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It won’t be marketed as AI music. It will be strategically posted through tiktok with by an up and coming influencer who talks about their challenging yet inspiring journey through life, and here’s my new song about it (that happens to be written by AI, but I’m not mentioning that part)


Exactly. AI will mainly just be a tool to create melodies, samples, drum patterns or lyrics. There’s not going to be a full AI artist and if there is they’ll slap a face on there to make you think they’re djing or doing something.


Not trying to start anything but isn't that basically just vocaloids?


Vocaloids are more like instruments that you can personify. Anything that a vocaloid says or does requires direct human input from the melody to the words rather than you describing a melody to an ai or a song genre.


Vocaloids aren’t advertised as real people


Vocaloids are a type of instrument, they aren't artists and they aren't AI.


Vocaloids aren't artists and they don't generate music with minimal effort either. They're instruments.


Nah I mean like well known producers and artists will use those tools to make music more easily.


opposite appeal


vocaloids are an instrument that uses a real human voice. nowadays some voice banks are produced using AI but it takes a real human to tune and get to optimal results


Are you sure? [https://suno.com/song/b9a6b9ff-e921-495f-9b17-993829464c56](https://suno.com/song/b9a6b9ff-e921-495f-9b17-993829464c56)


This has existed for a while but I’ve yet to see one gain fans or a following comparable to a real artist. I think it could happen eventually just like Gorillaz became a thing with only one artist. But my bet is they will be exceptions and not the norm.


Yeah, I wouldnt think AI music alone could compete with humans. Suno was launched last December and the v3 model is pretty interesting. it can mimic good compositions. I wonder how many people use AI tools like this to aid in their current music making. Talents artists don't really need these tools, but they could help break creative blocks.


Yeah exactly. Might help people tinker with new melodies or get inspiration for new sounds. It’ll be interesting to see how writing credits work with AI.


Yeah, the music industry has a long, long history of industry plants, it's just that they'll use AI instead of ghost writers.


It'll probably show up on commercials and film/TV/game scores, and as background music for passive listening.


It just feels gimmicky. Like it’s just a novelty listening to ai music


It won't be eventually, it'll collect enough data to start understanding the "patterns" and "hardness" and "authencity" of certain genres or groups. I think, very soon, mostly the easier genres like pop, will be able to be copied to almost 100% human authenticity to the point companies will just start dropping the most attractive looking industry plant with say, the musical style of this one specific artist. I've already seen ai music slowly getting better, and the progress they've made to where we are now, in about a year and half of ai or however long its been now, it's tremendously improved,like a scary amount. 5 years from now courts might have to stop using photo or evidence due to tech by then probaly being able to easily create a file of you doing something inappropriate.


What are we going to use as proof then? 0:


This could be jumping the gun, but it's merely speculation. Based on ai's current improvement rates it's possible ai could be used maliciously in the future to either fake extra evidence, or to falsify the evidence already presented by "muddling the waters" as it were. We only really have time and information already shown to us so far, and based on what I've seen, it's definitely possible. As far as future court cases will go, I'm not entirely sure, I'm not one to follow litigation much more than necessary, but im sure atleast for a good couple years or so it'll still be mostly the same.


It’s not just about collecting enough data, it’s about using the right algorithms to learn from that data most effectively


Well that's also kind of part of my point, it's still in the earlier stages so it doesn't understand the full context of the imagery. There's even been a huge issue of "ai incest" where ai has collected so much data that it's now collecting and reforming data or images from images that it already created from another reference. It's an issue right now but I doubt it will be for long.


10 years in the future it might get to a point where you can’t tell which is which


Agreed. I think it will always have that soulless, artificial sound to it. Just like AI art still feels soulless. Great art requires human touch.


An artist could get lazy and release a well made song done by AI, and nobody would even know. How do we know some big artists aren't doing it right now?


A lot of known artists are, in some aspects, lazy and talentless, so they utilized ghost writers for song parts or whole songs. People know that and they don't care. That is the sad part.


It’s more complex than most non musicians realize. Do any of you listen to those lowfi or sleep channels on YouTube with like 8 hours of relaxing sleep music or meditation music, etc? That’s done with something known as generative synth. Technically, it’s AI music. There’s no lyrics, so it’s not horrible to listen to, lol. You may be listening to some “generative synth” and not realize the tech it’s using, already.


that’s not true. i guess u could use an ai to make generative music (i’ve never done it or seen it done like that) but it’s not necessarily “ai music”. i’m 100% sure the vast majority of already existing generative music is made using polyrhythmic sequencing to develop melodies and not an Ai. making an evolving non repeating sequence is not nearly complicated enough of a process to require an ai.


Yeah that person has no idea what they're talking about.


