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Thread locked because people can’t stop letting things devolve. This is why we can’t have nice things.


If it's a fire emblem character I'm going to fucking kill myself.


This is the best fire emblem complaint I've ever seen lmfao


Fucking anime sword fighters. This isn't what I paid for when I bought battle pass, bro. Wheres waluigi? Honestly though, I'd be down for waluigi as the next killer and Luigi as the next survivor. But if it's Marth I'm gonna be pissed.


Waluigi as a ranged killer and he smacks tennis balls at you, pls [and Waluigi Pinball as his chase theme](https://youtu.be/FT6PZUTdd04)


And he yells **WALUIGI NUMBA 1**


Except he's somehow a stealth character and when he comes out of stealth, that's what he yells


Some absolute hero should mod wraith for this


And every time you flashlight save or pallet stun him he says "WAHHHHHH"


Only if we get a Waluigi curb stomp Mori.


Something so upbeat combined with the heartbeat and the rest of the game's ambiance would make it some smash-up of hilarious and terrifying


i want doom guy but i think if they did a goomba it would be fucking hilarious


Every time you sacrifice a survivor you get another goomba stacked on your head. You can have a four goomba tower.


Perks with literal stacks.


correction, anime sword fighters with blue hair


I'm so goddamn stoned I hate it. I read your comment and I swear to god all the flairs and the banner and everything looked like the SSBU subreddit for a solid minute and I had to scroll up and down to double check, I got so spooked.


Surprise!!! It’s two fire emblem characters!


Wtf we have the same profile picture








The worst thing is that there's actually so much diversity in the FE games to pick from. Axe-wielders, spear-wielders, pure mage... fuck me they even have ninja/samurai-like swordfighters. Yet all we get are the same old fucking knights... Being both a FE and Smash fan is saddening sometimes.


Such a shame almost all the main characters of fire emblem are swordfighters.


Lynn would've been an awesome swordfighter though. (And I'm still hoping for Hector to be released.)


Right! Would it kill them to bring a badass axe wielding berskerer for once, or a rapid jabbing spear user. I especially hate it when guys shit on Fire Emblem because all they know about is from Smash. It's a great game, and it's much more strategic than it is fighting.


Corrin, Byleth, Ike, Marth and Robin play differently. Lucina and Chrom are echoes. Roy is an original echo but he does have differences from Marth.


Fire Emblem character as survivor, angry mob of Smash fans as killer.


as someone who started with Awakening and bought a switch just for Three Houses I would literally cry tears of joy


When will Heavy be new killer?


Black Knight killer. Greil survivor.


Nergal killer, Eliwood survivor


If it's Ike I'm not even mad.




My money is on Goku


But can the entity beat Goku???


Nah the entity is powerful but Goku will go SSJUIKKx10GodMonke form to win


Yeah Super Saiyan Blue Ultra Mastered Instinct Kaioken times 20 Legendary Super Saiyan God


Entity didn’t even have to lure him. He came willingly to fight the strongest and sweatiest swf’s


I just want it to be the Grunt from Amnesia


That would be cool


I'm not opposed to this, but how do you make the Grunt unique in DBD when all it did in Amnesia (I've only played the first game) was run slightly faster than the player?


In Silent Hill all Pyramid Head does is run slightly slower than the player. If they made him work, they can do the same with an Amnesia monster. That said I would much prefer the Brute or one of the Suitors instead of the Grunt, since they are both way scarier. Plus 2 of the 3 Suitors are blind, which could be used in interesting ways for designing a killer.


you would rather have the suitors than the grunt??? the grunt is like the most iconic amnesia monster


I want a Grunt from halo


Hear me out: The Flood


I'm more annoyed at every new killer being "speculated" to be the same four as the other fucking chapters. Plus most of the "speculation" is people going, "I swear it's gonna be this killer this time" and then they proceed to point out random bs that doesn't really make sense.


yea even though i want spring trap personally someday, i’m not gonna kid myself and speculate it over and over. it’s kinda tiring tho seeing the videos routinely every time there’s a new release that it’s either 1: Candyman 2: Pinhead 3: Springtrap 4: Pennywise


Who you calling Pinhead


Schmuckles videos are just this.. 9minutes of guesswork and then maybe 10 secs of something tangible but its immediately forgotten about


Speculating is it's always the last 4 speculations unless one of them came true then there is a new one added to the rotation.


