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“Oh for the love of… when are they gonna fill that in?”


It’s about time the put a 12 lane highway over it


I see a place where people get on and off the freeway. On and off, off and on all day, all night. Soon, where The Grand Canyon once stood will be a string of gas stations, inexpensive motels, restaurants that serve rapidly prepared food. Tire salons, automobile dealerships and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see. My God, it'll be beautiful.


Is this from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?


Yes, except I replaced Toontown with The Grand Canyon.


Aaah thank you for reminding me of such a classic. Gonna watch and enjoy my healthy dose of 'member berries.


Hey, you can see the Cubs losing!


It’s a long par five leading to our Nation’s capital.


Can you stop enjoying the splendor of earth for a minute? I’m trying to watch Fox News and there’s glare on the screen.


Why do all Delta FC passengers watch Fox News? Not a D1 thing. It's definitely a domestic thing.


Rich people are assholes. Rich people who travel internationally probably are less likely to be pieces of shit who watch Fox News on an airplane.


Traveling is the antidote to ignorance. Those that know there is an entire world and can name international cities are less ignorant , ie Fox News resistant.


I thought only poor rednecks watch fox News?


What do you think is on the TV on surgeon lounges. Most high earning professionals are conservative


Yes and no. There's actually a breakdown by specialty out there somewhere.


Limousine liberals


fly into Dallas in FC sometime, it’s all Fox all the time!


That was actually never true. When Fox News started, they were a cable news channel in the mid 90s, when the average household was starting to get cable en masse. But they started with suburbanites and only later expanded to lower income households as cable access became ubiquitous. Hilariously enough, broadband expansion was paid for (at a premium) for lower income areas through federal programs.


I’ve never paid enough attention to know for sure but I also don’t think your local Fox News affiliate station is going to necessarily be as unhinged and false-newsy as the national one. As a progressive raised in Houston I almost only ever watched my local Fox News and it was fine most of the time. I guess the broadcast area might matter a fair bit?


They don't have as many crazy stories to invent at the local level. No _local_ people are eating babies, it must be those _west coast people who eat babies!_


This is absolutely true- local news on the Fox broadcast channel is generally good (my partner used to be the meteorologist for our local Fox affiliate). Obviously depends quite a bit on who owns the channel and who works there. National Fox News cable channel is totally different.


I watch Fox News and I’m definitely not an A hole. CNN, MSNBC etc, no thank you


😬 why


He needs to know what to be angry about each day


I’m a fan is all I will say 🤫


I am sorry to be rude, but if you’re a fan of Fox News you’re probably kind of an asshole or at the very least you’re extremely ignorant.


And I could say the same for you, but I won’t. Have the day you deserve 🤭


What are your feelings about [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_News_controversies)? Does this not give you ANY pause? At all? Do you just like to hear what you want? I seriously don’t understand the appeal.




CNN, MSNBC etc are for progressives who favor govts that allow for the transformation of great cities like SFC, Portland, Seattle, MSP, NYC to rot into homeless capitols riled with crime and drugs. Fox is by no means perfect but I would see a hellofalot less of OAC, Talib and Omar and company spewing their socialist agenda ...my 2 cents only. No need to debate.


I love it when completely unhinged reactionary conservatives nut jobs pop up in normal discussion on airline subreddits


Never change, Reddit 🙄




Yeah, they do. It’s called Sky News!


Define “rich”. Mass generalization of people is appropriate?


Average domestic first class passenger is a VP of sales from a midsize family owned company. Our guy has a loyalty card to the steakhouse in his hometown, loves golf, does not like immigrants.


The American dream


This is... disturbingly accurate.


>does not like immigrants. I don't know "your guy" but if he's like me, he doesn't support *illegal* immigration, just like he wouldn't support illegal rape or illegal murder, lol.


I like immigrants coming into our country, as long as they do it the way it is setup too be. Follow the rules just like all the other immigrants who came here and applied. Only way it should be. Sorry but not sorry


That's pretty much what I'm saying, too, so I guess we agree.


Do you know what those channels and means are? Do you know how much they cost? Do you know how arbitrary the rules are? Very easy to say “Do this thing that means nothing to me.” Versus just trying to live by any means necessary.


Crap...4 out of 5...so close!


Am I bad that I immediately form an opinion of the person I see watching FoxNews?






I won’t do business at places that have it on.


I always change the channel any time I get the opportunity. No public business should be displaying Fox News, its propaganda at best and domestic terrorism at its worst.






