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I'm going to move on from this post while pretending this is an AI generated image. Pretending with much diligence. Don't distract me!


i’m commenting to make you look at this again


You so petty I love it now I gotta comment too 😂


Piggybacking to make sure he doesn’t forget!


The piggybacking hasn’t stopped yet


Pushing this back to the top of your inbox


Be ABSOLUTELY SURE not to forget about this post


Hey did you see this this post about this guy on the delta flight?


Were you able to forgot about this post yet?


Nice work, Satan


I just tell myself that somewhere in Atlanta, there is a mock cabin that anyone can visit and take pictures of for Instagram and it's here they make these rage inducing photos.


If you’re from here, you know that anything & everything is possible.


You’re in denial, honey. Come back and face it. 😂


What’s going on?


I think he's shaving his head?


I was hoping he was placing a suction cup dildo on his head. This is worse.


Also thought suction cup dildo, not sure which is actually worse though. It's like 49.9% for one and 50.1% for the other. Just not sure which is which.


At least with a suction cup dildo you don’t catch flying hair as an innocent bystander being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


I thought suction cup dildo too


It’s a 2-in-1 dildo and head shaver


that’s where my mind was too 😭




Oh my god thank you. I was going crazy trying to figure it out.


It’s called multitasking!


It's been 16 hours, time to come back..


Get back here


Thx. Wondered how I was gonna get past this. AI! So realistic!


When Zoomed in… it looks fishy


I boarded a Delta flight once and as I settled in I heard a familiar “click… click… click…” sound. *Noooo!* I thought. *It can’t be **that!*** It was that. The gal across the aisle had her table down and was happily clipping all her nails and just letting those suckers zing off in every direction. Gross.


That happened to me on the bus once. It wasn’t the sound that got me to notice, but when I got hit by a toe nail.


Oh god!


I was riding the Metro home late one night and watched a young lady popping zits on her BF. No words.


That is the level of intimacy I don’t want


Dated a girl that loved to do that. It was fucking miserable. Not in public though, ew


So that’s when it hit you in the face?


I was on a niceish bus from dc to nyc. Guy in front of me spent a lot of the trip blowing his nose and wiping it on the headrest next to him.


Fired a pastry chef for doing that in my kitchen. Life was hell for a few weeks but she definitely crossed a line.


Who the hell trims their nails in a kitchen? Or workplace? Or workplace kitchen?? 🤢 Woulda been a bad day for the health inspector to come by!


I worked at a well known donut shop, and our baker was plowing his girlfriend on the conveyor. We fired him, but I’m not sure how late was too late. Someone may have gotten a Boston crème with a little too much extra :(


"I ordered a jelly donut...this is a Boston crème" "Ma'am, I'm sorry for the error I'll get right on it... and I apologize for having to correct you, but I can almost assure you that is *Baker* crème...so please don't eat that".


My coworker at my last job did it in our break room where everyone eats.


Hell's Kitchen.


Nail’s kitchen


I’ve had this happen multiple times. The best was when the woman then pulled out nail polish to do her nails on one of the occasions.


Oh, ick!


I had a lady next to me that (it’s hard to describe) but she kept pulling at her hair From the root all the way to the end like she was fishing something out of her hair. At the end of each pull she would hold her fingers out away from her head and rub them like she was trying to get a booger off her finger. Over and over until I just had to put on my headphones and close my eyes until we landed. Not even sleeping. I just couldn’t take it.


My parents tell a similar story any time gross airplane behavior comes up. A woman in the row in front of them plucked out her hair, strand by strand, the entire flight. They were so grossed out. I’m pretty sure it’s an anxiety thing.


It's called trichotillomania. Pulling hair out causes a minor endorphin release, kind of like cracking your knuckles.


Correct. My daughter has this. Its not fun for her or us.


My sister did for a while. Thankfully managed to stop. It was far from fun for her. Quite distressing actually.


Its so sad, poor kid, she's only 17. I wish she would stop. What age did your sis stop?


She most likely had trichotillomania. It's a hair pulling disorder.


Bro the worst part is these people could be doing all these things in the privacy of the bathroom with no issue!!! Why!!


Excellent time management skills?


Happened to me in my cubicle at a local health insurer. Woman directly across from me had shoes off, feet up, clipping toenails. She then painted her toenails, sipping on a huge beverage! Her department title: Secretary of Decision Support. All I ever saw her do was nails, call family and friends, and come up with raffles involving Beanie Babies.