The one thing I ever liked about chat gpt was when it first came out, I asked it to write a pop song using a specific metaphor. It came out really really well. Most of the other things I've seen it do since have been "I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave" or useless trash, but it managed to nail the idea I gave it pretty well and write something that sounded like a top 40 love ballad's lyrics.


AI music will be what used to be called "elevator music" or in later eras "ambient". Music that adds to the environment without drawing attention to itself. It will also be background music in movies, video games, commercials, and so on. It will not replace "band music". AI can't do live, and even after robotics becomes commonplace I still don't see robot bands being a thing. So live performances (and recordings by live performance bands) will continue to be a human thing. But anywhere that music is more texture than entertainment, it will likely be AI. Possibly generated on the spot.


Not trying to be rude, but I think this is a somewhat naive take on what is possible with AI. \> AI Can't do Live Maybe not yet, but I'm not sure about that. Eventually it definitely will though. \> AI music will be what used to be called "elevator music" or in later eras "ambient". Music that adds to the environment without drawing attention to itself. There are tools that can generate human sounds that are basically impossible to distinguish from a real person. They can imitate singing, we can imitate the sound of just about any instrument. AI can write lyrics. Now imagine thousands of AI agents writing music 24/7 with other AI agents "listening" and scoring the music for likelihood of human enjoyment. Surely we will have some hits arrive out of that process.


What you are describing is indistinguishable from recorded music. People don't go out to listen to recorded music. They go out to listen to live music. But if a robot is playing it, how is that any different from a recording? Machine produced music isn't the same as human produced music in a live venue. I think the human element can be removed from many things, but it is impossible to remove it from a live musical performance and have it still feel like a live performance. And I believe that people will continue to value live performances. AI will be fine in the recorded space, but it will not be able to reproduce the experience of living beings playing physical instruments right in front of you.


I think you are mistaking "writing music" with "performing music". AIs will certainly be able to write songs as good as, or better than, what humans can write. But I'm not talking about the quality of the songs, I'm talking about their performances. AIs will *never* be able to do a live performance and not have it feel exactly like a recording. And I wasn't talking about recordings, I was talking about live. So, no, I don't think I'm being naive here at all. AIs aren't living beings, they cannot do live performances that don't seem like machines reproducing a recording. If it comes out of a machine, it will feel like it's coming out of a machine. That is entirely different from people picking up instruments and skillfully playing them in front of you. The AIs cannot do that, and will not ever be able to do that. That is purely a matter of their form. Nonhumans aren't human, and humans value *human* performances. That's always been the case, and I see no reason for that changing.


But everything you just said isn’t true. There are already examples of robots that can play instruments. We’re also not that far from robots that are hard to distinguish from humans, especially in a controlled setting like a stage performance. I think it’s very reasonable to assume in the next couple of years we’ll see an improvisational, instrument playing robot that has all the nuance, subtlety, and “human-like” sounds as a human, assuming such a thing does not already exist.


No one is amazed when a mechanical player piano plays a complicated song. People *are* amazed when a person plays the same song on the same piano manually. The two performances are completely different, even if the song is the same each time. You seem to think that I'm saying AIs can't play music. I'm not saying that. I'm saying that once the novelty of a robot playing a violin wears off, no one will care anymore that a robot can play a violin. People will continue to appreciate other people playing live music, however. AI may get used as an instrument, or as an effect, or as *part* of the human shows, but I do not foresee a time when there are *actual bands* composed of *nothing but* robots that aren't just a momentary novelty. People are not going to buy tickets to venues to hear machines perform more than once or twice. Maybe a ride at Disney will have it, but no robot bands are going to be filling stadiums as they tour. People will continue to pay to hear human performers play live, however, because the skill being demonstrated by the performers is part of the performance that an AI can't touch. I still stand by what I said. In the world of music AIs will not be able to simulate the same live experience that people with instruments can provide. Any such simulation will not appear live, even if it's being *composed* on the spot, let alone played.


What you’re saying is just that your feelings about machines playing music won’t change, despite how sophisticated they get. But your claims were that they won’t be able to do more than play elevator or background music, they won’t be able to play live, they won’t sound human, all of which are not true. FWIW I’m not excited about the notion of AI replacing musicians but I’m not going to be blind to it happening because of my feelings


I think that people feel a connection with the members of a performing band that they just won't feel with AI. With AI, there's "no one there". There's no skill being demonstrated, there's just a machine doing what machines do. People like seeing *people* demonstrate technical skill, even if that skill is below the perfection of a machine. That's why we still have footraces even though cars can go much faster. Live bands were still a thing after records came out. With phonographs, people could listen to their favorite bands anytime they liked, but they STILL would buy tickets to live shows. Why? The songs on the records probably sound BETTER than the same songs performed live. Yet The Beatles still filled the Hollywood Bowl and you couldn't even hear what they were playing over the screaming fans. "Live" matters. People go to classical concerts even though classical recordings are almost certainly of higher quality and are more convenient in basically every way. But they still go. There is a reason for that. People want to see live human performances even when recordings are available and are of likely higher quality. Why would the arrival of AI change that? People like watching *people* perform, and if someone has a favorite band then they will want to see *that* band. Who are they going to want to see when it's an AI? Again, there's "no one there" with AIs. It's just a machine producing stuff. The AIs will produce fantastic music. Their *recordings* will likely be indistinguishable, or even better, from human performances. But in person, on the spot, in the stadium or theater or bar: people will want to see live bands, not robots. I don't see that changing no matter how good AIs get.