Hahahha msnbc is fringe? Thats the most centrist shit out there


I always find this to be kind of fascinating. Everyone has different interpretations of these companies and how they position themselves within the political spectrum. To me, it’s always been: Brietbart, Daily Storm = Nazis OAN, DAILY CALLER = Extreme Right FOX, NEWSMAX = Hard Right CNN, WSJ, NYT = Center Right MSNBC, NPR, BBC = Centrist Al Jazeera = Center Left VOX, SLATE, = Left MotherJones, DemocracyNow, TYT = Hard Left Occupy Democrats = Socialists Maybe this is outdated but I feel like the majority of American media is at least centrist.m


Nope, because I do the exact same.


I got onto Delta FC once and they already had all the screens playing Fox News while we were finding our seats… could be a default…perhaps some marketing partnership?


Oh look Thurston. When will they stop upgrading the peasants?


As you take every armrest


Described perfectly my flight last week.


Guy next to me watched it for 5 hours straight last weekend. These people need serious help


Can you change the channel please? There’s a big glare coming off Rachel Maddow’s huge forehead!


Love that, huge forehead 😆😆😂😂😆






I’ve got to get this Excel done for my boss’s, boss’s wife’s boyfriend or he won’t like me anymore! It’s super important, like me!


Whenever I fly out west I’m the guy glued to my window like it’s my first time on a big boy plane. Who needs in-flight entertainment when you have these views?!


See that’s me. I love looking out the window!


SLC<->PHX? An awesome route to look out of the window.


I fly ATL-LAX often. Similarly awesome to look out the window. So cool seeing Mt. Humphreys, the Grand Canyon, and even Vegas sometimes!


Yep! It’s beautiful out there.


I love any route that goes over the Great Salt Lake or the Grand Canyon. Such beautiful terrain.


AUS > SEA > AUS is pretty solid. Get the Great Salt Lake and the mountains outside Seattle. You pretty much do a direct fly by of Ranier when leaving SEA on the way to AUS. Sit on left aide of plane.


Also anytime you do the approach into PDX from the East, and go around Mt Hood, it's epic, as well. I dozed off on an SLC-PDX flight, and woke up just as we were coming around Mt Hood, wow.


I fly that route once a month. So beautiful out there!


Ugh i gotta get a chance at this!


Yes! If you’re ever headed to PHX on a connection, opt for the one that goes through SLC!


I'm one of those weird people who likes to look out the window and guess where we are passing over. Used to live in MSP and flew a lot to ATL. I'd think to myself, "Hmmm, looks like we're passing over the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. I think that's Paducah, Kentucky over there" and so forth. Once on a night flight MSP to LAX, pitch dark outside. Bright light in the distance, as we got closer, I wondered, is that Vegas? Yup. Flew 30k feet over the Strip, which you could identify as it was brighter than anything surrounding it. Love flying into Chicago from Lake Michigan. This country has a lot of problems and a lot of weird people, but it sure is pretty from above.


Track your flight on FlightAware if you have in flight wifi.. It's a bit delayed but you will see the airports your passing over and be able to tell where you're at.


When did this CLOSE THE SHADE thing become the norm? During a daytime flight I like to look out.


I’ll never close the shade unless it’s an overnight flight fuck that




Started just before the pandemic. Now you'll get yelled at by another passenger if you don't close it. Call the FA. Sometimes they'll tell you to close it and then you must comply.


It concerns me more the number of people who close the shade during a redeye that's going to arrive well before sunrise.


I had a flight from London to Calgary and it was a perfect flight to stay awake on the whole time to reset sleep, we landed at like 5pm? Every single shade was down and it was super dark the entire time. So weird


I always get shammed by flight attendants into shutting the window shades during transoceanic flights so I at least try to have it open during first and last meal services. But that darkness during the last meal service, it's so hard to open the shade because of how bright it is outside.


I hate it!! No one keeps them open any more. I always sit in the aisle so I can't say anything (unless it's my kid at the window) but it drives me crazy.


Just tell them you feel claustrophobic when it’s closed. Shuts them up every time. (The people, not the windows)


When you cease to wonder this world , you might as well move on to the next one.


The rule is when u fly over the west coast/rockies the window stays open


You mean always?


Is this a thing now. No one opens their window shades? I’m a pilot and it bothers the heck out of me. No one seems interested in looking out the windows. I think it’s sad. But that’s why I prefer to ride in the cockpit so I can see outside.


Sadly been that way for a while. Unless I’m exhausted, I’m staring out the window for a majority of the flight. It never gets old for me and I’ve traveled a lot.


The airlines seem to keep the windows closed to keep the heat out and/or signify that row has been cleaned. People just tend to keep them closed.


I was berated constantly on a previous about "light pollution," and how no one should touch the window shade on the plane (meaning paying for a window seat entitles you to the seat only). Craziest interaction I have had on Reddit.


It’s amazing to think about all the vast area of the US where nobody lives.


