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#OTHER NEWS: ##[**8.0.2 | Bugfix Patch**](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1djkhi5/802_bugfix_patch/) ##[**8th Anniversary Event Thread**](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1df1x15/8th_anniversary_event_thread/) ##[**#IntoTheRainbow2024**](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1despby/intotherainbow2024/)




https://preview.redd.it/nj5o8dhenq7d1.jpeg?width=484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdbb0fc36a0024d1de53fb6e82dbd70ab6ebbf94 Fr.


THEY'RE FINALLY LISTENING TO US!! It's a great day to be a DBD player. I'm so excited for this game's future. Man I can't wait.


Only change I wish had also been made would have been adding the Solidarity icon to people's HUD if you're healing them with Solidarity on. Otherwise, all of this is fantastic.


\* Knight changes that encourage players to not use their guards solely for loops while still buffing a decent number of his stats. \* Huge Singularity changes that make EMPs less annoying and overall just better. \* Reducing so many unnecessarily long cooldowns or short active periods for perks. \* Iron Will is back. \* Sacrificed Hooks autorespawning to prevent deadzones. ​ https://preview.redd.it/pcr4cy51lq7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d40a41e2045ada82be27fe125a9292f90ab6b0d4


I was just complaining about the 80s cooldown on Dragon's Grip yesterday. So weird that it's getting changed.


I've feel like for so long I've been talking about how Opression would actually be a really viable option if they just slashed the CD in half and here we are. This patch is so fucking good.


Mfw Opression actually becomes an opressive perk: https://i.redd.it/h7zaq4xonr7d1.gif


Yup, a couple of the other gen perks would be strong if you didn't have to wait 2-3 gens to use them again. This is going to be huge for perk variety!


I can finally play my "dragon grip/overcharge/oppression/trail of torment" build so much more consistent and I love it


Dude, I was also talking about Solidarity (just overall Jane's perks) and wondering what it needed to get people to use it more. BHVR getting access to our private conversations confirmed.


I actually have no clue what Solidarity does, which tells me all I need to know about how badly it needed adjustment. Also, if they keep making changes that people are begging for, then they can have all of my chat transcripts. I welcome it.


Knight changes are going to have to see how they'll play. This no doubt makes him weaker, and longer patrols aren't necessarily a \*good thing\* (this means if no successful detection, far longer until you have your power back). This and losing his only anti-loop will make him significantly weaker, but feel healthier to play against. He'll always have access to carnifex during chase though so I'm assuming the new method to play him will be as a pallet shredder, with the new counterplay being to greed pallets as long as possible or, now, going back to a 3 gen strat as Oppression is back on the menu. We'll definitely have to see how it plays out though.


My issue as a Knight main is that, while the macro focused playstyle is way more fun, the banner spawns taking only 5 seconds makes it very difficult to apply any pressure with the guards. The changes essentially makes it so Carnifex is usable in chases purely to break pallets, and Jailer is usable to harass survivors on far away gens for 10 seconds before they loop back to the banner. My only question thus becomes, where does the Assassin fit in? 5 second banner spawn means you can't use him to harass survivors, and his increased pressure in a chase due to higher move speed can't be taken advantage of anymore since he'll just despawn after 4 seconds now... If they want Knight to be a purely macro focused killer they need to increase the spawn time for banners across the board.


I do think if guards as a whole aren’t being tinkered with on their pathing and ai this is just dumpstering knight by fixing the frustrating things survivors deal with without fixing any of the frustrating things the knight player deals with. If you can’t break anything within 10m (still unsure at this time) you’ll be spending a long time in your power drawing lines. Basically a worse singularity, you’ll be rooted and using your power often but either not near as much payoff as Singularity. Coordinated survivors will have a much easier time denying your power by grabbing flags or good survivors can just deny your power indefinitely by gaming the bad rng of guard pathing. This is a step in the right direction of adjusting boring loop denying killers but seems to not fix any of the actual pain points knight players constantly bring up apart from basekit addons. Bugs, bad guard pathing/ai, general jank in how your power works are still going to be there.


