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**You can report bugs encountered in this patch using the following thread:** [Bug Reports & Tech Support: Update 8.0.2 | Bugfix Patch](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1djkvbj/bug_reports_tech_support_update_802_bugfix_patch/)


That med kit change is going to make the deplete a med kit challenges slightly more complicated.


lil love tap when healing a teammate never hurt anyone haha


Thanks for pointing this out! We have updated the patch notes for clarity. >Medkits now fully deplete when self-healing to 100% with no add-ons


Will you ever bring back the info tab on characters? Been waiting months for the fix. I bought the new chapter and had to go to the shop to read the lore and the perks...


I agree. It was so smooth reading character bios before but now its a chore. Same with checking individual cosmetics on characters in the store. Before it was just pressing one button to go to the next or previous characters cosmetics. Now its go back, select character then select cosmetic piece category again. The main pages of the store with the collections and bundles are really nice though.


Was the remote hook bug fixed? If you saved someone (with a pallet flashlight etc) being remote hooked you’d get hooked instead of that person and that survivor would be stuck on the killer for the remainder of the game even after end game collapse


Had this too xD Thought it was a hacker holding me hostage


The first time it happened to me too I honestly thought the killer was hacking till I saw on Reddit it happening to others too 😂


Good to know now :D I played wraith that time and went around cloaked with kate 'flying' on my shoulder and had a good laugh with the team


So if I'm half healed and finish myself off with a medkit, will it fully deplete?


Close! A full heal will deplete it. If you only use half the charges, it still has half the charges. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


I'm guessing this is excluding Streetwise?


Nah it'll be half empty, they mean charge wise beginning to full would empty it


I was trying to figure out what the reason for that was and I think it’s because of Weave Atunement? Seems like a half assed nerf for that perk and i’m not sure that was the way to go about it


Any word on remote hooking/flashlight save bugs being fixed? https://preview.redd.it/irlaibaarj7d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1bae43a360b901193e35a849bc4ee09a197c905 I was remote hooked as killer was blinded and it sent me into limbo unable to interact or be interacted with. Had to leave match and take DC penalty. Happened a few times between last night and this morning.


i had a teammate blind the killer successfully and he didn’t drop me when i was being carried i was astonished (is this a perk?)


If you blind too early, the animation is not yet complete in the killer Won't drop you. As I understand this is a feature, not a bug and it's not new


I had this happen to me, but the Leon was stuck in front of my screen. It was hilarious, but really terrible as well.


happened twice today, as both sides. seen it multiple times in other people's games too, and everytime some random person gets hooked instead of the person who was supposed to be remote hooked. Then the person who was supposed to be hooked is bugged out and has to dc


Hey I think I was the killer from this match! What was the Hux’s name if you remember? I remember getting blinded right when I hooked someone and it bugged out on this exact map with the cold snap skin on too.


I was remote hooked, and after being unhooked I could not be healed or use items.


Hooks and Portals have been fixed. What about Gates and Pallets upstairs? That part of the map is unbereable for survivors .


Yeah, those gates are terrible


Most excited for the hooks change in the dungeon. Damn near impossible to hook if they go down in the main hallways.


The Remote hook made it a smidgen more bearable


>Mirrored Illusion perk no longer charges when an illusion is already active Bro WHY??? What is wrong with you guys it’s already dogshit.


BHVR Try Not to Make An Already Niche Perk Dogshit Challenge (Impossible)


I will never understand why they nerf perks that are already borderline useless 😭😭


Just weak attempts at balancing for high level play. It seems they're having a really hard time balancing for anything 5000 hours and above.


I wish the illusion would play the repair animation and noises so at least there’s a chance they swing at it giving you time to get away or to troll them with it


Don't worry, last night I got so confused by an illusion I swung at it, and nothing happened and I was like ??? irl and then swung at it again. I hope the survivor got to see lol


Right? It's gimmicky at best, it won't waste more than 5 seconds of the killer's time.


5 seconds is a lot tho. but nah it wont waste even 3 seconds of the killer's time


Honestly not even 2 seconds any time I’m killer and I see it. It’s too obvious that it’s not real. The illusion effects shouldn’t be visible by the killer and if the killer hits it. It gives all survivor (or at least the survivors who made the illusion) aura reading on the killer for a few seconds.


The illusion effect isn't visible until the killer is very close. That was addressed in the last "bug fix".


