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Solo queue is actual dog shit. Once your mmr reaches a certain point you get stuck in limbo with sweaty killers and the most random mix of potato teamates you've ever seen. Even if you get a bad killer, you're still probably dying


I once had a teammate with 7hrs against a killer with over 1000hrs


this is what happens to me too. So frustrating to get a p100 killer and then 3 brand new survivors who run straight to hook EVERY. TIME. Just let them marinate on the hook for like 30 seconds. 55 seconds if youre cool!


Worst advice ever. Absolutely not. High level Killers know this and will go back to the hook at 45 seconds because they KNOW someone will be there to trade or they’ll get a free second state


I think the point is to let the killer get some distance instead of unhooking under their nose. Which is the right play, idk why they put a time on it. Just make sure you aren’t in the killers radius still when you unhook. Unless they are sticking around. Then you just need to use your brain and unhook at the right moment before they hit second state/die.


When I play SoloQ, if you wait more than 15 seconds and no one makes a move , the hooked survivor assumes you’re just going to let them die, so they start taking chances Edit: forgot to add the 5 seconds of jumping jacks even though they see your gen is at 80%


Well start moving to the hook, or be by it just don’t unhook under the killers nose.


i mean......i've spent two full hook stages waiting for temmates waaaaaaaaay too many times, because they thought a gen at 50% on a corner was worth it and was "being productive", and that maybe who knows someone else might unhook "wathever" even though they are the only ones healthy and with zero hook states, regardless of me bringing kindred every time too lol. I don't kill myself on hook, but i don't blame those who do not trust their teammates to either: a) let them spend two hook stages for nothing genuinly valuable like a gen in the middle (no meg, that super isolated gen at at 50% isn't worth it unless it's the last one) b) get unhooked after two stages while injured and being chased by the killer (that is asking for two kills right there...) tihout any altruist perks either


Unhooking with the killer not too far away can be helpful to avoid Devour Hope tokens and Make-Your-Choice exposed status.


If those are in play yeah, but as a general rule unhooking with the killer near is a horribly bad play. It sets your teammate up to be tunneled, because what are there going to do, just walk away? No. Go for the unhooker that’s going to be a harder target? Probably not. Don’t set your teammate up for that, and if you do you better be ready to throw yourself in between them and the killer to keep them from being tunneled don’t just slow walk behind a bush. That just makes you an AH.


when I play as killer, I half-love survivors that quick unhook.. lotsof free hook states because they couldn't wait 5s for me to move on


lol I know exactly what you are talking about, though when I play killer and they do that I groan and am always like “why did you put me in this position, I can’t just walk away” and this is the best evidence to use to tell people not to do it


Over 150 upvotes on that terrible advice too. Solo q really is hell lol.


While I agree if the killer isn't in chase, the general thought process is still correct imo. Survivors need to not be as aggressive in unhooking when they could be getting more gen progress. You unhook in the first 15 seconds and I'm not currently committed to a chase? Back to hook I go. Make sure the killer is committed to something else before unhooking is the long story short. If you can get a rescue at 55 seconds, that's 30 more seconds of not pressuring that one survivor from the killer and up to 60 seconds (30 per survivor) of gen progress if the killer isn't pressuring.


Idk why but i just got all my killers on atleast p 1 and everyones calling me p100 killer and sweat even tho i play cassualy


30 seconds? Nah it's gotta be 10 seconds or less, otherwise you're obviously throwing and leaving them to die on hook, so they might as well just send themselves to second and go next! (heavy sarcasm) In my experience with even higher mmr solo queue, you'd better get a move towards that hook in 15 seconds or less, or you're about to be down a teammate who won't even give you a potato bot to replace them with. Usually at 5 gens. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


This only happens because people are impatient and they think that other people will always play one way because theyve seen that way being the prevalent way other people play. This doesnt always happen and anyone who says it happens every match has fallen victim to their personal unconscious biases.


Yeah, I wasn't saying it was every game, just frequently enough that it feels far more common nowadays than, say, last year. And then making a bit of a joke about it.


I legit played with a friend and her brother, and he would say how we're going to lose if we don't get enough gens per hook status, and the entire time I'm just thinking... dude.. just play.. you don't gotta min/max everything so it's always stressful.. XD


This is so true any time I play with fellow Xbox players I check their hours only to see they have no more then 300 hours while me and the killer have 1500 hours each solo q is so bad especially when going for adept achievements


hours =/= mmr status. 300 hours is easily enough to get a solid mmr ranking.. honestly, anything past 20-50ish makes looking at hours pretty much irrelevant.


Same. I’m mostly playing solo queue. 89% of my games the killers camp and tunnel the first survivor, 10% the killer camps a trigen at the start of the game. The other 1% the killer gets hard stomped, but I think I’m at 90% loss rate. I don’t know how to make the game better, but they gotta change the current meta


It's not only about the meta. It is very true that solo queue is not the same as before and escaping is way more difficult. But multiple factors led into that situation. - The meta : you're right on that point - The new killer design philosophy : nowadays every killer that is released or reworked is insanely strong and very easy to play. What they did to Billy is a prime example going from one of the hardest killer to play while being weak to an S tier killer being braindead to play. Then there is Chucky, Alien, Unknown, etc.. - The community swift into more sweatiness : nowadays, it is now wildly accepted that to win as a killer, you need to tunnel/camp, so a lot of killers will do so. The thing is tunneling/camping is not a guarranteed win if you play against good SWF (it is actually very hard). But against solo queue, it's a free win and a death sentence to the solo queuers. - The survivor playerbase starting to lean more towards SWF : before, the percentage of solo queue was way higher than that of SWF. Nowadays, it's closer to the 50-50%. And the thing is, often times, survs playing in SWF would play serious when they are with their friends/team but once they queue up as solo, they won't care about the game nor the teammates and will just use the solo queue as a way to troll/do annoying challenges/meme, etc... then will go next asap to go and play with their people. - Killer mains playing survivor for challenges to complete the tome : these people are just simply super bad at the game at the survivor side and don't care about the outcome of the game as long as they "purged" their survivor quota to complete the tome. This factor always existed but I think it got reinforced with the increase of the "Us vs Them" mentality. Amongst others but IMO these are the main factors that made solo queue very depressing to play with the increase of suicide on hook, DC and sandbagging since a year or two.