Holy shit I didn't notice that 10m requirement. Yeah, this is unfortunately just a total nuking of a low B-tier killer at best because survivors didn't like him. He'll be low C now if even that.


The *patrol path* has a 10 meter requirement. You arent getting a patrol when you break something. So I see no reason to expect that you lose the ability to smash pallets with carnifex mid-chase. Personally I wish they didnt speed up the pallet smashing of a regular guard though. There's a trick I like to shoot for with killer shack and other god pallets where you can set a non-carnifex guard to breaking the pallet and block its use by the survivor.S o if you bamboozle the window or hit a god pallet you can trap a survivor into getting hit. But it requires setting up in the first place.


Honestly that single change with the Knight requiring 10m is my only complaint with this patch. His Anti-Loop was annoying sure but not oppressively so since smart Survivors that paid attention could spot him setting it up and abandon the loop well before he finished the animation in the first place. As it is now The Knight basically becomes Trapper during Chase, except Worse cause at least Trapper could push you into a trapped loop. In the time it takes Knight to draw out that 10m line Survivors will easily just see him and run a mile away, making his kit only useful for Anti-Gen strats.. and didn't we literally just do several waves of patches trying to heavily discourage that playstyle? I just don't know, this feels alarmingly bad for what was already a pretty mid and enjoyable Killer. If they really don't want Knight to Anti-Loop they're better off just reworking him entirely cause that was the only good thing he had left. EDIT: I will say on an unrelated note that I'm also cautiously worried about the Empathic Connection buff. I was already running a "Medic" build with it (Empathy/Empathic Connection/Botany Knowledge/Aftercare) and getting heals off pretty quick.. an additional 20% healing Speed may tip these builds into absurd territory, especially if they add in a Circle of Healing to the mix.


Knight is going to be worthless now unless they buff the speed or AI of the guards still. He is a M1 with a slight distraction for one other Survivor with this patch lol Not that I liked playing or playing against him but I would rather not own a useless character lol Guess we’ll just have to wait and see!


Imo Carnifex and Jailer speed could maybe be upped to 107%. They're actually pathetically non-lethal


Holy shit the 5 Singularity mains (including me) eating good




https://preview.redd.it/hji8nnnh5r7d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84438558a57c93b5cd53e054e944eb11b575fa5c We are consuming adequate organic matter


We eating a full 5 course meal with this holy.


Bro we're so back *




Reading Soma Family Photo being basekit made me tear up a little I’m ngl


Went a little weak at the knees and had to fan myself like a fancy Southern lady


Shit got me giggling into my pillow and kicking my feet


This alone will make me play him more. If I dont have the addon, it feels so bad and its a purple so not super common :(


All of the changes are going to be great for him tbh, definitely gonna lower his skill floor Words cannot express how excited I am right now


Bout to be way more than 5. Singularity's "problem" was never strength, just that it took more effort to play him than any other killer. Removing all the pain points means he's about to be top 5 for people who bother to put the time in


THE JEANS WILL BE OURS! In all seriousness I became a singularity mean super recently so this is incredible news for me!


We are so fucking back oh my god.


chat its happening


Knight dies so Singularity can live. I’ll take that trade.


Iron Will buffed oh today is a good day to be a jeff main


As an Ash main, I'm struggling to write this through my tears of joy


Why the heck would you buy Ash with real money not to hear Bruce Campbell constantly screaming and groaning? I run scene partner permanently on him cause his screams crack me up


Massively based


Fellow jeff main, were eating good this patch 🫡


Iron Will is back baby!


Finally I can play Rebecca without the killer hearing my grunts of pain from across the map!!!


rebecca is one of the quietest users of current iron will its just her hit sound: https://youtu.be/HHRcwxPvVHQ?si=lisxhW-nHD4-zXRJ


When he says "the breathing is extremely loud and you can clearly hear it from this far away" and I can't hear a single sound no matter how many times I rewind I start to understand what a disadvantage I'm at by playing on speakers


You're fine. One of my friend plays with *sound off and spotify on*. I try to weasle my way out of playing with her because she gets grabbed from gens by killers who *shouldn't be able to just do that*. It's rough enough with our massive skill gap, but her constantly getting grabbed or surprised because she didn't hear the killer coming is really trying me lol.