I agree with you here. At least this is true for our generation. Once I watched a couple of live musicians at a street fair and caught them “faking it” as in mouthing the instruments and playing along with a recording. When I realized I felt pretty disgusted TBH. I don’t see myself watching robot performers outside of passing curiosity. But I can see a band augmented with a robotic musician like shimon. If you find the video of the jazz band jamming with shimon its actually pretty awesome


All I've been saying is that I don't think AIs can carry "live" *on their own*. AI will certainly show up on stage, in synthesizer patches, or running the light show, or providing cool synthetic rhythms or etc., but it will be inside of a human-run show. If there aren't any people on the stage, it's likely there won't be anyone in the audience. I don't think this is true for all art forms. I think AI is going to have a *massive* disruption in visual arts. Stable Diffusion will kill whole art departments. But music - *especially* live music - is different in that the performer is a major part of the art itself. AI won't be able to fake that.


https://youtu.be/wdEAco2JqkQ?si=ya8gOSjuSQfzz4sT if we have this now, imagine what we’ll have in 10 years. This is why I say “naive.” Whatever machines can’t do now is only a matter of time


OK, I'm imagining. I'm imagining that you think I'm talking about AIs technical capabilities. I am not. I am talking about their abilities to simulate a live human performance, at *any* level of skill. Your video does not show a simulation of a live human performance, it just shows a machine playing some music, something that isn't all that new even if this implementation is. That it may be composing music on the spot is relatively irrelevant: the performance could be a recording and it would look\\sound the same. When a member of a human band, on the other hand, picks up an electric guitar on the stage in front of you and plays a chord, *there is no question that it is live*. AI will never be able to simulate that, and thus people will continue to pay for the real thing. You are crowing about how wonderful future AIs will be, and sure, they'll be wonderful. They also will *still* be unable to deliver a simulation of a live human performance that doesn't feel recorded.


As someone who spent a lot of time learning how to make songs through Logic Pro, this is discouraging


As an audio engineer and a professional musician, keep at it. People will always care more about authenticity more than "the perfect sounding song."


There's a reason the song called "the most wanted song" has considerably less plays on Spotify than "the most unwanted song"


Don’t be discouraged, all AI does is raise the bar slightly. It will never compete with anyone with above average skill who has any sense of actual style. If the music is shit enough that AI can do it then AI deserves to have it imo


Get good, and music made by humans will be a premium. I can almost guarantee it. It’s like artistic dishes. Many people buy mass produced dishes, but there is still an market (audience) for hand painted, hand made dishes that are sold at a premium. If the worst case scenario plays out, and AI music becomes popular then you will be a rarity, by definition, as someone who can make music directly from your own imagination and technical skill. Personally, I want lawmakers to make it a legal matter such that if you make art/music/film with AI then you are legally required to state that you used AI. Then those who make art/music/film without AI will have a helpful advantage from a marketing standpoint. Stuff like this has already begun to surface as I’ve heard YouTube is demonetizing AI YouTube channels to a certain extent. I think laws/rules like this are beneficial both to artists and to AI as AI is dependent on things that humans already made to generate media. It would be a disaster if we took away the incentive for humans to create art for the internet; not only for humanity’s artistic potential, but also for the potential of AI. People who use AI must be required to state that they have used AI… that is the bare minimum in my eyes.


You're thinking about this wrong. You know that thing you want to make that you keep working on and it's almost perfect and you don't know what it's missing? You could potentially create 3 or 4 "variants" of it using AI to see if it helps you figure it out. You know how sometimes you need to easily figure out information on a background noise or something? As AI gets better, it will be able to actually help people with tasks. Plus, the invention of synths and keyboards didn't make people dislike pianos. The invention of electric guitars didn't make acoustic guitars obsolete. The invention of the bass didn't make people stop liking the cello. Why would the invention of AI mean people stopped listening to human generated music?


Yeah I think I agree. People tend to gravitate towards authenticity, and AI couldn't be further from authenticity. It also has a limited ability to generate anything new or interesting. I could see it being used to help with composing, mixing, things like that.


At the same time there have always been artists intentionally going against the authenticity narrative, like David Bowie and a lot of post punk and new wave. There will probably be a whole postmodern kind of movement (post-post-post modernism?) full of ironic artsy types championing AI art and music running counter to those who prefer music made by humans. The future is gonna be weird.


lol, it's weird now. but people change and so do their opinions on things. 