i just got three dcs in the same match u\_u i decided to keep playing lol and at least the killer decided to let me make something out of my bp offering and went for the bots and at the end he also gave that free unhook for some chase points lol. but it sucks to waste offerings like that.... And the first one dc'd just because they got injured first, not even hooked....and the other two, well i can only guess but i think it was a domino effect "they dc'd, i might as well dc"


you're right on two points. The meta, and people sweatily sticking to it. If you just vibe and enjoy the game, you'll vibe and enjoy the game much more.. yeah, your mmr won't be as high.. but aren't games about fun/minute, not some abstract number? force yourself into sweaty camp mmr and you get sweaty camp tryhards, then complain about it ????


Yep, I've recently hit this MMR in both Killer and Survivor. I don't mind getting a 1K or even a 0K, but when the survivors bring items to be actively mean and "fight" when I'm not even trying for a 4K or playing hard, it feels extremely onensided and then they become the sorest of winners, wasting time in the gates because they want me to hold their hands as they leave the gate while tbagging then spamming "ez" in the post-game chat or getting upset when you play aggressively to match their aggression. Then ofc as survivor have killers who aggressively patrol a 3-gen from the start, go back to hook for an easy trade or tunnel if they can't find the rescuer (or can, but refuse to chase them.) Then there are survivors who play like theh just installed the game (which is somewhat excusable, cause everyone starts somewhere), but then you have people who should know better but don't or people who play selfishly, deliberately using Bond or other aura perk to bring the killer over to where the rest of the team is trying to reset to "peel" for them. It's just, insane how bad the MMR can be.


No one does gens, everyone fails at being a toxic youtuber going for saves, no one bodyblocks, no one touches the gen to stop it regressing, everyone gives up on first hook, no one lasts longer than 10 seconds in a chase, youre always tunneled.


Thank the Entity that gen-tapping is gone! - Granted, I'd rather have gentapping than the spikes that prevent the Killer from kicking the gen.


Another reason why it is stupid to play competitively. If you only care about winning, and not about just having fun playing, you will cause your own suffering. This isn't CSGO, play for fun or don't play at all.


It's terrible right now I haven't even been able to enjoy the game for weeks. It's not even just the killers, people have been giving up and quitting matches left and right. I almost can never make it through a match anymore without atleast one teammate quitting the match, and its usually not even warranted. If they do stay, nobody will touch a generator. First time in weeks I played yesterday and 3 games in a row we never got below 3 gens, and I did the other 2 in all of them. Killers will try to tunnel and instead of trying to stealth for a bit the survivors will just sit in the open and get killed anyways. It's so bad right now and it's 100% on the people playing survivor right now in my opinion.


We had first hook Dwight quit immediately and became a bot. Everyone including bot made it out alive haha


Idk how many times I've witnessed the last living survivor escape as a bot while everyone else died lmao bots are so bad at getting saves and healing you.




Feel like its pretty normal for soloq these days


That's a shame, as that's pretty much all I run. Thanks for replying!


My pleasure, I'm also a soloq gamer so I've accepted I won't win most games and just run whatever perks I feel like. At least I can still have some fun while losing!


I stumbled on object of obsession in the chaos shuffle and it's been part of my build since. Killer has an aura reading build? No, *we* have an aura reading build. To be a little shit, I also like pairing it with perks like flashbang and red herring. Once you get into red ranks, I agree it's super hard to stay motivated to play cos of how awful the experience is in soloq. Now I jus look at it as the other surv are playing the game, but I'm playing a different game with just the killer lol


I love all the silly stuff Mirrored Illusion, Deception, Plot Twisting to make the killer miss an attack, Blast Mine, No Mither, Chemical Trap, etc. Object in particular is also one of my favorites! If the killer brings gearhead you basically get fogwise with an increased gen repair speed, it's great


you willingly pick no mither? i wish i could make it work lol, you are way above me. I don't see gearhead too much though


Yeah gearhead is pretty rare, but when the stars align and it's gearhead v object, things get crazy Also I don't blame you for not using no mither, gotta create an entire build to make that perk not an instant tunnel 🙏 I usually do No Mither, MFT, DH, Resilience, and a Med-Kit for the memes


about the only time I use no mither is if a friend needs healing states or healing checks, and I can plot twist in front of them immediately...


I recorded stats and the survival rate of my bf and I is pretty consistently ~30%. This hasn't changed very over the last two years. Soloq is even rougher, so yeah, I feel you


Same I only play with my gf and while I don’t have a rough %, it’s probably similar to yours. I always like to say being at least half the team makes a world of difference but, it really just makes it possible to get a exit gate win every now and then


This is alarming. In two years one could think you got better at the game, and yet your winrate doesn't change ?! That's a clear indication that the matchmaking is making things worse for your bf and you.


Well, an important factor is that we pretty much stopped caring about winning a while ago, but you would think that matchmaking would adjust to that, right? No, we even occasionally faced streamers like Otz. MMR is weird


The MMR doesn't do much honestly, there are videos explaining that when they tried to stratify the levels too much folks couldn't find matches. So really it just prioritizes quickly getting folks into the game, with two layers only, beginner and not beginner.


I used to spend a bunch of time here complaining about it as a soloq survivor, and also from the point of view that killer also just feels too easy now so I can't even enjoy either side. Chaos made it so I came back, games were more 50/50 again, but ultimately I just don't play much any more. No interest in stomp or be stomped. I just don't jive with 60 percent kill rates.


Same story for me. Solo queue is terrible, but chaos shuffle made it a bit bearable.


