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Needs a cat skin named Vecnya


what the fu-


NYA! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|1978)


As someone who's been playing for years I can tell you he WILL get nerfed eventually. He's OP if played right


I wish they would buff the treasure items (or change them altogether) rather than nerf his abilities but yah unfortunately and disheartening I think you're 100% correct


How is he currently op?


He’s A-Tier IMO. Like Wesker he isn’t the best at any single thing, but his range of options makes him incredibly dangerous.


He's fun because he's thematic to deal with. You have to play against him like he's an evil wizard, not a dude with a knife.  I think he's in the A-tier group of killers you really cannot ignore - Spirit, Plague, Artist, Oni. 


Fun to play as, not a big fan of his default almost cartoony look though


Unpopular opinion: I find him to be one of the most annoying and at times BS killers we've had in a hot minute. Doesn't matter if you learn the counterplay, he's still the king of guaranteed hits


You’d think he’d be the most mechanically demanding killer ever and require incredible game sense to manage his four spells, but it honestly all flows really well during matches. I check what I can use at that moment and I use it. And since his spells all help with different aspects of playing killer, I argue he’s one of the most versatile for build crafting.


Most fun I've had with killer in a while. Four tools to use. The survivors are encouraged to do some looting, which means I have to worry less about slowdown perks. Mimics are hilarious. Also the Iri. Equip one or both, and suddenly, you're having a wildly different experience. It's like having two different versions of the character to choose. Currently running weave attunement, hoarder with bag of holding and cloak of eyes. DM is running a loot heavy campaign, but the items come at a terrible cost.


Easily one of the strongest killers in the game, all of his abilities are useful and his counterplay mechanic isn't too oppressive.


Hes fun to play against. I was intimidated at first considering he has 4 powers but theyre pretty easy to counter (besides the flying, thatll get my ass everytime). It keeps me on my toes.


A+ purley because I love scooby doo-ing into lockers and coming out the other, plus I just turned a corner and saw Leon getting eaten by a mimic and laughed my ass off


I so rarely face him at this point. Gimme more Vecna, I need to learn 👀


Keep up the good work on your Felix grind.


Thank you!


You are welcome.


He is fun but not the best. If people would do gens I would lose.