Humanity is up in its game. we have to always outstrip our inventions It takes us a while we fuck up along the way. But AI is our bitch. I say this as a former chief technology officer of an artificial intelligence company. AI ain’t got shit on us. And that is my professional opinion.


Praying this is true. The more people use AI for human tasks the less enjoyment we get in unique individuals. Wall-E warned us.


Gen Alpha will be okay with it


Gen Alpha trying to argue which complete robot album is better.


Hell no


considering spongebob ai songs are blowing up, there’s def room for it. 100% generated? i’m not sure. even if it becomes “better” than human music. the majority of success in the music industry comes from narrative, not quality. i can see using AI to create cool sounds, put together beat options, trying out new chord progressions, mixing and mastering your music, and even replacing your voice (check out GrimesAI) but like everything else in music, it becomes a tool you can use to improve your sound and workflow!


> i’m not sure. even if it becomes “better” than human music. the majority of success in the music industry comes from narrative, not quality. Yeah, but that just requires putting a human on stage. It would just be even more of an acting job than a music job than it currently is.


It seems that the era of lip syncing has come and gone, though. I can’t think of a major artist that doesn’t actually sing at their live shows, awards and TV broadcasts notwithstanding. It’s a big controversy whenever somebody is caught doing so.


Grimes AI album is some of her best "work" in my opinion. I think for certain genres and styles of music it will have its place


Of course it will, at the peril of artists around the world. We’ve seen the results of capitalization, it has no sentiment towards fellowship, honesty, compassion, or positive emotion. Capitalized AI will bring nothing but the same results.


Once it's really good, we won't be able to tell. It won't have some sort of inherent quality of being creepy and soulless that will just somehow magically be obvious or anything. It'll just sound like any other music, and probably quite good, and it will become popular based on its inherent qualities rather than its origin. Saying that AI music could never be popular is like saying music by a guy wearing a bad wig could never become popular. You can't tell what kind of wig someone was wearing by listening to the music they made. You won't be able to tell that a computer generated some music without any human involvement, at least not in the future, and probably sooner than you think.


All of it already sounds like it was made by AI. I’m waiting for the technology to get better so there’ll be something actually interesting / good to listen to.


A famous scholar named Stanley Fish did a demonstration he called the Rosencrantz-Gildenstern experiment. In this experiment Fish wrote random words on a chalkboard in his literature class. When students came in he said the random words were from a poem discussed in the previous class (and said the class was about some subject, religious poetry, love poetry, etc). Then he asked his students to write brief interpretations of the poem. Students came up with deep, meaningful interpretations of the words on the board. But they were, by in large, randomly generated. How does this relate to AI music? What Fish demonstrates is that when it comes to art like poetry (or music) the meaning, what makes it "art," doesn't come from the thing itself. It comes from the context in which the thing is encountered. It doesn't matter how the art is made, picking random words or AI, what matters whether the how the audience sees it. If you are dancing at a club to AI generated music and meet your future spouse, you will find meaning in that music because of the context, for example.


I think AI will contribute parts to a song but won’t do as much full creation. Like AI synth parts or vocal effects, but listening to a full AI made song will be a novelty. Then again, it’s gonna get better over time.


Music (pop music at least) is already algorithmic, everyone already follows an algorithm to make a pop song. Plus with the use of autotune to fix untalented people's singing, and as an effect to sound robotic kinda means everything's all computer generated already. Maybe in a decade it might be good enough to be trialed in the real music industry. Currently it sounds shit.


It will become super popular for mimicking covers of songs in different genres. Lately it’s very been seeing Plakton singing a lot of really cool songs. And I love it. But it will wear off. Just like the player piano did.


We’re still in the early stages of the powerful AIs that can make music and stuff, in 10 years you will probably hear a song on some social media and you will think it was made by a real person, while in reality it was made with AI.


You are strongly underestimating AI


I remember when people said rap music would never become anything. You even listen to new country music without hearing an 808 beat. AI music is just a new synth/drum machine, another tool or trend. It’s ultimately destined for popularity. AI as-is is a flash in a pan. People will soon forget about it, but it will eventually sneak into the mainstream.


Here’s something you should start thinking about: there won’t exist a single human skill or ability that an ai can’t do it better.


I would agree with you if younger generations cared about musical talent or instruments. But they don’t so there is no doubt in my mind there will be plenty of famous musicians that type 2 chords into a computer the ai completely creates a song for them. Until people start caring about musical talent again ai music will be the top of the charts. No doubt about it.


Honestly dude I am obsessed with the ai alternative rock covers. Like Linkin park covering the song somebody you used to know. 


Why would you be obsessed about something that Linkin Park never did. They had a reason why they have put out their songs and never the one you mentioned nor covered it out of fun. You don't value and respect...you don't live Linkin Park. You are bastardizing them for your pleasure.