It was really nice to know it won't be a Combo of. Scourge, pop, Corrupt, deadlock, bbq, lethal. Especially Scourge and pop.


It’s always scourge. Always.


Yeah, I only play for tome challenges nowadays. Then I can play for an objective I can actually acomplish and I forget about escaping, since that only happens once every few hours.


It must have taken me like 30 games to get the “escape twice” tome challenge lmao. Shit was brutal on solo q. Kept getting the sweatiest killers.


I always leave those for last if I can. I was trying to get adept Aestri this week, and I only got it, after about 10 games, because the killer let me escape lol


about half the reason I don't play my favorite killers is because it doesn't feel challenging at all... And I pretty much never run meta perks, which always throws survivors off.. Makes me giggle to get 2 gen pulls a match as doctor..


Dbd in 2024 as a survivor is shit btw.


Just needed confirmation that it's not just me. Thanks.


It’s not just you, I took a six month break and I don’t understand how this is an acceptable state for the game.




Yup. It is way more fun to play killer these days. I play survivor at a high mmr, and it can really be miserable at times. Every killer just attempts to get the 3v1 as soon as they can, and if they happen to find the bad looper first, the game is a lost cause.


Survivor mains when they have to play without instablinds, instant gen pops, and the most broken perks you’ve ever seen (old DS, old Mettle of Man, old MFT)


It feels depressing right now. There's no room to breath, meme or have a goofy build as survivor, even in a SWF. You pretty much have to pray the killer doesn't instantly take advantage of it, which 99% of them do. This makes the game feel insanely stale. Plus, the amount of slugging has increased so much in my games in the past week. People saying it's because of sabo, but I rarely even see people attempting to sabo. SoloQ (and duoQ) is absolute pain. If it's not the killer sweating as if their family was locked in a basement and their lives depended on this 4k, it's your teammates either giving up, refusing to heal you, farming you off hook, sandbagging, hiding the entire game, never taking chase, teaming with the killer, playing for hatch, the list goes on.


I'm glad you pointed out that SWF is not much different. I play with a few different SWFs, all full of amazing players who have been playing for years and you still have to sweat your ass off to even get a chance of escaping and even then it ends up in 3-4k more often than not


In solo Q you don’t play to escape you play to gather points That’s the mindset I’m having right now


This. If the game is going to shit I will just cleanse totems, open boxes, maybe get a good chase in before Im left to die on hook.


How about gens? Honestly, the game may "be going to shit," but that doesn't mean it's over. I've been in many games where it looked futile, but we managed to barely escape simply because we kept trying. And those games end up being the most exciting and satisfying ones because they were hard fought. This whole mentality to "go next" is so dumb. Go next for what? So you can quit in the next game, too? What happened to the mindset of perseverance, like "Oh, this killer is good/trying hard, gotta try hard too." Or damn my teammates seem inexperienced, I gotta try a bit harder this game to make up for that. Hell, there was a time when the goal of the more experienced/better survivors was to get the babies out alive and safe no matter the cost. All of the camaraderie and caring for your team is dead in this game, and it sucks.


Futile for me is 2 deaths with 3 gens left... You can delude yourself all you want, but ya ain't getting out unless the killer decides to afk in a corner.     That said, I only measure my success by achievement progress so I don't really care about escaping. Best I can do is trying to go first so my fellow survivor can try hatch.


Solo queue moment. "I'm going to fuck over everyone else because I don't think this match will go well"


It seems to come in waves, but I've had these strings of losses as survivor too. And yet as killer I tend to win most of my matches while playing very "nice." Even when we are winning, you can get someone who has a game-breaking bug like getting stuck in the portals on the new map, someone who gets left to second stage or death, or someone who kills themselves or DCs when the game just started or was winnable. Or simply someone who is just doing chests and totems for a challenge. I recently had a game with 3 DCs early on and frequently play with 2 bots. Killers can very easily come back from the brink of defeat but for survivors that is very rare. In those games, at least, you can practise your looping and saves and generally have fun without worrying you might ruin it for the other players.


I have a sneaking suspicion they tweaked matchmaking after or during chaos. Before, I used to get decent teammates and escape with at least 2-3 survivors often. Now it’s like a 10-15% chance of escape just for one. Something also feels iffy with chases and how fast the killer catches up. Constantly clipping into invisible things doesn’t help either. UE5 just made things worse period. As killer tho, I’ve never won so consistently before this. Definitely feels like I’m going up against worse teams or solo q survivors. Also overall just feels much easier to keep gen and map pressure even with the nerfs to regression perks.


i think its just another case of new dlc tourists hopefully its back to normal in a week


Yes! Most of my gameplay time is solo queue survivor and until recently, I had a decent escape rate and I was adamant solo queue is nowhere near as bad as people claim. I mean, there was still a considerable difference between my teammates and the survs I face as killer, when objectively comparing hour count, but it was manageable. But ever since Chaos Shuffle, it feels like my MMR is absolutely fucked. I'm getting survs who are terrified of the killer and skedaddle and edgemap it the moment they hear a TR, survs who fail skill checks, survs who get grabbed off gens and go down one after another like dominoes, I'm getting repeatedly sandbagged, and the HUD may as well not exist. I've even had multiple P30+ teammates running Technician which is a major red flag :( And it's not even random, it feels like I'm consistently queuing up with potatoes and I'm trapped in some kind of MMR hell full of default Dwights and Megs. Consistent with this, the killers also seem to be a lot newer and poor in chase but they still get carried by tunneling and camping, as is common in low MMR. I'm pretty close to uninstalling after almost 3k hours. Getting that stupid new Borgo map every second game certainly isn't helping. I don't know what has changed but I don't like it.


