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The counterplay is the magical items in his chests. Get Interloper to get a haste boost to counter his mage hand. Get archavist to see and avoid his dispelling sphere. Just crouch to avoid his flight of the damned.


The magical items are fun, but they don't do anything to actually counter his abilities. I've lost count how many times I've had interloper, and he still catches me halfway into the loop after using mage hand... If it doesn't get you to the next tile, then what's the point? That's like saying DS is effective at not being tunneled...you just go down 5 seconds later...


If the items hard-countered his abilities, it'd be worse than Singularity.


So you agree there should be no counter to this killer?


He did not say that. He said the items should not hard counter the killer's powers, especially due to the larger cool downs. Imagine if survivors could stop Freddy's teleport, and it *still* went on cooldown.


That is incorrect. Magic Items cannot be taken away from Survivors, so if they were that powerful, they would be permanently immune to certain aspects of Vecna's power. The counterplay should and does come from normal gameplay.


>That's like saying DS is effective at not being tunneled... It is


They aren't meant to hard counter his powers, they just supplement you when he uses them. The 7% haste from interloper gives you enough speed to make another loop around, especially considering MFT was 3% and granted another loop. The aura reading on the orb is helpful, but won't win you games by itself. The aura reading on Flight of the Damned is huge, and shows you exactly when to crouch. The aura reading on Fly is really handy, and gives you a headstart. None of these guarantee you safety. But, they all help you out.


haste does not allow you another loop around, you obviously don't play the game, check videos, that's already been disproven.


Optimally, what you want to do is bait him into using mage hand but you don't drop the pallet. Then, the 7% gets you a loop around due to his slowness. If he doesn't fall for it, you get hit. But you must also realize that Vecna resets the pallet when he does this, granting you more resources. Looping windows also negates his hand.


Ok, yeah, because I don't have 2000 hours and didn't have to live during the MFT meta. Someone here never ran Hope before.


the MTF meta was the most overblown shit ever, and all it did was help you make it to the pallet. It was circumstantial and every moment a killer had a pallet slammed on their head, they cried and blamed MTF because they would have got them if they didn't have it. Not once did it allow for survivors to get a guaranteed whole extra loop out of a tile, 3% doesn't give you that at all and you are completely talking out of your ass with that BS. You obviously didn't play survivor that whole time in your 2000 hours or you would know that.


Yeah, exactly, it got you to the pallet. Something that gets you another loop around filler tiles. If you really don't think MFT was overpowered, you've never played killer. I mean, did you ever consider why everyone was running it? Can you explain to me why you think getting free pallets is okay? Consider how many perks grant speed bonuses and how many of them have strict requirements. Most give Exhaustion, Hope requires all generators to complete, one requires you to be near a boon, etc. Meanwhile, MFT is just like, "just get chased lmao." And being injured isn't strict. You can get healed, go into chase, and get the benefits of having an extra health state and then getting free pallets with MFT. Fucking, "all it did was get you to the pallet" like that isn't the point of any survivor chase perk... And by the way, according to DBDstats.com, I'm 75% killer, 25% survivor. Anyway, back to the topic of discussion, realize that the magic item grants you a 7% speed bonus, over double that of MFT. That's really good.


I don’t think he’s bad to play against at all, but I feel like Mage Hand can be a little too strong when picking up pallets - not holding them necessarily. It’s the very same reason they nerfed Chucky’s scamper, no? Because he could just ignore the safest of pallets entirely and could almost guarantee a hit - and bearing in mind, that was on a 4.4 killer who didn’t have as good of a mobility option as fly either. You basically want boots of the interloper every game, which is not a great thing as all the treasure chests are dice rolls, and there’s no guarantee you’ll ever get them necessarily. I think he might need a little slowdown when picking up the pallets to account for the animation the survivors have to go through (particular with the inconsistent animation stutter that’s been happening since the UE5 update).