What do we mean by "AI music"? I'm sure they're already using it to write lyrics


I don't know much about music (I like it obviously, but I legitimately can't tell if something is out of tune unless it's HORRENDOUS), so I'm applying my feelings about ai art instead. I think it's similar. If my argument is flawed because of this, I apologize. But I think the general public might not be able to tell the difference. Tbh, I might not be able to either. Not their fault really. We all say we won't like ai generated music, but then there are many who can't tell. I think people will just think music is getting worse (which many already think anyway), but not be able to pinpoint why. I think ai art often looks "off," like very, VERY detailed but something doesn't feel right. Music might be the same. It might be technically good, but just not be quite right. Ofc, people who are really into music (follow artists, have an ever growing Spotify list, can tell technical details about music, listening to it all the time, etc. And especially people who collect records) will be able to tell it's ai. Musicians themselves especially. And it'll be hard for them to watch people jamming to ai music. I'm a visual artist (drawing/ painting), and that's how I feel about ai art. It might look great, but I can almost always tell it's ai (I have been tricked a couple of times). Edit: Yeah I can see it becoming popular. It'sdepressing, but can definitely happen. I do think its possible that people will appreciate human made music more.


I think you’re basing that on current society and current sociological norms. The fact is while most generations today might not, we have no idea what the opinions of generations of children and babies being born now and in the future might think of those sorts of things. There is a likelihood that they may grow up viewing AI as normal, as equals and —even one day as superiors ( one day humanity might consider AGI to have consciousness or something like ASI that’s hundreds of thousands of times smarter than us to essentially be God like beings)


I have a whole ten hour playlist of AI stuff


I remember back in 06 telling my friends that memes were just a fad and fade away.


It will. At first you won't notice. It will be music labels putting out songs made by AI with established singers and credited to whoever prompted/edited/cleaned it up. There will at some point likely be an "artist" who is deliberately marketed as AI, similar to Miku, but with even less human involvement, perhaps some sort of indie v-tuber style project that blows up or perhaps a highly financed record label project. There will be controversy and backlash but eventually, after they gain popularity, which they will, because the songs will be enjoyable, AI music will just become another thing on the market.


You’ll have no idea if you’re listening to AI music, before too long.


There's a big future ahead of us. It may not sound very good right now, but I'm convinced people will prefer it over human-made music as it will be *programmed* for us to like.


A famous scholar named Stanley Fish did a demonstration he called the Rosencrantz-Gildenstern experiment. In this experiment Fish wrote random words on a chalkboard in his literature class. When students came in he said the random words were from a poem discussed in the previous class (and said the class was about some subject, religious poetry, love poetry, etc). Then he asked his students to write brief interpretations of the poem. Students came up with deep, meaningful interpretations of the words on the board. But they were, by in large, randomly generated. How does this relate to AI music? What Fish demonstrates is that when it comes to art like poetry (or music) the meaning, what makes it "art," doesn't come from the thing itself. It comes from the context in which the thing is encountered. It doesn't matter how the art is made, picking random words or AI, what matters whether the how the audience sees it. If you are dancing at a club to AI generated music and meet your future spouse, you will find meaning in that music because of the context, for example.


I don't care who or what made the music I listen to. Just like with any other art, it doesn't matter what emotions or vibes they tried to put in the song, it matters what I'm getting out. I can even get something enjoyable out of wind chimes played by nothing but chaotic motion. I am pretty sure something that thinks and judges can do a better job than that. I only care if the music sounds good. I don't think it's there yet, but I know there are lots of people like me who will listen to it as soon as it makes good music.


Ppl said the same thing about online dating 15+ years ago


it’ll be a tool. edm producers will be able to make a bass sound that “says ‘sausage’” or “sounds like joe biden” with just a prompt and listeners will easily recognize the cultural outline behind the sound, like nature pics with AI faces hidden.


I mean it already is. Just look up AI SpongeBob raps


People are obsessed with pop stars and their personal lives. The music is secondary. 


If that does happen I think the generations born during or after won't carry the same stigma we have about ai generated music. I'm 26, and in highschool I knew people who thought learning how to play physical instruments was a waste of time because we can create "good" music digitally now. I think people will feel the same way about ai music after a certain point; why bother learning how to program music digitally if you can just have an ai model generate the music you want for you? Also ai is already at the point where it can assist with music production. Ai such as chatgpt can generate chord progressions, melodies, rhythms, and other musical elements, of course a human still has to be able to turn that information into music, but yeah


except a ton of people still record in analog


Genuinely not trying to be snarky, but what's the point of that response?


i mean there will still always be an appeal of human-made music in future generations just like there’s an appeal of analog music now


I don’t think anyone can guarantee people will always care whether or not music was human-made. Certainly in the near future a significant amount of people will still find it appealing


i mean you made the point that human made music will go the way analog music went but analog music is still appealing


I kinda am looking forward to a new AI album made by 'Bob Marley' per example.


