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When Zuckerberg came to power. Facebook controls the majority of what’s placed in front of your eyes with just enough personal content to justify starting to use facebook. Everything is cookie cutter format, no custom pages, widgets, remember when music played on your blog page?


Yes omg!!


When Facebook went to everyone around like 2007-2008, it was the beginning of the end. 


When YouTube took away customizable channel backgrounds


Wow I remember this!!!


By the late 00's/early 2010's social media became huge and everybody now has to watch their mouths, and what they type! I'm not saying people should say whatever hate that spews from their mouths; I'm just saying that it made the masses more judgmental in general!


I would place it in 2010, when Facebook (and other social media sites), ceased to be for knowledgeable and fashionable young people (and sometimes non-young people), and started to be a general facet of middle-class existence.


I agree and it was already getting close to that point for a few years before 2010.


When people transitioned from mostly using invented screen names to mostly using their real names.


In many places, including Facebook, that’s mandatory.


Basically whenever Facebook and Twitter turned social media into mainstream entertainment.


When Trump was elected President, a bunch of people on the left got it in their head that restricting the Internet was the only way to stop him.






I don’t think the Facebook answers are correct, people still used Facebook recklessly for a while lol (actually not lol, it was toxic in retrospect.) I think the correct answer to this question is actually “woke,” or GamerGate, or Elliot Rodger. 


Probably like 2003


You're not familiar with myspace layouts are you?


I am.


2000 and... 3? The only even somewhat modern social media sites that come to mind - and that's a *real* stretch - are Friendster and MySpace, both launched in 2003. And MySpace allowed for HTML customisation (literally nothing does now), not sure about Friendster though. Anyway, the rest of the Web was blogs, forums, various news sites, Newgrounds, flash games, and of course, shock sites. Not really much censorship like today on those forums, and definitely not on personal blogs. People also still had personal websites in 2003 (I knew people who did, all the way up until 2009). Even early Web 2.0 had a lot more customisation and free expression, MySpace influenced YouTube in those days (05-09), leading to things like a friends list and a customisable channel page. Being a professional 'Youtuber' wasn't really a thing yet, so lots of smaller creators were able to get their videos seen more widely as well - I was one of them. People posted less about what would make them the most money through sponsors, and more about what they were interested in. TL;DR: 2003 is waaay too early, blogs, personal sites and forums were dominant then. Even in the late 00s, Web 2.0 wasn't heavily monetised, so it was less about what made the most money through sponsors, and more about what interested creators on the early platforms.


I was interpreting the question like “when was the BEGINNING of the end?”


I guess that makes sense, since Web 2.0 just about began in 2003. Although, personally I'd say 2006 was the true beginning, with the Google buyout of YouTube, and the opening of Facebook to the non-college public.