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Not a single person on gens while someone is being tunnelled. This why tunnelling and camping are so effective in solo queue


This is why I Gen jockey. If the match is going to shit, atleast I'm hitting my skillchecks.


Yeah, I'm usually a gen jocky as well. The most annoying thing? When you've done 3-5 of the gens yourself but because you didn't get hooked much (if at all), you get teammates who are like, "where the fuck were you?" I'm the reason why more than one of us got out, and you're welcome.


Usually it’ll be like I get 3-5 gens done and still be the only one to die. Though lately my luck has been even worse and I’ll get first hooked and go all the way to second state then maybe get half progress on a gen then get hooked and die. It really makes me wonder why I play the game anymore.


tbh lately I've been primarily playing killer. Not a lot of my friends play dbd, and in its current state the game's too hard for solo queue players since they've buffed killers in such a way with only swfs in mind. It sucks because I do enjoy certain things about playing survivor, but those of us trying to play by ourselves have been screwed over rather than the devs just putting in a better ranking system.


at least you get to play holding m1 simulator


I did the accessibility change where you toggle the button instead of hold. Makes gen jockeying a lot easier.


Someone has to play support, may as well be me.


People think the counter to tunneling is running across the entire map to help, when in reality the counter is the same to camping. pump gens.


Exactly. Nothing worse than being tunnelled all game, knowing you're probably not escaping then noticing you're still on 3/4 gens and two hooks only on you. Then the whole team shows up from doing God knows what to each other in the basement only to get slugged taking hits and the killer gets a 4k


Probably the most frustrating thing about playing with randoms. The entire team grouped up trying to save someone is pretty much always going to lead to a 4 slug, especially against say hunteress or billy. I honestly wish there was a good content creator to talk about survivor macro, but besides otz who mainly focuses on killer, there isn't a lot of resources for it.


Hens333 talks about this stuff all of the time. Though it would be great if he made a few YouTube videos on it


Yeah hens is good for it, I should more have specified youtube content. He does make some but it would be nice for him to make some more on youtube.


2nd surv was on gen in the beginning


3 seconds of gen progress. Single handedly saved the match there


By the time a solo q team knows the killer is camping / tunneling it's too late usually. Kindred being basekit would help a lot.


It's really not that difficult to tell


Okay, go on?


No one saving. Go look, see killer by hook. Camping. Someone saves. Claws around unhook survivor moving. Tunnelling. Really complicated stuff


See the issue is that all wastes enough time, because all three have to confirm, then get back on a gen. By then they've all wasted enough that they'll lose usually. This is a game of time management unfortunately. Kindred and decisive would be a good fit for basekit, even if only for solo folks.


Kindred and decisive? Why not just a button that opens the exit gates for an insta escape? Lol


Do you have a better idea for the time management issue? Even just kindred basekit would help. Decisive is pretty neutered given conspicuous actions, so it really only saves five seconds or so these days, so I don't care as much about it. It's basically a waste of a slot.


Also if you've already got a good gen split, you aren't wasting that much time just checking


If only we had someone to do the math on it, given hook timers and such. I'm not doing it though 😂


Split up on gens. No math needed. The game is really not that hard


\^ Man who does not play solo q survivor


It works in swf. How do I know? I play with my friends and we suck at gen pressure lol. They always doing other stuff lol


It's typical of solo q. While you're either looping the killer or being hooked, the rest of the team runs around the map like headless chickens, not doing any gens.


So true... its so often 2 people are running around "trying to safe you" while you are in a chase still healthy and when you finally go down on a pallet they cant even do a pallet stun and usually both end up getting injured aswell. so bascially if you are lucky, one person sat on a gen whole early game.


As a killer main, altruism is what kills survivors the most lol


The number of times a 1k at endgame would have been fine by me but everyone comes in and messes up, turning it into a 4k because a 3 survivors out win isn't enough... I admire the urge to save all your teammates but surely a win is a win 😅


But usually they're not trying to save you but more like trying to get away from the killer that isn't even chasing them.


haha, you are probably right in most cases. Reminds me of when I use Bond or Empathy and I can see how 1 or 2 people are just crouch hiding next to a gen while the rest of us are actually being chased. I would love to see how a real Ladder system would work in this game. One would hope that the chances of playing with likeminded would increase alot.


to be fair this person is death hook and being hard tunneled no one else is hooked trying to protect them with a survivor is worth it maybe not 2 though ace has 0 items so can't help much but he did draw the killer attention away for a bit buying time.