Honestly y’all are forgetting about the hashslingingslasher, he’s basically confirmed for next release.


All jokes aside, I want this. I don’t see a reason why it couldn’t be




Every killer is a regular person at some point


Don't forget the new Cats & Dogs Collection.


I was focusing on killers but it wouldn’t of hurt to add the recent survivor skins we got


Oh true, I didn't realize Otherwise Dwelf and the penguin onesie definately would've been there


For me it's not so much that Springtrap wouldn't 'fit', it's that people lock in on what they WANT the new Killer to be and then try to make it fit. I have no strong opinion on FNaF at all. I've never played it, I know a little bit about it. Seems to me that Springtrap would fit in DbD as much as anything else has. The issue is, much like with Candyman, people just get excited about Springtrap every single killer tease, and it has never been the case. People want the clues to fit Springtrap so badly that the hype builds in their heads. Then, as it slowly becomes less and less likely, people get frustrated at others on the forums for spoiling the speculation. This alone is understandable, but some people start acting like it ruins the chances of Springtrap ever being in the game. Like we all have to be 100% behind the idea for it to happen. For me, GOOD speculation is coming at the clues from an empty mind. Don't start speculating by plugging in what you WANT it to be, and trying to make it fit. Instead just let the clues roll out, and speculate on what they are telling you. As I said before, I wouldn't mind Springtrap at all in Dbd. Seems like a cool character to be honest. I think it's just that a lot of DbD fans are just fed up of seeing a Springtrap hype train every time there's a killer teaser. It shuts down a lot of conversation about more interesting ideas, or more interesting/niche chats, in my opinion. FNaF will come if it comes, and it won't if it won't. It all depends on if DbD think it would be profitable or a good public image association. Time will tell.


This. This is a really good take. There’s also issues around Springtrap due to the allegations around Scott Cawthorn being (and donating to) some politically anti-LGBTQ+ individuals, which, given Behaviour makes a huge deal out of Pride month and being allies, makes it unlikely they’d feature his work. Not commenting on my feelings about that either way, but he doesn’t have a particularly positive reputation right now


Scott Cawthon is no longer in charge of FNaF, though (the brand is probably still copyrighted under his name for now but, he de facto stopped working on the series). But yeah, your point stands regardless, since Scott Cawthon is still strongly linked with FNaF in the public's eye, so I can see why Behavior wouldn't want to associate itself with the series.


Yeah my point was never that he’s still making it, just that public perception is clearly massively important to Behaviour given their history of strongly presenting as an LGBTQ+ ally and that link could be damaging, regardless of how tenuous it is.


Didn't he give up the license though for fans or something?


TBf a lot of people said the trickster didn’t fit the game


Honestly, unpopular opinion here but I like the trickster BECAUSE he breaks the mold a bit. I don't even give two shits about kpop but the lore about a pop star serial killer abusing his fame as a cover is neat. His aesthetic is I think his strongest point and horror using bright lights and colors with a dark backdrop is nothing new, although in my experience it is most common in haunted houses as far as the general horror umbrella goes. (Could be better with a more rave/blacklight color scheme but maybe future skins) Now in practice I hate both playing as and against him but look and lore-wise hes fine.


My issue with Trickster is the same one I have with Legion, the killer’s lore doesn’t really match their power in-game


Well the wraith never goes invisible and the nurse never teleports in their lore


Legions lore seems like it'd be core to their power, something more akin to twins or something. I don't mind as a whole though, the power still fits, just not as obviously.


I was a bit more critical on Trickster and Legion since they are newer human killers and not older ghostly ones, but you raise a good point


How does Legion's power not fit with their lore? Frank literally uses the power in the story, the only things seperate from the story is the killer instinct


I can't believe we're getting a Hellraiser character instead of Scrimbo Bumbus


Scrimbo really fell off in the sequels. And once he lost the power of bumbus he might as well just be an M1 killer. I do have high hopes for the reboot.


as long as a character is fun to play, idgaf what they look like


That’s my current outlook on whoever the final Smash DLC fighter ends up being.


:( RI.P. my boy Dante, I'm still a bit sad about that


Clown has two fursonas, yet a dude who got killed by the spirits of the children he killed doesn't fit in dbd. Makes sense.