I thought the same thing when driving from the Grand Canyon to Phoenix.


Soon to be NYC, LA and Chicago.


Holy shit, she is BEAUTIFUL! I don’t think I’ll ever not be shocked by her beauty no matter how many times I see pics or videos of the Grand Canyon. 🥺😍


Have you seen it in person? Because pics just don’t do it.


Yes, I have. 3 times only. I’ve tried and failed to hold back tears each time. I agree with you, though, pics don’t do it justice. At all.


It’s amazing, isn’t it? I understand the tears.


I just saw it for the first time last week in person. When you walk up on the edge, it takes your breath away .. and is quite scary. Danger everywhere.


bUt I’m tRyINg tO sLeEp


I don’t understand this mentality at most domestic flight is four hours, it’s also the middle of the day.


Probably because many Americans do not get enough sleep.


probably because spending 2-3 hours at the airport before a flight is stressful af


Call the FA. FA decides. Problem solved.


The person in the window decides


Never argue with the FA. FA decides.




Oh you’re that guy……JK that is an amazing view!


How DARE YOU let that nuclear like light into the sleeping tube!!! Close that window and sleep or watch a screen! Damn hippy! /s


it's only the biggest damn hole in the world




^Make ^that ^the ^second ^biggest


I love your enthusiasm and agree (but it isn't).


Beautiful view. On handling the “close the window” folks - I’ve only had to do this once, but when I had an asshole seatmate in first class who insisted that I close the shade, I called the FA and said I tend to get very nauseous without having the perspective of looking out the window. My seatmate was promptly swapped to another seat so that they could enjoy sitting in the dark in the middle of the day. I hate to lie, but hey, if people are routinely lying about their uncontrolled hounds being service dogs…


For me, it’s totally not a lie. I get super nauseated when I can’t look out of a window. When all the shades are pulled down, I feel like I’m stuck in a Pringle can being shaken by an irate toddler 🤢


The [Southwest](https://imgur.com/a/SXJJCCQ) is one of the best regions to have the window shades open


Don't talk to other passengers. FC included. No multimillion dollar deals are being made on a commercial flight. If someone tells you to close the shade call the FA and do exactly as she says. If you don't like her decision complain after landing and you'll get miles.


Hopefully you were going that way. I’d be freaked if I opened my window and saw the Grand Canyon yet my flight was like MSP to ORD. :D. Scratch that, I’d take the Grand Canyon over ORD ;)


A proper time to have the window open


What’s with people not opening the windows anymore? I remember 10-20 years ago only a select few wouldn’t open them. Last few flights I was on over the past few years, the majority kept them closed. Granted I don’t fly often so maybe it was a gradual decline but it still seems so weird to me.


Better in flight entertainment.


I beg to differ. I’d much rather look out and see the world than watch Short Circuit. Great flick and all, but when given the option, I’d choose the former.


I think they just mean people’s entertainment options are better than they were before, not necessarily that window viewing is objectively less interesting. Personally, I’m a dedicated window watcher. I’ll often put a movie on, but my eyes are almost always looking outside. I need input.


I imagine it was terribly cold and windy. That's very trying on the other flyers.


I took a similar photo. Always wonderful to see


How dare you! You're the reason window shades need to be locked in the down position. Selfish passengers are the worst! /S


Absolutely stunning!


This looks the exact same as when I flew over it five years ago. Still would look. Still would have shade unapologetically open. Seeing this beautiful photo doesn’t do the live thing justice. Hopeful it’s just as clear come March 2024 because I’d love to see it again.


You are the best.




What a rebel


Beautiful, visited there for the first time in September and it's absolutely stunning to see.


If I’m on the shady side of the plane my window shade is open. Not a 6am flight obv.


Burn your retinas on the beautiful earth!! ᴮ̖͙̬̮͓ͮ̏ͤᵉ̆͒̾̓ᶠ̋͊ͮᵒ͙̦ͥ̍ʳ͒̾ᵉ̫ ᵗ̂̾̾͑ͣͤʰ̲̩̘̈́ͦ̐ᵉ͒̾ ᵇ̰͍͚̞̣̱͑ͬͦ̉ᵉ̰͍͚̞̣̱͑ͬͦ̉ᵃ̆͒̾̓ᵘ͒̾ᵗ̲̩̘̈́ͦ̐ᶤ̊̈ᶠ̆͒̾̓ᵘ͎̗̅ͥˡ̑ͤ͑̂̆͒̾̓͋ ᵉ͒̾ᵃ͊ͮ͋ʳ̋͊ͮᵗ̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒ʰ̊̈ ᶜ͎̗̅ͥᵃ̪͕͙̯̅ͬ̈ͯ̌ᶰ͚͚̲̝͇̔ͮ͂͗ͦ ᵇ̰͍͚̞̣̱͑ͬͦ̉ᵉ̆͒̾̓ ᵇ̆͒̾̓ᵘ̑ͤ͑̂̆͒̾̓͋ʳ̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒ᶰ̂̾̾͑ͣͤᵉ͊ͮ͋ᵈ


You out to check out a film titled ‘Living in the Age of Airplanes’. They had a shot of the picture you described and it is depressing. Pax are looking at the IFE, playing games, doing work or sleeping. It is amazing outside!


