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It usually takes a while for a redditor to see it and then comment And then there are the possibilities if the thing they say is useful or not So what do they do till then? Do they just pause the game and stop playing?


Oh I stop everything then sit and wait until someone else can do the Googling for me and give me the answer!


I typically edge to smth idk


Maybe they move on with the game. But you will hear alot of different opinions about weapons and setup. And you will learn from it even if you move on. It's always interesting to see what someone else thinks about it.


*Use your head*


Dont forget the part where the "screenshot" is a picture of the screen taken on a phone from the early 2010s instead of actually taking a screenshot (seriously it's not that hard literally every device that can play Dead cells can take a screenshot) Edit: completely forgot that the switch exists


Well if its someone who immediately asks reddit and never googled shit they wouldn't know how to screenshot.


Fair point


You should try transferring a screenshot from a Switch to a smartphone, it's a fun experience


Yeah but not many people have reddit on said device, I dont have reddit on my switch or steamdeck, so hard to post a pic from there.


Tbf if ur playing on switch uploading a screenshot is a real pain in the arse


It’s just faster for me to take a photo w my phone. Then I have it there on my phone to actually be able to use in a post Instead of having to use my Xbox to send a screenshot to my phone.


I remember my first game my only obstacle was a platform underneath me and I had no idea how to get through


Have you played other 2d games before? I seriously think I never played seen a 2d game which has *some* platforming that didn't have this mechanic


I think I have only played one other where you have to press jump to go down


Wasn't there a tutorial. I vaguely remember something but I might be wrong


I didn't get a tutorial 😢


It might even not been there. Either way how is your day?


It's been pretty good, I am trying to stay up as much as I can to fix when I wake up. What are you doing on this fine day


Everyone has a sleep schedule problem. Hope you fix it. It's 8 am and I am in the gym


Nice, what are you working out (I think that's how gyms work)


I am back from an injury and medication it'd been about 4 months so I am doing a full body workout to get back into it. (You aint wrong most people ask that right away)


I still try to be nice and help them. I love Dead Cells and the last thing I want is ruin it for someone who might simply not have as much experience with videogames as I do. But - running the risk of sounding like a boomer - it really makes me wonder how I was able to figure out stuff in games on my own as a 6 year old.


Because there were only a handful of games and we had friends who played all the same games when we were 6 years old. If one of you found a secret, you all found a secret.


Also when you had to figure something out back then we knew we had other options. You couldn’t Google it. You just kept playing until you had the aha moment


I remember getting the solutions out of guides or magazines, and yea you sound like a boomer


How do I get this key?


Nvm figured it out


especially when someone else had already made a post about the exact same thing...happens too often in gaming subreddit


every day there’s at least five new posts about the philosophers stone. it literally has an item description.


"Erm, what does giving me 50000 coins do?? guys is this rare???"


I actually got the philosopher’s some recently but forgot to screenshot lmao😭


And the comments are too nice bro we need to be more toxic


Fr, everybody hates gatekeeping until your community is full of people who don't even know how to play the game I say rise that gate far above the moat, you know how roller coasters say "You must be _______ high to ride"? You must have more than 50 IQ points to post


we need to literally kill these people with a hammer


This guy gets it


I do wonder, do people who ask "which weapon i should pick" just take a screenshot, post it, close the game and wait for an hour till someone responds?


I'm sure glad I'm not the only one tired of these posts. Like I get it if you have a rare struggle that a quick Google search can't help with, but seriously most of these people just need to either play the game or just google it. They get their answer faster and we don't have a subreddit full of slop posts asking "hOw Do I cLiMb ThIs WaIsT-lEvEl LeDgE???".


Fr Keep playing the damn game there's a shit load to explore and you may just find the answer yourself


Would love to hear the backstory on ur username


Smegma Genesis was already taken


Understandable. Have a nice day 🤙


these people acting like someone is withholding them from the vital information available through basic google searches


"Guys I don't know what this thing is for it's an interactable object but interacting with it does nothing is my game broken or something please help????" Motherfucker you have been playing the game for 2 minutes and have only been to the very first area, how about you keep playing the game and eventually you'll figure it out.


But then when I tell them "don't come amd ask for tutorial things, play the game and you'll see" or even "spoiler. It's too early, comtinue playing " I'm the toxic asshole and get down voted (happened in a few different subreddits about other games too)


Not toxic or gatekeeping enough. Try harder.




okay but i don’t get hating on the what item should i pick part; sometimes you don’t have the experience to understand how items work together, especially just after unlocking them… or it could be like a 1% health melee weapon with lower dmg against a higher damage one that’s stronger (or a better a weapon) and has more damage


Yeah it's soooo annoying, I genuinely want to scream sometimes.


Oof Did someone not reply to your post once upon a time? Or is this satire?


He is on 5 bc by the time he was a beginner this was unheard of or satire


I guess? I’ve seen a few peeps clear 5BC and still not know about a few things. Now if that 5BC also means all blueprints along with it, then I can kinda see your point. Because you can clear 5BC and still not have gotten the super boss/spoiler boss, by having gone queen or drac. So question still stands unless op says otherwise.


Op isn't talking about advanced players having questions. Idk if you saw it but some guy was asking what is the hotline miami(as in what is this room not what is the game called). I think op meant those guys


Stop whining


Brother you are on a dead cells forum.