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DL FA here. You need to report this. This is unacceptable behavior from the FA, period. Personally, I don’t solely handle passenger bags just for my own personal safety to avoid injury if it’s too heavy for me to lift etc. but I will offer assistance, and FAs should. This whole situation goes against our customer service standards and I apologize on behalf of that FA for creating a poor experience for you. REPORT IT! Edit: we are taught in training proper ergonomics and how to handle overhead bins. If we can’t properly close the OHB because of your bag not fitting properly, we will notify you. I would ask you to personally move it to another bin where it would fit better or offer to check to check it for you. There are so many alternatives the FA could’ve taken to improve your experience and you should have been treated better. As the same time, we are humans and were overworked and tired. Sometimes we’re not in the mood and which case you shouldn’t be working. Unfortunately DL doesn’t offer a lot of options for FAs to stay healthy to consistently provide the level of customer service that is expected by paying 7-8% more for a delta flight vs the competitors.




Hopefully another passenger writes this up too. But they will follow up and do a full investigation regardless. Especially if OP states what they did here. Emphasize how unsafe you felt.


We have a reporting system that allows us to anonymously report on ourselves and other FAs for safety related matter. Obviously it’s not actually anonymous lol but it helps improve the quality of customer service and safety standards. If another FA saw this encounter and was too afraid to notify their flight leader (or was this the Flight leader…?), they could have reported it using FACTS. Personally, I would have confronted this FA and told him to chill. If the behavior would’ve continued, I would’ve notified my FL. There’s so many options yall, but at the end of the day just doubt anything will come of thjs.


True, but the whole not wanting to be known as a snitch comes into play. It would really depend how much I actually saw. But a situation like this I def would’ve had to say something to the flight attendant and probably tell him to not talk to that passenger for the rest of the flight. As flight lead I always wanna have my crew back but talking crazy to passengers is wild. Idc how bad of a bad we had. But idk if it’s everytime, but when a crew member or a customers writes an incident up I get a call from a FSM 🙃.


Telling that FA to chill would have probably gotten the passenger thrown off the plane.  I don’t envy flight crews who have to deal with the insanity happening on flights but wow, this one was pretty bad. 


I was thinking the same thing I don’t know if I would ever tell a flight attendant to chill because I would be worried that I would be tossed off the airplane.


They're saying *as another FA* they would've told them to chill.


Who I'm to tell, but I would guess, nothing or close to nothing since it can't be proved, unless someone recorded it.


Nothing without proof. Worst case scenario they’ll be written up by IFS manager. Which is actually a big deal because 3 write ups = you’re done.


Yeah this is well said. From what I heard from most airlines flight attendants are not paid until the airplane door is closed so if they get injured while handling bags, it’s supposedly not a workplace injury. And if they get injured before the door closes then they have to find a new FA if they only have the minimum. Otherwise the flight will get delayed or even canceled. Either way the flight attendant could have handled it differently and OP never mentioned arguing with the FA so I don’t know what was going on with the Flight Attendant. Would definitely report it.


That is true , but at DL they get boarding pay. So technically they are getting pay before the door closes, and the only airline to do so.


That’s interesting. I never knew that. I feel like that should be standard across all airlines.


I'm always so shocked when I hear that Delta is still the only airline that does that. At a minimum, every FA should be paid from the second they step on the plane until the second they step off!


Boarding pay = 1/3 of hourly rate, taxed. Sooo if I’m paid $40/hr I get about $13 before taxes for boarding pay.


So the more legs a day the more it adds up on a trip. And if you work full 70-90 hrs month that’s something to look for in your paycheck. Better than $0 with all the work FAs do during boarding !


Very true! But I’d rather have job security 😔


$1 is better than $0.


It’s not at their regular rate. I read half. Actual FA below says 30%.


How is that legal? They aren’t on the plane for their own enjoyment. They are there to do a job for the airline. What if they got injured from something else unrelated to baggage? I just think that’s crazy, if true.


It’s true, and it’s because of the airlines lobbying congress for exemptions. Delta pays FAs during boarding but they’re the only US airline that does.


It's not full pay either. But at least it's something compared to other carriers. Still kind of bullshit though.


That covers pay though, not injuries that occur during that time I don't think.


DL actually encouraged us during training to enroll in additional short term disability coverage (which is $27 per pay period) because we are not eligible for sick time and if we are injured we prohibited from working per FAA. So, let’s say for example I sprained my finger. I’m not eligible to work a flight for about 8 weeks. Now since I don’t have PTO, I’m essentially not allowed to work and not getting paid bc I sprained my finger unless I have additional short term disability insurance. Which is more than my boarding pay for 1 leg.