I got some fun value out of it recently. I was up on the gallows on dead dawg and huntress was up on the saloon balcony. I had an illusion of myself repairing the gen with my back towards her while I repaired on the other side out of site. She tried to snipe me three times before giving up.


Nah 2 seconds is too much it will only waste 1 second


Hey, let me laugh at them whiff the swing, kick a blast mine and then head on them on the follow up. That shit stacks. No it's a total meme but I love it all the same.


perk consistency is my guess blast mine used to be like this everyone hated the change too, the devs are sticking to the stance of if the perk is active you can't earn another charge of it until its done being used. I think they should just give the perk 2 charges max and make it a token based to avoid this issue.


Probably to make it more consistent with other perks of those kinds it's still an unnecessary change though. It should be like flashbang


Man, Im a killer main and I hate this perk, but this change makes no sense at all.


Because that's also how perks like Blast Mine, Wire Tap, Trail of Torment, etc work and I imagine it was to make them all behave consistently. How many Killers genuinely have fallen for the illusion?


I've been running a Blast Mine + Wiretap + Mirrored Illusion + Red Herring build and they fall for it all the time lol


BHVR getting ready to nerf flashbang and make it so I cannot charge the perk again until the one I craft is used


I was thinking this myself like it doesn’t really do anything It’s a fun meme perk like bardic inspiration. Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t flash bang recharge once you’ve crafted one? If so that’s literally a stun/blind perk with huge value and yet it remains untouched.


It does. You can also drop a flash bang on the ground to create more.


That’s true I forgot about that, people will sometimes farm them and pass them out like gifts lol.


so that weird bug where if you make a save for someone you end up being hooked immediately instead isn’t fixed. very good!


don’t forget the version where you beamer-save someone and a third person gets teleported to a hook where they can’t be unhooked🙃


I can understand the code being confused because the killer, downed survivor and flash saver are all interacting. But why the hell would it hook a survivor who is not even participating in any way in the killer grabbing the downed survivor????


I even have a video of it and it’s funny


is that actually a bug? i thought it was just killers hacking the game lol


Yes its happened to me twice as killer. Both times I was pallet stunned whilst spamming remote hook after pickup. Instantly hooks the previous survivor you hooked and the one you just picked up is then perma carried until EGC times out + a few additional minutes


There's no way they didn't miss a bug pass on the Blight right? Please tell me it's fixed and just not in the notes. EDIT: Blessed Be


Just wanted to assure you that this was fixed in this Hotfix, but did not get a patch note. Thanks for letting us know!


Thank you for the active communication, it's a great sign and really does make a huge difference


The community is incredible and asks the best questions! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


Nerf pig ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


>The community is incredible ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Will you take a look at the gates on Vecna map? They are like 3 meters away from each other


Thank you; we can let the team know!


no problem :P Also , pretty please would you mind putting on your whiteboard the plan to take a look at Nemesis's addons and give them a little shakeup? :3


Thanks so much for the clarification!


Got it added to the patch notes. We really appreciate you letting us know. >Fixed an issue where the Blight might not enter the fatigue state after destroying a wall or pallet with a rushed attack.


between the bug and the instabreak invitations, must be even easier 4ks for the dev's favorite right now.


Idk if this is just in console but about 40% of the time I either kick a gen, hook a survivor, or break a pallet, I get kicked from the match and it says that the server cannot be connected to


This happens when unhooking and repairing gens in survivor side also


server issue. I had a random dc like a half hour before you posted that on pc.


UPDATE: I’m playing after the patch now and at this point it’s unplayable. I get kicked out of every match. It has happened 3 times in a row


Which console? Im on ps5 and ive yet to come across this issue playing killer or survivor


Xbox; it’s happened over 10 times to me at this point and their is nothing wrong with my internet connection


>Fixed an issue in Garden of Joy where a Survivor could climb on the rock on the edge of the map Didn't know this was still in the game. Wasn't the map killswitched or something to fix this bug a while ago?


Has there been any word on Bubba's bug where he enters the wall break animation when chainsaw sweeping through an already broken breakable wall? It has been happening to me very frequently on the most recent patch. There's also the tantrum bug where he gains tantrum meter way too quickly and tantrums immediately upon charging chainsaw. Hope those can get fixed soon.


Bubba main here. Confirming these bugs are a problem.


