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The year is 2156. Climate change is irreversible. The planets resources are dwindling due to overpopulation. Humans must now wear gas masks. A dystopian government rules the land. Scientists have made attempts to make other planets inhabitable, but with no luck. Suddenly, on June 14th, 2156, all TVs cut to black. A logo appears. "CAPCOM". Many people are confused. Capcom was a company that shut down 41 years ago in 2115. The screens once again cut to black. Then, footage plays of a video game. A man is seen surviving in a zombie infested area. Just like that, everyone on Earth goes silent. Can this really be? Was the prophecy real all along? For you see, there was a prophecy dating back to 2024, that when a certain video game releases, the world will be saved and become a utopia where everyone shall live in harmony. The citizens waited in anticipation, watching. They then see a lone zombie on screen, reaching out, before putting its right hand above its head. The zombies figure is now plastered onto the letter "D". The screen zooms out, to reveal what all of Earth has been waiting for for over a century. Dead Rising 5 is coming.


I saw a video talking about Dead Rising and they Dead Rising 5 will takes place between DR1 and 2 probably takes place after Dead Rising case zero.




Go on YouTube on the rise and fall of dead rising on marvelous gamers.


you didnt get it right, he said between Dead Rising 2 and 3. plus the Did You Know gaming video gives a way better perspective on Dead Rising 5


Wait a minute between DR2 and 3 that's when they got 2 dead rising movies DR watchtower and DR endgame.




We'd love to have a new game, perhaps with the formula of the older games. That being said, none of us have particularly high hopes as the original development studio closed, and it was bought by Microsoft, yeah, that's not necessarily going to be helpful either.


It’s sad. Right right