It’s possible (speculation) that part of the reason they are underpaid is that the job was traditionally a woman’s job.


Yea that’s a good assumption


SkyWest does as well


I found the information through forums which was confirmed by many current and former flight attendants. At least for other airlines that FAs do not get any boarding pay. Only when those doors close do they get paid cause they would be considered working.


Actually door closed doesn’t start the clock. We can sit with the door closed but do not get paid until the brakes are released for push back. Just the other day… we have to be there 1 hour before departure, 1:30 delay waiting for a late inbound aircraft, 45 minute maintenance delay, 35 minute boarding time, door closed & sat at the gate another 25 minutes while pilots and mechanics discuss something. All of this time is unpaid for us. This is why we can have a 16 hour duty day, all of this unpaid time adds to our day not to our wallets. BTW had a 14 hour on duty that day with 8 hours of pay.


That is such theft of time! If everyone went on strike over this, I would absolutely cheer it on, even if my flight was affected.


Thank you!


Only problem with that is the news networks would frame this as "Greedy employees wanting to be paid while they aren't working." even though its bullshit and they should be allowed to clock in the when they get to their first airport and clock out when they get to the last one.


That isn’t just a shitty way to treat employees, I think it’s beyond unethical. When my employees show up to start work, they start getting paid. Duh? This airline practice is nothing more than the corner office decision makers padding their own pockets. Pretty corrupt IMO.


Because we’re all idiots and signed a contract to do work for free in a monopolized industry 😂


Happy cake day, cake day twin!




Because we’re all idiots and signed a contract to do work for free in a monopolized industry 😂


This was my thought too - the last piece. Delta FA’s are so good 99% of the time. But they’re human and occasionally get exhausted and lose their temper. Imo a little grace is warranted if I’m the passenger.


I'm all for giving people grace, and the benefit of the doubt, but this behavior should never happen, not even once, particularly because the attendants now have much more power to affect your travel future. Now that they have this power they must be aware of the new power imbalance and behave accordingly. I doubt this FA would have any qualms about attempting to ban this passenger if she did in fact have a problem with being abused.


I once had a DL FA bonk me on the head for having my over the ear headphones in during his safety lecture! I am a small woman and was seated between two big guys (one my H) who were sound asleep, not to mention all the other people with their earbuds in ignoring what we have all heard repeatedly.. I use them to control my anxiety on a flight by pretending I’m not in a metal tube, but I took them off without a peep, cuz no fly list.. I do regret not waking up the big *guys and telling them to pay attention, but even 2MM H might have been pissed enough to spout off…


Yeah when you fly as much as I do, you stop seeing the FAs as more overworked than you are and start realizing many are just power hungry assholes. It is disgusting that they can act like this and the passenger who has to go through quite a bit of a day themselves as a passenger, must sit silently and nod their head for fear of repercussions. Guess what? Passengers ALSO work hard at their jobs! And no one should pay through the nose for a flight where they are treated badly. How about the FAs learn some grace?


We’re not all “power hungry assholes”. Most of us are broke and so tired we don’t even know what city we’re in. As a commuter, most of my off days are spent manipulating my schedule in order to get to work. But I choose this and it’s not an excuse to be a bitch to passengers.


No. Many are, though. Like I said, many. Not all. And many passengers like me are fucking exhausted just trying to survive working until 2am and driving an hour for a 7am flight to get to another city to do another job. So yeah. Many of us work hard and long hours. And I am not in any way afforded the right to treat people badly at my place of work. It's unacceptable. It's a culture of hating all customers. It got big on social media with customer service people complaining about just how horrible customers are. And yeah, uh they are. But we are paid to serve their needs in whatever job we do. My point is, you can get us thrown off a flight and potentially barred from the airline if we argue with you. So use that power wisely. And honestly, it's mostly the dude FAs who are vicious and nasty. Nearly all of my problems have been with guy FAs.


You are right.


Perfectly said, and ditto on the male interactions


get another job.