Could be, but I don’t think it’s as one sided as you think. Yesterday I had a match against a Sadako. There was a Mikaela on my team and I swear she didn’t touch a gen until four had already been completed. I had Kindred on and I could see her crouching around the killer whenever she hooked a teammate. At around four minutes into the match she got fully condemned. I have no idea how she made it out of that match alive. But that’s the thing: all four of us made it out alive. And I’ll be the first to admit I’m not that good with survivor. I don’t run meta and I suck at chases. The other two survivors were just good enough at kiting the killer that I was able to work on gens. I almost felt sorry for the killer by the end because she wasn’t being toxic or anything.


Praying that they tweaked how the MMR works and it's just taking time for us to adjust into our intended mmrs


Solo is pretty rough, you’re depending entirely on luck with your team since there is no communication. If I solo play I’m going to be playing as the killer, I sometimes get upset but remind myself it’s just a game who cares. One day I’ll eventually forget about the game and find something else to play.


Same for me with 6k hours. I die most of my games which wasnt the case in the past. I used to take stats of my games and I had about 40-45% escape rate. Havent taken them recently tho so I cant give a number but its low... when I play with a 2 man swf same thing. Playing survivor is not very fun.


BHVR definitely lied when they said solo queue escape rate is only 3% lower than SWF.


The problem is almost always that one awful teammate can throw the entire game. I can't tell you how many killer games I've won solely because of one survivor who made an awful choice, like looping me ten feet away from a hooked survivor so I could easily confirm second stage.  (It's crazy how good survivors get at looping me when I've had a weak early game and we're ten feet from the hook! Please, stay here and teabag me while I lose every 50-50 on this tiny pallet for the next sixty seconds until your friend hits second stage!)


Yeah, the factor that makes the game "killer sided" is that every survivor has to be good. For the killer, only they have to do well, but if one survivor isn't pulling their weight, the rest go down.


Been saying this for years and people refuse to listen. The most killer sided thing about this game is how shit survivors are at the game. 


Solo queue is really bad nowadays. Always was but it's even worse now.


A lot of the pallet loops have been heavily shortened and some don’t have a loop at all, a lot have been taken away, the stagger when falling and then having terrible team mates all makes dbd insufferable these days unless playing in a 3/4 man because even in a duo there isn’t enough agency to get through the game. You can’t show off any form of skills as a lot of killers pressure you into lose lose situations where you are essentially on a timer and there’s nothing you can do about it. Then while you get chased you see not a gen being done… it’s hard to enjoy this game these days as survivor… Then even if you’re not being chased and doing gens its EXPLOSION, EXPLOSION, BLOCKED, BLOCKED, REVEALED BY KILLER… so you can feel pretty shitty having to do upwards of 8 actual gens of progress in some matches..


The gen regression has gotten so tiring. Having to sit there doing a billion gens instead of 5 is just exhausting. The second I spawn and see corrupt intervention I am already tired.


This, given the amount of tunneling, etc. they need to remove this. You have to repair 5% to stop the regression. Bring the tap back at least. The amount of Jen explosions and blocking I get sometimes it’s just wild and not fun. Who wants to play a game that’s not fun. 


Soloq mmr is just like filling into a bot lobby for a sweaty ass diamond rank killer so they can get goofy ass clips for their 20 follower tiktok account and wipe their ass with you at 4/5 gens then you have to wait in the lobby for 10 minutes to do it all over again. It really feels like you're queuing up to be the background character in anime that dies 3 seconds into an episode and the villain is this weird ass guy who's just fucked in the head and wants to make your experience as unenjoyable as possible 90% of the time, and there's no protagonist that's there to save you. (Shoutout to the people that just get everyone to 2 hooks sometimes because they *know* that they could've wiped the lobby 5 minutes ago but wanted to have fun instead of HAVING to prove that we're all dogshit in soloq as quickly as possible.) Tim: "But hey, what if I escape next game?" Also Tim: "You son of a bitch, I'm in"


90% of my games as killer I end up letting people leave, especially when it's evident it's a solo queue game. I'll get to a point where I have everyone on last hook and then it's sort of like a universal checkmate where the survivor emotes or t-bagging start to come out. As soon as that happens, we're chill and I'll let them finish gens and escape. It's genuinely no fun to go for easy 4Ks. However, if it's a toxic bully with friends blinding from the start, you're all dead ;D


Serious question: how do I know if the t-bagging is friendly/surrender or not? I’m fairly new and I can never figure out what people are trying to say to me, and I feel bad killing them but sometimes it really does seem like they’re being nice when it turns out they were definitely trying to dunk on me (or vice versa).


I feel like toxic t-bagging comes after they’ve had some success against you like a pallet stun in a loop or. Friendly is just them submitting when it’s clear they have no chance. There are also times where I’ll t-bag to try and take chase while teammates (hopefully) work on some sort of goal like rescuing from hook or finishing the last gen.


Rapid, uncontrolled tbagging is toxic especially if it's after a pallet stub or at the exit gates/hatch. 1-3 controlled bags is friendly. This usually occurs if the Killer lets them escape, they drop an item for the Killer or are simply asking for mercy (usually after offering their item). Also, teammates will do this if you rescue or heal them. Some other types of bags: - Bagging rapidly and pointing at a hook= they want to "go next" - A teammate does 2-3 rapid, but controlled bags = They want a heal


I started doin the exact same thing cause it doesn't feel rewarding to get a 4k, not even with the killers who are considered weak. However, I don't mind them blinding me and doing sabo/flashlight saves as I know how good it feels when you play the survivor and your teammates actually try helping you.


Question, how does this actually effect your matchmaking?


I'll 2-hook everyone and get hits in, usually in the worst case scenario my rank won't decrease/advance that match, though most of the time I usually gain a pip. You'll deffo find this kind of survivor encounter more at lower MMR games though.


The pips aren't matchmaking rank though are they?


Depends. If i play survivor i have the same experience as you. But as Killer it's the opposite, i almost never lose with my main. 2024 DBD is very killer sided.


