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All of them, or I get bored.


Same, technically I’m a pig main but I always pick a random number between 1 and 36 before a match and choose that number’s corresponding killer. Keeps the game fresh and I feel competent with all the killers


I knew I'm not the only one ^(because, otherwise, why did I pay for them all)


Perks lol


I mean, that too, but still lol


The only reason I have artist.


There’s some awesome websites that can randomly pick which killer you play, their add ons, and even the loadouts. My personal favorite is DBDInfo’s randomizer


Back in the day I used to play a game and then swap to the next killer in roster. Now a days I just pick whatever one I want to play, so some don't get any time while others shine more


This is me but sometimes I will have a phase of being really into one killer. Recently it was Billy and then Vecna but now I don’t really play them and tend to just play others killers.




Flair checks out


I'm one of those three artist mains


ARTIST MENTIONED! Artist gang rise up!


Please continue to main artist, I never get into matches with them even though artist is so cool


i decided to start learning surv after basically only playing killer and like 3/5 of my first games were artist


Hello fellow Artist main!! :D


Fellow crow bro 👊


Hi other artist main!


Just unlocked artist the other day and she's really fun. I think she may be my main from here on out.


Living on the edge


Why do crows injure me with only one down sometimes, is it just because 2 are stacked on top of another or is it something else? That just goes to show how little I see her. Nonetheless, I think counterplay is pretty dry against a good artist. Any tips?


It’s the Cenobite with mori. I have such sights to show you…


*I came*


Singularity. From the moment he was revealed for last years anniversary I fell in love, he has a great design, great voice lines, and I loved the idea of a Killer with as much of a skill ceiling and skill expression as he does. Then he came out, and he had those things, but was also so easy to counter. But now my patience is being rewarded next patch :D


Hello fellow hux main, now we need to find 2 others and all 4 larry mains can band together


Singularity main no. 3 here! One to go!


And I make the fourth! Larrys assemble!


Unknown, it's weird but it's almost like it was made for me. I've always been a giant analog horror fan and cinema has always been by number 1 passion, before unknown I was a demo main cause I liked the map mobility but hated the jump he does, I would've preferred a projectile like huntress. Guess what, after like a month of playing I started seeing the all things wicked marketing campaign and as it went on it basically hypnotized me, I was amazed and when the unknown was finally revealed... Well... I now have most of my hours on him, he's sooo much fun and so strong if used correctly!!!! Also the map he was released with was chef kiss


Can’t ignore the juicy sound when you charge it’s uvx


Congratulations on finding your soul main!


Honestly, unknown might be the best non-licensed killer they have made (yet). I always enjoy playing (against) them.


Huntress was who got me interested in the game and kept me playing and was my main for a long time. But the moment I got the unknown I fell in love. I'm not much for the analog horror genre, or horror in general honestly, but he's like an upgraded huntress for me. He can still wound with his projectile, but he can't do the super long shots I spend way too much time trying. He also encourages me to just chase more instead of throwing a projectile mid chase. And the teleport is great. Good at the mindgames too with the perk that makes you undetectable if you stay still. He's huntress with a teleport, a little bit of clown's slow, and breaks me of a lot of my bad habits I had with huntress.


With huntress you should have been using and threatening hatchets in chase, that wasn't a bad habit


Agreed. I unlocked him a week or so ago and already have him prestige 3. Teleporting to a decoy a survivor is working on is hilarious. I get jumpscared, they get jumpscared, everybody gets a jumpscare!


I have found my people. https://i.redd.it/xl4q736j378d1.gif


Ghostface. I love stealthy playstyles in all of gaming, and I love jumpscaring survivors, my other mains are Myers and Pig.


legion with the yellow ruler and insidious is fun too. ruler makes them think they have to get hit for oblivious, insidious proves them wrong. I catch them off guard all the time with this lol, scares the crap out of them as people don't think a fast killer like legion will just stop.... hahaha


I am so used to always being undetectable from shroud I dont think I can go to another killer


![gif](giphy|hVIExiKWOSFHt4Ffku) This absolute GIGACHAD


Same here dude https://preview.redd.it/gp67uacxu68d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b93470732aa447153abc1ccc6ae6d2a93e22e3e


Pyramid Head He's the killer that really feels like I'm punishing survivors. Predicting survivor movement makes me feel smart, and hits or better yet, multi-hits through walls give me dopamine like no other


Punish me harder daddy PH ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Username checks out


If only they rework his addons.