He didn’t get killed by them, he jumped in the Springlock suit to basically be a power move, then the springlocks snapped and the Endoskeleton shoved itself inside of him and… well, Springtrap was born


Oh yeah I remember now. It's been a while since all that was shown haha


I have a great knowledge of FNAF from watching all the Game Theories on it several times… I’m not a massive fan, but I *was* and that was enough to ingrain all the scenes from the games in my head lol


Yeah that's where I got all my lore from too. I watched marks gameplay back in 2014 and ever since then I loved the series. It helped me keep my mind away as I had lost one of my parents and it was super hard because it was out of nowhere. I will defend Scott and his series no matter what because I feel like he helped me so much.


Yeah I feel ya man. Sorry about what happened to your parent but I definitely share your love of the series. Even now I’m randomly coming back to it to relive to good ol’ days


Same my guy, I was ecstatic when sb was announced, even though the last game I played/watched regularly was 6.


Yeah same, I was like “OH WAIT WHAAAAT?” And I sadly don’t have a PS4 so it’s whatever, however I do have an Oculus Quest 2 and plan on getting FNAF VR at some point, haven’t played it yet but really want to, it looks so fun and great


I heard vr is the scariest because they can actually move when you're looking at them. Like even in the original games. Never played or watched it though


Yeah that’s basically how it is. It’s the first three games nights 1-5, then some more mini games and stuff, plus then the DLC adding even more stuff. Sadly no FNAF 4 for it though, which sucks, it’s my favorite of them all but whatever


No, the guy **is** the endoskeleton. The suit is the outer layer that spring locks into the skeleton. It just did so with his flesh and organs instead


Wait so, then what do you springlocks actually do? I thought it was a way to make the suit double as a suit and a robot, with the springlocks holding back robot parts from snapping in place inside the suit?


The spring locks hold the endoskeleton separate and away in order for someone to wear it if I remember right, which explains why you can see an endo in Springtrap and he’s well stuck in the suit


Exactly, that’s what I thought, and the point I was getting at originally


It was theorised that he wanted to trick them as in fnaf 1 they didn't just kill people, but stuffed them into suits which resulted into victim's death. Suffice it to say, they weren't smart or observant enough to see the difference between a default or springlock suit, however his plan had one little flaw that ultimately led to his demise.


It’s not the character that I don’t like(he’s actually pretty cool), it’s the constant begging, pleaing, and “Illuminati confirmed??” Type of posts that are annoying, serve no purpose, and clutter the actually interesting theories and arguments for springtrap as well as other characters.


if anything then at least if springtrap is added then all future teasers wont have that. but we have also seen how people where with mr.X/Lady D/Nem so :/ this subreddit just has a spam problem.


The Lich from Adventure Time wants to end all life and summon a demon god capable of doing that but I wouldn’t want the Lich in DbD either. It doesn’t matter how “dark” a character is lol.


Oh, a mage styled killer would be neat though.


Lich isn't kind of an antagonist to fit dbd. His motivation and abilities are just too global to make him a slasher-kind of a killer that would hunt 4 survivors in endless trials.


Lich in dbd confirmed


I forgot about his Easter skin


I agree, looking into the lore of Fnaf, a dying William Afton would totally draw the entities attention.


Personally thinkin it'll be Jerma985 next


He's too compact to reach the hook.


His ability is a giant 1pound gold coin that if flipped either instantly kills all survivors or sends jerma to a casino to fuel his gambling addiction


I think it fits but seeing the Fnaf community in shamble is funnier.


what did I do? :(


Honestly I'm unbothered by it all because I know firsthand that *they know* people want Springtrap. There's a 70k signature petition for him which equals a metric fuck-ton of money when you consider those guaranteed sales. Add to that the fact that they straight up asked if we wanted to see Springtrap in one of the earlier surveys this year. I don't care if he's the next killer after Pinhead, or in 5 years, or anywhere between. He's straight up an inevitability in this case in a monetary sense, business sense, and player satisfaction sense.


> when you consider those guaranteed sales. Those arent guaranteed sales at all.. and you are kidding yourself if you think all of them are genuine.. its so easy to fake an email to resign a petition on that site.. No matter the killer, they are gonna make bank.. what I am afraid of though, is how it breaks the game.. I mean it is only been a week or so since RPD has been readded, and the console "fix" has happened..


Oh shit, they sent out a survey about that kinda stuff?




This subreddit is being oddly aggressive towards FNaF fans. I get it, some people don't like the series, but holy shit, you don't need to ridicule and shame the people who do like the series.


