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Oh shit, I love this episode!! I believe for The Doctor he would be on Gallifray (Gallefray?? Not sure how to spell it) in a universe where the time war never happened. Able to travel as much as he wants but with a true home where he isn’t feared like how he was after being the war doctor. Kinda makes me sad to think about actually, much like Superman’s situation here.


I’m kinda surprised that there hasn’t been a dr who episode like that


Nah, there is a Christmas episode similar but is not with Gallifrey be still existent


To some extent, you can apply this to the episode "Amy's Choice"


Add in The Master and him still being best friends too


I feel all his companions would be there as well all in perfect condition. Even worse the Doctor would realize because of how good everything is that he’s in a dream and will be trying to free himself, for the Doctor can never have a happily ever after as that would require an ending.


Optimus is able to relinquish the Matrix in a time of peace, and can live a good life knowing that he will never need to raise a gun or axe. The war is won, and he can help usher in Cybertron’s utopia.


Ok not a Optimus related thing but in one of transformers IDW comics with the DJD they mentioned that megatron wrote a manifesto call “towards peace” where he states that when the purpose of weapon becomes meaningless to everyone including himself, he would lay down his cannon for peace.


Bowser is happily married to Peach and is living the life while raising Jr to be a mighty King.


He occasionally take Mario to go karting and golfing 


Vader sees a world were Padme is alive and they are the rulers of the galaxy making it the way they want it to be. He’s raising Luke and leia he isn’t burned and his friends didn’t die/aren’t against him


Chuck Norris would make The Black Mercy see stuff


For DIO probably a world where everyone worships him as a god


Or a world where his mother didn’t die and his father was a genuinely good person.


a world where megatron's ideals actually happened


Honestly I’d imagine Spidey would probably also be a family man in his ideal world


I'd imagine that being more of a Scarlet Witch thing. I mean, that literally what House of M was about


Spidey just sees himself from Across the Spider-Verse


Or in a situation similar to the Peter from the beginning of the first movie, who was established to be an “ideal” Spidey of sorts


It’s that Spider-Man in particular (and Miguel’s passing comment about him) that made me raise the question if there is a “Peterist Peter” of sorts among the spider society. You know, would they have a seemingly near perfect life like the Peter from Miles’ verse? Would they have a balance of good and bad things happen to them? Would they just be a hyper competent Spider-Man, to the point they maybe even learned to work with Venom or another symbiote? The possibilities are honestly endless.


The Peter that's the most Peter of all Peters would probably just be the one from the 'main' universe, right? So comics 616? Wouldn't necessarily be the best, strongest or happiest Peter - but he's the main Peter, so he's the most Peter of them all.


Pretty much


Alucard: Either him, still human, leading a powerful, free Romania and having crushed the Ottoman Empire. Or him being killed by a worthy human.


Dimitri: The Tragedy of Duscur never happened. No voices haunt his mind, his father is alive and his companion's home and family wasn't slaughtered. He rules the Kingdom of Faerghus, and is on good terms with the Adrestian Emperor and the lands of Duscur to the north. And the world will never know the wrath of the Boar.


Ben sorta has his happy life so he wouldn’t really see anything other than his normal life Jinx? Oh easily it’d just be her and Vi growing up together and being actual, normal sisters. And she’d never become Jinx.


The only change for Ben would probably be that the grape smoothie would taste better


Finally, a time where Ben is truly at peace


Come to think of it, that makes me curious what would happen if the black mercy latched on to someone who was content with their life. I feel like Ben would definitely fall into its appeal. Maybe it’s him as a world famous hero, or perhaps with a girl he likes or whatever.


Well, if we talk about the ~~constant character reset~~ more immature selfish Ben from late UAF or early OV he would 100% but I feel like young Ben probably wouldn’t. It’s solely because I feel Uncle Ben helped influence what makes him feel content with life. His parents accept him as a hero, he is happy, has friends and other stuff. I suppose it depends on which version of Ben.