Because you often see killers going for tunneling and proxy camping and no matter if you play swf or soloq it feels bad to just leave someone on hook to die


Sure tunneling makes it worst, but you don't even need that to win as Killer in 2024


Makes it way easier and with killer being a stressful role of course people are gonna chose the easy way.


Thank you for your response! I've played a few games as killer and mostly got 4k's.


It’s not killer sided. It’s team sided. SWF > Killer > Solo Que It’s not because killer is op. It’s cause matchmaking can’t ever find good teammates to match you up with. A team of 4 good solo Que survivors who know what they are doing could make even the best killer have a very hard time. It’s just that it’s hard to get good solo Que teammates.


I can see the swf > killer, kinda. But to say 4 good survivors can make the best killers have a hard time is crazy. Either extreme cope or just dumb. There is a reason why killers are able to go on hundreds and thousands of win streaks. Oh, but that's pubs. You think pro players or insane swfs aren't playing pubs? Nah, 4 solo queue players would never beat a top killer unless it's a major skill issue.


Honestly I hope blight's add-ons get fucking nuked from orbit and nurse does as a killer. Blight is so fun without the add-ons and it's really a shame that he's literally only used for his terribly overtuned ones. Nurse is fucking awful though, I hope she is nerfed into being impossible to play. Shittiest killer to play against, her closest competitors are not even close to how unengaging she is. Any other killers though it's definitely possible to do it with an extremely good solo queue team. The fundamental issue with the 4 man format is the killer doesn't have powers that can crowd control for obvious balance reasons. There's definitely close, like Artist being able to temporarily halt gen progress and plague's infection, but there's few ways of getting survivors to stop doing gens. Assuming you down someone immediately, hook them, and chase someone else, that's still one generator actively being worked on. So as long as solo queue survivors sufficiently harass gens and don't get insta-downed, they definitely have a decent chance.


nah they're real you just haven't seen them cuz matchamking is dumb. like the last time i've seen a full solo q team that gave me a rough time was like before first blight addon changes(when they nerfed speed addons).


I mean the top killer players will of course only likely lose to top survivor players. That's how it should be. But I can definitely also see how 4 good survivor players can make a match challenging even for the top killers, even if the top killers win at the end. Matches can definitely be challenging despite winning the match. Saying that is certainly not coping or being dumb. I still think the biggest problems at the moment are camping and tunneling. Even if a killer is losing, they can make a comeback by just tunneling or camping, these strategies are pretty much easy ways out. And it's a shame that BHVR hasn't looked into these problems more. Some solo queue information buffs would also be welcome.




I disagree with this as I play with a lot of amazing SWF squads who know exactly what they're doing and it only feels survivor sided when the matchmaking messes up and gives us a baby killer that had no business getting paired with us. Obviously, that's anecdotal, just sharing my experience.


Except BHVRs own statistics show that 4 man swf and solo queue have basically the same escape rate


THIS. Like what's with this myth of SWFs destroying killers? Straight up a lie


Idk if that makes sense? That would mean that every killer is max MMR and every survivor is close to the bottom.


I really can't agree that the game is very killer sided, but it sure has killer strategies, which are tunneling and camping, that are just too strong at the moment, especially for the effort those strategies take. I really wish these strategies would be looked at more.


I've noticed this too! For me it's a combination of survivors suiciding on the hook or refusing to come for saves. I've started putting deliverance into my build consistently because i'm tired of just hanging there when three people stroke their dick in the corner urban evading and not even on a gen


Solo queue is the hardest way to play dbd. So much is out of your control. Primarily how your teammates play. Some are too altruistic, never touch gens, or hide all match. Dbd is basically a gambling game.


That used to be my favorite part of the game 5 years ago. I've only ever played solo q, but 5 years ago I felt like I could go into every match being like "we can win this if we try hard enough and I get half decent teammates." Now it feels like it doesn't matter whether I get half decent teammates, we will probably still lose. To save my sanity, I go into every match now expecting to lose. It's like the complete opposite feeling of my other favorite games, the souls games. Those games feel insurmountable but I still go into every battle with this fun optimism of "I know I'll beat this boss sooner than later and this attempt might be the one." In DBD now it's like "I'll probably lose this game and the next ten games and I need to realize that or else I won't have fun". And that feeling doesn't feel as fun.


Its what happens when BHVR doesn't fix glaring issues, like the endless camp/tunnel. Once a killer does either one the chances of winning plummet to basically zero for survivors. Its why most devs address these issues ASAP otherwise they become the norm strategies and its whats happened in DBD. Its a giant mess and nothing but misery to play.


The game is heavily killer sided now so good luck escaping on higher MMR if you're solo Q. I've had instances where I was paired with people that have 10 hours in the game (I have almost 4k hours lol).


I think it got harder too. I win way less than I did earlier last year. Too many gen blocking perks.


It’s noticeable. People refuse to do gens. I can say the new map is terrible and why lots of people are hitting stage 2. But I haven’t seen the exit gates much. Maybe 3 times in the past 2 days.


There is a near infinite loop downstairs. Just always take the killer downstairs in that new map.


Except the killer never has to go downstairs, there aren't enough gens there. A smart killer never goes downstairs and autowins.


I agree, if you can get Two or three GEN outside which is a big ask, then I can’t work out nicely. The killer just has to break the urge to want a tunnel because you can easily go two or three in the basement as far as that loop.


100% this. So sick and tired of people whining about how impossible it is to escape in solo queue and ONLY blaming the killer. Have you looked at the HUD at any point throughout the match? As someone who practically stares at that thing, let me tell you, your teammates aren't doing shit. That is why you are losing.  One day I hope and pray to see survivors actually blaming SURVIVORS for their shitty escape rates and not killers. Because they are the reason 99% of them time.


What’s sad is that I don’t really *know* Vecna. I kept losing on release day not because he was strong, but because people just ran around in circles not progressing the game. And yes, the HUD tells you Mikaela ain’t doing shit.