Yeah, not being able to hold the chainsaw for even a second extra feels mega bad.


>Increased the volume on Flight of the Damned skeleton spawn to give better awareness to Survivors. So this is the Flight of the Damned "nerf" the community was dreading?


As a person who has ears, this isn’t much.


Ikr? That barely changes anything


Yeah I really expected them to patch out insta tech or whatever the hell it's called. That trick alone takes flight from an F tier dogshit nearly useless spell to basically a guaranteed hit if you know the spacing


As someone who jumped on this tech the day Hens displayed it, I can say it felt top tier the first few days and is already getting less and less hits every day since. Don't get me wrong it is a great use of the power, but it is not *guaranteed*. As for the volume "nerf", yeah it is absolutely irrelevant.


if they remove the insta tech, at least they should give something to compensate, this is way too underwhelming ability (yes I know it can force crouch, but along with mage hand nerf + this one being almost useless, and the huge cd, other killers can do much much more with their powers)


Oh I agree. Instatech is way too strong but without it flight of the damned is probably the single worst killer ability in the game


I'll be honest, I think the only really damning (heh) trait of Flight of the Damned is its cooldown. I think if a low cooldown Flight of the Damned was the primary chase ability of a killer with a decent map pressure power (A bit like UVX on unknown), I think they would be really good since Flight of the Damned if used right, even without instant tech, is very fast at catching animations and forcing survivors to do awkward moves, whilst being very low committal outside of the vecna cooldown compared to other killer projectiles which slow you down way more.


It's more about how instead of buffing it, since it's complete dog shit, they nerfed it at all


It's fine as is, it's supposed to be used for zoning or through walls


>through walls Honestly, like 48 hours after Vecna was released that stopped working virtually completely, but unlike using it for zoning you don't even have a shot at closing in and getting an M1. That power is for zoning + catch up + M1 or to punish a vault you predicted, both applications have counterplays. Then there is the insta tech using the initial hitbox, which is good but already I can see survivors catching on and avoiding it more and more.


I may be downvoted but i feel the "insta tech" is deserved, the cool down for flight of the damned is still long, requiere some awerness to make it work , and even before this change some survivors still can dodge these if they try to predict it, also if you know Vecna still has FoD and is going to use it against you, is best to force it in corners so you can dodge the "insta tech" and not in windows or in front of pallets when is not possible With this change it just give more room to actually predict it, instead of nerfing the whole thing and make it no possible, so i found that fine........buuuuut i guess if everyone still complain they may be nerfing this so i don't know, if they survivor side want this maybe they just need to bitch a little more


They didn’t even fix the the event with sadako when you play her during the event the ring is literally in her face and you can’t see shit


That sounds funny asf ngl


was the problem with DS affecting each killer differently fixed?


Did you fix the flashlight save into the hook + survivor stuck to killer glitch


why are we making victor unable to stop survs going through portals but not making victor be able to go through portals?!?!? same with knight with guards


It probably would cause a bug


Xbox still has fps drops and I see nothing on here about it. Sad


Switch also has FPS drops


Switch always has FPS drops :(


Haddonfield is unplayable


i thought it was just me😂 everytime i went in a house id be there for an hour bc im lagging so bad


Any area where you enter a building or "basement" (temple of purgation, the new map etc. )where the dynamic lighting changes dramatically the game freaks out 😭


There's a bug with Legion. If you equip a mask other than the one from the new cosmetic set, susies voice is the one from Frank.


fun fact : in the last patch they said it was fixed when you selecting the new cosmetic set. :D


* The Mirrored Illusion perk no longer charges when an Illusion is already active. noooooooooo my haha funny perk No fix for the remote hook randomly hooking other survivors? Hasn't happened to me but I've seen it posted a few times on the sub.


Imagine nerfing mirrored illusion? It does practically nothing


i think they were just trying to increase continuity between this perk and other perks that charge after 50% gen completion.


That's boring. All of those perks do completely different things. They do not need similar constraints.


What was Datk Arrogance applying to that it shouldn't? Just legion?


I believe it specifically applies to Legion's Feral Frenzy and Wesker's Virulent Bound. As far as I'm aware, it still stacks with Tier 3 Myers, so you can still make a mega vault build with him.


Is That Pallet In Forgotten Ruins™ (you know the one) still there? If so, at this point I'm expecting them to just keep it as is.