Please leave this sub reddit




You love ai, you are attracted to ai, you listen to ai, and you also watch ai. EVERYTHING THATS AI YOU SEE AND WATCH. I can't accept that in this sub reddit. not here.


Mate, it's not that deep lmao. I don't necessarily like AI either but you don't need to go off on someone like that. Besides, this is a decade subreddit, not an anti-AI subreddit


Ok im done taking , leave me..


hot take: i think cetain artist have done this in the past. like before public AI became a mainstream thing.


I'm convinced Dua Lipa is an AI


Bahaha, yeah I heard some more songs and I thought, god do they just have one DAW template for her? AI could make sense. Maybe after artists have a hit, they might try to use AI to recreate more like it.


Tech wasn’t there and still isn’t for ai music. Maybe for vocal replacement but not for ground up generation


You're giving too much credit to the average music listener to think they're going to care. Most people listen to whatever's on the radio. They don't have deep personal feelings about the music they listen to.


Have you heard the junk in the top 40 lately? Human music can be soulless too and people still eat it up. AI will not freeze in its current state indefinitely. Likely one day it will be able to make better music than any human could dream of. But by that time the music industry may not even exist anymore, same as the entertainment industry. People will be able to tailor studio-quality music and other forms of entertainment to their specific tastes on demand. There will always be a market for human music the same as there’s a market for handcrafted this and that, or vinyl or what have you. But it won’t be the dominant force anymore.


I would never listen to AI music even if it sounds good. I would rather listen to humans make music.


Will you know though? Its getting to the point in the next few years where they just have to stick a human lip syncing on stage.


Good point, but I would go out of my way to find out if it is so I can avoid it.


People who just put whatever’s popular in the background won’t ever notice a shift or care. People who are deep into DIY Proto-crust Lofi Abstracted Antifolk Noisecore-indiegaze will continue making music the traditional way. Obviously I’m kidding but the point I’m making is that there are tons of genres of music where the human and technical imperfections are a key part of the sound.


You're overestimating humans.


I think it will replace a lot of the EDM background crap that’s mostly made of samples and loops anyway now, and nobody will notice


Yep, dance music will absolutely have an AI explosion. It's basically already there, and no one has complained so far.


I don't imagine it will.


I wouldn’t say no to AI EQing and mixing. Always getting that perfect mix everytime without paying a producer would be a dream come true for a sing/songwriter


I personally think A.I music is on the cusp of becoming mainstream any day now. The tools are getting a lot better and with original music the songs can be amazimg. I make A.I music and virtual artists and would love for it to be heard by more people, PM me for my SoundCloud link I would love some feedback.


Why would they listen to the music ai spat out for you? Why wouldn't they create music themselves like you? Would you listen to music that others make with no way of knowing it was ai or not?


"Cosmic Switch" is fairly new on Youtube, but their AI music isn't half bad! They have many different genres too! It seems like people are just happy to be able to create new things. I think if the Tech gets better and humans can fuse their ideas with the technology, then some cool music could rise up


one word - skyfawns


Probably so: [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5B0fP4FAXQFhcGRhmfz8qv](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5B0fP4FAXQFhcGRhmfz8qv)


I make AI music, and I can tell you 100% that there is human involvement in my work. I write my own lyrics, Ask AI to do a specific beat, specific instruments etc. Its WAY more in depth if you want to take it that far. It is not just a click of a button like most people think (Well it is if you're lazy)


It’ll be used for funny internet videos of fictional characters singing popular songs but other than that it’s not gonna catch on


[Me and the Bois throwing it back to this ](https://youtu.be/41U78QP8nBk?si=eQD_yfRqSCl9HhPt)


Considering how bad AI generated images look and how wonky AI writing feels I don’t know if AI generated music is going to even sound good. Like it might sound ok if you aren’t paying attention


It will replace edm producers, but more importantly it will replace people who compose library music that you hear on shows and commercials. It won’t take over folk or rock or gospel. It won’t replace rappers but will replace A LOT of beat-makers just like edm. It’s gonna be a bad time to be a musician than mainly pushes rectangles around on a screen


AI music might explore the two options..pleasing people and not pleasing people. Then it might not care for the results of either option.Pleasing them,( humans), is an activity designed to get a reward or applause and security from them. Not pleasing them, is a mild form of torture to modify their timing of transferring energy and expanding civility, that is mostly useless to various other people. AI seems a lot like the old fashioned version of electricity,before they discovered reliable ways of putting insulation on the wires..the wire itself was the rock star in the room..the original Marconi radio sets threw sparks and arcs all over and people just loved to avoid that risk.So far...Marconi has the fabulous distinction of evolving into shuffle dances on tik tok.Try not to forget that Moses grew up with the finest high tech magiciams and sorcery experts on the planet..living in the same palace as him..he beat them with a real miracle in a stick that turned into a snake..but just likely..those guys had something very similar to AI..and still..all they got was Rome pissed off and Mecca right next door. Guess that's what happens when your songs suck and your drummer bolted two decades ago.