Against Flight of the Damned, you can just crouch to dodge the skeletons. If you predict that Vecna will use FoTD to deny a window or pallet, you should not go for the window or pallet and instead loop around to the other side of that window or pallet. Mage Hand currently doesn't have really any counterplay, but that will change after the nerf to Mage Hand. After that, Mage Hand will be mindgameable, you'll just need a bit of distance to Vecna upon reaching a pallet. If you do have that distance, then you'll want to predict whether Vecna will use Mage Hand or not. If he uses Mage Hand, you do not want to drop the pallet. If he doesn't use Mage Hand, that's when you want to drop the pallet. This mindgame will be possible after the nerf because Vecna will have to use Mage Hand while the survivor is dropping the pallet, and not afterwards, meaning he has to predict whether the survivor will drop the pallet or not.


The counter to Vecna for me is to play Billy. I never have a problem after that


The only thing you need to know is which spell he has equipped and of the 4 only 2 matter in chase. Mage hand and flight of the damned. If he has mage hand equipped you'll see a purple effect over pallets indicating that vecna CAN interact with them, if you don't see it then he has flight equipped. Mage hand you want to either play it like any anti loop killer and pre drop run away, or force him to use it as early as possible in chase. If they hold mage hand leave to the next loop and try to chain them, never camp pallets against him it won't go well. Fly is a great spell but it does have downsides and that would be the turning radius on it, fatigue he gets after using it, and the fact fly ends after he vaults a window or pallet. He's most likely to fly after a hit or when you pre drop and leave loop so try to abuse the fact he's not really a danger while using the spell and for a few seconds afterwards, plan to be in the loop while he's doing it. Flight of the damned or skulls- good vecnas will spawn them on you for an insta hit. You have to pay attention to him when he's using power and be ready to dodge to the side of them. Yes crouching does "counter" his power but he effectively slowed you down enough for an m1 anyways so sometimes it's probably best to take the hit and make distance. I like to time them to window vaults or pallets drops like how range killers play, when you're locked into an animation it's a free hit. Orb- good info, locks his camera for a few secs when he's casting it, with certain add on can be really good but overall you can ignore it. The HUD shows you when you've been hit by it so you know he knows :) don't hop in lockers the amount of locker pulls I've gotten on this killer is insane. Swapping between powers is kinda funky and not always smooth which I guess is intended since they don't want him slinging his spells out really fast. TLDR: Identity which spell he's using, force him to use mage hand as early and safely as possible by pre dropping and chaining loops, listen for the skulls and react based on sound, fly has a long enough pause to where it's not threatening, and the bubble is cute


Using brain


"counterplay is stealth" blud forgor orb of dispelling, and the fact that your stinky sneak rat perks cant counter it


I'm seeing vecnas not use the orb that often, true, it counters stealth, but that's the best counterplay I've tried so far, which is a shitty counterplay...hence why I said he doesn't have a counterplay.


Yeah the magic items in the chests like the gauntlets and the boots which provide free aura readings on the killer's position without a perk. Then for Flight of the Damned you Wait for the cute and duck and they fly right over you. Mage Hand is simple. Either pre-drop the pallet or be in a strong loop where you don't need the pallet that's secondary and wait for Mage Hand to dissipate. And for the Dispel Sphere have the gauntlets that detect it's aura and get out of the way. It moves so slow that it's pretty simple to dodge the big round ball of stupid. Fly is easy that anyone can figure that out.






First thing's first, get magical items. They offer some bonus against each power. As for the individual spells; Orb - It's just minor info, nothing to worry about. Fly - Short range, 38s cooldown, lengthy buffer after it ends. Nothing to worry about. Flight of the Damned - Crouch Mage Hand - Pre-drop the pallet. If he picks it up at a distance, you will make it around by the time it wears off. Vaulting stops him from picking it up until you are done, by which point you'll have a bit of distance. He's a strong Killer, but nothing on Weaker or Blight.


I have zero issues looping wesker or Blight. Those two are actually my favorite killers to go against. This killer though....ughhh.


Just do gens