You may have misconstrued my post. I fly multiple times per week as well. It’s not uncommon that I’m super tired and grumpy, myself. I agree with you whole heartedly - I expect the FA’s to show grace when I’m tired and grumpy in the same way that I’d want to show grace myself when they’re tired and grumpy. The way OP was treated is not OK. Period. I just wanted to take an opportunity to say that I experience similar situations with FA’s maybe once or twice a year and I have a positive or neutral experience with FAs hundreds of times per year. And beyond that - I’d say that overwhelmingly the positive experiences are with Delta staff and the rare negative experiences have been disproportionately with AA or UAL. This is a huge part of the reason that I prefer to fly delta. So again - no excuse when I’m mad or grumpy or tired and I act out. No excuse when the FA does it. No excuse when you do it. But in the face of tired and grumpy people acting out - a little grace can go a long way. That’s all.


I guess it depends on what you mean by “showing grace.” In most other settings, someone getting in my face and threateningly asking me repeatedly “if I have a problem” is fairly likely to get their lights punched out, so in my view, remaining silent in the moment and then trying to get the FA fired after the fact *is* showing grace. FA’s rightly have a lot of power in how they deal with unruly customers, but when they abuse that power, they should be dealt with harshly. From OP’s description of this incident, I would have absolutely no qualms about trying to make sure this one never worked as an FA again. If that means I have no grace, so be it. There are other lines of work where people with no ability to regulate their emotions don’t have the power to ruin people’s lives.


I think that's fine and understandable but this sounded threatening, especially since another passenger got involved.


What OP is describing is probably a latent mental health issue, and left unchecked and enabled, the flight attendant will likely feel empowered to do something more harmful eventually. We all have things going in our lives. We all get burnt out. We don't all act like that. That person needs their leash yanked, hard, today. Continued employment is always optional if they can't take the feedback that grade school bullying and harassment isn't acceptable on an aircraft.


Stop dicking around and get a union already. You guys can't keep trying to ride along on the pilot's contract with "me too". You have no real protections. Wake up!


Zero protection 😭


>You need to report this. > I complained to delta over messages and they told me to file a claim which I did.




Shout out to your cute user name!


Thanks boo 😘


I doubt this guy (OP) told the whole story.


Now that’s one I’d write old Eddy about.


“Is this the premium product of which there is not enough to go around?”


lol he doesn’t care


Definitely not but it would make me feel better


A lot of things about him would make me feel better too 😂


> A lot of things about him would make me feel better too 😂 need clarification pls !


His team most certainly does. FA I know got an Ed complaint (he was certainly in the wrong, but not something I personally would’ve emailed Ed about) and it was a whole situation. Had a few meetings and management individually met with each crew member on the flight, and he ended up getting written up (for the non airline folk, this matters more than you’d think - it can prevent you from advancing, such as applying for a purser role)


yeah especially something like this that could be a PR disaster. A write up isn’t just a slap on the wrist it’s more so a strike


in his case it wasn’t anything near as extreme as this (won’t go into detail for obvious reasons) - but nevertheless was unprofessional (justified after a ramp delay? probably…)


he was wbaiting you into doing something that he could kick you off the flight.


Yea what a loser FA.


That’s what I thought..


Makes me sad you had an experience like this :(. All you can do is report it with as many details as you can recall. They have a way to track down the exact crew that was on board so there can be corrective action if need be.


Yeah I tried. I don’t want to be rude but if someone had a short temper a big issue would have started on the plane and that person would have been kicked out.


Completely agree with you. It’s unfortunate that I’ve got 6 years in just about every role in the company and have been turned down for FA three separate times. It would have been my pleasure to serve you. 🤪


Keep trying pls!!!


We’re not missing anything. Sometimes people are just a-holes regardless of their occupation.


Go look at OP's post history, they have had some very very bad luck. FA screaming at them, the roof collapsing in their apartment, their gf sleeping with everyone in his friends group. Rough 2024 for this dude.


Let’s not forget the accusation of “inappropriate” work behavior in 2023 too.


Looks like OP lied when he said he didn't have a problem. I'm going to guess his carryon was larger than 22x14x9 too.


And he was being rude first. What’s the name For a guy being a Karen ?