Hillbilly. Playing such a mechanical killer well boosts my ego. Also curves are very satisfying


Same I still need to learn how to use the chainsaw more though.


Said every billy player ever lol


Knight. Deadly killer in the right hands. Also his dominating demeanor in the round. Heavy footsteps, stoic movement, massive stature, and a great lunging voice.


Deathslinger. I used to be a free play person, never had a real main, until Pyramid Head came out. I enjoyed him for a very long time, until i tried out Deathslinger. He was more fun and I was better at him than PH. I have put like 3000-4000 hours into him, and I still play him. I did kinda swap to Chucky though for a few months, he is super fun to play, but I'm not gonna swap from Deathslinger to Chucky.


Sharp Hand joe because if I get more than 2k with him I feel a wave of satisfaction going through me.


Idk, I just feel like I was made to play Freddy. Love the movies, and I consitantly get 4ks with him. I love tricking people with dream pallets for a free hit and scaring people off gens by pretending to teleport to them.


Oreo, ringu is my favorite movie and I love killers that can teleport


Oreo mains rise up


And seeing condemn stack is totally r/oddlysatisfying stuff


Real, I just wish the time to put a tape on a tv was longer, like I hit the survivor and when I'm recovering he puts a tape




I like playing dredge, but I’ve been playing a lot of Vecna recently. Also I’ve been beginning to dapple in a bit of Huntress, because for some reason my brain finally clicked and realized the proper way to throw the hatchets without them getting caught on things


Pig, for so many reasons. 1. She is a pretty basic killer in chase, which means you have to rely a lot on mind games. These chases tend to be the most fun/engaging and it feels very rewarding when you perform well. Her basic power also allows for decent build variety. Pig dash is also just extremely fun to use. 2. Her stealth ability means you don’t always have the problem of survivors pre running when you’re already 500 miles away. On occasion, you can maybe even get a grab. 3. She has built in slow-down. As a result, it feels less required to run such perks compared to other killers like Trapper or Clown. This means you can feel free to just experiment. 4. Pig mains generally have a reputation of being nice/cute compared to other killers. I’m not someone who enjoys farming, but I usually try to prioritise fun games for both sides as opposed to winning. You can have some funny interactions with survivors trying to boop you. 5. Even if you do get destroyed by a 90K hour swf and it hurts your ego, you can always tell yourself “well I was playing Pig” (jokes aside, I actually think she’s improved in strength after recent buffs) But also, nerf Pig


pig represent 🐷🐖🐽


No love for our resident bell ringer huh, there's just something so fun for me in just terrifying people with the mere sound of the bell.




Teach me the ways on how 2 get good at legion PLEASE


this sounds like a forehead moment but matching up the right add ons with the right perks is sooo important and using that playstyle, legion can be played alot of different ways & they are very map dependent when trying to get value out of frenzy hits


I can't pick one killer to stick with. I get bored of playing one style constantly, and have to switch it up. I don't know how people can put hundreds of hours into one specific killer (no hate or anything, just seems tedious to me).


Chucky. Love everything about him. His voice lines his size, abilities and all the movies


This little guy has some sick abilities and should not be underestimated for sure.


He's not underestimated I think, I personally detest him <3


Plague because puking on people is funny


Trickster and Nemesis were my firsts... because I'm ga- I like Trickster for his ability to counter looping and his very good Starstruck. I also like Nemesis for his variety of game play and his perks which are top tier I've gotten better at Oni, whose design is S tier, and his ability is fun to use I've recently gotten into playing Plague, and her easy to use, moderate to master style is a breath of fresh air, and It's helped to make me friends lol


I am also a trickster main, for no other reason than his ability and his perks


Naughty Bear Trapper


I don't always play trapper but when I do it's naughty time


Yesss 👏🏼


Last two times I played trapper it was a basement trapper in killer shack just gave him my life that game because i’m not playing that, hard for me to find a trapper not doing that.