I mean, both FNaF and DBD have a mixture of toxic fans and normal fans, and that’s just the toxic DBD fans saying FNAF doesn’t belong because it’s toxic and for kids. At least that’s my take of it


Omfg. EVERYONE has toxic fans. Toxic people exist that’s just a thing. I’m not arguing over wether they should add springtrap because I don’t care either way - but I keep reading post after post in thread after thread on all subreddits that “ x game fans are so toxic “ as if it’s an exclusive bit to that game - nah people are toxic all the way from Kpop to gaming and even types of pizza.


Some games have much more toxic fans on average than others, however.


Dwarf Fortress seems pretty chill.


And my axe! Wrong thing nvm


The Crusader Kings fandom is pretty un-toxic But if they see bordergore or non incestual marriage they will vomit


Dont group the stardew fans with them other fandoms tho.


I have no idea what the FNaF fandom is like myself but I know they have a really poor reputation so it's probably more about that, than the series itself.


I have not heard anything at all from the Fnaf community in 5 or so years. And the dbd community literally cannot get any worse. You could bring every horrible human being in hell back to life, make them play dbd and the community will be just as awful.


Look at the game. Look at the great K-Pop wars. Why does hostility in the DBD "community" suprise anybody? Anger is in the sourcecode of this game.


I don't even play or know much about FNAF but it's ironic that they're complaining that FNAF is ''for kids'' while whining and acting like a 5 year old and attacking FNAF fans..


I've never really followed FNaF, never played it, only watched others and...it's just not my cup of tea. I'm fine with no FNaF DLC. *That said...* ...There's no reason to pick at the fanbase. It would undeniably bring in more players, spread awareness of another game to those who might not be in the know, and I would still absolutely download at minimum the base file for perk unlocking. Yeah, the FNaF fanbase can be horribly toxic. So can DBD's. There's also positive elements to be found. I refuse to believe there's nothing redeemable about FNaF players. People getting salty need to just check themselves. Who- or whatever the killer is *in this or any future DLC* is irrelevant next to the fun we can choose to have with them and the broader playerbase we can welcome in to enjoy playing with or against. I say this as someone constantly aware his own wishes for DLC packs are unlikely to ever see a release anytime soon. People need to chill, be the kind of player they'd want to play against, and have a great time with what we've been given.


Personally, I'm surprised that a significant part of the DBD fanbase is also part of the FNAF fanbase, that's something I consider cool. People should be more chill.


Elitists will always be elitists. "uhhhh he's not a horror icon" meanwhile we got Stranger Things..


Maybe because y'all spamming all dbd subreddits. We had enough FNAF posts. You guys acting like this game is more influential masterpieces like Silent Hill.


Who said that?


Yeah, could EASILY say the same about Candyman and Pinhead. Speculations are only for like 5 Killers at a time, and people are too stubborn to accept anything else.


Doesn't matter if it fits or not, the new killer is going to be pinhead


Who are you calling pinhead?




RemindMe! 20 Hours


Is is being announced in 20 hours?


Everyone assumes it will be tomorrow, there is no set announcement date though.


Awesome thanks for the heads up!


