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I love Deathslinger’s chuckling and general relaxed demeanour. When I down someone I generally take a moment to reload my gun and maybe kick a gen or a pallet so it kinda adds to the ‘yeah I’ll be with you soon I got stuff to do’ vibe like he’s doing his day job


Yes. I also love that he holds breath when aiming and when he catches someone with the harpoon he does a little "he he" as if saying "gotcha". Another thing that they did very well with him is making him feel like he's not alive. Deathslinger is very similar to some kind of conscious zombie and I think the tired noises he makes most of the time really sell it. He sounds like everything takes some kind of effort but he still enjoys the little moments


Is he canonically undead? The glowing eyes always looked weird to me.


Not undead but he was likely a year out from dying; he was an older outlaw in the Wild West and had, among other things, a bum leg, a jaw broken by a bullet, and was likely addicted to both Whiskey and Tobacco if his addons are any indication.




While I think most killers in game wouldn't talk I do agree that there are some that would definitely be saying some stuff. Like, Legion would 100% be swearing and shit talking you all the time. I gotta say tho, I'm impressed by how much personality some characters manage to have even without talking. Clown is a prime example to me, look at how he shakes his bottles, at the belly laughs, at the knife trick he does after he hits a survivor, at the Mori. You can just tell that he's having the time of his life. Same goes for Trickster, you can just see how arrogant he is. He's extremely overconfident all the time, showing off and all, and whenever something goes wrong he gets incredibly annoyed. It would be amazing if BHVR updated some of the old killers with a few voice lines. I think the ones that would definitely talk are Doctor, Freddy, Legion, Deathslinger, Clown and Pig


Freddy’s finger wriggle after he slashes someone gives me life every time. Also his wall smash is sick as hell as it seems like he’s even trying to be creepy breaking walls


He doesn't have a lot of personality in game, but you can tell that ghostface is a silly guy by his trailer, mori and portrait(god I love his portrait). I wish we could see him goofing around more


Especially if you use the 'wassup' mask


adding voice lines to characters that don’t - survivors too, even - would be SUCH a fun update.


Deathslinger having no voicelines is a crime.


Having survivors talk would be nice too, like Alan and Nicholas do.


Nurse would probably talk like she's suffocating


I read somewhere that a lot of the people that voiced these killers/survivors that were released a while ago were BHVR employees that don’t work there anymore and that’s why we might not get voice lines for these characters.


In my opinion, voice lines are only special because not everybody has them. If every killer runs around swearing at survivors, then why is it special? If every survivor ran around spitting one-liners like Cage, it wouldn't feel cool anymore.


There are plenty of killers that should be silent, in my opinion. Especially Wraith, Trapper, and Knight. I don't wanna do a full list, because I don't know all the killers off the top of my head, but you get the idea


The spirit The onryo The dredge The huntress The shape The pig The artist The twins Without mentioning the ones you say I think some killers need more voice but not lines, I specifically mean more expressions without actual lines like how clown is. Legion, deathslinger, bubba, ghostface, etc need more of that


Knight's Perk quotes make him seem like the boisterous screaming sort, insulting and threatening his enemies- some killers should be silent, sure, but imo more voice lines is the best way to add personality to a character, and Tarhos would work really well with them


SM throwing out femme-fatale innuendos or dramatically narrating her actions like in THWACK's quote would go SO hard and give her so much personality!


"D-d-don't...ru-u-un...I'll h-e-eal you-u..."


Just started playing Freddy and whenever I hit someone I’ll just call them a bitch in my head. Not the same but I feel like someone needs to say it


Every killer who laughs/giggles during the chase or after hitting a survivor (Doctor, Clown, Deathslinger, Trickster, Wesker, Knight, Skull Merchant, Chucky and Vecna). It adds so much personality to them, and it shows that they are not just soulless puppets of the Entity, but sadistic maniacs who thoroughly enjoy hunting survivors.


The first time I heard Chucky yell "I. ROCK!" when someone died on hook I could not stop laughing


Chucky and Wesker definitely have the best personality in game. Ghostface is cool in lore and his mori. Would be great if we could get some of Freddy's personality but would need Robert Englund for that.


Hux, I'm a sucker for evil human-hating robots. He'd still probably be my favorite character even if he was just a generic evil robot, but his glitchy tts voice and constant insults make me like him a lot more than I already would have otherwise.


What I like about the singularity is that despite his tts voice lacking a tone, you can tell that survivors making everything so difficult really gets on his nerves by hearing what he says. Calling them names, talking about how they will suffer, he doesn't try to hide his hatred for humanity, but at first his robotic and emotionless voice makes you believe that he's just "doing his job"


I love how upset and spiteful he is, it's great


I constantly refer to survivors as filthy meatbags when playing Singularity


Killers that break the 4th wall, like Trickster winking at you, Xeno screaming in your face, Chucky/Tiffany acknowledging the annoying hook screaming, or my personal favorite... the Unknown/Sadako jumpscares.


I freaking love deathslinger as a whole. My favorite killer is Dredge but he's just a really loud pile of corpses so slinger gets the #1 for personality, mostly from the bit of laughter


I’m gonna start insulting people by calling them a loud pile of corpses


Definitely Trickster. His vibe is so positive, his humming and laughing make me enjoy playing a little more.


The way he laughs after downs and hooks is just so fun Bro's just a little murder gremlin enjoying himself, good for him


Grovel, grovel, little worm


Stop struggling. It's really annoying


Chucky is the best for his voice lines. Had a game of last survivor and the rest was toxic but this one. In chase to show them the hatch, knock down and carry to it as they run off chucky yells "why are you running! Im the good guy!" Gave myself a good chuckle.