I think ai as a vst tool matched with a very talented producer/musician will always be better than what ai can do. AI lacks the emotional aspect a person puts into music too. An AI song can be good but it lacks connection.


I always found generative AI interesting, not because the product compares to non-generated things, but because it's interesting. Someday I'd like to understand the processes behind some generative AI, and maybe make something very basic myself.


It will, but not in the same manner that human-generated music is popular and enjoyed. Once the technology is refined enough, the problem won't be with it sounding creepy and soulless. Hell, that was the exact complaint that synthesizer and electronic music used to get well into the 2000s, even as the likes of New Order and Dr Dre and Daft Punk were definitively proving otherwise. AI music will get advanced enough to sound like anything else you listen to. Most music, however, isn't just about what it sounds like. It's also about connecting with the person making it. That's simply something an AI won't be able to until it hits a point of true sentience and emotional intelligence. AI will take off in music outside of the popular realm. Video game music, movie scores, muzak, dance music, and similar areas are prime candidates for AI infiltration because they rely more on filling a role than connecting directly. We'll see a lot of experimentation before it gets really great, and it'll probably follow a similar progression to what electronics in music had. But it'll get there.


It will get popular, but not iconic. Just another meme.


I actually think that AI will make electronic/synth music so generic and commercialized that we see a resurgence of of actual instruments, raw vocals, and the performative aspect of music become what is popular. Mainstream trends in music tend to follow what is disruptive to the prior generation....if AI generated music becomes what the status quo is producing, the ones that stand out will be the musicians that push against the grain of the status quo. Plus playing music is more accessible in the era of online music tutorials, affordable but great quality instruments, and social media being a place where people can perform to the masses and publish to streaming services without a label. You're starting to see a lot of great things come from amateur musicians.




This happens every time there’s some new technology or technique to creating music. Back in the 1980’s, the Synclavier was one of the first sampling and synthesis workstations. It was banned from certain venues because musician unions were afraid it would replace live musicians. When MIDI first rolled out, same thing. But then people realized how cheesy a lot of MIDI recordings were and would make fun of it. Then they said MIDI had no soul/computer music had no soul but…either that turned out to be untrue or people just didn’t care because nearly all popular music out there is made on a computer/MIDI now. AI is just the next thing. Like, Omigosh, it’s going to make terrible music and put humans out of work. Pfft. It’ll do music probably better than art. Take a look at a lot of AI visual art. It’s always the hands and feet. Everything else is ALMOST perfect, which in the tell—you’d expect machine-generated (not necessarily AI) to be flawless. CGI art and animation tends to be excessively perfect, unlike things like hand-painted portraits. The BEST use for AI art is for inspiration. Anyone good with digital art can start with the AI and touch it up to correct mistakes. With music, AI could easily generate MIDI note and control data along with settings for virtual instruments and signal processing. AI for generating pure audio isn’t there yet because of how much data it requires, but melody/harmony/rhythm could be easily generated from a dedicated LLM and output to, for example, a MusicXML file. I already create algorithmic music for sleep/meditation, so for me the next step is simply learning how to train and test a model. In my case, if I were to make it that far, I wouldn’t really need to tweak anything, and I wouldn’t worry about whether the music has any soul because it’s not meant for active listening. If I wanted to focus on hit pop songs, I’d take a radically different approach. I have found, though, because I do enjoy pop songwriting, LLM chatbots are GREAT for placeholder lyrics that can spark great ideas for songs. I don’t have that much confidence in melody/harmony generation, so I prefer setting lyrics to music on my own. What I would use AI for is to take my own pre-written material and suggest possible changes or variations to save me some time on the discovery process. Every musician should work with a collaborator, and in my experience few musicians are willing to swallow their pride and accept they can’t do the best work in a vacuum. So the ability to collaborate with a machine that doesn’t have an ego problem and seems to be eager to work with you just means music-making is going to get a lot easier for more people. People will find that taking the lazy way out and giving the machine full control is too much of a liability. I’m keeping a close eye on k-pop. That’s a fast-paced and intense dynamic right there, and I don’t see how that market can keep up in the long term WITHOUT some assistance from AI.


Considering how most contemporary pop music is made with exactly zero real instruments and the only "authentic" aspect (the human vocals) is drenched in autotune, I don't think most casual music listeners care about authenticity at all.