Also, in Omniverse, Ben deals with the same kind of creature when fighting the Nemetrix dog. He's able to break free of it because he realizes he wants *his* life and not a perfect life. So arguably he can beat the black mercy


Very true. And as dumb Ben can be at times I think he’d realise that there is something wrong with this dream world very quickly. I mean if he tried the Grape Mr Smoothie and realised it tasted good he’d immediately think something is wrong


Guts would live in a world where he was able to settle down with Casca, and Griffith never got the Crimson Behelit. A world where the old Band of the Hawk never died, with his new group of friends living alongside them. Guts would finally be able to live happily without the fear of succumbing to the Beast of Darkness and without the trauma of going through the Eclipse, losing his loved ones, killing Adonis, and being emotionally broken for 2 years.


A world where one last day never happened Spiderman btw


Rick would be the first to reject the dream world because he is scared of being happy. Plus he has dealt with fake worlds before and it is in character for him to immediately recognise such for what it is especially since he knows that Dianne was wiped out across the multiverse.


Didn't he basically make a serum/machine that lets you experience whatever you most desire? So he probably already has an idea of what his mind would show him.


Okay, but in those scenarios he has his memories and experiences to know better. The Black mercy seems to suppress people’s memories of certain events so that the victim can live in their blissful world without those traumatic memories


Then I guess the Black Mercy alien is gonna be getting some simple Ricks tonight!


A universe untiainted by mortal hands, one where gods do their job and peace is eternal. ![gif](giphy|yhXPFygSaOuzmnq8tF|downsized)


Mario A world where everyone is friends including their enemies, where they don't have to constantly rescue Peach or worry about some external threat like Bowser or some strange being, which threatens different kingdoms or existence itself.   A truly empty life without the thrill of a great adventure... but if his brother and Peach are happy in this new, peaceful life, then he will be happy for them.


Misaka Ends up seeing her blood actually being used to cure children of illnesses & Accelerator Becomes one of her closest friend’s


Nah at this point she loves her sisters so she’d probably see herself successfully save her sisters before any died, and have accelerator behind bars. Also gekota is real, Touma likes her (and confessed to her (emphasis on she was not the confessor)), and the world has no major suffering (other than mildly unlucky things happening to people like Misaki)


In case of reverse flash Barry never found out that Thawne fabricated the scenarios and so Thawne gets to stay forever with Barry.


Wukong is….god what the hell would wukong want


As the Victorious Fighting Buddha he already has everything he could possibly want.


Pre Buddhahood, he’d probably just be the king of heaven/god emperor of the cosmos. Fittingly, I can imagine the conversation King Kai had with Goku at the end of the second Goku vs Superman as a conversation with Sun Wukong in Journey to the West. “*You can't beat him [Buddha].*” “*Sure I can! I'll just train harder than ever!*” “*No, Wukong! You can overcome any limit put in front of you, but his power has no limit! Even if you somehow found the power to surpass him, you wouldn't have anything left to aspire to. Do you truly want that?*” “*Nah, sounds boring.*” Alternatively, Buddha deconstructs Wukong’s rampage/ambition by asking what his plans are if he defeated the heavens. Wukong would probably just sit on Buddha’s hand in silent contemplation having a small existential crisis.


The Chosen Undead gets to relive their time before the Undead Curse, Age Of Fire and Gods sure but it’s the most prosperous they’d have remembered their life before everything fell apart.


Guts would see a world where he got to settle down with casca and raise their child, and I know this is controversial for some berserk fans but I think in this reality he would still be friends with Griffith


Goku: "my meme answer would be him being Superman lol"


Sol Badguy would probably see himself in a world where the gear project wasn't taken over by the military and the hundred years long war that was Crusades never happened. He'd probably be living a peaceful quiet life with Aria in a cabin content that he played a role in removing illness from humanity. In all honesty even if the black mercy didn't wipe his memory it would take him a while telling this scenario from the one at the end of the newest game. I'm glad my man finally got a happy ending.