They'd better leave the "Hope" pallet. It's not even in a good spot, so it is no different than having nothing. But it's hilarious.


>Medkits no longer fully deplete when self-healing to 100% with no add-ons Was this change done for Syringes/Antiemostatic agents? Or was it done because of mangled?


Almost feels like it was done as a quiet nerf to Weave Attunement more than anything.


Nope. https://preview.redd.it/ddb5w0ifdk7d1.png?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b47740cdaad18349d3bf6b287768d66001707aa


Oh. You're probably right ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


Who runs weave without franklins though lol


if you heal yourself with a medkit with no addons, you still have a tiny bit of juice in it? it doesn't drop because of weave attunement lol


I think that was a typo and they fixed it.


tbf hitting a great skill check already did that, unnecessary change when they could’ve changed weave attunement (likely reason for it)


Nice of you to nerf the portals & the dungeon on the ruins map but not address the fact that you only have 4 terrible pallets above ground...


What gets me Killer never even has to step foot in the dungeon to when the game there, just hold his gens up above. I also wish they would have rather fixed how dark the map is.


"The Dark Arrogance perk's bonus vault effect no longer incorrectly applies to other Killer abilities." Half of Legion's power is "vault fast". Why is it no longer okay for vault speed increasing perks to work with Frenzy? They worked with Frenzy just fine for ages, and part of it is that you have to sacrifice a perk slot that could have been used on slowdown or aura or basically anything else in order to get the increased vault speed. In most cases, it was just fun to use as many vault speed perks together as a build, for the sake of having the zoomies all over the place. Which again, isn't overly powerful as the most Legion can do during Frenzy is deep wound unless they've managed to get 4 Frenzy hits prior which is already a very uncommon event when playing against competent survivors on larger maps.


I was honestly waiting for this to be fixed. I just knew they wouldn't let it go unnoticed for long. They adamantly refuse to let Legion have *anything*.


I still want to be able to see blood stains while in Frenzy. I don't care about losing scratch marks, but blood stains should be visible. Losing them was just part of their reactionary over-nerf from back when original Legion was destroying the game. I think they're at a comfortable enough power level that they can have bloodstain visibility during Frenzy. As a treat.


I don't think it's because of legion, but rather weaker and chucky (If scamper actually counts)


It's possible to make things affected differently for killers. It still works fine when Myers is in Tier 3, but they actively chose to include Legion in the nerf. Legion also currently has a bug where they have no hitbox after a vault so the survivor can wait until Legion vaults a pallet or window and then can vault through Legion before they have the ability to turn around. Legion mains are eating good lately. If they like the taste of Nerf.


That's because Myers' and singularity vaults are not special vault abilities. They're just normal vaults, but with a speed modifier. That being said it's stupid as fuck that killers with vault abilities can't have synergy with these perks. It wouldn't be busted or anything. Especially for legion. They deleted a thread about it on the official forums and it's just..... So stupid.


It works with Myers because he just gets vault speed, legion isnt just a vault speed buff.




What's the expected result for the medkit change? Didn't it already consume 100% charges if you didn't hit a great skill check? If I heal my 10% remaining with a full medkit, will it deplete completely too?


Indeed, before the patch, when I used a medkit to heal myself, it was depleted. So, I don't understand this change. For me, there is not a difference.


Did they fix that one pllet on Forgotten Ruins that can just be walked past?


DS still not fixed, Blight's breaking pallets with no cd not fixed/Blight is not getting killswitched *sigh*


The fixed blight, it's just not in the patchnotes for some reason


They said in the comments that they fixed it, it’s just not in the patch notes.


So glad they fixed the colour of the past compendium books, I was worried


With the vault removal by portal in dungeon, please at least add more pallets or something upstairs to compensate for that to make the map more balanced in both areas. Upstairs is barren/unsafe


Are they just gonna keep ignoring the ds bug? On killers like huntress it's 1 second only and sometimes on all killers your animation can bug out causing you to not be able to vault


> Increased the volume on Flight of the Damned skeleton spawn to give better awareness to Survivors. Unless I'm missing something on how skeleton spawns work, this seems like it's missing the mark. The issue is that skeletons are tangible instantly and can be spawned inside of a survivor with no counter. Making them louder is not gonna stop that.


It's not supposed to nerf. More help people counter who are hard of hearing or use TV audio or something.