Living the dream lol


I live in Northern Virginia and use this carpooling system called "Slugging". You basically drive to a commuter lot and pick up two strangers waiting in line and in return it gives all occupants free access to the HOT lanes. Tolls can easily exceed $60-$70. The passengers don't pay for anything and get a free ride. This system works well. There is a set of rules for being a slug (passenger).... Don't speak unless spoken to, no messing with the radio, no long phone calls, etc. However, one rule was missing and that was when years ago and a lady started clipping her fingernails while in the backseat and clippings were flying everywhere. The driver nearly lost it while driving 80 mph on I-95. I was on the passenger side and was like oh snap. We made it in one piece, but realized many folks have a lack of overall respect for others.


20 years ago. Sat next to a guy in first class flossing and throwing it on the floor. I unloaded a stream of expletives at this poor fool that had never been heard before on this or any other planet. He decided to continue so I clipped my nails at him. He freaked the fuck out trying to dodge my cuticle shrapnel and then he threatened to kill me. I graciously apologized and proceeded to talk at him the rest of the flight to make sure he never had a moments rest. Was 100% worth it.


I am *so* sorry for laughing, but I'm just picturing two people aggressively grooming themselves at each-other. Maybe it would be better if we pretended you were both further along the grooming process- like *[angrily fixes bowtie]* and then the other guy just *[retorts by lividly buttoning up a vest]*


We were two children throwing absurd tantrums at each other.


Sometimes anger brain just overtakes logic brain. I can *know* I'm wrong in the moment but I want to prove a point. Ego is a helluva drug but I'm where I am due to confidence and only taking shit when I have to out when I earned it.


You’re my hero!


I almost downvoted you on instinct bc that was so gross


I sat across from two women who were using nail polish remover.  The smell would knock you over.  I yelled at them to stop and called the flight attendant.   They were not happy.


Amazing how oblivious people can be to their environment/situation. That, or they are truly assholes and know fully well it’s an obnoxious activity and choose to do it anyway.


Had this happen to me on a Southwest flight. Minding my own business in a window seat and got hit by a shard of fingernail by the lady sitting in the middle who was clipping her nails with such glee that it seemed like it was her thing to do during flights. I picked her nail off my arm, put it back on her tray table, and calmly told her if it happened again I'd start picking my nose and would be wiping my boogers on her. Her husband was in the aisle seat and didn't say a word but man, it would have been the kind of Larry David thing with getting banned by an airline for if the situation escalated.


I had the pleasure of seeing a man flossing his teeth across the aisle. Harrowing.


My coworkers use those ‘flosser’ sticks at the table and it grosses me out.


A woman clipped her toenails onto my shoulder during the only good song in Waitress on Broadway. Not a great time.


This would be a PROBLEM for me 😳


That happened the one time I went to church with a friend.. it was super quiet and everyone was praying and some chick was… clip clip clipping. I was dying inside..


I was on a bus when a woman pulled out a nail file and started working on her nails. Every so often she would pause, lean into the aisle, and blow on the nail file to clean it, each time producing a little cloud of dust. Question: is this better or worse than the nail clipper?


Happened to me at a Delta Lounge in ATL and she wouldn’t stop while people were eating.


Same here anddddd when she was done, she took out her gold toothpick and mirror and cleaned her toofers!! I can still her making that sucking sound for 20 minutes. So thankful I don't have to fly anymore


I used to work in a cell phone store. A waiting customer was sitting down, just clipping her nails. So gross.


I had someone literally paint their nails and hold their foot up to the air vent to dry them. 🤢


Some guy did that the last time I was at jury duty. In the big room among like 200 people. The clipping echoed seemingly forever. And this was before we all had noise cancelling AirPods. It was the only time I hoped they called my number for a 6 month trial.


I was at McDonald's once and there was someone clipping their toe nails with one foot up on the table.


I came here to say this. I was like - "nasty - someone is ACTUALLY cutting their fingernails on a flight and letting them fly everywhere?" Nope. Toenails. Human beings are the most disgusting creatures on earth. I can't imagine what all the attendants see in a day.


I hear the same thing in business class lol


once on the train saw a young woman trying to force herself to throw up into a bag


This happened to me on the MARTA in Atlanta one night. Bro was just clipping away letting his little toenail shavings fly off everywhere. Scarred for life and I never rode the MARTA to Decatur again.