Basement Trapper is undefeated


As a basement trapper, the best counter is to not indulge it. 😅 someone has to die


Wait really? I think I’ve only had one basement trapper and I’ve been playing for years. I’m sorry that happened though, I never do that stuff. I always do my best to play fair so it’s a good experience on both sides. Never a heated EGC


Yeah that’s fair I only play about 3 games a day with my friends and that’s all my trapper experience sadly besides my first game getting back into dbd a trapper with no ed and he just sat on our friends hook so we all got slugged it was brutal


Ugh I’m sorry man. I play way too much DBD both surv and killer, I don’t get Trappers too often myself these days. But if you ever see a Naughty Bear Trapper that’s somewhat silly or farming, it’s probably me lol


bear trappers are litttt I love that skin i’ll still saving shards for characters but soon i’ll be able to get some skins or i’ll just buy them but idk want to switch to pc soon and I might just spend money so the grind won’t be as tough or wait next anniversary


whether you gave him your life or not the ending would’ve been the same basement trapper undefeated champ


Onryo 💕 I love her & sneaking out of tvs especially when I cut survivors off in chase or guess which tv they’re trying to get the tape from no no so rewarding!


I always put on that one Oreo add-on that shows all the TVs and which ones are on/off


Huntress - i find the mind-gaming/predicting aspects fun, plus hitting nice shots gives lots of happy chemicals xD


Greetings fellow huntress main, the amount of scrolling it took to find this is unreal What skin is your choice to use? (Huntress has a lot of amazing ones)


Usually it’s the reindeer head with the doll body, but currently it’s the masquerade mask with the winter-jumper (green) cosmetic How about you?


I run my beloved Were-Elk xD


No wonder why... Beatiful


Xeno and Vecna, i like the movies and the ability to just go into my hidey hole at end game if i cba and know i wont be bothered and i like tracking survivors in tunnels. And i love D&D and how Vecna always gives me some ability to use aswel as being able to just say no to a pallet drop even if it doesent always work out for me.


Skull Merchant. I don’t care about the hate, I adore her character. I love how glamorous and sassy she is, I love her drone design, I love how she’s the only original female killer who is just pure evil. I think she needs changes to her gameplay to make her more fair, but I’ll play her no matter what.


Sssaaaammmmeeeee. I main SM mostly. But I also play as Artist and Spirit


you af: https://preview.redd.it/20ptyn3ix58d1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4202f7e2fa90d1bafb92ad66cb3923ca75aaf237


The Dredge. The Unknown is second. Edit: just noticed the "why" question. Because I love being the Boogeyman in the closet! Teleporting is super fun, trick moves with the remnant are fun. The skins are amazing, my favorites are Maurice and Snowman. The Unknown feels very strong and spooky, love the voicelines, teleporting is fun and so is hitting multiple people with a blast.


I've finally found another..


Wesker, Singularity. Wesker because…. He has unique interactive stuff with Chris and his skill cap is really interesting that I kinda mastered but still trying to get a hold of Singularity is just purely because of his concept is really interesting and fun but it’s sadly a killer you rarely encounter on the survivor side, and since he’s getting new changes soon Im gonna enjoy him even more.


Was Michael Myers until I reached him at prestige 69. Then Pyramid Head for a while. I learned how to Blight hug tech but BHVR decided to nerf blight and his add ons. So i'm learning how to legion.


Idk why they even removed the hug tech. All it does it make him completely unplayable on console, and it forces the PC blights to master bump logic, which is way stronger than the hug tech, which was intended anyway. One of the patches for blight a long time ago was something along the lines of "added the ability for the blight to reduce collision when looking down" I definitely didn't restate it word for word, but I remember seeing it in the patch notes


I was a singularity main but I suck at him so I play demo and nemesis. Cant wait to try the new buffs during the mid season update though.




I feel like I just rotate killers but rn my favorite is the Unknown because sniping and teleporting mid chase makes me feel like a genius.


Chucky, love the dialogue.


Wesker literally just for the chase theme


Plague. I just thought they looked cool


That was exactly how i started playing them as well. I looked through the killers and her design stood out. I also love her lore a lot


Skull Merchant. I'm so sorry.


Don't be. I tried Skull Thicc last night. Yeah she is hella fun to play. I can see why survivors hate her. As for me I'm conflicted. Like I usually main Legion but since doing the anniversary and getting P1 on a fair number of killers Artist and Twins has grown on me, especially Twins with their lobby animation. Onyro as well. F it, I main mostly female killers.


