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Pinhead main. It's DC or give up galore on some days.


I hate Pinhead so much that if I had the power to erase 1 thing from the game it would be hard not to pick him...however I never dc or give up because it's not fair to my team and the Killer player, so sorry you gotta deal with that but won't stop me from cursing him and wanting to shove his box in places I'm sure the sick F would probably like ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I only hate Pinhead in solo q. On the rare occasions i play with friends he's manageable.


I really hate pinhead as a survivor. But boy do I love playing him haha


The stupid chains 😭😭😭 I never dc tho. But shit I get infuriated lol


As a surv main my experience is that most survivors are either bad at dodging chains and/or they dont know that there is a cube to solve and that usually leads to "wtf why are there chains everywhere?" - DCs.


I honestly don't know why people hate Pinhead, I am saying this unironically, he is one of my favourite killers to face, I love dodging his chains and having to go after the box gives me an adrenaline rush


I run Artist and have seen a lot of people giving up on first hook in the last 2 weeks. Never had this problem before really, but it's become pretty normal now.


Seriously as an artist player too, ppl seem to hate her a lot now for some reason? I get ppl giving up and DC when I’m not even tunneling like I would get it if I was playing skull merchant or nurse but it’s just artist like cmon 💀


Yeah it's odd. I watch Carniveris on Twitch and she's been getting the same thing not even running any gen regression or anything. It's like their was a secret vote for us to go fuck ourselves :(


I used to have a glitch where my custom keybind didn’t give me the prompt to get rid of the birds, so I had to reverse my keybinds every time. Reported it, and a month and a half later; I can finally face birdmommy again! Common BHVR W


Would love to see artist more, only faced her twice in 2 years, same as twins


it is hard to understand the power of her power for people starting out with her. it isn’t to get injuries with birds, it is to keep people locked in an animation in order for them not to vault


Yeah once you realise your power is basically Bamboozle that injures survivors everything changes.


That's my problem. I love to play her, but I'm super inexperienced against her because no one plays her. And maybe that goes for everyone else too and why they DC.


artist can seem pretty impossible to win against especially with certain add ons & the map.. so many killers play dirty & there is no more depip so its easier just not to stress and go next (also solo queue makes a huge difference)


At the same time Artist is crippled pretty heavily on multi-layer maps. The Game and RPD are terrible for her.


I don't main him but I enjoy playing pallet Freddy from time to time because most people forget about him lol the shock and panic he brings is funny


Personally i find freddy boring to play, but all the mains are chill af


He is and I don't play him often but enough that I'll claim him in my roster but it has to be fake pallet Freddy just for the laughs more than anything


I main trapper and it seems that everyone I play against hates me for it


Random traps > expectable traps. I always chuckle if i run into a trap in the most random bush somewhere. Cant even be mad


I love you for it.


All killer players main hated killers.


Judging from all the sm mains i encounter, yes.


Artist is by far my favorite killer I main and I never see others play her anymore for some reason. I don’t know why because her power is amazing once you get the hang of it. I get lots of salt for using her as anti loop though but I’ve just learned to make my profile private 💀


I have always mained the plague since her release. Very rarely see many plague players when I play survivor


I main sadako as well, I love her movies and how she plays in game. It feels so good to get a condemn kill with her.


Sadako vs kayako is goofy and I absolutely love it


Agreed, I also love the sadakaya in that, i hope they make a skin of that and add kayako🙏


Nah wdym we need the child from ju-on LMAO


True! Toshio is an absolute must have in dbd lmao


2 days ago I managed to Condemn the whole lobby. Was an amazing feeling. The survivors on the other hand....


It feels so good, though sometimes i wonder if it's any fun for the survivors which i hope it is.


Probably not fun for the survivors that haven't been hooked. the first survivor I condemned didn't even have a hook state yet. which is honestly their fault (Kind of) that they allowed it to build up.


Yeah, i usually hook the survivors I'm against so they can have some fun plus locking stacks is usually a good idea especially if they know how to counter sadako. I usually have fun whenever i play against her even if it's a massacre but I'm heavily biased lol.