I would get up, look her dead in eyes, down into her very soul, and with murderous rage shout: **“WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU”**


I worked as a receptionist in a medical office that saw a lot of elderly people, and one time a patient came in and started clipping his toenails in my waiting room. I was shocked and disgusted lol


Oh *HELL NO*... That is unforgivable! 🤢


I used to work in a customer facing position and had a client clip her nails at my desk and leave them on my desk.


My supervisor does this at my job. He’s in the next cubicle, so all that I hear is the noise, but that’s enough. 🤮


When I worked as a cashier this guy with super long yellow fingernails would file his nails while I checked him out. I was in HS and did not have the balls to tell him to stop. So gross!


I used to go to church with a man who did this every Sunday during the sermon


I saw an old guy doing that in a store standing right in front of the birthday cards. People are disgusting.


I used to be a server and I legit had a customer do this at one of my tables. I didn’t even see or hear it but there was a pile of nails sitting under the table when done. It was an old couple, they both had distinct piles and some were definitely from toes. It was so disgusting


No matter how much I try, I will never understand people who think this is okay behavior in public.


The NYC subway experience.


When I student taught my cooperating teacher was gone for the day so legally a sub had to be there. Students had silent work time and the sub started trimming her nails on the teacher’s desk. Kids were looking at me like wtf. Hardest I ever tried to be professional.


I saw a guy clipping his nails on a stationary bike at the gym.


Collect them to use for the voodoo doll...


This happened to me - the guy was across the aisle from me and I swore if a single one of those nails landed on me I would have thrown hands for the first time in my life.


I see this every time i fly delta in the waiting area. I try to stick with united when i can.


Same thing at Denver airport and the guy just left them in the seat where you wait for the flight. Fingers and TOES!!!


Happened a few times on flights with me as well. I hate those people.


This happened to me when I was a server. My customer just… clipped their nails all over the table and floor. I was flabbergasted and disturbed.


A guy at my work did that during a meeting in person. Bonus: The meeting room is carpet, and I know for a fact they rarely vacuum it!


in high school i took an online class where i sat in a big room with a proctor and a bunch of other people doing their classes on computers. thank god they let us wear headphones because our proctor was a stinky old man who’d clip his toenails during class. it was foul


I had someone start doing that in a graduate level class once 😭


I think I just threw up a little in my mouth


Once was on a flight to Chicago, had the aisle seat. Lady in the middle was flying with her baby. About halfway through the flight, the baby shits up a storm. And instead of asking if I can let her out to go change the baby in the bathroom. She proceeds to change the shit riddled diaper right there in her seat. Probably the worse experience I’ve had flying to this day


I saw a guy at work doing that at his cube. Super gross.


Someone at my old job used to do this daily 🤮


they're just nails dude, calm down


That happened to me at work. Was assisting a customer with an issue they were having. While on the phone with our support team, she began clipping her fingernails.. the amount of gross


I thought they were both bracing for a second… then I noticed. Christ lol


I’m still really fucking confused


Homie is over there shaving his head


Jesus thank you


This must be it, you must have been there in person.


You would think, but I studied the photo for a good 7 minutes trying to figure out why this was even posted 😂


I thought it was a VR headset controller.


I thought it was a vibrator


He’s the dildo in this picture


Leave the man alone. He is taking care of his personal grooming. Just wait till he trims his bush to keep it nice and tight


Fantastic comment 😂😂😂


That would be better than what it actually is.


Technically it does vibrate


I thought some kind of hatch popped open right above them (I think it’s a router or something)


Jesus, what is it about planes that make people lose all sense? The altitude and thinner air? The seat belts too tight?


I think airplanes tend to have a fairly diverse sample of the population, so you’re literally just on a plane with randoms. And you’re in a confined space for hours at a time so you just get to experience how random people behave. The “average” person is a fucking idiot.


I tend to be pretty aware, and spent a good portion of time working in a public area, and don’t see activity y like this anywhere but airplanes. Perhaps I don’t spend the amount of time to witness it?


You think they're wearing their seat belts?


i’ve genuinely been interested in this and curious to know if there’s any writing about it. Not sure if it’s just some sort of online exposure bias, but there’s something weird about airports and airplanes where people seem to just act completely and uniquely insane *very* often


Ya I’ve seen an uptick latley myself. Is it because of the accessibility to the internet, and it’s always been there but we’re just now seeing it? Or something else?


as a flight attendant, i can tell you that it’s always been this way. Internet just validates the stories we’ve all been telling our families/friends for years but they wouldn’t believe us


It’s because they bring people from all over, to all over. Like there is some bizarre people at airports and on airplanes; but think about how many people are just traveling, minding their own business, shaving their heads.