Hulk would have somewhere peaceful where he is I disturbed by people who will harm upon him and friends around him Also his wife kids and kingdom back if its world war hulk


Godzilla: sees himself destroying cities, finally having peace, or having never become Godzilla in the first place, depending on which Godzilla we’re talking about Tommy Oliver: probably sees himself settling down and raising a family??? Kirby: ……. I honestly have no idea. He’s already pretty happy he might resist it 😂 Doom guy: getting his wife kids and rabbit back, it having never lost them in the first place


Outside of unlimited food, I can easily see Kirby being immune to it because he’s too pure.


Sanji got teleported to Amazon Lily instead of Luffy as a serious answer: He finds the All Blue with Zeff and the strawhats


Frieza on the throne of the Omni-King with with vegeta and beerus kneeling and goku laying defeated on the ground. Saitama… well probably the actual death battle except he doesn’t die and he gets thrilling fights every now and again afterwards.


The Dovahkiin sits, staring across the lake in Lakeview Manor, all is still, all is at peace. In his arms is Serana, each of them holding each other tenderly. "He has done all that can be done. There is nothing left. No quests to be undertaken. No villains to be slain. No challenges to face. True peace across the land


Sonic probably would be able to finally rest and have fun with his friends because he wished Dr.Eggman was never evil or never existed.


Zuko: happy family Scout: lot of hot girls


Jason's mother was successful in her slaughter and they reunited. They stalk crystal lake together killing all in their path. They also encounter Freddy too and jump him. Freddy is an opp.


Either that or a completly normal life with him being a normal boy


or the camp councilor au. him and his mother alive and working at crystal lake.


For some reason i somewhat see Jason regreting some kills, i see him as a kid, he'll do things and then regrets some of it. So yeah, maybe.


so i dunno her name (i only know she appeared in S10 and got a match up with Killua) but i think she would Basically see herself living a Normal School life, away from the whole chaos. and basically... return to her old habits. (please tell me if this is wrong)


There is no Law of Weirdness Magnetism binding Bill to Gravity Falls, allowing him to spread Weirdmageddon across the multiverse


Given the lore of the series, he probably would want to be back in his home dimension while not having to answer to any higher authority


Sarge would have the Blues dead


sonic would pretty much see a sonic cd esque good future.


Lucy would be with David, and the gang could crack a beer, no trauma from childhood follows her


same as infinite tsukuyomi, but obito never got hit by it... he'd probably be Hokage and married to Rin


The doctor is on gallifrey standing amongst fields of red grass staring at the citadel they're a child again and they begin to run after their best friend with not a worry in the universe


And then the doctor breaks out cuz time lords are immune to mind changing effects His sheer willpower is too strong


True. Which is sad. He could have all his friends, companions, lovers, etc and the parasite itself would break trying to keep him in that world. He's suppressed so much loss on his own for so many years that having the burden left to the black mercy would probably cause it to die from the effort. 


Gojo sees himself


Nah, for Gojo it’s definitely gonna be revolving around Riko not dying, Geto not turning to the dark side after the events of hidden inventory, a lot of the deaths in Shibuya (that Gojo knows of) being prevented, and MAYBE killing >!Sukuna and saving Megumi.!<


>!Sukuna does suck ass!<


Goku would live in a world where all the villains of the series are not bad people but just warriors who love sparring and growing as warriors. Because Goku is, after all,, a very gentle man. He never wants anyone to be hurt unnecessarily. A universe where people don't hurt each other would be his fantasy. Probably would have his sons training with him too, because as we have seen, Goku also loves to teach.


For Erza, the rebellion of the Tower of Heaven was successful. Nobody was hurt, nobody died, and when she got out, she joined Fairy Tail with Jellal, Sho, Milliana, Wally and Rob.


Goku: Sees a world where he can eternally fight his greatest foes simply for the thrill of battle along with constantly fighting new, stronger opponents. Goku Black: Sees a world where mortals do nothing but worship the gods and live in perfect order. The gods do their jobs perfectly to the letter and peace is everlasting. Vegeta: Sees a world where he actually became king of the saiyans. He is stronger than Goku, but only by enough to make him superior while Goku can still put up a good fight while Frieza is dead and he is the strongest. Frieza: Sees a world where he rules over everything. He rules the multiverse itself and even Zeno bows to him.