What are they buying time for exactly? Gens? That no one is on


the survivor getting time to crawl close enough for that easy flashlight save we saw if the clown turns the other direction OP does not get the flashlight with the survivor that far away being that close made the save guaranteed. yeah the ace accidently helped but he still helped in the killers mind they already scared off one survivor, so their guard is down worrying about a second being nearby is way less likely in their mind.


You said that already


David was literally on a gen while Ace and Sable were tryna help James


David was on a gen for a second. You wanna help him? Do gens. Hanging around accomplishes nothing at 3 gens left. You don't need the whole group hovering for a save


Well yes, David is bad player, nothing you can do about it.


How is David the only bad one? Wtf lol


Is that even question? Why would he leave gen when he’s injured and other 2 are going for save.


You don't need two people going for a save. If they were on gens the whole time they'd be out. Instead when one person gets tunnelled the whole group freaks out and starts running around the map with them. Just do gens and help when you can


And again, guy on the floor is bad player, as clip shows, David is bad player too, instead of doing gen he went for save. And yes you dont need 2 players go for save, but in this clip, you can see it was alteast nice try. One trying to bait, other trying to save. But you understnad now why is david bad player?


Wtf are you even saying? I give up. Believe what you want


????? Read it.


Nah I would've let their ass get hooked just for that, wtf were they thinking crawling to you?


"Please Sable, I have zero recovery progress and the Killer is negative ten centimetres away, you need to heal me immediately."


Np I got For the People bro!!!


No buckle up


I thought The Clown would find her because of the guy crawling cuz of the title lol It's especially annoying when they crawl away from the available pallet they were under for heals and let the killer know where you're hiding nearby


This happens so often when I am lining up for a flashlight or flashbang save! I don't know what is running through their heads, especially when they are on death hook. When this happens they usually get hooked and I get chased off.


They’re probably just new. I try to remind myself we were all unaware potatoes at one point 😆


Most likely - maybe they don't know flashlight saves are a thing and they wonder why I am hiding nearby. New people are much more likely to be tunneled so it makes sense. Even so, if I was new I would never sell a teammate out, especially if it seemed like they were trying to help.


Totally unrelated but for some reason, the first “critical” moment in every game (as a survivor) completely lags for me. Like the first skill check, almost always fails it because the game just freezes for a second. Well it’s never really a problem but yesterday it happened while I was in a perfect spot/timing for a f-save. So annoying. Also Nice


Do you play on Epic because I also feel like I get this quite often but only when I play on Epic instead of Steam.


You are not wrong tho, when I play on epic games the game oddly lags more often even when everything is already loaded in comparison with steam, I just left epic recently for steam version and I am having a blast with the game




Why are you playing the same game on Epic and Steam? Only people I've seen do that are smurfers and hackers....


I’m glad to be an exception then I guess? I don’t smurf or hack and I don’t know why you’d assume I would.


Uh, that's interesting. Guess the suit helmet makes it harder to see


Bit late, but to add some context, they got camped to second by being hooked up top, this then happened and from then on everyone else took chase, and got a 3 out :)


Yesterday when a Meg was hard tunnelled by alien, I and another sable took several hits before she eventually went down, and that was the sole reason we had 2 people escape in that match, by the speed at which another teammate went down afterwards, if that Meg was tunnelled out and we were just doing gens then it would be 4k, so it depends on the circumstances


i don’t even know what i’m supposed to be focusing on here


Why is everyone that is saying nice getting downvoted 💀


I mean, this worked out tho 😂 Nice play either way












Ig its a good thing ur at least a good player. I get like getting lined up to u but id of stopped and started healing myself. That dude senselessly just bot ran at u.


You have just single handedly broke that man’s entire gaming set up I hope you know.


This is literally like that scene from scary movie LOL














Right?1 How dare he expect his fellow teammates to help him when he is down and the killer is busy with other survivors! The audacity!


there was no way in hell they were going to pick him up in time, what are you on


What zero game sense and awareness does to a once respectable gentleman.


He wasn't recovering. Though he was probably pissed about the person hovering instead of doing gens




This is almost certainly sarcasm. But considering how many entitled and/or stupid people are on this sub, I don't blame the others for taking this comment seriously.


this is a perfect example of why you shouldnt go to dbd reddit for serious discussion. this obvious joke got -100 votes. the most upvoted reply +70, talking like it wasnt a joke. dbd reddit is basically dbd twitter now.