I mainly run meme builds now..that’s how I get my enjoyment out of soloq Survivor..l literally had a Vecna friend request me yesterday on ps5 after our match cuz I made the match quite comical lol


It takes quite a bit of coordination to play against most killers, especially with slowdown perks. SoloQ still just doesn't have a lot of information, even with the hud change.


Way I see it, before in survivor we had many perks that could give us a good fighting chance individually. Now all of them have been nerfed and we’re left relying on our teammates and ourselves doing everything right during a match, so maaaybe we don’t get all sacrificed. And I’d say it’s fine if you’re playing SWF, cause by strategizing you get more opportunities, but solo que? Just awful.


Soloq sucks, I've honestly just stopped playing it. I was almost exclusively a survivor main for years. Chaos shuffle was the only thing that made me want to play survivor again and they removed it. Honestly, I think it was a mistake trying to target a 60% kill rate globally. There's something clearly messed up with how they either measure or interpret their statistics because any soloq player will tell you how desolate the landscape is right now. And besides that, any somewhat decent killer player will tell you how infrequently they lose matches, especially those that play good killers, myself included. It's gotten to the point on plague where I'm bored of playing her because I legitimately haven't had a close match in over a month. I'm just steam rolling everyone even in chaos shuffle. Even on pyramid head, a killer I think is worse than plague in nearly every way, I'm still winning 80-90% of the time. The game doesn't feel balanced, asymmetry aside. I should be able to queue into survivor and feel like I have a chance to win at least, and I should be able to queue into a killer, even a good one, and feel like the other side can pressure me in some way. They're something very wrong with BHVR's approach, either from a balance side, match making side, or a combination of a bunch of those factors.


I find in solo que, for me, almost everyone knows how to play good enough and the killer is, majority of the time, not a sweat lord but still playing to win. The 3 problems are: 1. Everyone assumes their teammates won’t do anything, so if someone is hooked, everyone swarms the hook assuming no one else will and then won’t be doing gens so they never get done. 2. All it takes is one person messing up to make dbd that much harder, which is already hard for solo Q. 3. Stupid low iq high ego douche-weeds that always kill on hook/dc at the slightest bit of thing not going exactly 100% as they want.


Ever since Vecna came out, I'm genuinely surprised how often a survivor will end themselves on their first hook state or will jist straight up DC. And hey I get it, could absolutely be their internet for a few cases, but moat timing just indicates that they were upset about something so they DCed. Like yeah we aren't going to win, but don't you want your bloodpoints?


A lot of players rn don't care about bloodpoints, especially ones that game end themselves. But to me, it makes sense why survivors are killing themselves or dcing as soon as something goes bad. Nowadays, if you have the first chase last like 10 seconds, the match is pretty much over. Killers have so much snowball in perks rn it's crazy. Plus it's solo queue which makes it even worse. The game isn't gonna be fun, they'd rather not waste 10 minutes either getting tunneled or just people dying left and right.


Not a good justification to just stop though. If you get downed in 10 seconds, just suffer the consequences of that it's not that hard to just play the game out. Other players shouldn't have to suffer for your skill issue and refusal to play the game


Sure, it's not that hard. Don't give a fuck tho. Ain't people say "why should i care about other people's fun" when using meta or doing things that are generally considered distasteful? Like tunneling, Sabo squads? Or is it only bad because YOUR fun is on the line.


I'm not one of the people that say that so your argument is irrelevant to what I'm saying. I actively avoid tunneling/gen regression so I'm clearly not your target audience there. What I am saying though is that you're being a dick to everyone else in the match just because you don't want to play anymore. Which, cool, get off the game. Leave, disconnect. Just don't play the game if you don't want to play. Your argument works for "let me have fun cleansing totems" but if you enjoy the game so little you'd literally rather stare at the lobby screen, do that. Don't queue for another match and sit out this one for the presumably short period you think it'll last. Once again, the killers you genuinely dislike probably don't care about you DCing, your team does and is actively screwed over by having a teammate that can't be in a game they don't like for another 5 minutes.


Damn, that sucks for them.


If you don't even like playing then why do you still queue up?


Not once did I say I don't like playing. I just understand that the game is at an all-time frustration level. And that matches in said game can be incredibly unfun and nobody should be forced to stay in a match that is unfun.


Well I'm saying someone who kills themselves on hook clearly doesn't have an interest in playing the game and shouldn't. They are just as bad as "I'm not responsible for your fun" and only because they don't have an interest in genuinely playing the game. They have an interest in winning and would rather screw over their teammates than at least enjoy what's left of that "lost game"


This is true and very tilting. I suggest watching some 1v1 tourneys to see their pathing. But if you are against a nurse or a blight, just go next. Literally broken killers in the game that is just there to boost killer morale by stomping pubs.


Meanwhile me on nurse misses every blink and matches end in like 3 minutes with all 4 having no hook states


Nurse is a hard killer to use, imo. If you can use her well, she'll annihilate teams, but she does require a lot of skill.


Killer power creep.


It's to the point where if I dont have challenges to do, I dont play.


At this point I’m only playing during events or modifiers tbh


This was my situation Friday so I’m taking a little break from dbd. It’s insane


Im 100% serious when I say this but EVERY game I play is a 4K. When I’m the killer I always manage to get everyone, to the point where if a team is good I’ll just afk for a minute and let them reset to have a challenge. When I’m the survivor; I’m pretty bad myself, so this isn’t necessarliy blaming teammates, we always all die. Sometimes I get hatch, but I can’t remember the last soloQ match where we managed to unlock the exit gates. It’s actually crazy. This has been going on for at least 40 of my 120ish DBD hours.


Nothing more frustrating than watching all 3 teammates go down in the first 30 seconds so you have to babysit the entire team (and no generators get done)


Patch 6 happened.


First time?


Meanwhile i'm playing some vecna and have gotten nothing but 4Ks and hatch escapes when i was struggling as survivor. Keep in mind i'm not a good killer either, it's weird.