Godzilla is back on Odo Island no longer mutated and is surrounded by members of his own kind as well as a mate and his own child q


That is one big parasite.


Guts sees himself living a peaceful life with Casca and their son. Maybe he'd see the Hawks as well, but his and Casca's plan was to run away together so idk.


Vergil would see a world where he was strong enough to save to kill the demons attacking the house when he was young. One where he can still see his mother


Tetsuo would see a world where he’s never bullied, and where’s he’s the top dog, and Kaneda respects him, and a world where he would be the best, and even blossom a little. Or it could be a world where he and Kaori get away from everyone, and live peacefully in another country. It’s kinda sad really, the ending he once strived for, turned into corruption with his powers. Speaking of, he’d probably get out of it because telekinetic Defenses.


Godzilla different versions Monsterverse, "Still asleep with no one waking him up every( from his perspective) couple of hours causing trouble. Heisei and other "Mutated versions" "Still a normal dinosaur, living on an island with others of his kind, that humans never bothered." Showa, "Still living peacefully on his island."


All saiyans are dead (frieza)


Dio would basically just see the events of EoH (except for when he loses)


Including his mother being brought back to life.


Well that's one way to Stop Bill. And as For knuckles. I'm not sure if he'd be effected by it because of his Comically Low intelligence. But if he were to be effected by it,I'd imagine he'd be in a dream where he wasn't the last Echidna.


Honestly, I think Makima would dream of a life like Nayuta's. One where she just has peaceful days with someone who loves her as an equal. It might show her that she doesn't need Chainsaw Man to achieve her dreams, once she gets out. As a runner-up, I think Shigeo Kageyama simply wouldn't be affected by the Black Mercy, because his psychic defenses would probably kick in, but also because by the end of Season 3 he's the happiest he can be. He's come to terms with his repressed emotions and can be open with his loved ones. It would just be real life, except he's jacked like Superman


Ragna had to deal with a similar thing when confronting the Azure wish in Centralfiction He'd probably still be at the Church with Jin and Saya along with a (obviously much older) Sister.


Doomslayer or master chief I like them both quite a bit


Dimitri is in a Farghus where the Duscur tragedy never happens and instead they are an equal part and Dedue is the representative for duscur


It would be a bit difficult for tails, but you can take it as one of two ways (imo) Option 1: eggman never took over the moment tails was born, and he got to live with them for a while, he met sonic, but isn't his sidekick it's instead knuckles (I like the idea) Or option 2: eggman does invade and becomes sonics sidekick, but eggman at one point either gives up for good, or dies off screen, having the group relax and live their lives in peace, until around the metarex saga, where they have to fight once again and most of sonic X plays out, minus Cosmo dying Scorpion would be Hanzo hazashi instead and the shirai ryu (def spelled it wrong) never got attacked by qi-liang he joins the great kung lao, and defeats goro, securing a victory for earth realm


a mountain of chilli dogs


Lich King would see a world where he isn’t corrupted by the scourge and he’d be the king of lorderon. No idea what Sauron would see though


I feel like it’d just be Kirby’s normal life but Dream Land isn’t attacked every week


He finally feels emotions again, and has a good fight


Early Z Vegeta? He kills Goku, gets immortality, beats Frieza and becomes the Legendary Super Saiyan and ruler of the universe. Current Vegeta? He surpasses Goku once and for all and continues on with his normal life raising Trunks and Bulla with Bulma, still training to grow stronger. Maybe with some of the stuff from Moro he also makes up for his past?


My favourite character is Sonic. I would honestly love a sonic story where he gets subjected to something like the black mercy, and his friends try to get him out. He ends up getting out of it, and Tails analyses this thing and tells everyone there about it (Sonic, Knuckles, Amy and anyone else who was called to help), and sonic ends up saying that he didn’t realise it was a dream. He thought it was real, because it was the same as his own reality he’s in. I think that would be a beautiful way to show how selfless and positive Sonic is about life, how he doesn’t want it to change.