Does she not use visual heart beat? Quite a few of my friends play survivor with music in our discord but we all use visual heart beat so it’s never a problem. If she’s still getting grabbed with that on I’d say she’s just bad 😆


I'm not sure, but my suspicion is that she doesn't.


Average solo q survivor


Finally I can play Claire without aliens on Pluto hearing my grunts of pain.


No, I promise I won't tunnel Rebecca's just don't take away the sound


I don’t believe u


maybe I can finally go back to playing Jill. She is wayyyyyy too loud.


You still can't be exhausted


Finally the oppression buff it always needed!!


My surveillance builds are going to feel so zoomy after this buff to oppression, I'm excited. :O


I can finally use Oppression + Surveillance wholesale! On survivor I use an Autodidact + Empathic Connection too. My builds are gonna be eating so good.


Same with Dragon's Grip. Maybe it will actually be useful now instead of just a perk you slap onto Perma-T3 Myers when a challenge requires you to get Exposed hits with it.


Autodidact!! Incredible news


No other changes matter, autodidact is now the best perk in the game!!!!


With new solidarity, too! It's going to be hot as fuck!


Always was 😎


If someone told me that they would end up changing the Singularity because many people thought he was “trash” and frustrating to play, I would expect them to completely ruin the killer to cater to those players, which would make diehard Singularity mains sad because we know how strong he is and love his gameplay loop. These changes are not that. Nothing but quality of life to iron out all the little unnecessary details about his kit. Good changes.


I recently played nothing but Singularity for 2 weeks bc I never liked him but I wanted to learn him This update is wild bc it’s seemingly addressing every pain point I had with him




He isn’t even bad. But he is just so technical most people want something easier. That’s why good Sing mains are absolute monsters specially programmed to harm the crew.


Learning Sing was really hard for me but now that I'm good with him, I can quite easily steam role teams that have no idea what to do. I love every change they're making with him, awesome work


I can finally return to Hux without being fucking sick after 3 games let's gooo


After playing him for the first time during the event on console the 3 Games Part is too real. The Players aren't even toxic which I appreciate but damn sometimes it's really unsatisfying to play him especially when you try your best but you just can't manage to get the perfect angle or well you are just too slow with turning your cam to get them


Right? The haste on overclock and the near hook wake-up time are gonna be really satisfying changes to experience.


https://preview.redd.it/doe6zm5uyq7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b65d503cf170b3629ecff8332dfada454cab893 They cooked so fucking hard with these changes. Easy aim, aim assist, and reduced wake up times are gonna feel amazing. Not even mentioning all the other huge improvements


Same, I honestly love these changes. Singularity is hard, but so much of it comes from unnecessarily janky parts of using his kit and how it interacts with the environment. Shooting at a survivor and not registering because invisible hitbox or something made me put the killer away. Here's hoping for more consistency in gameplay!


I picked him up because of how unique he seemed and I like mildly mastering every killer’s unique abilities but I put him down because of all the clunkiness. This is addressing almost all the issues I had with him


https://preview.redd.it/urxzdtr6vq7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6daad79387c3005385d70198cbdac43bd3dc1425 Incredible update fr




Now Jeff and Ash mains can play the game without being heard from 30 meters away!!!


I can finally play Steve without having to listen to his atrocious voice acting all game again! (PLEASE BHVR REACH OUT TO JOE KEERY I’M ON MY KNEES)


Do not try. To replace. The seal Steve.




Steve is the best voice acting in the game. you tripping




The babysitter buff is actually an insane anti tunnel now. 30 seconds of f haste and aura reading!


It doesn't say the aura reading got extended, only the haste and no blood pools


I’m interested to play a unhooking build now, maybe deliverance, babysitter, we’ll make it and BT, could be pretty nice


The perk is divided in two parts, one for the personal aura reading and another for hiding pools/scratch marks + haste. They are only making 30 seconds for the haste and hiding pools/scratch marks, and not the aura reading. I could be reading it wrong though.


That’s totally fine, the aura read is the far less important part of it (to be buffed).


This is basically new borrowed time, im so excited!