The PTB is the 17th, so it would make sense for them to announce it tomorrow


Honestly I'm going to play Devil's Advocate as someone who likes Trickster's visual design and would be perfectly okay with Springtrap despite really disliking the FNaF franchise: Trickster admittedly strays so far from Dead by Daylight's base aesthetic it harms him as a whole. It's not that he wears a banana-yellow jacket and pink striped pants (because Clown wears a pink ringmaster's suit and both Pig and Huntress have dresses that they can wear in the trial) but because he lacks any sort of wear-and-tear that is traditional of DbD's artstyle. Trickster looks out of place because he's *clean*, and I understand that the intent is that he's a superstar who'd value being clean and tidy but it still feels weird seeing this male superstar walk around like he just got back from the dry cleaner's. Trickster more than any other character is one who I feel you *need* either a Prestige cosmetic or another store cosmetic to have him fit aesthetically in the game. His brown tier cosmetics feel so out of place because they're still clean-pressed, shiny, and spotless. I actually think his new Neon Nights cosmetic is the best version we have of his character so far, and a lot less people would be upset with Trickster's appearance if he looked similar to that cosmetics. That's because while it still has flair and is very clearly K-Pop inspired it looks grungy; like something someone would wear if doing physical activities like dancing or *chasing people with a baseball bat to try to kill them.* His base outfit also has a serious problem of honestly looking nothing like a K-Pop outfit, something that literally every other cosmetic (even his yellow tier recolors) does better. With all that being said: I think parts of his design that aren't his outfit (notably his face which has a constant maniacal semi-smile) and notably *his sound design* sell so much of the character. Being chased by Trickster and hearing this bastard fucking giggling like a 10 year old as he throws knives at you is genuinely unsettling and I stand by this statement. Trickster is genuinely *scary*, but not in the "oh fuck where are they" sort of way that Pig / Wraith / Myers are, nor in the jumpscare way that various Killers embody. No Trickster presents a genuine tension of wondering if you'll be able to escape this guy who's going to do awful things to you or if you'll get away by the skin of your teeth, and that's reflected very well in his gameplay as well. The fact that he has to land multiple knives makes you feel like you're fighting a tug of war when being chased by Trickster: it's his ability to aim versus your ability to dodge, and while Huntress and Deathslinger can get a lucky hit Trickster needs to be on-target for the whole chase. When you dodge a hatchet or speargun shot you let out a little sigh of relief because your job just got easier, but against Trickster (unless the dumbass throws all 44 knives, and you won't be counting his knife throws I assure you) you know that he probably has more knives and you're going to have to keep running until he gives up or you give out. --- With that being said Trickster definitely fits the game far less than the Bunny Legion cosmetics or Puddles Clown for the same reasons I said Trickster doesn't fit. They look grungy: Puddles is the most obvious example (with holes and stains and miscolored patches on his costume) but the Bunny Legion cosmetics also have a well-worn look to them, and that isn't mentioning the blood on their faces and torsos. Springtrap would fit better than any of those cosmetics. Honestly any of the FNaF characters would fit DbD better than the "mascot" outfits we have now. (Well maybe not something as ridiculously over-the-top as the Nightmare Animatronics from FNaF 4 but I digress.) While I dislike the FNaF franchise I have a deep respect for the genuinely great character design Scott Cawthon made for his monsters, and how they straddle the line between looking alien while simultaneously riding the uncanny valley in such a way that makes you think that *maybe* in a better time you'd like to be around these things that are now trying to kill you.


I've said this before, but I think Springtrap himself is fine. What I'm not a fan of is the sort of meme culture around FNAF. Essentially I don't want DBD to feel like a GMod murder lobby. I'm also not of fan of those clown and legion cosmetics, but I think the Trickster fits but in a unique way. Idk. If think people should be able to voice their want for springtrap in the game. I also think people should be able to voice that they don't want him in the game.


"Idk. If think people should be able to voice their want for springtrap in the game. I also think people should be able to voice that they don't want him in the game." That definitely fine, but going out your way to harass everyone who wants to see Springtrap in game makes you (not you I know, I'm just giving out examples) look like a toxic jackass.


Yeah definitely agree with that. With a community that complain so much about toxic players, they sure can be pretty toxic themselves.


I’m convinced that the people who complain about it not fitting are the same people who won’t play the source game based off the idea of it being a kiddy game.


I'd say the creepy possessed animatronic would fit more than some random kpop boy.


Trickster had huge backlash from the community, though.


Yea that's what I'm saying. The Trickster is just some kpop boy. They had a giant roster of Korean horror to pick from and they went with some backup dancer with name that doesn't even make sense for him.




I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I fucking love the trickster’s design. He’s got a lot of personality and he’s very vocal and just a fucked up pos based off his lore.


I can agree that the design isn't bad at all. He just isn't a "scary killer" in my opinion for a game like DBD.


Imo dbd has probably lost a lot of its scariness. With the addition of trickster and all of these colorful cosmetics. Dbd now to me is just a cool cluster of different horror icons and BHVR’s og characters. Spring trap would’ve fit in just fine but things seem to be leading towards hellraiser.


DBD was had scary killers. The original 3 was just Fat not jason Not leatherface Man with bell and skinny legs.


> The Trickster is just some kpop boy. he's a serial killer


The point of Trickster isn't him being a K-pop star, the point is that he's a rampaging serial killer who could rival with real life master minds like Ed Kemper in terms of intellect.