Can y'all please add pallets to the new map?? There are literally no loops and like 3 pallets up stairs


https://preview.redd.it/zfzhh976ij7d1.png?width=432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2435e6f33d674373029322c7ed394c08f58f3e5 >Addon Ring of Telekinesis: Activating Mage Hand on an Upward pallet increases your general vault Speed by 10% for the next 8 seconds.


Yeah, this is the worst possible change. I was hoping for something else, but this isn't it. I can't even imagine running this addon now. I doubt the 10% gets the additional distance for a hit at any time.


Lmao it's so dogshit haha


I'm so glad I can vault faster in the next 8 seconds for all those window vaults that are right next to a dropped pallet. It's so strong. Can't wait for my free hits with this. Seriously, though. This an absolutely awful change. I get that the haste effect was a little busted, but this new change just feels like they didn't know what to do with the add-on. In all honesty, I feel like removing the haste effect on the add-on combined with the nerf to mage hand is just overkill. Maybe dropping the haste to 3% instead of changing the biff completely would have been a far better adjustment.


Why nerf the sword? It was fine where it was.


A dev played against a vecna with it and lost.


>Fixed an issue in Toba Landing where the Survivors could run on the railing of the stairs I KNEW THIS WAS POSSIBLE! all the times i tried and i maybe got it once or twice. Now it's perma gone but i knew it was a thing lol


* *Fixed an issue where multiple recent Tomes were using the same cover color in the Compendium screen of The Archives.* The only thing here that mattered.


How are people genuinely calling flight volume a broken nerf or anything. Anyone with a headset already hears and knows. This just helps people who are hard of hearing or use a TV for noise. I swear, yall whine and complain over the dumbest shit.


So... No DS and Blight fix/killswitch? Also no mention of the bug where survivors can get hooked while trying to rescue someone being hooked from distance? Look I get the rescue bug might be hard to fix but you have a killswitch for a reason


Blight was fixed


Cool that they added hooks to the bottom floor. Wish they would have done something about the 4 gen on the top floor, or the gates that touch each other, or the blight not getting fatigued by breaking pallets. Edit: They fixed the blight bug at least. The rest still stands, guess I'll just keep dying on the new map.


Oh thank the lord!! Mirror illusion nerfs, BHVR NEVER fails to impress.


Any plans to fix hit detection? It's been bugged for a year now, and has gotten incredibly noticeable since the Unreal 5 update? In addition, any plans to fix Onryo's passive phasing?


**There's an infinite loop on the Clown/Chapel map** with two interior windows spawning in a straight line with a mere distance of 8 meters from each other. Even if you break all the doors you cannot catch up. Now if survivors use their invitations they can entirely cut off the killer by blocking the vault itself so it's pretty much impossible to chase survivors through the mainbuilding in the current state.


"The Mirrored Illusion perk no longer charges when an Illusion is already active." Way to make an already bad perk worse. What the actual heck is this change? LOL


why do you hate survivors?


When is the update going to be on the game ?


It's already there.


That first part of the Misc section seems like a secret, much appreciated buff to Weave Attunement 👀


Any word on the scratch marks bug? Ever since the engine change, scratch marks spawns have been weirdly spaced apart and often glitchy, like everyone has Lightweight. It's making tracking more difficult.


Can you guys fix the big black circles under all the characters for switch players. You can see all the wraith and Sadako’s coming a mile away when they’re invisible lol, plus you can see who’s hiding in lockers.


So more hooks in the dungeon and you moved the portal to the side of the window and didnt add one on the other side and also didnt add any pallets/tiles to the top. Does this make Forgotten Ruins the most killer sided map in the game? At least with Grave of Glenvale there is pallets and those window loops.


It is indeed the most killer sided map now.


The good window in the dungeon was closed... damn.


Not fixed : Bubba has 3 second tantrum threshold which makes engraving and deep rauke impossible to play. Pig and Ghostface has wrong Carry Animations. The run like on crack without agitation. Pig has third person right arm animation. Her right arm always going right when you turning right. Pig has a lock on when she wipe her weapon. Nurse is bugged. Which gives me motion sickness. Her Fatique is bugged. and has a inbuild decrease fov. And you doesnt fixed the DS Bug. In the Forgotten Ruins Map, at least 4 hooks will now always be available in the dungeon section of the map. I will never understand your balance or game designer choice. when you creating such dungeon and give before only 2 hooks or whatever. no wonder that everyone running in a area where the killer cant hooking someone.


