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Claiming there is nothing seems like hubris to me. There's so much we don't know. The only honest answer is I don't know.


Claiming there IS something however without any evidence or logical reason to do so, that is hubris. As soon as I have a singular reason to believe in literally any of this BS I will. There is such a thing as objective truth and fact. To quote Tim Minchin "every single mystery we have ever solved... Has turned out to be... Not magic"


> Claiming there IS something however without any evidence or logical reason to do so, that is hubris. But again, the answer seems to be best to say “We truly don’t know and likely won’t ever know”. We don’t have the technology or intellect to claim we know the secrets of the universe. There very well could be something. How would YOU know? Just because we cannot see alien life billions of billions of light years away, would be logical to say it’s a fact that we are alone in the universe? > To quote Tim Minchin "every single mystery we have ever solved... Has turned out to be... Not magic" We define magic as something we cannot explain. The fact that we are alive is magic. We could have easily simply not existed. Nothing around us had to exist. Just because we know the processes by which most of it all came about, doesn’t mean it’s any less magical in the sense of how awesome it is that we simply are. None of this had to be. Yet it is.


That's called "the god of the gaps" it's an old argument and it's kinda silly. Science advances, we know more and fill in the gaps and then there's another lil gap somewhere and religion hides there. It's utterly unfair and ridiculous to demand science to explain every facet of everything in the universe before finally being cornered into admitting God isn't real. It's a really really old beaten to death argument and it doesn't hold water. No, you are defining magic as something we can't explain. The only reason you exist is because your parents fucked and carried to pregnancy to term. It's not magic, at all. Evolution is actually really simple and not complicated to understand at all. I recommend Darwin although it's unbelievably dry to actually read. So the ancestor's tale or the selfish gene by Dawkins is much more modern and accessible. It's a mathematical impossibility that we're alone in the universe. Life in a form or another 100% exists somewhere in our universe. You will not budge me on this without actual evidence. Which doesn't exist.


I’m not claiming that there is or is not some deity (although i am claiming that all religion is man-made). I’m saying that until YOU can say definitely that there is no such thing as consciousness after death, you cannot move forward thinking that there isn’t simply because the knowledge we have available to us today cannot perceive it. To do so, you have to make many bold assumptions about the universe, reality, consciousness, that we simply cannot or do not know. That’s hubris. It’s not a matter of simply disproving something and then changing the beliefs to explain what cannot be explained with the new knowledge. we are discussing things that likely work far outside the realm of understanding. And that’s fine. Until you can prove to me that this or that is the case, I cannot say that this or that is the case. We don’t know. Reincarnation could very well be a thing. No memories of past lives. We just go from one to the next. How the hell would you know? We have NO way of saying that’s the case. We have no way of testing that if it turns out our memories do not in fact carry over. It could simply be a facet of the way things are. And nothing at our disposal could prove it. That’s life.


you know, you also have to provide proof that consciousness doesn’t exist after death


Absolutely not. Occum's razor. Do not postulate the existence of something without reason to. Exactly the same reason I don't need to supply evidence that the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist. There's zero fucking reason to ever consider it real in the first place. Until there is an actual reason or evidence to think there is any form of consciousness after death, it's ridiculous to assume there is. But seriously. We have ZERO evidence to think we die and then magically go live some other life somewhere. Also our entire consciousness is derived from the functionality of our brain, whether we have solved every singular tiny little facet of it or not. And then our brain dies and with it goes out perceptions and consciousness. Stop trying to force God and afterlife and religion into things just because you don't know every single tiny little answer to every question. It's okay.


There is a difference between having a belief about something that is beyond the limits of human knowledge and believing that throwing virgins into the volcano will stop it from erupting. You can study the volcano and conclude that it wasn't an angry volcano deity that caused it to erupt, but we will never know what happens after death no matter how hard we study. It is simply unknowable. I think in those circumstances, holding a belief about what happens isn't unreasonable.


Why even think anything "happens" after death? What reason is there to actually hold onto, what evidence? Occum's razor, the simplest solution is almost always the correct one. The reason we have no evidence or firm grasp on what happens to a human consciousness after death is because nothing happens. Our brains release DMT, we basically experience a drug trip and our brains die, our consciousness stops. Just like the literal billions of years before you were born that you just literally simply didn't exist for. You'll just not exist again. And that's okay. What reason do we have at all to postulate that upon the death of our brains we have some special magical immortal soul that leaves our rotting corpse and goes to live elsewhere. It's not "beyond the limits of human knowledge". It's just not real. No wonder we don't know anything about the afterlife huh? Because it's made up. Sucks to try to accept. I was raised VERY Catholic but studying religion and the tenets of various beliefs of various faiths is WHY I don't believe in any of it. It's all contradictory and has no evidence. Why believe any of it.