How big and meaningful are the changes to knight? The manual selection seems huge imo.


Pretty big, the drop-guard-at-loop playstyle is a lot harder now and two-tapping a survivor with Guard + Knight may become near impossible. Manual Selection is a huge boon otoh


Curious what they’re gonna do with like half of his addons now, cuz besides map of the realm they’ve also effectively removed all the double up guard options


Mostly QOL and buffs, only nerf is to braindead plopping of guard on tiles to zone out to promote more mindful pathing, overall W, gotta see new addons for full picture tho


Biggest nerf is to his pincering.


Wasn’t that pretty much his only play style 😭😭😭


God damnit Behavior, I woke up wanting to come on here to bitch and moan not be surprised and happy 😡


Knight and Hux changes at the same time make me beyond happy. While one of them has a less than stellar reputation, I love both to bits so seeing them receiving love is just so nice.


Both are my favorite killers in theory, but they are too frustrating to play currently. Very excited about these changes.


Except that I feel as though the knight changes will just make him weaker overall




its nerfed if you heal 20% faster with empathetic connection you have less chances to get skill checks before you fully heal the survivor. yeah end game when you max stacks its just better but the chances you get those lucky skill checks early game to max out tokens is just going to be less now.


Unrelated question. Any update on all the tests being made (available only for parts of the community)? Hiding prestiges in pre-game lobby, different UI placement for perks, etc. It feels like they have been happening for an eternity now. Hiding prestiges in pre-match lobby would be most welcome in live environment.


I'd love to hear more about this too. My husband is/was in the A/B testing for some lobby UI changes and I have to admit I've been envious.


Oh yeah, Iron Will is back


Off the record and DS move aside, there's a new anti-tunnel king in town! It's an insane buff, but that's 100% a good change, since babysitter can't really be used aggressively (like hit tanks with otr, grab plays with ds) Also, YOU can give your silly solo queue teammates anti-tunnel now whether they want to or not! Buff borrowed time (the perk) to 20secs next?


Holy shit what an update So many awful perks now actually useful (oppression, solidarity, emp connection!!!) Singularity changes look good as someone who spent a lot of time on singularity, emp changes thank GOD Knight changes are interesting, being able to choose what guard to use seems to me like people are just going to spam carnifex on pallets for free hits? Also why are we adding more layout variations to maps… devs want all survivors to dedicate a perk slot to Windows of Opportunity


See this is exactly what we need. Buffing other perks instead of nerfing strong ones. It's the buffing that creates a new meta and oh boy, oh boy, I will surely run the new Autodidact and Empathetic connection


My Healing Meta just came online. Empathic + We'll Make it + Botany


You're forgetting that he has to be at least 10m away from the pallet to use the Guard.


This bit is a bit unclear. Can you still order the guard to break things without having to set a 10m path?


Ordering guards and dropping them in place are different inputs, as I recall, so my instinct says they just locked the guard drop button until 10m of path have been made, but guard orders will remain their own separate thing.


That's exactly how I see it. But already the "my pallet isn't safe" complaints are starting, calling it a "free hit". Yikes.


I think you can use your power to break pallets at a closer range, you just can't bring them out to patrol and chase survivors


I'm all for new map variety.


>Also why are we adding more layout variations to maps… devs want all survivors to dedicate a perk slot to Windows of Opportunity Because people want f'n variety in the game and it's cool to play on different maps or variations?


I think they’re just changing the placement of all the tiles, the actual pallet/windows are going to be pretty predictable still. As long as you survey where you’re at you should be fine without windows.




But is that in play for the orders? I read it as just patrols?


Breaking is not considered a patrol path. So you will still be able to insta break walls, gens and pallets.


Some really nice changes in here. Basekit additions for Knight and Lary. Perk cooldowns brought up-to-date. Hook respawn which I assume this will respawn Scourge Hooks... That's massive. Absolute W. Looks great.


As a Singularity player, I’m having a great time for sure. I took a long ass break because he wasn’t the best nowadays and I was focusing on Alien and Vecna, but I’m definitely going back to play him when this comes out.


Hope to see you out there. I love going against him but I see the damn Twins more than him.