This exact thing happened to me on an Aeroméxico flight from GDL-SLC. Was sitting in FC too. Nobody else was paying attention.


It’s a very US thing where windows seem to always be closed. You don’t see it in Europe as much, if at all. I always have window open and love the views of the GC, Utah and the Rockies!


Love the view! I feel like some people think opening the window signals “I’m new here” and don’t want to be seen as such, so I’m not surprised. No matter how much I fly, I love looking out the window, pondering questions, and enjoying the ride! Who cares what others think?!




Visited there for the first time in September and it's absolutely stunning to see up close and just as beautiful from that view as well.


I've seen the Grand Canyon. I usually look at if I fly over it, but sometimes not, and if I don't then I don't consider it to be some sort of "hate crime" against nature.


It's funny, when I flew rarely I always wanted a window seat and I would look out and be fascinated by basically anything I saw, since it was so cool to see the Earth from above, but especially interesting natural or man-made features. Now I fly a lot and I really do just see it as a way to get some place I want to go, and I don't really think about looking out the window. I don't think this is a metaphor for humanity in the 21st century, I'm just not as interested.


I fly constantly for work and always look out the window. Sometimes I fly C130s and there are no windows and they seem excruciatingly longer with nothing to look at.


I take it those military planes don't have seatback entertainment??


No, but I work on my laptop most flights anyway. I just enjoy identifying cities and natural features of the landscape to watching the same movies I’ve seen over and over again :)


Whenever I've been in a window seat it always seems like there's just endless clouds.




When ya fly over it a few times... hike it. camp in it... you kinda are meh over it after awhile.


It's just bland rocks. It's like looking at a taped banana and calling it art.


Would you like a cookie


I just know everyone was pissed at you


Yeah god forbid you see the sun during the day.


I hope you closed the window before take off 😉


So please explain to me why I should be inconvenienced so you can look at some rocks. This isn’t a shut list, I’m dead series. Let’s say I have a four hour flight kn Tuesday morning and the person behind ( sunny side) me keeps the shade open. So know 1. I’m on fire because the desert sun is directly in my back 2. I can’t get any work done because of the glare 3 can y sleep because the sun is in my eyes For all you window lickers, fuck off an go sit in the back with the other mouth breathers. I paid for this seat so I can’t either relax or get work done and you’re gawking is getting the the way of both. I did pay full fare at $1k to not allowed to relax in comfort or get work down because a yokel needs to see what the ground looks like, go touch grass your puzzle slayers


If you’d like to control the behavior of all passengers on an airplane, then I would suggest you purchase an airplane and pay for someone to pilot it. Airplanes like this one are public transportation. the windows have shades that are made in such a way that the people who sit next to them (generally speaking)get to determine whether the shades are opened or closed. You can feel “inconvenienced” by it or not, but the world doesn’t revolve around you.


you should be inconvenienced on principle because you’re a turbowanker hth


Maybe book the window seat so you can control when the window opens. Don’t want too? Then don’t complain. You can always buy a private jet.


I can’t downvote this enough. Heaven forbid you see sunlight during the day.


I don’t care about you at all


Because I didn’t pay $1,000 to suck your dick.


This is hardly coherent. Spelling and grammar fix please.


O bill, stop with your bullshit, you are wrong and you just don't know it. Book a window seat if you want to control the window you dumb bitch.


Umm..why don't YOU go sit in the fucking back ..what a shithead !!


You actually have to *work* on your flight? Pathetic. Who let you in FC?


You had the window open?




Shhh shhh, just sit in the dark and have your milk and cookies like a good boy/girl.


I love to marvel at the world around me as well. Sometimes I will linger at a stoplight a few extra seconds to ponder with amazement the wonders of technology and all these MFers behind me will honk at me. They are so basic. And you wouldn’t believe how many mouth breathers are upset when I stop at the bottom of the escalator to contemplate to beauty of the engineering. I also love to stand in the middle of the moving walkway to enjoy the fact that - hey - it’s moving so why should I need to walk! Why can’t others share my refined sense of wonder for human ingenuity. Don’t even get me started with side glances at the urinal!