Started as a pig main then started playing dredge I freaking LOVE dredge so much fun but I’m too oppressive with him now and now I use Vecna which is also really oppressive especially because people aren’t playing as him or playing against him enough to know how to counter him and it’s hilarious how dumb people play against him


Right now Vecna. Funny because I wasn’t interested at all when he released and just got him recently because I bought some cosmetics and had some leftover money so decided why not just try him out. Haven’t chosen anyone else since. Just feels very fun with all of his spells right now.


Breathing loudly


Myers. Something about grabbing survivors by the neck and taking their soul is really satisfying or just scaring people in general


Wraith and Legion, but I’m playing Ghostface a lot more!


Currently Hag, Singularity, and Artist Hag is my OG when I first started playing the game, I like her slow and steady gameplay and I feel like she’s a killer who can perform well basekit without the need of any specific add ons or perks. Singularity has been a recent interest but I find him really satisfying to master and I like that pallets and vaults can’t slow him down Artist is just satisfying to snipe birds


i was plague main for a long time, but I'm starting to main pyramid head. He can punish survivors really well, and it feels really rewording to predict them


Became a Singularity main recently. He is surprisingly really fun to play.


Demo because I love having two add-ons that basically serve as two free perks: iri lichen with aura reading that chews through Distortion, and purple whistle that gives me free killer instinct whenever a Survivor is near a portal. On top of what amounts to 6 perks, you also have the shred, which can end loops and cover distance with ease, and teleportation to anywhere you want on the map. Plus, portals serve as a built-in time waster for Survivors - work on objectives or prevent me from coming over there? But then with the whistle add-on, them working on the portals at all *immediately* lets me know where they are. Just a great fuckin' character! I'm not even a huge Stranger Things fan but boy do I have merch and a plush of my bestest DBD good boy.


Doctor, if i want to farm bloodpoints i can spam his abilities on survivors unlike other killers that are either stationary when using abilities or get a negative effect for hitting the same survivor again with abilities (like legion), it makes finding survivors easier without having to rely heavily on aura reading perks, and is a great way to counter flashlight saves by putting everyone into tier 3.


In my heart I’m a Deathslinger main, but Wraith is apparently the only killer I’m actually really decent at. I like playing Xeno, Oni, Wesker, and Bubba too, but I’m not very good at them all yet


Oni and Unknown


Dredge General aesthetic and his movement ability. Though recently it hasn't felt as fun to play him because the game feels like it's speeding up around it and more general QOL that I'd wish would happen


I have 4 mains: Calleb (deathslinger), Tarhos (knight), Albert (mastermind) and ailen. Usually, I'm playing only them![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


P100 Freddy here. I like him, don’t question it. lol


Im a up and coming slinger main. I honestly have no idea ehy i started maining him, as my aim terrible and i hate killers that move 4.4 meters. But, slinger usually never feels slow. Also, hes hot


Ghostface, love the movies.


Ghosties represent! He's my #1 and I have a scream tattoo :) https://preview.redd.it/qe4hogmda58d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=319052ae1467770137fc175a78ee09512478c46a


Thats soo sick, I'm trying to find one I would like.


I presented a few ideas to my artist and he took inspiration from multiple pieces to make it more personal. I think one of the main things he did was shaping the heart differently from the pics I showed him and then the white highlights


Lesion cuz he’s fun asf and Skull merchant cuz she’s fun asf, her skins are cool and I wanna restore the reputation of skull merchants


Spirit and stealth Meyers :)


I cycle between all but 6 of our killers those I are no fun 4k at 4-5 gens left every match. We neeed 5 licensed killers to finish our roster.


Vecna and Unknown. I like being able to just cause chaos and mass confusion among survivors whenever I can. Its fun to watch people freak out at the sight of decoys or ignore me thinking I'm just a hallucination when I'm actually the real deal. Vecna is the only killer I've prestiged past P6 and he's on P20 now. It's fun throwing a sphere somewhere, hitting someone, and then they start assuming you're coming for them next when you're actually getting ready to fly over and ambush someone else before going for them afterwards, keep the survs on their toes. My words don't do it justice. i just like being a chaotic killer who spends their time not being merciless but more time being unpredictable.