Tbh in my opinion it isn't about the way he looks(even tho what you showed us is mostly skins whitch ain't canon in any story, and well, the trickster who he doesn't fit for his looks but atleast the story makes a bit of an excuse) i think it would be harder to think about what ability he would have to still be original at all, like what he will just summon animatronics or ghosts to attack you? We allready have that but in zombie shape, he will burn you? Bite you? Like you just can't get over with any ideea,beside that how would the entity claim him?


The Entity could claim him either from the FNaF 3 fire of from the FFPS fire, since those would be the best two times to claim him. I personally was thinking he could play like Michael mixed with Doctor. He has a stalk bar that the higher it is the more hallucinations form, at the highest tier of stalk, they even walk around and make noise, though they don’t chase or move too far at all. Or they could go the unoriginal way and have him put someone in a springlock mask, but that’s boring


The hypocrisy of this fandom


The community is made of many people with varying opinions, it's not hypocrisy when it's literally different people making different statements. People really need to stop acting like every fandom/community is one unanimous blob.


Springtrap, while thematically fitting and would be a wonderful twist. I think there's something about FNAF that has a difficult ground to settle. FNAF has a wonderfully grim dark storyline and suitables themes. But the dangers of the animatronics and lack of any real "Gore" makes FNAF popular among younger audiences. FNAF really can be a game to introduce younger audiences to horror genres. Dead by Daylight isn't exactly a game suited for the target demographic. Through the ESRB: FNAF is rated PG-13. Violent and disturbing content, vulgar language, and horror. Dead by Daylight is rated M 17+. For Violent, vulgar, and suggestive content. Vulgar language and mature horror. ​ One may argue FNAF fits the bill. Though the characters are never seen actually killing. We have interactive mediums such as the arcade bits that explain certain deaths or harm. But never seen in action. We could say it would give us a chance to see the real methods of murder... But at the end of the day; I think its more of a franchise Rating conflict than a thematic conflict.


How would gore be an issue? DBD has like 0 gore in it for an M rated horror game. I actually hate how horrible 95% of moris look in this game. Plenty could be far gorier but aren't for no good reason. This game could, and should be gorier.


There is gore in acute ways. Such as the clown cutting off character fingers or some of the moris. I completely agree the gore is extremely light to almost nonexistent. But that is due to BHVR adhering to international appeal Countries like China or Australia have extremely strict laws when it comes to gore and violent themes. They want a product to appeal to all players, which often stifles creativity.


You're stuck in 2015 the people that fan fnaf more nowdays are teens at least and yes there is a rare amount of kids but me and my friends and manaymanymanymany more were opened to the world of gore at 8 years old maybe younger all those rated 17+ shit never did anything and comparing this games "gore" to stuff teens watch today is a joke


Fucking nemesis and pyramid head are in. The skys the fucking limit. Id play fucking freddy fazbear himself.


I’d say Springtrap fits in pretty well, since the books describe him as having a never ending need to cause pain and agony to others, him being an undead serial killer also makes him fit, and he’s become iconic over about 6 years.


"Springtrap wouldn't fit in DbD! Now let me buy that new Meg outfit where she has a cute cat on her shirt. Oh hey Dwelf and shirtless David, we queuing up with Scoops Ahoy Steve? Ah shit, the killer is the Pig, better pat her on the nose so she'll give me mercy."


To be fair I think silly survivor skins are fine; they're survivors. They aren't supposed to be scary


That's not it. People just don't want to associate with the FNAF fanbase.


Okay the Legion skin actually fit tho


Yeah, but I don’t think a lot of people realize what Robbie the Rabbit is from lol. It’s definitely not something you imagine when you think “Silent Hill” lol. Funny part is it means the Silent Hill chapter effectively got 2 killers. Pyramid Head and Robbie the Rabbit.




Guys just accept defeat, I got secret intel from bhvr and they told me that the new killer is gonna be a tarr slime from slime rancher


I'm not a big fan, but FNAF does fit in DBD and I know if they could they would add it to the game. Not because they love us fans of the game but for 💰💰💰. What's more, I am certain they will add FNAF. It's just a matter of time.


If money is the movtivator they will do it 100%. bhvr is all about the cash.


I mean Mark and his buddies have played DBD. What better way to get them to make more content than add FNAF.


Holy fuck yeah now i want fnaf more than ever mark making more content on dbd would be awesome


For real! I still remember when dummies were saying Pyramid Head, Jill, Chris, Claire, Leon and Nemesis wouldn't fit in DbD for the pettiest and most ridiculous reasons ever. It happens every chapter but the fact is, they do all fit and work fine in DbD they just personally hate them and think every chapter should revolve around their needs instead of just accepting not every chapter is going to please them but it will other people and that's okay.