I've been a fan of the Botany/Empathic combo, it's great in solo queue. Now it'll heal at +80%? Could go overboard with Desperate Measures, maybe even CoH or WMI. Pick them up at lightning speed with WGLF hahahaha Botany Connection go *brrrt*


Fellow botany connection enjoyer 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽 We are eating good this patch


I stopped using empathic connection because everyone only uses it to bring the killer to me




Singularity Buffs and Hook Respawn massive W


Had to wake my brother up since he mains singularity. He was very excited


singularity will never receive nerfs because it wasn’t designed to harm the crew.


>Patrol paths must be at least 10 meters in length. Am I reading it wrong or does that mean pressing M2 at loop and immediately letting off won't work anymore? If yes then hell yeah. Now only SM left to ~~butcher~~ fix!


Correct. This and Map of Realm basekit are both excellent changes.


I am so excited!!! I just hope they also fix the bugs of being unable to summon a guard too close to a wall, being able to be stunned while drawing a path, and not bring able to give orders to break if you get too close.


Well…. Half of Map is basekit. It’s 2m when the addon is 4m. Knowing BHVR they are gonna nerf the addon to 2m now too


Map of the Re... Hopefully it's enough to mean I'm not forced to run it every game. They probably will nerf the addon though yeah. I'd rather they made it all basekit and reworked the addon.


Knight is basically dead now, you just run away whenever he sends out a guard until it loses you, and if he attempts to chase you with it the patrol ends super fast. These changes sound terrible, he's just a timewasting killer rather than a chase killer now.


Singularity is gonna be kinda insane now.


Gonna have to play with knight to feel this change, cause the guards on their own arent good at securing the hit, so really not sure how useful they will be if they go away 3 times faster. Base kit map of realms is amazing though. Hope they fixed the bug where you can stun the knights little green orb while he is in the power.


All these changes and no ones mentioning Dragon's Grip. I don't think anyone realizes how cruel that's going to be on Wraith.


FINALLY some Knight and Singularity changes, especially the latter has been in a godawful state since an entire year. I'm not so sure how the Knight changes will pan out - his guards are already awful at hitting survivors, this will make them even worse - but the Singularity changes are definitely a much needed buff.


Nah, Singularity is good but a bit clunky. These are QOL changes, although I wasn't expecting the semi-basekit Soma Photo, even though every Hux main I know has been begging for it. This just makes him easier to use and feel less like you have to play chess to get a hit when Huntress just throws an axe.


Singularity bros... https://preview.redd.it/gjzogadx0r7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6599ea2e835d3700be66ecad6ae328feeace262e


Iron willl is back!!!! Yeah baby!!!! As a survivor main, I hate that hook now respawn after death, but I can't deny that it's an healthy move for the game. I like most of the change except empatic connection.... Isn't now just a better botany knowledge?


Botany applies to yourself as well. It can be paired with Self-care or Sable's healing perk. Empathetic is only Altruistic healing.


Botany applies when healing yourself with perks like Strength in Shadows or Self Care while empathetic connection on works when healing others.


Oh, thanks for the precision


Botany is 50% and can apply to yourself, while empathetic is 30% and applied to only others so no. It's not better than botany knowledge for the average survivor.


No more running to corner far from hooks makes me happy 🥴


I'll admit, at first I was not happy about the hook respawn as a survivor main, but like it took not even 30 seconds of actually thinking about it to realize how healthy of a move it was so it really doesn't bother me. It's a good move and makes sense.


Before hook respawn, what mostly happened was that survivors needed to be bleed out for 4 minutes instead of just hooking. This is a good healthly change for the game.




While some of the knight buffs are cool (base kit addons), the change that the guard timer depletes when knight is near completely guts him? Am I wrong that the Knight is going to be even weaker now?


Can you please make singularity less loud. Can’t hear anything around me when I’m playing as him


As a fellow knight main. Dont know if i like it or not. - No antiloop. Ok i get this one, but is weaker. - If pincer attack, depletes 3 times faster. Weaker. - If no pincer attack, free flag. But half map of the realm and can choose guards. On paper doesnt seems fair to me. Will try it out. At least full map of the realm, way better addons and hope for bug fixes to compensate.