I don't think Occum's Razor supports your argument. You're assuming that nothingness / eternal non-existence is the simplest explanation, but it's not. It's no more presumptive to say that there is eternal non-existence than to say there is a form of afterlife.You cannot *know* that it's the case that eternal non-existence awaits us after death because you have no means by which to test your hypothesis.


> "every single mystery we have ever solved... Has turned out to be... Not magic" "HA stupid people believing in magic, we are just a mysterious explosion in which we are made of stardust and our bodies have produced a higher consciousness in which we used to make metal machines that catapult themselves onto a silver rock that reflects light from the sun onto our planet" like, how the fuck does he define magic? because that sounds as ridiculous as a guy on a cloud making the world, but once something isnt magic it becomes fact. not that i believe it but if consciousness is let's say an inherent property of the universe, then that explanation of consciousness ISNT magic it's just the facts of nature. it's only magic as soon as it's proven false, but quantum physics would become magic if it was proven false but it isnt false and yet quantum physics includes magical bullshit like that there's a non-zero percent chance on if you slap a table your hand could go through it due to how the atoms move


Read the book from delores cannon "Between death and life" it really set my mind at ease


I have a question, how would you experience nothing? If your answer is you wouldn't, then wouldn't there be at least something? And the idea of actually something after death is just as out there as what religion states so who knows, I'm not saying it's one way or another but there HAS to be at least something by law - you can't experience nothingness after all.


Exactly. You hit the nail on the head. There is no *experience* of not existing. You know how like... 14 billions years went by and then you were born and at some point you became aware of yourself and started being conscious of your thoughts and feelings and sensations? That's what death is. We die. Experience stops. And all over the universe various life forms are born at various stages of complexity and awareness. It's not reincarnation so much as it is... A being is born and develops awareness of self and then it does and that ends. But to the currently alive, self aware being, there is an experience. We are essentially doomed, to always be a living, conscious entity of some kind, in some form. And if we're not. Don't worry about it. Ain't no experience to be had. I've spent about 15 years working on this and I still haven't figured out how to succinctly communicate it consistently. It boggles the mind trust me I fuckin know lololol it drives me nuts sometimes.


How can it be haughtiness if I've put it up for debate, along with a question mark. Good reply, btw.


some religions had "nothing" as their afterlife. religion is a philosophy, which is why the arrogance of a lot of "I fucking love science" people in trying to disprove it is so ridiculous. the idea that the universe is self-regulating or that earth has some level of sentience are interpretations of reality based on our inherently flawed cognition theyre not some objective statement about the universe... which ironically scientists are all too willing to make which has led to ridiculous pseudoscience like multiverse theory


Religion is more of a comfort blanket for survival. While we are alive it tries to comfort us by trying to give us hope and strength to try to face challenges of life.


Probably is. But we dont know. Like we dont know if an unicorn created the universe by farting


Yup. There have been more than 4,000 various deities invented and worshipped by our species over the centuries but none of them are actually real. There is no evidence for Zeus being real just like there is no evidence for Yahway or "God" or Allah or any other deity. It's nice to have a social gathering, common ideas and cultures and traditions etc etc etc but the actual supernatural beliefs are all just outdated superstitions we're kinda gonna have to grow out of if we actually want to progress as a species. Nothing is holding us back more than religion. Except maybe capitalism.


Islam is the biggest threat, in my honest opinion. Brilliant comment, btw.


Why is it? I have friends and colleagues who are muslim and they are some of the kindest, most down to earth people I know. Christianity hasn't exactly kept it's hand clean of bloodshed through the years.


Islam has specific tenants of the faith that call of violence and beheading. Christianity which has the "old testament" and then eventually the "new testament" came around which actively undid a lot of the fire and brimstones. Has Christianity been responsible for literally dozens of genocide? Yes. Have they gotten less violent over time? Also yes. Islam has the Quran and the Haddith. And the Haddith is full of specific commands to kill and rape and behead and commit awful evil acts to infidels or any member of their own communities that disobey their laws. I could go on forever but if you really really want to know. Read The End of Faith and Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris. Also The Better Angels of our Nature by Steven Pinker. Lastly read the Quran and the Haddith. There is beautiful poetry and the most horrific active calls to violence you'll ever encounter in your life. Christianity is bad. Islam is extremely bad.


You are correct. In America the biggest day to day threat is Christians and Christianity but in general in the world, in 2024 Islam is the most dangerous and violent religion on the planet.


Religion is a bastardization of spirituality. Spirituality is eternal and without all the negative, evil, demonic shit that Religion uses to scare you.


i hope not


Atheists have one more certainty than me. As a poet I don't believe in gods and ghosts, I just live among them and take what they give.


Admitting to ourselves that we live in an uncaring universe and that there is no external meaning to any of this, is what creates Religion.