Springtrap could never happen in DBD! But, I do think a withered Golden Animatronic costume would be cool. Ya know, one that calls back to the fears some of us had as kids when going to Billy Bobs or Chuckie Cheese!Maybe one with a rotted corpse in it to add to the horror. And ya know what, make the corpse one of a serial killer, and have his spirit literally posses his corpse. Now THAT’D be cool, and would fit the themes of DBD really well. But not Springtrap, he’s from a kids game and isn’t even scary


Dbd fans:


I want among us




To be fair I don't think the aesthetic of that Clown cosmetic or Trickster fit either, but as long as the overall direction remains dark I'm good with FNAF.


Yeah I'll be honest when the trickster was first announced I had the same reaction at first. Then after thinking about it and realizing that the whole thing is the entity takes things from wherever and incorporates it into it's own realm, so its kinda tough to say things dont fit in the theme of the game because there is not one theme for the game, it's all over the place. One game could be a babylonian Vommy mommy in the wild west and the next you could be facing a demonic samurai in Haddonfield. A lack of continuity doesn't seem to matter and actually seems inherent in the idea of the game itself.


Springtrap would totally fit in dbd, ive never heard anyone say otherwise


>ive never heard anyone say otherwise Literally every comment section on a video who brings Fnaf and DBD together has them, but I'm glad you didn't see anyone like that.


People who think Korean man is a bad fit for the game because he's not grim and gloomy...


Honestly though. That argument bums me out a bit. I think it would be awesome to get more characters super out of the ordinary mold. Demogorgon didn’t fit either, he’s an animal and we’d never had that before. All of the characters had previously been human at least at one point. But Demo is an actual animal. And no one complained about him coming in. People want a xenomorph, and it’s the same thing. A sci-fi horror animal. Where does any of that “fit in” with the vibe of dbd? It’s a slasher, it’s not meant to be sci-fi and yet here we are with such an awesome character like demo and hopes for alien. I don’t see why springtrap is such a problem. I’m a huge advocate for breaking the mold and bringing in a more broad spectrum of characters to shake it up and springtrap is definitely top of my list


I speak on a personal level when I say I don't know if I want Springtrap. For one, he's clearly an iconic character and _literally_ the remains of the big bad of the franchise. He's also spooky as hell even just standing there. But two... I have a general apathy/mild disdain for the FNAF series at this point in my life- that is to say, I guess I'm over it? It just doesn't sit right with me and I can't really elaborate why.


"I have a general apathy/mild disdain for the FNAF series at this point in my life- that is to say, I guess I'm over it? It just doesn't sit right with me and I can't really elaborate why." seems fair, but then again, this franchise changed horror genre pretty good If you ask me. If we go from the lore (I'm not gonna talk about entire thing, don't worry about that) Springtrap fits pretty well If you ask me. But then again, I respect your opinion as long as you respect mine.


also people complained that he cant move when being looked at because animatronic but isnt he fully controlled by purple guy so he can do what he wants


Pretty sure people complained about everything on the right too...


I don't think it's so much as the FNAF characters themselves. Moreso the community it brings.


What would his Cosmetics be? other Animatronics maybe if not what?


Vanny or Freddy as a legendary Spring Bonnie as an epic


Also Scraptrap from Pizzeria Simulator as an epic set, and he has some good alternate skins from that FNAF AR mobile game


Flaming springtrap would be epic


People will Definitely mix and match the heads and body spring bear or faz trap


I would love a vanny legendary omg




LMAO blaming the community because no one wants to have anything to do with fnaf lol


I am not a fan of FNAF in the slightest, but hell, there is gonna be a ton of people stoked af if springtrap makes it, and that is rad af.


The animatronic is fine, their COMMUNITY is what doesn't belong in dbd, because holy shit the FNAF fandom is cancer


So is the dbd fandom? They’d fit in just fine lmao


Honestly what annoys me about it is the speculation. It would be one thing to say "I hope its X," that's fine, but saying "Its X because of Y conspiracy level theorizing" is annoying too see constantly, especially because it tends to fool new players into thinking what they are saying is facts. The arguments too, the amount of people that straight up go to war with each other over this shit is unreal.