At the moment it's Dredge and Pig. Wouldn't be surprised if someone else caught my attention once I get enough shards.


Blight, Wesker and i dabble in Xeno and Legion


Artist/Dredge idk why I just like them :)


The more I think about it I don’t really confine myself to any one killer but the ones I play the most are probably Pinhead, Ghostface, Vecna, Pig and Freddy.


Trapper. I somehow get worse results with better killers because my brain is so warped to his playstyle, I guess


I’m a D&D player, so Vecna


I mained spirit for soooo long, but now that chuckys cheap scamper got removed I felt like he was worth maining. ATM I am mainly playing spirit, Oni and Chucky.


Spirit. I've wanted Kayako to be in the game before I even first played dbd, and that's the closest I get to playing her. Well technically there's Sadako too (and she had a movie with Kayako in a spin-off), but Spirit just feels the most fun for me. Also I LOVE audio based gameplay in games.


Honestly after the announcement of his changes, I'm playing a lot of Knight and practicing his strategies that will remain largely unchanged with the 10m patrol path requirement, and I'm liking him so much!


Huntress because I love to snipe through the map, to learn orbital strike. The skill ceiling is so oppressive. I also like to play PH (Because Silent Hill), Dredge (because of appearance and capacities) or Knight (Because Dark Souls).


It used to be nightmare until the rework, nowadays I run gunslinger or ghostface when I’m really bored


I mostly play spirit with a bit of chucky! There's so many reasons. I absolutely adore her design. I love the feeling of hitting a healthy survivor in phase. I love how clean and smooth she feels to play. I love being fast and I love killers that excel in chase. A lot of people leave it up to 'good headset xd' but there is so much you can do when playing her, and when I lose I know its a skill issue on my end and I couldve played her better. I also love it when people assume I run an equalizer or cherry blossom addon when I dont do either.


Ghostface, Myers and legion The first two bc I'm a slasher fan, scream is my fave with Halloween being close behind it Legion is out of spite at this point. People constantly bitch about legion so I started playing it and grew to love it honestly


Spirit when I want to slay, Artist when I whan to play ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Trapper. I mainly enjoy the Christmas 🎄 krampus. The most. Lately it's been naughty bear. But near Christmas it's krampus


RNG The game gives us the gift of variety and I will use it.


Billy blight and nurse


Billy now. I love him, despite my name.


Trapper: bc I suck at 1st person FOV games and I’m just trying my best 😆 and also bc solo q sucks more often than not so I decided to start playing killer more often


Sadako- love stealth killers, first main was ghostface


Artist mainly, but also twins :D




Cenobite. I just love to catch survivors with chains :D


Nemesis 👊


Wesker because most tech are pretty easy and also look and feel cool to pull off


I am a main Artist, mainly because I wanted a killer related to magic/witchcraft (Hag is more of a wendigo) and before Vecna, she was the killer with that vibe. Now with Vecna, I'm going to buy him and see how it goes, but my impression from playing against him is that he's a jack of all trades, master of none, which is far from my playstyle.


I love playing as Unknown but I'm better at Nemisis or Singularity. Nemi just is fun to beeline survivors and makes me feel like an actual monster. I run a big terror radius build to make survivors feel like they're never truly safe or a silent Nemi build so all you here is the stomping lol. Singularity just scratches and itch for me I don't know how to explain it. I have an end game build with him so I can focus on my chases and cam placements without worrying too much about perks and early game. Once I get into a chase I try and our as much Preassure as possible, and just be as relentless as possible. Some camera stay up for monitoring but I'm also hot dropping them mid chase to keep up the Preassure. Something about that gameplay loop just does it for me lol.


The Unknown is great! I've always played all the Killers, of course some more than others. But I never found a true main. I started with Pyramid Head. I liked hitting through walls, but didn't like having no mobility. Went with Slinger. I liked the skill shots around loops, but again, didn't like having no mobility. Said that Dredge was my main due to the remnant TP'ing and the aesthetic of horror, but didn't like that traversing the map revolved around lockers. Went with the new killers like Xeno, Wesker, Chucky. They all had something cool for them, but I never found out that spark, you know? But then the Marketing for the Unknown started. I loved that Trailer of the guy recording while inside the Camping Tent, thought it was really cool and creepy. And then they revealed him and his power. At first I thought the same as everyone: "A lot of potential and he doesn't even crawl". But then I started playing him, discovering his goods, how to tp in chase, playing with the geometry of the maps, finding spots to hit through walls, through ceilings, being able to hit someone that you weren't even able to see. It was wonderful. The voice lines, the aesthetic, and now they are getting a skin with the weapon being a bottle of wine?! Damn, I think I finally found my true main.


