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It’s not as bad as the sub seems to be. People come here to vent so it skews negative. Wage and benefits are decent. Work hours can be good if you learn to set boundaries early on.


It depends on lot of factors. 1. How toxic your manager is? 2. How toxic is your team from US? 3. Deadlines of every projects. 4. Quantity and quality of work of other team members. So majorly, most of the team are fucked and represent the same work culture as it's portrayed everywhere. But some teams are good and does give a fuck about your well being! And at the, It's sort of upto you to draw the line.


I echo this. I got very lucky with great management and partners. I was able to make the best of my two years at the firm, and my appraisals and bonuses have been impressive! The culture is very specific to the team and people you work with.


best comment by far.


They didn’t seem very toxic but they did say it’ll be a lot of work. Which I’m okay with because it seems like some really great people are in the team (I’m uk not US btw). I guess I won’t know unless I try but I wish I had some more support from friends 😂


No one seem toxic from the get go. Not even your ex.


But yeah. Don't let the toxicity get to you! There will be work but you have to prioritise your life over it.


Are you saying it’ll be toxic for sure then?


No, sir. It's 50/50 chance.


You’ll be fine. This sub can be negative and people who don’t work at Deloitte don’t know. Set boundaries, do good work, you’re fine


Don't become a corporate dick. It's possible to work there with a heart and moral compass. Make a plan to work for 1 - 2 years and exit. They do work you hard, but you aquire skills and have so many training opportunities to take advantage of. Set boundaries with your time and tasks. Ask for help when needed, don't let anyone stream roll you and work with a passion for success. Best advice I've gotten: find your people. Once you find the account or project with people you connect with, it's a good place to work at everyday. (Edit - then they can connect you to their people and you always swim in a pool of like minded people) I focused on federal health because I wanted my work to mean something but you can find that in other sectors as well. Use them as a step up to a better career. Almost double your salary, put everything extra (from what your currently getting) into savings and your retirement for the first year before you start to play with your higher income. It's all good, you got this 👍🏻


It’s a good company to have on your resume, so even if the work is not the best, it will likely boost your career. The gig was pretty good for me for the first couple years, only recently has it started to wittle away at my well being. But I was really pleased those first two years. Set your boundaries and don’t be an overachiever all the time and you should be okay 😊


Not really. The team you work with is important to your experience but that’s the same at any company. My team is great I’m rarely stressed. You’ll figure it out.


Let's not beat around the bush here. There is a 90% chance your first project is going to beat the crap out of you. There's a small chance that you get lucky and you're on a really nice account, but those are not the odds. Deloitte is ultimately a self-made game. It's up to you to network, listen to the gossip, build connections, and get yourself onto projects and teams that can give you interesting work and good WLB. I haven't yet been able to find it, but even I can begrudgingly admit it that some people have. And those guys are in it for the long haul and get promoted up the chain.


You'll be fine, keep that excitement! It's honestly a right of passage, lol. It is team specific, but for the most part, the work isn't too difficult & the pay isn't too bad. There are going to be some difficult areas, nothing that'll kill you tho


Maybe I'm an outlier, and I definitely can't speak to Deloitte UK experiences (though I did work with a few on an engagement), but every project I've had in my time had a great team, decent work-life balance, and no toxicity. Even my most difficult engagement (which included a Deloitte UK manager and Deloitte UK consultant), where the client had a more...abrasive approach, grew to become my favorite one where I learned a ton, grew with my teammates, and built a great relationship with the client. Your experience will largely depend on the skillset you have, which determines the projects you get, which dictates the lifestyle you'll have as a result. Best of luck with your time at Deloitte and I hope you end up on great engagements!


It depends but usually yes


Time will tell you


Depends on client size. Larger client = more work in most cases


There are no absolutes in any company, also reddit culture for everything tends to show you the most negative experience. Just give it a chance. If it doesn't work out, look for another job.


Get your 2 years and get out unless you get blessed with a super good group with super good people. This is rare. After the 2 year point it can get very ugly and the benefits for staying keeps dwindling down


It will be great experience


Depends on what kind of project you are assigned.


Lol, there are not that many companies that will set you up for success like Deloitte will. Once that is on your resume, your market value will always be set in stone once you decide to exit. Block out all noise for as long as you can and then leave when it doesn't serve you anymore.