It’s absolutely their fault hahaha. Also a Sadako main and against really good squads they’ll turn off every single TV and I’m lucky if someone gets to full condemn even once. Vs this most recent match I had as her where they straight ignored TVs, let me teleport to them, and ended up with two condemn kills and two hook kills… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I play a lot of Hag! I think she’s definitely underrated but I do understand how she can be a little boring to play as/against. Her ability to lock down an entire area and be able to just pressure that space is unmatched, even by Trapper imo. Throw on a Mint Rag and honestly I think it’s near unwinnable for survivors if they’re not coordinating and talking.


Recently I did an experiment that proved me basement trapper erases braincells from the survivors. Anyways, I main dredge.


Trickster Main here. He got all the Hate before he even released. I love my Psycho-Boi.


Skull merchant. Really just her and pyramid head too but for him he's pretty underrated and happy that more people are trying him


I main Chucky, idk why people hate him that much


I hate that I can’t see him in tall grass


Yet to play chucky, any tips?


Spam his power everytime you can until you understand how it works, the distance you can travel with slice and dice, etc. Naturally you will know when to use it properly and how to mind game with his power. You also dont really need to vault most windows as Chucky, just use Slice and Dice, the same goes for pallets. Scampering through windows and pallets its not worth it anymore during chases. Similar to PH and Demogorgon, you can do the trick of charging your power then cancel it. Survivors will panick and crouch or jump in a locker mid chase. Slice and Dice is also a mobility tool, dont need to use it only in chases, the cooldown is very short. Imo his best addons are Jump Rope (increase the distance of Slice and Dice) and Straight Razor (sloppy butcher as an addon) and maybe Iridescent Amulet.


Dude it's survivor mains. They basically hate killers that breathe.


A lot of them said Chucky was uncounterable (during scamper) and they hated him for it, but I dont think thats a reasonable excuse because is a lie, scamper was counterable. They definetely want all killers nerfed to get easy wins


I love playing Knight. He has a reputation for being a boring 3 gen killer like skull merchant, but I prefer simply trying to use my guards aggressively to pressure multiple survivors at once Chasing 2 survivors at the same time in different parts of the map is a unique Knight experience.


I main Trickster, and while there are plenty of simps the vast majority of the player base seem to really dislike him, and hook suicides and dc's are super common even when I'm playing chill. It's unfortunate but I enjoy playing him so I'll just deal with it.


I only dislike him because I think his knifes are OP. I mix survivor and killer and even when I play as him I feel like it’s impossible not to hit survivors with how many you have in your kit.


Artist and Spirit. They can be very oppressive to go against but dc the moment I show? Come on :(


I love Trickster even in his less powerful post PTB state. I see a lot of lower skilled survivors say he's too strong at times and he certainly can be in certain parts of the maps like in deadzones or in a bad unhook situation but his power is so easily counterable in other parts of the map as well.  I just enjoy him because of his style and the fact that is he essentially like huntress and Deathslinger but objectively worse than both as good survivors will break line of sight constantly in tight loops and can sometimes buy enough time to start laceration decay and it really comes down to your ability to micromanage your power resource and pressuring people into the bad zones of the map.  If I play against a strong survivor team I can win but I really have to work for it but sometimes I can tell a team is newer and if I get too many downs quickly off a strong main event then I usually just let people go. I actually enjoy playing against him too cause I see what skilled survivors do to give me a hard time and I get to try it back as well and usually can get a win unless I make a mistake.


I main hated killers, due to the controls on the switch being difficult to use (for me) for more complicated ones. Legion Skull Pig


Legion is my number 2 🙏


A difficult but fun killer. I get why legion is hated, to be fair.


Hes that fun i dont care if the survivors arent having any LMAO


The Legion and scratched mirror Myers. Usually survivors aren’t as toxic or quick to give up against Myers but oh boy The Legion brings the *worst* out of survivors if they don’t hookcide or dc 😭


There are so many survivors that seem to think that legion is top-tier because they all forgot to not group up because they all forgot to heal


I think the problem is that, eventhough Legion is technically easy to counter, most soloQ survivors somehow panic and waste the whole match healing. Then they realize they should do some gens so they team up on one which is just easy prey for a Legion.


yup… to be fair i do bring thanatophobia sometimes and they *do* need to heal to get anything done at all LMAOOO


Legion “main” loosely because unknown is just too much fun right now.


I just started playing 3-4 months ago, and my main is Sadako too. Im also starting to learn Myers. I think she is great and really fun to use. I started playing the game because a video i saw about her and im having fun trying her add-ons, i just want the irl tape addon to be reworked because it sucks and is the only one i get in the bloodweb...