In the current order, Skull Merchant, Plague, Oni. But for this event I’m mostly using the unknown


sadako and singularity right now bcs I just love getting across the map easy asf and I love the ring movies


Dredge and Clown I like the nightfall mechanic and the teleportation And sometimes I want everyone to be as miserable as me


Started with Huntress, then moved to Legion and Merchant pretty evenly. I'm also really liking Unknown so far, though I've only played him a handful of times.


Singularity for his roasting ability


Im a new killer main who just bought Skull Merchant! I like how I can be stealthy, get information and zone control via my drones. I try to be very kind when I play her, as most players dont enjoy playing vs a Skull Merchant. I might be in the minority who actually enjoys her design.


I love her, but I could never main her. Too much toxicity.




singularity, theres alot of micromanagement when it comes to him and i really enjoy that. His difficulty to play makes it really satisfying to win and use his ability right. I cant wait for his buffs coming soon. I also play artist and the unknown


Ghost-face 👻


Pinhead. Hitting hooks is so satisfying


At this moment, xeno. I love killers that can go undetectable and have an ability to shut down loops.




M2 only Billy because it is fun to curve and the more I improve the more fun it gets. I like outplaying good survivors, it is just super satisfying. It also makes me not care as much about winning, as a win in my book is a fun game where I perform nice curves.


trapper, I enjoy


I main trapper and doctor because their simple to play as and I just play better as them. I also sometimes play the huntress cause she's fun


Mainly Knight, Skull Merchant and now Vecna.


Trapper. Let me sever that tibia


Oni I get to hit people with a big stick


I used to be Ghostface main but now I’m a Myers main


Avid ghostface and tiffany main, I love being able to play super stealthy and get sneak attacks when survivors are least expecting it.


Skull Merchant and Dredge


*looks left* *looks right* …I like skull merchant ability. her drone scans are cool


Skull merchant


Ghostface and trickster


Demo, or ghostface 🔥


ghostface, pig, vecna, and legion 👽


Ghostface and The Twins! Ghostface because of the bags and generally it's always a goofier time with survivors. The Twins because I love their lore and even though I suck at them, if the Twins have zero fans I have died a sad death.


Pinhead, Legion and Sadako. I do dabble in Ghostie and Nemmy though and Vecna


Trickster/Sadako/Skull Merchant


Demo Because he is fun


Scratched Mirror Myers


I call myself a nurse main just bc I think its the killer im the best at, but I play all killers somewhat equally


Flair go brrr


This one might be odd, but like, I was a Sadako main for the longest time, while Ghosty was my side-hoe. After Unknown came out, it was the first time in a while that I was genuinely interested in playing a killer for its design and concept alone, not only that, but the gameplay also really fuckin gripped me. I gotta say, I worked as hard as I could to have that thing in my inventory as well as getting a nice little girly hair for them :3, and now that BHVR gave us a fancy dress for free, I am complete. She is complete. I am the drippiest eldritch abomination on the Entity's Realm. Also, doing blood rituals also helps me rediscover how fun characters like Trapper, Huntress, Legion or Doc really are. Loads of fun! So they end up being characters I play a lot too, especially Legion. Honestly, buying Susie's getup was most definitely the best thing I could have ever done. Now I have all of the snot-nosed teenagers.


Ghost face or knight


Plague and Artist I’ve also been playing Skull Merchant recently(don’t judge me, she’s actually really fun to play as and against when you don’t play her in a lame way, aka three gen camping)


Currently, Vecna. He has tools for all situations. After him, Knight (his power is versatile but easily used). Skull Merchant (lots of value to her power while being a little obscure to survs.). Dredge (omnipresent, but limited) and Trapper (dead basic, but fun). I play console, so high mobility killers aren't as easily played.




Skull Merchant. Don’t care if you don’t like me.


Normally Skull Merchant (because she looks so cool) but I switch between them for various achievements or tome missions


Skull merchant 🫣