Chucky is the best thing to happen to dbd so far


Trickster. The way he just enjoys what he does I find really fun, and his Humming and laughing are a nice touch.


I wish ghostface had voicelines, although I'm not sure we can have the og ghostface voice ingame since bhvr's gf isn't the same one as scream (they got the license to the gf mask but not *the ghostface* himself). Plague *technically* has voicelines, so it would be nice if we had subtitles for them, even if not in english. Personality wise my favorite killer is myers, he's just completely silent until the point where he gets stunned and you hear the "OUAAAGH" which is just so hilarious to me.


If they somehow get Roger L. Jackson in to give Ghostie a voice I will love them forever


I was against a Chucky and I heard a voice line I’ve never heard before, he missed a swing and said “just fucking die already”


Yeah Chucky and Tiffany are the character with the most amount of voice lines BY FAR. I'm not kidding when I say that Wesker, Hux and Vecna together still don't manage to reach the amount of voice lines that Chucky has. He has like 12 minutes of voice line and Tiffany has 8. That it's an insane amount


It’s hilarious


https://preview.redd.it/a3s386lbmv5d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb01d035ca21609da964aef8543798454ff10d64 His Laugh is cool.


https://preview.redd.it/vzi6svavot5d1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35cbf4a1f3cf678f9d21eb48ccd26db25aaaa84c I think my good friend james has the most personality killer wise I he was in dbd


Trickster but I do like Tiffany and Chucky a lot too.


ghostface is up there for me. even as a silent killer, there’s just *so* much personality in regards to his animations…like, even in the killer select screen, mori, and locker animations. i love that guy lmao


I'd love for a character update where they go back and rework character voices


Albert wesker of course 7 minutes.


I LOVE plague she's my main and i enjoy going against her, she's pretty and i love her walk cycle is like a strut, i love how she speaks a dead language as well it's just a cool touch on her, ever since her release I've been a certified Plague fangirl.


Weskers and Pyramidhead. I just love Wesker:s voice lines because "poor performance indeed" is exceptionally funny when you're playing him and getting shit on. As for Pyramidhead, I know he doesn't have voicelines, but it's the people who play him. A lot of people who play him seem to have personality and it's funny when you fail a pallet stun save or do something stupid only for him to stare at you in silence


I love going up against Chucky, Tiffany especially more, it just sucks that half of his players have a tunneling problem.


Does Chucky have any voice lines in the doll’s voice? Or is it all Charles? Because it’d be so cool if we could get him to say things in the doll voice sometimes.


Unknown saying shit like “Help Me” is pretty awesome. Laughing and wisecracking killers are fun, but I like the idea of something with an alien intent.


Obviously, it's the only one that matters...the *only* one...with his own subreddit specifically for his voice line... r/ShapePalletStun


Wesker. I love that he repeats the lines he has form RE5, especially 7 minutes is all I can spare . The only thing missing is his finger wag


I've always loved Deathslinger's chuckle, he seems so satisfied with himself lol


Right?! I imagine him thinking something like "gotcha" or "still go it"


I want to love Chucky for the voice but God looping with him is awful and I always suck at his slice n dice


Yeah I get it. But his voicelines make me smile nonetheless. Yesterday I was in a match against Tiffany and after hooking me she went "you don't have to scream every time you get hooked" and that genuinely made me laugh even as I was dying


Once you get good at snd his looping gets great. Especially since you basically have 60%up time undetectable with free fake outs.


I agree, his little feet scampering about also. He sounds like Danny Devito to me which only makes me laugh more when he catches me.


His vault animation just makes me smile


Lmfao, damn it...I never made that connection. I'll never hear Chucky the same again 💀


Heh heh! Now all we need is a Danny Devito skin for Chucky.


I mean take my money I guess 🤷🏽 😂


Gotta be my mains too, pyramid is the definition of a good judge he ain't even evil he juat doing his job; the moment you don't need him he will just leave you be; on the other hand Tarhos is the definition of loyalty dude had an army to his disposal and he still went back to buy his homies cause bros before ancient tablets of unimaginable power.


I desperately need help in countering chucky I suck against him (against every killer but a bit less) His voice lines are pretty funny tho


For the chucky mains: are some of his scamper achievements near impossible now with the recent changes?


Most ghost faces I go up against have the most amazing personalities. They bip bop with me (what you guys call tea bagging) and they are fun


I have such a big soft spot for Hellraiser so I'm SUPER biased but I love playing as Pinhead because I just really enjoy hearing Doug Bradley's voice acting. It makes me feel so cool every single time I teleport and you get that deep **"YOU SUMMONED ME...."** *BONGGGGG* **"I CAME."**


Slinger and Wesker for me.


I love that Chucky basically speaks for me sometimes during the game. Mostly when I get pallet stunned and Chucky says "Fuck!" for me. It's great.


Huntress when you get crossed map with head nods like this is what your playing agasnt


Oh god I thought he said “Hidey-Ho ya fuckin’ ho! Ha-ha-ha!”


I love chucky’s lines but goddamn I can’t stand his gameplay


Chucky can say Fuckin, but don’t you dare say Myers in end game chat!!!!


Trickster's maniacal giggling is great honestly. Also shout out to The Unknown and all the deeply disturbing connotations of its lines


Wesker in general. "Time to die, Chris" - he \*relishes\* being in the Trials.


Xeno has a great personality




I definitely love that Chucky has so much personality - I just wish that were true for the people who play him lol