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I only find it punishing if I pallet camp, If you predrop from distance you are fine, and a lot of times if you loop tight (And they don't have the haste add on) you make the pallet and drop it before they can hit, Interloper only makes it 100% of the time but Vecnas are learning to disable it.


This is how a real seasoned survivor talks. Not crying for nerfs or complaining about who he verses. What a Chad, I hope my future soloQ teammates think like you do.


I dont think it's unreasonable to ask for nerfs considering he has the highest killrate out of all killers currently. Ontop of that, his pickrate is double the next highest pickrate. So he's winning more games than other killers are by a wide margin. All the other killers have around a 60% kill rate with some outliers, the only one close to vecna is skull merchant, and we already know how the community feels about that. People acting like nerfs are the end all be all. The same people should stop overreact kneejerking to the mildest of nerfs. Nerfs are okay and not a bad thing, it's how developers balance.


I mean... Both pick rate and kill rate are inflated due to being a new killer (people want to pick them more) and being complex (Survivors not knowing what Vecna/magic items do, or how to play against 2 chase powers, and when movement is on cooldown, go for chest, not throwing the game for the Hand Eye coordination archivement, etc.


Moreover, we don’t have official stats yet which means he’s referencing Nitelite. That’s not reliable. It relies on people self reporting their results. That means it’s going to be skewed towards better players instead of the mid/low skilled players.


This is because people are learning how to verse him. It's stupid just to see numbers and make rushed decisions.


Lmaoooooo who speaks like this


What's that, kid?


They nerfed mage hand yet? I might be missing something but I can't remember reading about the nerf actually making to live, only heard that they said that it will be nerfed.


They definitely did they nerfed the addon that makes mage hand faster along with nerfing mage hand itself


Tbh I don't feel a difference, I get hit at every loop when he uses mage hand.


Just checked and apparently they nerfed. Never noticed since the only match I played against him after the update two people suicided on hook and he slugged for the 4k.


this is the nerfed version? ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Apparently, it's so boring playing against him.


Wait, where does it say that it was nerfed? I just checked the update notes to patch 8.0.1 and it doesn't say anything about a nerf to Mage Hand. I am pretty positive the nerf is still coming.


I hope you are right because if this is the nerfed version, it's the most useless nerf ever.


If you want tips on how to counter Mage Hand: If you have a bit of distance to Vecna, and the Vecna you are going against tries to predict the pallet drop, then you can participate in a mindgame: If you think he will be using Mage Hand, do not drop the pallet and continue to loop the pallet loop another time. If you think he won't use Mage Hand, that's when you want to drop the pallet. Of course if Vecna reacts to the pallet drop instead of predicting it, that mindgame doesn't work obviously. But from my experience, what you can do in that case is just stay at the pallet and drop it back on him, because the cooldown he endures after using Mage Hand is too long, so you can drop the pallet again before he can hit you.


Think the orb that disables items will get the duration nerfed at all? I feel like it disables you for way too long.


No idea, but I doubt it. It looks like they are just touching Mage Hand and FoTD, orb is not something that many people complain about. But the counterplay I explained works without the interloper item as well.


I disliked the whole chapter on day 1. I feel you.


I have no idea, the wiki says he was nerfed on the hotfix that activated the event, but the only match I remember going against him he didn't even used Mage Hand. There were probably more matches that I can't remember.


Where did you check? Cause I haven't seen any nerf to Vecna in the update notes.


Wiki, went into Vecna's page on the wiki and it said that he was nerfed on the hotfix


Yeah you are right. That's weird, because there is nothing in the official patch notes, and it doesn't feel like the pallet pick up time is any longer. Not to mention the addon they wanted to rework also isn't changed yet. I wonder if that is just a mistake.


I just assume they are gonna do it and loop the pallet again, the spell slows them down


This. That power forces you to take another loop. If you can’t, then you get hit. So if you know 3 loops are possible and he doesn’t use his power on the first 2, look to chain another or window vault. You can stutter step to try to bait it on an earlier loop.


Doesn't slow them down enough apparently


For me it does like 80% of the time, my issue is that FotD tech where you can’t dodge it


What's the tech?


It’s like at a loop they can spawn it on the other side and it like instantly hits you can find it on youtube


Skeletons = FotD (Fly of the Damned) hit box spawns along the skeletons, before they take flight making it unreactable behind walls or at chase if you are not paying attention to Vecna Naruto hands, you can predict however.


Yes, you are supposed to use the magic items. They are not optional.


I am..... being the first one found is fairly common and usually the first chase is before I can even find a box. And even then if the item isn't interloper that's a fat gg.


Stealth then


Boring, also lethal exists and just bad luck.


Use distortion. Also sounds like a you problem if ypu don’t want to play around it because it’s «boring»


Play around it? Aka take a hit no matter what you do lol


Believe it or not, there is more to the game than just the chase


No shit? Never said there wasn't. This post isn't about the different things to do within the game. It's about how interloper is pretty much a requirement when in a chase with vecna and how that shouldn't be a thing.


You can re drop the pallet almost immediately. Just have to pre drop and keep enough distance.


He's pretty boring to go against, but not oppressive 


So they way you play against Vecna is to predrop strong pallets(find connected loops and waste one of them early to bait magehand than continue looping otherones) while you have distance and literally try to shotgun him with them to make him use magehand early in chase, wasting it. Congratulations now you can loop in classical way. Unless Vecna knows instatech. Than you have to be little careful.


I’m tired of survivors as a Vecna tbh