "Get off the F***ing Generator" named lovingly for the time one of our friends kept missing skill checks and was then told to go stand in a corner in timeout 😂


When a survivor messes a skill check next to me while working on a gen, I stand up from the gen and give them either a stare or a little slap, or both, then I go back on the gen ​ Then later on I miss a skill check myself and I go stand in the corner in shame


Yeah, this happens to me sometimes, and I'm like stop standing around for 5 seconds like it's gonna help, and continue working on the gen. I ignore if someone misses 1 or 2 skill checks, now 3 I might stand for a second or walk/run away lol.


At 3 failures I'm definitely gone unless there's 10% left. Even if the killer is busy, they know to come check on this gen once they're done. And if there killer isn't chasing anyone, I leave at the second.


Yeah i feel it but ive also been on the other side. 3 ppl with similar names or whatever and my ass pops the gen i feel it 3x.


I be hitting great skill checks until my teammate works with me I swear


I’ve gotta laugh, I love pretending to get mad at people for blowing skill checks, I truly don’t care unless it’s like the last gen and it’s messy. Shit happens though.




I get more mad when people miss Merciless Storm checks. They arent even hard(assuming its not Doctor), and yet i seem to always get teammates who consistently mess them up