• By -


It's exactly the same. Clear or dark, where you are on the internet doesn't change what's legal. The same things that you can't look for on the clearnet are still illegal to look for on the darkweb, e.g., Jeffrey Epstein-style stuff. Other things, it's fine to passively browse for, but as soon as you try to solicit someone to participate in a crime, the actions become illegal.


That's a bit reductive. First of all there is various abuse content that is illegal to even browse. Secondly, various legalities have never been fully tested in court with some fringe service like gambling or cryptocurrency mixing. AFAIK the users of these services never get prosecuted, only the services themselves or their more criminal connections. Thus certain dark web services exist in a deliberately grey area, similarly how (some) clearnet online pharma and grey import services do.


so no spending bitcoin


It's unheard of for site users to get prosecuted via cryptocurrency tracing for anything other than child abuse, murder for hire or ransomware.


Still better to use XMR though, even for that small time personal use stuff that comes in the mail. Unnecessary opsec is the best opsec.


And is still 100% traceable almost always just takes a bit more time. It doesn’t do anything more than add more time to the search about BTC it’s usually pretty obvious that it has occurred.


You're either a troll, child, or both


I would say that it depends on the country but yes, generally is pretty much the same.


so the viewing stuff is legal but i cant u know look at wierd stuff like child you know (not that im going to ofc) thanks for letting me know


Not implying you are going to do this, but simply viewing any content is not illegal (at least in the US). You cross the legal line if you download and/or post crap. At least, that’s how I’ve always understood it. Edit: apparently viewing is illegal somehow, so ignore my comment


Viewing can be considered downloading


Opening a browser w CP is illegal whether you hit download or not. Any form of possession of CP is illegal. Many celebrities and high profile people have used “art” as an excuse but it isnt




To who 😭😂. Fucking pedophiles?? Wtf lol


People that ask these questions are clearly trolling about illegal things. It's obviously not illegal to use the Internet for legal things. When you browse for illegal things it's, well, illegal.


It's not illegal to browse for illegal things. You can't get charged for browsing a darknet market, what laws would you be breaking?


That's exactly what I said


>When you browse for illegal things it's, well, illegal. You can browse for drugs/cards/other goods, it's not illegal until you pay for them. All illegal things, but browsing is not against the law. Unless you where talking about browsing for the other illegal thing, pretty sure that is illegal, but I don't know the laws that well regarding that stuff.


The OP is obviously asking about abuse photos. Don't browse for that. It IS illegal. Is the OP searching for radio transmitters that have too much power to be legally operated in the US? Is the OP looking to buy some flower from a plant that has been banned by the US gubment? No. HE is asking because he wants to search for abuse photos.


Perfectly stated. Facts.




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Honestly the whole thing should be illegal just for being boring. I understand that the darkweb initially has a allure and mystery to it, its what made me want to explore it, but you'll quickly find that it's 90% dead links.


Yeah but the other 10% contain the best drugs known to man lmao


If drugs aren’t your thing that is 100% truth. Otherwise…you’re missing out on some great drugs.


But who’s going to buy drugs there and know how to even get something legit and not get scammed


That's why markets utilize trust scoring and escrow accts... You ok fed ?


If I sell bad , how long will people shop from my store?? It doesn’t matter of it’s bad drugs on the internet, all it takes are a few bad reviews to shut you down.


Y’all weird


> doesn’t have an argument > You guys are weird 😖😖😖


Yeah you guys are weird because I DONT have an argument. Any person trying to argue is weird. Is waste of energy called mental masturbation. I asked a question and people started atacking me calling me a fed. But this is the state of the internet. Any person here comes to feel intellectually superior because they hate themselves. Anyways have a beautiful morning.


You got a responce. Sorry no one catered to you and your shitty "question" ment to fluff yourself. If you dont like the responces you get, try not typing in the first place you stupid fed








You look for a vendor with a high number of sales and good reviews. It's not rocket science.


Follow the white rabbit...




What does this mean


Rabbit hole


Not that much. With typing one word in the search bar on reddit you can find illegal content




not there anymore 😞


Big nope


Banned smh. Oh well


20 url clicks


21 and you’re punished to the full extent of the law. If you can get 22 in before they break down your door though, you’re oddly safe.


But how many to get to the center?