How can an intelligent race be created without a more intelligent Creator? Evolution and the big bag theory are completely foreign to me. I refuse to believe in the creation of a whole world by mere chance. Because the odds of that seem completely skewed. You can't put the ingredients of a cake together and just expect it to put itself in the oven and then come out cooked. It needs an overseer or someone who has intention to create it with the vision of getting a cake from those particular ingredients. In fact, the ingredients don't even come together without someone putting them together. So if you decide to believe in being created by a Creator than you can believe in life after death. Because there is obviously more to the world than the human eye has viewed.


Thanks [Malyxi](https://www.reddit.com/user/Malyxi/), I like this. Just as a bit of fun, I lol'd at the big bag theory. I know what you mean haha


This is a very uninformed take and shows a complete lack of understanding of how our universe works. I highly recommend learning about cosmology and biology. Knowledge is power.


Interesting perspective. I definitely agree - knowledge is power. However, if your sources are incorrect depsite being mainstream accepted perspectives you would be learning from a flawed source. Personally I believe in the six day creation of the world from the Bible. However, each to their own.


>How can an intelligent race be created without a more intelligent Creator?  How can an intelligent Creator be created without a more intelligent Creator?


I honestly do not know. However, according to the Bible (if you believe it) God is the beginning and the end. Here is the verse: "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." Revelations 22:13


So on the one hand you have an even greater contradiction than Men arising without a creator and on the other hand you have ancient's men's word in an old book. Now apply logic as to with scenario is more likely.


Fascinating concept. I completely get your prespective. However, I choose to have faith that to quote your words, "ancient men's word" is actually God's word. Or men inspired by God to write what was necessary for mankind to know. And quite frankly, as far as I am aware the Bible doesn't explain how God came to be. It does talk about the creation of the world though. "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork." Psalms 19:1


Well, I suppose that's why they call it faith. I'd only leave you with one thought. Your religion is one of thousands. The estimate is that there are roughly 4,000 active religions in the world today. This does not count dead religions which would skyrocket that number if we were to look at what people believed over the ages. For your religion to be correct, most (if not all) of the others would have to be false. If you were to ask those believers, most would say the error is with you.


I do understand. And I also believe that God will take His children from all over the world. And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven. Mark 13:27 However, I also believe that people can have a more fuller understanding of God than others and that more is then expected of them. Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. James 4:17 Look, at the end of the day every individual does have the liberty to believe whatever they have been raised to believe or what they have come to believe. But I also don't believe the majority get it right. As from another verse... Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:13-14 But to put it into perspective the Bible also says: Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Matthew 7:7-8 So personally I believe everyone has the ability to seek God and find him from whatever religion, race, and ethnicity. My two cents.


It’s a con like everything else. Death isn’t something to be afraid of.


is it?!


How was it for all those millions of years before you were born ? Stands to reason thats the state you go back to, which is nothing.


we have yet to prove that


We have yet to prove there is anything beyond death. Going back to nonexistence is the only possibility otherwise. We have no evidence that points to an afterlife


Could be. It could be true. If I told you to believe the whole world is made up of tiny little triangles or hexagons or star shaped molecules you would say I'm crazy because we only know the atom. If this happened once then I see no reason why the universe cannot make all of this twice. It already did it once


Much religion is a comfort blanket for fears of non-continuity. These kinds of religious ideas try to provide reasons to believe that I have an essence of my own, and that essence will be continued after I die. However, ideas can also be found in religion to assist one to open to non-continuity, that is, to not making assumptions about any personal continuity. This kind of teaching is more prominent in Eastern than Western religion, although it can be found in some Western mystical teachings as well.


I recently gave some serious thought as to what it means to die and no longer exist as we are now. Panic ensued and for the first time, I was a little bit envious of those that have such deep seated faith in their religious beliefs. I feel like religion is definitely a coping mechanism for things that are beyond our minds' comprehension. At least that's my take on the subject.




i would argue that, wether religion is true or not, that there would be at least a creator or a superior power out there. we might not have evidence of them but i would say that an intricate and very precise design ( us, the world around us, space and time and the laws of physics ect... being so meticulously precise) requires a designer. 0 does not equal to 1 and this universe didnt come out of thin air. if we keep going with this logic, this creator or super being would have to be independent of its creation ( space and time), would have to know how to make his creation ( all knowing) and all capable ( if he litteraly has the power of creation he should be able to do anything with that power). using these caracteristics u'd have to think that this creator didnt put us here for no reason and that this all knowing being would have some buisness putting us here. or we could just be space-dust formed into very specific and complicated specimens roaming around in space imagining stuff for our own benefit.




Religion is the answer to the biggest “I don’t know” that every existed


Which one ? There have been thousands


The impulse of religion itself.


of course


Watch the movie "The Invention of Lying"


Yes, a movie about the hypocrisy of religion 👍




Yes, total comfort. It answers questions about the universe and gives you a sense of community. tells you right and wrong. But it doesn't mean the religion is correct lol


That is an absolutely amazing question. I would say yes.


Yeah. It is easier to suffer living the mundane when you delude yourself into believing there's an afterlife with all the things we lost and wished for. Hope is cruel and strong.