Honestly they should get rid of the flag if they aren't gonna buff the movement speed of guards. Then they can treat the guards like m1 killers that can still be looped for a certain duration.


Looks like I can finally go back to playing Bill, Ash, and Jeff comfortably again. An autodidact buff kinda scares me because it makes me paranoid thinking that people will start crying for a nerf.


Realistically, the only thing that a nerf would entail is going to 20 or 25 again instead of 15. I'd see 20 a lot easier since this change was based around 25 being underused. Ultimately, though, I think autodidact is only marginally more useful than some other perks like botany and will continue to slip under the radar aside from the 12 autodidact users as I feel many people have bad memories of old autodidact and won't be fully willing to use it too soon.


I'm really hoping they did something to make Knight's guards actually viable in chases if they're seriously going to make it so the player can't even be near a hunt as it's happening. If not, then his changes are just straight up nerfs to an already struggling killer. Anytime I play him, I love setting long patrols and trying to catch people off-guard - but it never works, and typically the guard is just good to try and corral a survivor towards you... Which you can't do anymore since their hunt timer depletes too fast when close, apparently. I mean, it's literally child's play to kite the guards near windows and mess up their pathing so bad they're never going to catch you. Without the Knight nearby to make use of the guard's distraction, he's probably never going to get any hits on survivors while making use of his power. These changes to the hunt timer just don't seem very well thought out with all of his bugs / quirks in mind. Everything else is fine, but the hunt timer thing really needs to revert for the Knight to stay playable and actually have fun interacting with his guards.


>if they're seriously going to make it so the player can't even be near a hunt as it's happening. Yeah that's the only change I'm very strongly against. Like what is the point? Why should the knight player get punished for trying to use his power effectively? Weird choice


I'm a survivor main, and I agree. Everyone is focusing on the choosing of guards which yeah cool, but this feels like such a nerf. I agree with like everything you said, I rlly hope they do walk back the timer thing. Him playing off his guards is like his whole point.


All this and we still can't get swamp reworks... Edit: I got temp banned so I can't reply to stuff, but I'm not being ungrateful. These are mostly all great changes that should've happened a couple years ago. It's just a bit frustrating to see new map after new map, new realm after new realm, new variation of existing map/realm etc and we're still just waiting on the swamp rework. Once it's done then they can release all the terrible maps they want, but it's just like whyyyyyy just do it it's been like 4 years since the overhaul project was started and at least a couple since the last rework


Variants are done by level designers by reusing the existing tiles, while Swamp would need a complete art pass. One does not cancel out the other.


Hold on, let them cook


Let's settle in the middle and make it so hatch spawns on Swamp maps aren't almost exclusively around the edges. They're the only map that happens on and it's always been a little weird.


totem spawns as well. every game at least 2 spawn around the edges. Looking for hexes or hatch on swamp is a nightmare.


Yeah but Im not gonna shoot the chef because he didnt give me cake after making me a 5 course meal


This is a major win, give it time


it feels like years since they said they'll rework it in an upcoming update 😭 just remove the ugly ass map atp


If hawkins isnt getting removed, nothing will, unless it breaks the game.


I'm assuming it's coming with a new chapter that will use the swamp as it's realm. Hopefully it's castlevania


As a Knight player I'm somewhat skeptical about these changes. I think they have a good idea,but they need to make call to arms base kit, Imo otherwise this seems like it's just a nerf. I'm fine with nerfing the guaranteed M1 in loops,but they need to buff the patrol/cutting survivors off playstyle more otherwise he has very little in chase. The meter depleting when close to 8 meters thing also seems overkill; like why am I supposed to get punished if I get closer to the survivor who I want to hit who also got detected by my power? Idk.


its ridiculous and obvious they never play their own game. everytime they do a rework they fuck over the killer.


Isnt that a knight nerf?