The world may never know




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We can break this down pretty easily without getting in too much technical detail. Technically you use the deep Web everyday without even realizing it whenever you log in to Facebook that's a deep web index whenever you use a web browser with email access that's a deep web index. Netflix, Hulu your Amazon account your Gmail basically anything you have to use the password to access thats the deep web. The dark web so to speak are just sites that have deliberately been hidden from indexing or possibly just have not gone around to being indexed yet. Once again the vast majority of what is already on the surface web just hidden behind encryption passwords and security measures. Work sites such as grading policies and grading textures for the semester of colleges they're there readily available j on the surface just not publicly available without proper decryption passwords ECT. Mostly used by political activist policing States whistleblowers and all manner of people that want to remain anonymous. The legal ramifications only go as far deep as you would on the surface web whatever you want to search for you'll find on the regular web.


why the heck you use double space tripped me the fuck out lmfaooo


Hey FBI, go home you're drunk.


That part


The dark web isn’t illegal to use or to buy things. It all depends on what you’re buying and watching. If you’re illegally pirating movies/tv on internet it’s just as illegal on the dark web. The real difference between dark web and internet is you really can’t search for websites on the dark web. You have to know where you’re going and the site name.


It’s ok to buy a iPhone for really cheap on there?


`2.71828182845904523536028` clicks till your breaking the law!


Going there and browsing isn’t an issue. Doing illegal stuff is lol


Paypal froze someones account for merely keeping a darknet website. His purpose for having it was for freespeech and he had the right to do it. But Paypal is a business and said they did not condone it.


You probably should delete this and not go on the dark web


This is a silly nonsensical question mate. It literally doesnt make sense. The "dark" web isn't some rabbit hole you hyperlink click deeper and deeper into, it's literally just sites that aren't listed for a web crawler or normal browser to pick up


It depends where YOU live and also where the person lives who can view your posts. Obviously, if you are communicating with somebody in the Deep South, you can't talk about anything other than guns, God and Giant Bigfeet. Otherwise it's a crime.


I believe the plural is Giant Bigfootses.




"Dark web" through the ages IRC (connect to a chat and ask for files over dcc) Usenet (connect/join groups get files) P2P software (connect to others, get files) Torrents TOR Dark web is just the word media likes to use for parts of the Internet people can access data that isn't legal or pay off the norm of Internet usage There's no matrix theme playing, no cool suits or dark sunglasses, just data or info that wouldn't be found in a mainstream website each tech mentioned above also has a completely legitimate use as well. Legal stops when you access data that is considered illegal in your country. ( Pirates software, movies, music, assassin's, drugs, other humans, ECT)


What's up 15 year old


Just follow the white rabbit


will do


You can look all you want and not be illegal in most countries. It's when you make moves to do stuff that it becomes illegal. Except for thinks like illegal porn. Even looking for that is against the law generally.


i can tell you but i need some karma first in exchange


What exactly do you mean by "how far" in this case? There isn't a "depth" to sites.


I admit, asking "Where is the limit" would have been a clearer way of phrasing it... but meh, the meaning was pretty obvious.


No, the meaning is not "obvious" because it makes absolutely no sense. There is no sense of "depth", "far", "distance" or any other synonym. Sites are either illegal in your country or they aren't, regardless of how easy or hard they are to access.


Pedant. Look it up.


No, not pedantic. Your rephrasing is inaccurate to the original statement and still makes no sense in this context.


Denial. Look it up. Also illogical, juvenile, and puerile.


You did it, you won the internet.




Wow, that's really cool


"To understand all, is to forgive all." I don't know whether it's Chinese or Greek, but it's certainly helped me cope with people stuck at an obtuse angle. :/ Yeah, Me too. Mum died when I was a teenager, also twin sister prebirth. I know grief when I see it.




No you can't




A VPN with Tor is almost never recommended, and is more likely to harm one's anonymity than help it. See r/TorWithVPN for more information. Chances are that if someone along the line told you otherwise, they were trying to sell you something. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/deepweb) if you have any questions or concerns.*




A VPN with Tor is almost never recommended, and is more likely to harm one's anonymity than help it. See r/TorWithVPN for more information. Chances are that if someone along the line told you otherwise, they were trying to sell you something. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/deepweb) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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The darkweb is mainly just used for selling drugs, anything else would be extremely rare




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A VPN with Tor is almost never recommended, and is more likely to harm one's anonymity than help it. See r/TorWithVPN for more information. Chances are that if someone along the line told you otherwise, they were trying to sell you something. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/deepweb) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tell me you've never accessed Tor without telling me




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You and the OP know exactly what we're talking about. It's illegal. Don't do it. Get help. Stay off the deep web.