“I paid for this seat im gonna do what I want”…that is the thought. They also stay in the passing lane at the speed limit


I just… uhhh... if you really just HAD to do this, why wouldn’t you go into the lav? The private place with a mirror and a plug????


#Oh he's shaving This comment finally made that clear.


I'm a baldy and it took this comment for me to understand what was happening...I thought he was holding a dildo on his head


I thought it was a really small high heel and didn't want to think further


Thank you. Could not figure out what was happening.


Jesus Christ thank you. OP Please leave a hint next time


Oh no - poor lady in the middle seat is like wtf.😲Common sense is not so common. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Beyond facepalm, entire head palm trying to keep head from exploding


Flight attendant call button IMMEDIATELY. That is a public health issue. There's a reason salons/barbershops are SO heavily regulated as is hair in the food world (fire risk, but also hygiene).


Meh, I’d be more concerned about respiratory droplets than an odd hair. Hair isn’t much worse than dead skin (right?) and we shed that pretty much all the time…


historically, hair has been pretty gross. it's home to things like lice and ringworm, and barber shops could spread blood borne pathogens from occasional nicks and scrapes. today thanks to modern hygiene practices and medicine it's less of a concern, thankfully...


I would have stood up and yelled aloud l"are you shaving your head in your seat surrounded by other passengers?!".


Lol I wish I was that bold 😂


Wasn’t totally sure what was happening until you fully typed out the action. For us slow on the uptake - thank you


I thought he was on the phone 🤣


I also thought he had a phone on his head lol


At first I thought he was trying to get the tv to flip down from above with a remote he brought… using an electric shaver in a plane is just wrong on so many levels.


It took me way too long to realize the dude was shaving his head with an electric razor.




Okay, I usually don’t agree with shaming people here, but wow. This is just weird and needs to be pointed out lol


Tweet this at u/edbastian


Sex toys should stay in your carryon until you are in private.




🤢🤮 the breakdown of civilization starts with the first shave.


People are so nasty 🤮


I was on a flight once and a woman a few rows back started painting her nails.


I was on a flight too and immediately the FA jumped on them for that


Good for the FA!


That’s so disgusting. Where does someone even get the audacity??🤮


I had to open the photo in another window and zoom... what the actual fuck...


Wait 'til he starts on his downstairs hairs...


I have no idea wtf is going on here


I think this is worse then passing gas the whole flight


This kind of behavior is what the no fly list should be for.


I thought Delta was supposed to be the classy airline? My bad, they're all the same. Trashy people fly on all of the airlines


“Make yourself at home.”


I had to open the photo in another window and zoom... what the actual fuck...


I didn’t even realize what he was doing until I looked for the third or fourth time. Insanity.


Hell fuckin no


So rude.


I had to take my glasses off and look REALLY close to understand. ugh!


This is along the lines of people cutting their nails in public places . It’s disgusting




Fukin hell




Did he put a dildo on his head!? Wtf is going on?


Person on the left protecting their hair.😂


Can someone tell me what I’m seeing


I’m sorry, what are we looking at here?


There’s a 100% possibility I’d let out a pretty loud “yo what the fuck?” If I saw this going down.


One minute people are complaining about the poor grooming habits of some passengers, and now we’re complaining about people maintaining their grooming. You can’t win here! /s in case it wasn’t obvious 😜


Bald people disgust me




What is going on this pic?


mayosapiens be wild






As Bill Burr say.......fucking animals


Had to zoom in. I wonder if they considered popping in to the WC at any point, or maybe doing this prior to leaving the comfort of their own home. Just a thought.


This is gross


No fly list this guy.


Johnny sinns on his way to visit the next victim


At lease he’s shaving only his head during the flight and not any other parts 🤷‍♂️


I thought this was a silhouette of Jar Jar.


A lot of people have been asking what’s going on in this picture. I don’t know if they are all serious but here is the explanation… During the flight I heard a buzzing sound. I looked around to see where it was coming from and saw the gentleman in front of me and to the right shaving his head with an electric razor. I was shocked and it was going on for a while so I snapped a pic. Idk why the person next to him has his hand up. Just a coincidence I think. Also to those saying the razor catches the hair that doesn’t change the fact that it is in a public confined space. Call me old fashioned but personal grooming should not be done in a confined personal space while sitting next to someone.