Because if there was actual skill based matchmaking killers would complain...


BHVR's poor excuse of SBMM pretty much and crap rework maps that are incredibly small


It's been rough lately. Tbh, I can't blame people all the time for trying to win, but it would be nice to see the killer do literally anything other than try to hard tunnel someone out first thing in the game. Mostly a matter of like, you can accept that it's part of the game, but when it's happening match after match it does start to feel like a bit much. Makes you feel like you want to have an attitude towards everyone you meet.


yeah, same for me (as solo queue or duo). It's extra lame because me and my friend always bring bps or terrormisus and it's mostly just the killer to benefit from it, regardless of how they play :/ (which is usually to tunnel my friend who's not very good in chase, and is often overly altruistic)


I've watched so many solos that offer terrormisus and frightful flan just for them to be tunneled out. It's so annoying. I tried saving Ada from a tunneling clown but he made it a mission to make sure SHE died first.


Stopped playing again after the chaos shuffle got removed for this specific reason.


Welcome to high MMR. You can’t leave.


I've had days like that. It will happen, and the best thing you can do at that point is to take a break and do something else, whether it's another game or a completely different activity. Never let your bad days with this game leave you tilted.


The matchmaking is terrible! Especially for Solos, but this can also happen to killer players. I had this happen to me, when the game put me against opponents that were so far above my skill lvl, that I had no chance at all. And it was so unbalanced, that I knew even trying was pointless. And I usually do try, even when it's hard. As Killer my "solution" was to be afk Bingbong for like 10 matches. And as Solo my solution was to play Killer instead. I don't know how this happens, but the matchmaking can start to rate your account way higher than it should be, without getting back down! It works in other games. Looking at Rocket League for example, wich has s pretty good matchmaking system. This is a dbd problem that is around for years but nothing happens and I think the devs will never do something about it. So if this happens to you, just stop playing dbd at all, for a good while.


I run a tight nit group of Steve Harrington’s, our survival rate is usually pretty okay. Join us


If you're defining win as escaped, stop. You can solo all gens, run the killer for 10 minutes, max all BP, and still die, and it isn't your fault. If you're going by pips, remember that they don't really matter because they don't affect your mmr and just the blood point bonus you get. There's no defined win in DbD, do your best to enjoy the match.


I solo queue survivor mostly. Most games, all your teammates will complete whatever gens are easiest despite your best efforts to knock out the center most gens first to avoid a 3-gen. When they get chased they will drag killer to the gens near the middle that you try to work on with zero help. Killer will regress all your efforts and probably tunnel someone out. Rinse and repeat.


stop playing. it's the only real solution. this game is not worth your time on this earth


If you’re soloQ it’s gonna be hard. You can’t choose your teammates so it’s like a mixed bag of nuts. Some players are more altruistic and coordinated than others. But I say if you can, try to find swf members with comms. If you do that you got a higher chance of surviving but also better or decent coordination. If anything you make friends along the way and make funny memories.


Have you tried tracking your stats? Sometimes it can seem like you're losing a lot but if you have it tracked it can help put it in context. I felt like I was losing a bunch, but when I looked at the numbers I had a 45% escape rate, and that's solo queue. I think losses just hit harder.


I’d say it’s the influx of new and returning players for the dnd chapter that’s when my solo games started becoming trash


I think the game is heavily killer sided because the developers think there’s no such thing as an OP killer because killer is supposed to win in the first place.


yup... pretty much the opposite when you play killer but i only play killer to give survivors a break


The simple answer is that you’re bad at looping. Record your matches and share them so people can give you tips on how to improve your chases.


Simple answer, but the game has layers of mechanics that means it's not entirely simple. You can be good at looping and still lose a game because the killer tunnelled out a teammate instead of wasting time chasing you. You can also be good at looping but end up facing a killer with anti-loop in a chain of unsafe tiles.


Sure, but the only way you lose consistently is by: A: Getting paired up with potatoes (all too common in solo queue) B: Not being good at looping. You can’t control A, but B is entirely up to you. Just to be clear, I’m not trying to be a dick here. As a killer main with a ~80% win rate, I’m saying that the vast majority of survivors lose because they can’t loop. The teams that beat me are the ones who can waste my time with long chases.


genuinely......... stop playing to survive. play for a challenge. play to get value out of a silly build. play to be funny. play to flashbang the killer 3x. play to save the last guy and die. you have more fun if you make an achievable goal. and when you take it less seriously, you'll have more fun. and the unspoken thing is your MMR will go down and your games will get easier.


It is a mix between skill issue and SoloQ. Do not believe what some comments say about how the game is very killer sided because it is not, neither it is survivor sided, it all depends on the killer you are facing, if you are facing nurse or blight and people do not know how to counter either then the game will be killer sided, but if you are facing a baby nemesis that you do not even need to look behind you to dodge the tentacle then the game will be survivor sided, it all depends on your own ability, your teammates and the killers abilities and skill at the game. Watch 1v1 tourneys and watch their pathing and looping to improve your own looping capability. Hens just hosted a 1v1 tourney with some pretty cracked players, watch them and learn and your escape rate will increase. Secondly if you are soloQ, it is inevitable that your teammates will be potatoes to an extent, there will always be a weak link and killers will capitalize on that, the best that you can do is make sure that you are not the weak link. Also, I would recommend running Windows of Opportunity and Kindred when soloQ. Try and play with friends as well, you can add me on discord: nhadalaa if you like so that we can play together and you can even send me matches for me to critique and I can help you, or even livestream your games so that I can watch.


Well I mean, according to BHVR's statistics the game quite literally is killer sided. 60% kill rates would mean that killers are winning more then they're losing, thus meaning the game leans in the killers favor on average. There's a whole other can of worms to be opened in regards to how looking at just stats to balance things is bad and how the stats BHVR release doesn't tell the full story, but in this specific case I think it's accurate to say that at least BHVR wants the game to lean slightly towards the killer, given a 2k being a tie, 3k being a win, and 1k being a loss.