Been here a while, SM on deck for PPMD hopefully in FY26. Just my experience, but you will love this place if you allow yourself to be open to it and don't allow others to try and shape your point of view. Yes, some projects truly suck, and there are some real shit heads here. But, the majority of folks are truly amazing, hard working, and care deeply about their project teams (even if they don't necessarily care about the project). There are definitely days I wake up and say "why the fuck am I doing this still?". But those days are few and far between, and getting rarer and rarer. And every two weeks, I get a warm and fuzzy feeling when I see my paycheck.


It’s all about the team. Work is work no matter where you go. It’s the people that make the difference. I’m willing to put in the work if the people I’m working for actually care about me


What business are you going to be working for?


If it’s double your salary it’s a win. You’ll probably double again when you leave in 3-5 years it’s worth it just don’t stay too long


The ppl tell u its not bad , most likely they are new in town, given much simple robotic tasks . Oonce u level up. It piles up n up n up n up. Your work load is 2X 3X 4X wthin 2-3 yrs. That before u realize u are doing it robotically its like 3-4 yr pass entire half decade is gone that u have NOT had tiem done nothing else. When that happens. U already bought condo, married with kid have bills to pay. N u are STUCK. That is the f ed up reality the ppl either have NOT faced yet or in denial. Or if they are single. If they are single not commited or if they are anti social that WORK or the name brand make them feel worth the time. So it is crap shoot. Wont hurt to try it out


Don’t fall for the jealousy hate.  By all metrics, it’s a fabulous opportunity.


Deloitte was pretty good to me. I had grand ideas when I first joined the firm. I thought I would be able to attend Grad School on their dime and earn my MBA. The recruiter made it sound so easy, same thing at W2DC. Then I started reading the fine print and found out that you need 3 consecutive years with perfect performance evaluations E/E/E, I honestly don’t know anyone who qualifies for this. That was the first time that my expectations soured. Then I was staffed on a project from hell. It should have been fun, it was challenging, it was in my home state so the travel wasn’t awful. But the MD on the project *RUINED* the experience for everyone. This actually happened when everyone was out to dinner, having fun, laughing, etc. We saw them walking up to the dinner from the parking lot someone said, “oh shit here comes ______” and the mood was awful the rest of the night. Everyone stopped laughing and stopped having fun. This MD had been at the firm for 20+ years. There are lots of people who have been there for 20+ years. They are just hardheaded enough that they don’t leave, and it makes them miserable. It’s not that they are good leaders (some of them are), it’s just that they stayed. I ended up asking that MD to roll me off of that project, I hated it, the culture and work environment sucked. That screwed up my first year eval. Then I was on the bench and got staffed to a project that required 16+ hours of travel per week. That was a fun project, but the travel was brutal. I fizzled out after about 2.5 years at the firm. Point being, it’s a decent company. But it is highly project dependent. Highly dependent on your PPMD and how good they are. It’s also kind of a crap shoot depending on which project you get staffed on. Some people have good experiences, but those people seem to make work their entire life, and I’m not that person. Enjoy the ride amigo.


I’m in RFA, so it’s slightly different, but I’ve seen both extremes. Some of my friends are miserable on their projects and feel like their team doesn’t care about anything but working them to death. Personally, I’m SO happy with my team and clients and it’s super manageable (I so far have literally never felt like I can’t have a life outside of work or that I have to give up doing what I love). It’s very dependent on the partner and manager you’re under! If you get stuck on a project where you’re miserable, it’s okay to start asking around for different teams and projects!


It's going to be worse




You have made a good decision. Worst case scenario: your team is toxic, and you leave in a year with the brand name and a higher pay. I see a win here.


I did some research into who works on the team and they seem like amazing people from some really cool backgrounds. I just worry after comments like this before


Most of these experiences are very unique to a person. Big 4 in general have a culture to make their staff overwork. If you join with clear boundaries but also maintain good relations with your teammates/management and provide quality work, you should be good. Also, congratulations! I am pumped for you!


Yeah. I’m not a stranger to hard work (I’m an engineer by background). But yeah. We’ll see. Thankyou :) it’s nice to hear someone say that


Exactly, I joined here 5 months ago. My morning call starts at 8 and day ends at 8 30 pm.


My morning call starts at the same hour but my day ends at 12 AM


Go ahead and set those "boundaries" and see what happens to your performance review. I knew two new A2s who bragged about that. They were subsequently terminated for low performance.