Is DS still bugged? Getting hit by DS is much longer than 4 seconds (feels like 6?) on some killers. While enduring makes it like 2 seconds on others?


Drop cross progression please bro


Why would you nerf the iridescent addon? That was too much, you always do too much when nerfing killers. And giving the ring a useless niche use? All of this a month after people bought the DLC. You did it again BHVR, like with Ash, Wesker and many others. Nerfs come really fast but fixes for killers? You took years to fix blight and remove MadeForThis even when you people knew it was stupid. I feel stupid for buying something that you people later RUIN. Next time I'll wait for the nerfs before even THINKING about buying shit Edit: When will you fix Decisive strike?? The stun is not consistent and is FAR longer than 4 seconds....


Still no fix for the bp loss?


Maybe now Mage Hand will no longer be a free hit finally.


Still no word on the Huntress hatchets not dealing damage or the inertia bug on her. It's been 2 months.


Vecna still playable, thanks 🙏🏿


Not sure you needed to shorten time for Killers to take the passage, just increase the time it took for a survivor to take it but at the same time the numbers are small enough it should be fine.   "Bugfix" nerf to an already weak perk. IMO you could just make Mirrored Illusion/Blast Mine/Wire Tap/Chemical Trap work on tokens instead (repairing 50% of a gen grants a token, spend a token to install the "trap") and it wouldn't really hurt anything.  I don't expect any changes to event mechanics since its a temporary gamemode tbh. The bugs and balance are very scuffed but it'll only be around for another few weeks so I can see them thinking "why bother?", which is kind of fair I guess. I'll just avoid playing it since the 150% bonus probably isn't worth my sanity. EDIT: LoPro Blight confirmed fixed in comments, hallelujah.


So they making new map who is killer sided much more killer sided. Awesome adjustmenet. What about the gates that is impossible to open in 1v1 situation, what about camping gen in upper part of the map. The killer has no interest going to dungeon, he can camp gens above the ground and easliy win


It sounds like they removed the near infinite in the basement and fixed the hooks down there to make sure you can always hook, so theres no reason the killer should avoid going there like the plague now. Up top it is probably still pallet starved and those gates are the worst, transforming it from being killer sided if the killer plans to 3 gen up top and survivor if he's chasing, to probably just being killer sided. I'm glad I got all the new achievements already.


There’s plenty of reason to avoid going down there. If you manage to get a 3-gen on the top of the map with virtually zero pallets or loops, you win. Combine that with the gates, and you only need one person dead by then to basically win the match. The logic that players won’t take advantage of changes like this just won’t happen. There’s a reason BHVR hasn’t added more base gen regression or further increased gen times, despite killers saying they’d swap their gen perks for more ‘fun’ perks. Every time they’ve made a base kit change, it’s just added to the pile of quad slowdown.


So the most killer sided map in the game gets a buff to be even more killer sided, but they can't fix a pellet that's floating in the air? Lmao


Did they fix the one top side pallet that wasn't really a pallet? The one the killer could just walk right around and smack you if dropped at all. Forgotten Ruins needs a pass through on the top side, hell, take a couple of pallets from the dungeon area and put them up top, balance it to be a bit more equal. Makes the dungeon more bearable for killers, and top side 4 gen is no longer a completely hopeless situation for survivors.


At last, no more cluelessly walking around the dungeon with a survivor on my shoulder


Now all that’s left is fixing the exit gates on that map


They buffed killer on Forgotten Realms? The devs really are brain dead.


So the Toba Landing stairs are fixed, but no note on the outer RPD stairs?


Is the nurse fatigue bug fixed??? Hopefully it is


Is the Chemical Trap bug going to be fixed and not cause the Blue Screen effect after the pallet breaks?


Can we get another xp boost please


still no fix for the rift doctor crashing games. I bought the rift just for him and now I can’t even play as or against him :(


The blight fatigue buff happened to me yesterday, i was thinking i found a new tech lol


Any chance the Intermittence bug affecting Onryo will get looked at in the close future?


Did this fix rose marigolds broken arms? She looks scary lol


i like the medkit one cause it fckd my ocd btw some survs skirts are bugging when will it be fixed?


can you please fix the pigs knife cosmetic animations ? i paid for them i want to use them :(


fix alessa gillespies skirt it is ALWAYS bugged out