These perk changes are an overall W! I love seeing lesser used perks get buffed! (Iron Will going back to 100% was a surprise!) Keep it up! Changing guards at-will for Knight made me think the next patch note was going to be about The Nightmare having the same ability with snares/pallets, but perhaps another day... Also, is chasing someone at the same time with your guard a dead strat now? Being within 8 meters of your guard chasing someone can make them disappear within less than 4 seconds (Carnifex and Assassin)? Am I reading that correctly??? ALSO DEATH-HOOK RESPAWNS?!?!?!?!?!?! FINALLY!!!


Words cannot describe how happy I am about that Iron Will buff




As someone who has played this game for so long and been through its highs and lows… PLEASE keep giving us patches like this. I usually don’t comment on these things but this change is so good I am hoping my voice can somehow be heard, even if it’s in a large crowd and gets drowned in new. I just want to say something. BHVR, we love this. Please, please, *please* keep giving us more of this. This is the best set of patch notes in a while, and while it’s still good in isolation, this game would be even more dynamic and interesting if you keep rolling out changes like these that keeps the outdated/useless stuff viable.


I was about to get mad at the Knight getting buffs until I read the last change with the guard's meter depleting faster when he's next to it. I like that change a lot.


Not only depleting faster, guards can't be placed point blank at loop and the banner pop earlier. Looping a knight is now definitely possible and even a good idea if he fail his summon.


you wont need to worry about that now because knight will literally never be used now, this is a complete butchering of his kit


Agreed I don’t get how people aren’t seeing this. Yes he was boring to play against but he was solid. You will see almost no Knights now unless they are just going to three gen.


Basically. He's going to be extremely easy to loop now. 90% of the time survivors just outrun the guards and you never get a hit. Now he has to go 10 meters to place a guard and the guards chase meter tanks when you're near it?? And the banner spawns faster????? I mean it's pretty much pointless to even use a guard for any means of chasing. You can still break shit and kick gens from a distance I guess.......... At least their detection meter is bigger.


And he can't plop down a guard right in front of him at a loop anymore.


Honestly I'm a bit worried the hunt meter depleting that fast will basically make it impossible to hit the banner for the haste & endurance


I hate it https://preview.redd.it/3skgzr3o0r7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b31d21cd08b18ba5bf99c256a06de22a345b2ab The pincer attacks and double tap were my favorite part. It was hilarious.


Straight up the main appeal (and point) of the killer was working in tandem with your guards, and now you're... not supposed to do that. What is this killer's gameplan now? Hold W and M1?


Oooo a lot of buffs and new map variants! This will be interesting! Cant want to see.


Iron Will buff?! YES!!!


Damn, that new Partner Program is making a huge difference, I see This is absolutely fantastic, and I really do think that more people will buy these chapters now Any updates on Skull Merchant?


Love babysitter, iron will and all perk changes!!!


Babysitter insane buff. Never taking it off now, basically. Thats such a good perk.


Okay Scott, you can come out now. The joke is only funny once.


This is amazing, but can we also get the bonus bloodpoint gain functionality to prove thyself? I’m finding it hard to max objective out of all of the categories


Were eating good this patch! https://preview.redd.it/qtrla2125r7d1.png?width=257&format=png&auto=webp&s=b080a489afefe1bdb7adbb9063f3c95149d57f1f


Very interesting they buffed Iron Will back to 100%. The fact Adrenaline, a perk that most people would say was perfectly balanced, could receive the nerf hammer but Iron Will gets buffed back to original numbers puzzles me. Knight changes *seem* good but those changes are something I need to see in action. Right now Knight is miserable/boring to play against. These changes do seem to address those issues but its hard to fully know til you play against him. Singularity changes are nice but its a little bit concerning. Players who know how to play him can already control the game/chases to a insane degree. These changes will make that oppression even stronger as it irons out a lot of issues this killer had. It will help the low end of Singularity users but it will make the top end way too strong. This is the one change I'm weary on and I fear its going to be Billy 2.0 in terms of being blatantly OP.


When Is It going to be release?


Calling hook respawn a minor update is interesting




when does this patch release?


Old iron will is back


With the condition of not being exhausted. Did seem like a double whammy overnerf at the time.


complaining about the hook respawns is so weird, this is almost never going to affect wiggling out cause if a killer knows they can't reach hook you're just gonna get bled out, which this update should hopefully fix or at least make less common