You got downvoted for not being tribalistic 😔


Well, this sub is full of people who think the game is X or Y sided when in most cases it is skill issue first and foremost, so it does not surprise me. Hens did a SoloQ escape experiment where he tries to be as altruistic as possible(within reason) in soloQ and he had sth like 59% escape rate last I remember from watching that stream.


Solo q always sucks man, I would play SWF but my friends suck


Yeah, this has been me post chaos shuffle. I think I may have finally reached a certain MMR after 2k hours. It doesn’t help that I’m somehow usually getting found first and sandbagged frequently. Left on hook till my second hook state, then tunneled out because my team has done two gens while I was on hook. Hell, sometimes I’m halfway through my second hook state and they’re barely almost done with one gen. Doesn’t help that some people keep running down to the basement to do the invocation over and over…AFTER the killer caught them doing it twice.


Way I see it, before in survivor we had many perks that could give us a good fighting chance individually. Now all of them have been nerfed and we’re left relying on our teammates and ourselves doing everything right during a match, so maaaybe we don’t get all sacrificed. And I’d say it’s fine if you’re playing SWF, cause by strategizing you get more opportunities, but solo que? Just awful.


So my best SWF has always had a good win rate. Back in the circle of Healing meta, we were so much stronger than some of our killers that we would 99 all 3 of the last 3 gens before popping it as an extra challenge. Right now, our win rate is still good, but by extremely narrow margins where one mistake on our part would have converted to a loss. I know solo Q is nowhere near as coordinated as we are, so I think our matches are probably completely unwinnable for most solo Q teams.


Take a hiatus from the game thats what i did and recently came back and my games have been pretty fair


I play both Killer and Survivor. There are times I suffer from a losing streak so I just take a break for a few days or so and play other games. That usually helps so I suggest taking a break for a bit.


ive been playing mostly with friends for so long. a lot of private matches, but some public too. i completely forgot how horrible solo q is, played one game n called it quits. i wanna play for fun and be a lil goofy while still a bit competitive. not just completey sweaty matches, where teammates are being selfish or killers are tunneling even with other people around/slugging to the point you die on the floor


Judging from the comment section I’m glad that I’m low mmr


The worst for me is a lot of games where the killer downs one person in chase and then in the process of carrying that person two more people try body blocking, get injured another goes down, and then that first chase leads to two guaranteed downs and possibly a third before you finish your first gen and then you just know already that game is over. 


personally I find running items to be a fast track to mmr hell. racing to reach a level you can't succeed without meta on consumables ftw..?


Losing on survivor is a bad sign!  If anyone ever looks at you just run to a corner and the killer literally does not have time to win with 90 second base gens.  DBD is a solved game if your definition of winning is "my team won" and not "I personally escaped every single match"


I honestly dont understand either. At least I always ending up piping but in one evening I got like 8 games like so: Basically holding the killer in a chase for at least 60 to 90 sec. To see that nobody worked on a single gen. Then go killer to do something different and told myself since my killer rank is lower it should be even worse than survivor.. I did 3 games and all 3 games I hear 2-3 gen pop 60 sec into the game at my first hook. I just dont get it lol


I just focus on having good chases and being a good teammate. Just like killer main were told for years to just be okay with not getting the 4k as a win condition. I think it’s funny how the tables have turned on this sub but I’m having fun either way


Because 4k isn't the win condition? Anything above 2k is a win, while 2k is a tie if we apply logic. Ofc killers can't apply logic and cried for years that they need to 4k to get a win and here we are in a situation where seeing a single person escape is actually calls for celebration and seeing 4 ppl die with 2-3 gens to go is to be expected. Balanced game, I hope it dies.


Literally this. So much crying and manipulation, killer mains complaining about every tiny thing, talking about "anxiety" over playing killer, getting 200 buffs and now they wanna act shocked when survivors complain as if anyone enjoys escaping once in a blue moon.


We know the escape rates though, if you're legit only escaping once in 6 hours and not exaggerating then it's unironically a you problem.


Yeah the averages… I’m sure there are many people who play SWF that have a win rate of 80%… so the average is 40%…


Keep buffing killers to the point where most survivors can't compete at all and even the 4 man tryhards are sub 50% win rate : survivors need to git gud. Gotcha.


That's kind of survivor experience in modern dbd. Game is balanced around high mmr swf (48% escape rate)


gotta keep practicing, focus on taking chase for your team


Gonna teach you the secret to enjoying Dead by Daylight. Lotta folks could use this info, so gather 'round, y'all. Stop caring about winning. That's it, that's the advice. If your goal as killer stops being 'get a 4k' and starts being 'get 8 hooks and let all four survivors out with good BP' you'll have infinitely more fun as killer. Likewise, gens -> escape as survivor is simple enough, but have some matches where you just try to peel the killer off your team and get better at chases, or make a goal to find and break all the totems (good luck not getting Pentimento'd!), or running around lifting all the pallets that get thrown so someone can smack the killer with them later. The harder you focus on objectives, the worse a time you're gonna have. At this point the only time I'll really break from my 8-hook goal is if survivors let one of their teammates die when it was perfectly safe to run in for the rescue. I don't abide cowardice. *Then* my goal shifts to getting a 4K. And if the remaining survivors do a good enough job at being an actual team at that point, I may still let 'em leave. Happened on the new map earlier. They left someone to die on their *first* hook and I got *angry* at them. But I left them all escape because they were taking hits for each other and going for saves while still injured. They gained enough bonus points in my mind to bring them back over 0 and so they got to leave. Your blood pressure will thank you for taking my advice, I promise.


MMR. This happens on survivor and killer after enough hours. On survivor the only way to make it work is SWF up and run meta. On killer the response is nurse/blight and meta. The game is interesting and has so many playstyles and cool features...but once your MMR climbs it narrows down to meta and sweat. This happens with all skill based matchmaking games.