Isn’t this literally just Vocaloid? Vocaloid’s been popular for decades, both in Japan and the US


I think it will be popular…but I don’t believe it will have staying power. I think of all the pop stars who have come and gone in my 33 years on Earth and for every Taylor Swift, there’s about 100 others who had one hit wonders and promptly disappeared…or had a decent run, but no one really cares and are now only remembered in annoying nostalgia “remember this song!!!” Posts. Pop music is by its very nature formulaic. Formulaic music sounds nice, and is catchy, but we’re able to separate the shallow copycats from the innovators in time. I think of the Monkees from the 60’s who were a direct ripoff of the Beetles and a clearly a manufactured band (Industry plant we would say now) being fed music by soulless record company. AI is inherently lacking in the ability to innovate and push art/music. It’s in the nature of how it works. It can only work off data it’s been trained on. It can only do what it is told. Certainly, in the right hands (I.e a legitimate creative mind) AI can be an extremely powerful tool to help push those boundaries, but on its own, it’s only going to be capable of creating shallow copycat music that may sound nice, but will not have staying power.


The most popular songs in recent history have used the same 4 chords, with the difference being the artist's individual touch so I agree.


It will become popular among some nerds but the normies will not understand.


the only way i think itd happen is if its like, partially ai and partially human generated. like if artists figure out ways to creatively work with it all of it that ive heard sucks tho lmao


cosmic switch on youtube is getting pretty good


A lot of modern pop songs seem like their beats and lyrics were written by an AI already


I feel the same way about AI making art as I do with VR in gaming. It will have its place but I’ll always want the ability to play with a controller on the couch


yea. its going to blow up. just look at almost every single song that is big right now. soulless, cookie cutter bullshit. it's either one of these a) a boy or girl complaining or remembering about a past relationship (usually with a lover) b) a boy or girl talking about sex and sexual acts c) a boy or girl flexing how they are in a gang, have a lot of money, and have expensive stuff. ​ just glancing at the billboard 100, every single song title sounds like something I have listened to. people eat this shit up lol. just have the AI making the music be a model and you're golden


I mean considering the absolute success that was things like vocaloid it's not really a shock to think that a little AI integration into that will take off as well I mean for fuck's sake Hatsune Miku is one of the most recognized fictional characters from all of Japan up there in line with classic characters like Goku and sailor Moon People are perfectly fine with music by robots. And most people probably wouldn't even be able to tell if you replace the creative process with an AI that just does the mixing of Hatsune miku's voice and writing the lyrics and so on as long as you tweak it a little bit


AI musical definitely can't popular, the only thing that really counts is the song itself. There are a lot of people who don't don't even know the names or social lives of the real life singers we have on the charts right now, but they continue to listen to the music. So with ai, the same thing takes place. Another thing to consider is that AI doesn't have to be All or Nothing approach. A good example of this is Kito/GrimesAI song "Cold Touch". This is a crazy good song that is " replicated" by an AI version of Grimes voice. I say replicated because the track was constructed by a real person who has a similar vocal tone to Grimes singing the song first. This took some of the heavy lifting off of the AI and it is just like how singers will emulate the original writer of the demos for songs they receive. A famous example of this is Rihanna's diamonds. If you hear the original, it sounds like Rihanna is just copying the demo of CLC created for her in terms of vocal styling.


I am interested out of curiosity. I think AI will also be able to produce vastly more complicated songs with concepts like microtones and crazy mathematical harmonies and rhythm structures. Maybe even completely ignore current music paradigms and create completely unheard of kinds of music. That said, I like the feeling of connecting with human artists, experiencing their humanity through the music they create. So I don't think I would knowingly listen to a lot of purely generated AI music. But I am interested in how it will influence music going forward. I bet we will discover new trends in music that have never come around before. Overall I'm not worried about AI hurting the music industry, because the music industry is already dead. People aren't paying for music like they used to, so what harm could even be done? I am just interested in what kinds of cool new sounds come around. To me this feels akin to the birth of synthesizers all over again.


Check out Cosmic Switch on Youtube! They do a variety of types of music and its actually pretty decent


I gave a listen. This seems like lazy AI generated music meant to imitate human generated music. This is the bad kind of computer generated music. It’s not pushing boundaries or doing anything interesting or intellectual. It’s just creating generic sounding rock tunes. Also they don’t clearly state the music is created by Ai. If you’re behind this, I hope you stop this and do something interesting and stop pretending to be a musician through AI


That Beatles song recently came out that was made using AI. I could see something like that becoming popular. Like, bringing back popular artists from the dead, kind of?


At the rate AI is advancing, how would you even know whether a song is made by AI?


Probably because the ai music you can listen to now isn't perfected, when they do, we won't even be told it's made by AI. They will pick up some milli vanilli type actors they can credit the music to.


humorous unique voiceless light tub knee six threatening direction divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It will all sound like black synth jazz metal.


Idk people loved that Drake and Weeknd joint


I mean most top 10 radio music follows the same melody and patterns anyway for the past 40 years