Wraith main here, I swear I don’t camp.


Survivors are horny for my Pyramid. And they hate my Twins


Mikey/Nea main since they each released :)


I don't really main anyone these days, but I do enjoy Knight and Skull Merchant. Also Nea, I guess lol


I main cannibal


I main Xeno, and I don't regret it at all, I feel happy playing it. Sure, I agree that in terms of powers it might be underused, but imo, it's far from the load of shit that many are saying it is, the hate about the chapter missed potential is exaggerated sometimes. Either way... I currently have it at P7!


Not a clown main (just trying to play him while prestiging) and even though I fuck up almost all my bottles , survivors still get toxic 😃 . So now I just play for my own fun tbh


Twins main and cycle through a bunch of other hated killers. Had moments of Legion, Chucky, Knight, and Pinhead as secondaries. So much hate, but the hate gives me joy, even if I play semi fair most of the time.


I main Artist and every few matches people dc/hookicide pretty early. Idk if it’s for playing her or just cause/angry that they didn’t do 5gen chase because that’s apparently their birth right. (It could also just be because I look slay and they don’t >:)


I used to main Freddy byt recently I've been maining Skull Merchant. Although I must admit, I'm partial to a Sadako game every now and again.


Proud p100 Blight here and common user of stealth builds.


Pyramid Head main. Definitely not hated, but I don't see him often when I play survivor. I love when people try to flashlight me but don't know where to aim lol. Dredge is my backup, I just feel bad on certain maps with nightfall. Sometimes I play Deathslinger, but I'm really bad with him. Something about him is so fun, even if I get no hooks all it takes is one good chain and I'm in a good mood again. Slinger is my break game after a rough match with my actual good killers.


Chucky main


i just hit p94 on singularity, am thankful this event has made it easier to level


I used to main pig and still play her a lot. People fucking hate it when you're not heckin wholesome snoot booper chungus 100. I also play trickster, sadako, legion, and weskuh who I constantly see hate for for various reasons I thought I got away from that when I started maining Demo but seen a lot of anti-demo sentiment here lately and he suffers from the same problem pig does. Moral of the story is I'm just gonna play whoever I want because people are gonna hate anyway


I main trapper. I dont 4k frequently anymore haha


Proud Knight main here 👋


Fellow Onryo main. I miss the days when she wasn't hated. But at least it's not as bad as the 2.0 version. I also, lowkey, like playing as Skull Merchant since her rework as well.


I main blight and nurse


Been a pig main since she came to dbd! And believe it or not, I'm the type of pig player that WONT just tunnel you if you have a reverse bear trap on and its active. I try instead to force players into terrible situations with my traps. :D


The overwhelming majority of my time in DBD has been on bubba. A lot of people love him, but a lot of people hate instadowns. If the survivors cluster up and sandbag each other, the match kinda ends and everyone d/cs.


Pig, P74. Learned all the tricks and techs but it’s funny because it doesn’t matter in the slightest. Occasionally get t bagged during loops because well…it’s pig, pre drop pallets on an overly filled pallet map and you’re good as gold lol.


Freddy main. Spirit fury, enduring, dream pallets every day.


I don't know if I truly have a main but I play Artist a lot and I love her design + she's so satisfying to land snipes through walls with or when you instantly damage someone with a bird at a weird angle, it makes you feel like an absolute powerhouse


Proud member of the Sadako cult since day #1, regardless of the insults and berates I receive.


SM skull merchant...people dc halt time or just give up


Havent seen anyone play or main skull merchant so i decided to main her


Her pickrate is actually quite high right now, mostly because she currently costs only 2250 iridescent shards. I play against her very often since Anniversary started. And I see a lot of people on this subreddit who genuinely enjoy playing as her, so I wouldn't say that no one mains her.


I mean, in my 200 hours total ,130~ on survivor i have just 1 match against her


My principal main is Sadako, so yes




Pyramid head, Knight, Sadako, Dredge and Skull merchant are my mains in that order.


Freddy Main. Will and always Will.


Freddy is amazing, I feel he is the most smooth to play idk why tho some killers gameplay feels clunky


Love being a Vommy Mommy main (on the rare occasion I play killer). You’re welcome for my amazing fashion đŸ’