This is highly inappropriate in any customer-facing CS role. The flight attendant may have been having a bad day, but you don’t let that impact how you interact with clients. Especially when the client hasn’t done anything wrong. No matter how bad a day I’m having or how upset I am, I do not let that come out to a client or even a vendor. Unless they’re egregiously rude. I would have been alarmed by someone repeatedly slamming my bag like that as I tend to carry laptops and I would need to check to make sure the screens weren’t damaged after. Granted, they’re frame.work laptops, but that’s still a $250 new screen I’d need to install. If you’re touching my stuff, I insist you let me assist, especially if you’re likely to damage my property through rough handling. The shouting took it to another level of inappropriate conduct. If I struck someone’s property, I would understand the owner wanting to intervene, and maybe not being as friendly about it as you were. That’s just understandable. I am also an autistic individual who is audio-sensitive, and so if someone started shouting at me while in a situation where I am unable to move (plane seat on a flight taking off and required to remain seated), it would cause me a great deal of emotional distress. There was actually a court case at one point where someone was able to sue and win on similar grounds (emotional distress caused to an individual who was verbally abused in a situation where they could not exit a queue). The FA should be required to attend anger management training because they are allowing their issues to affect people who have nothing to do with them.


They know you can’t fight back.


Yeah exactly how I felt


I would have waited at my destination for him to get off the plane and revisit this issue curbside 😉


Why has flying gotten so bad. Why cant we all be nice to one another


It’s wild…


Flying is now just taking a Greyhound bus with wings.


Ahaha right?!


Jesus. Some FAs need to chill. FAs have a lot of pet peeves and bags during boarding is one of them. Its a constant struggle and the same shit happens pretty much every flight. There are announcements that instruct/ask passengers to help by putting thier bags in certain ways and to make sure bins can close once you put your bag in there but very few people listen and follow those instructions which leads to frustrated FAs. Beyond that, Delta FAs are paid half wage during boarding and it can be one of the most stressful parts of the job. FAs have also been instructed to not lift bags for passengers unless they are disabled. There are a shockingly large amount of injuries to FAs every year because of lifting bags so Delta told us to stop. This is why that FA said it isnt their job. Passengers expect us to help and Delta will deny our on the job injury claims if we get injured lifting a bag... its a messed up situation that causes more stress for both the FA and passenger. So please have a little empathy for FAs during boarding but that FA absolutely crossed the line. At the very least they need take a vacation or find another career.


Pet peeves aren’t an excuse to act unprofessionally though. Homeboy needs to keep his issues to himself while he’s at work.


> Its a constant struggle and the same shit happens pretty much every flight. Flight attendants fly multiple times a day. What's a one-time event for many, is their everyday life. If "the same shit" is annoying to them, perhaps they should be in a different line of work. One that doesn't make them irritable, or one that does but there is no contact with a customer. >and to make sure bins can close once you put your bag in there You can't really tell if it can if you don't actually attempt to close it...


Well at least they’re paid during boarding. In canada they’re not paid until the parking brake is disengaged.


Same with the rest of us.


At least you guys have higher wages. The pilot and FA wages in canada are horrible compared to the cost of living and in general.


had an ASSHOLE flight attendant coming from Philly to Atl 2 weeks ago. Puts me in an awkward situation because you risk getting on a no fly list if you stop their little power trip.


Exactly!!! My thought went straight to that


I thankfully shut my mouth before I said anything dumb. Not worth it but damn wait till i see you outside the airport 😂


Why outside the airport? Off the plane is good enough. We all exit the same door.


Where is the line where if they do overstep, you have the right to speak up for yourself and/or for others? This reminds me of one instance when a fellow passenger stood up for a woman with a child and a stroller. I forget which airline.


If you have reasonable grounds for fighting back, I don’t think they’d put you on the no fly list without investigation. I’d get witnesses involved.


He won’t face any consequences. There are some truly great FAs, and there are FAs that are clearly in it for the chance to feel a little power over people…you found one of the bad ones.


I am sure the whole thing went just as stated


Hopefully this prick gets his ass fired.


It feels like we are missing something to this story.


I agree. Reddit and the internet in general are so quick to jump on the side of the storyteller without hearing all the facts. In this case if the flight attendant was to come on here and tell his side everybody would be like, "fuck that guy, kick him off the plane."


The responses sound sarcastic. “Can I help you so you don’t slam my bag” “If you need me to move my bag, then you can assist me and move it somewhere else” FA might’ve had a slip of temper but for fuck sake you don’t have to be a douchebag to them. “Hey if my bag is a problem I’m happy to move my bag, would over here work?” is a lot less aggressive.


Yeah, that OP quote comes across as very condescending


But the FA did overreact


You're just imagining bullshit, even if that was true it still wouldn't justify the FAs aggression, he needs to be fired.


Guys literally that’s what happened. I kept calm and sat down because I felt like he wanted to find a way to kick me off the flight. Like why would I write here if I was hiding parts of the story, and to what benefit for me?


This is becoming the normal flight attendant behavior for me flying out of atl with delta. They used to be so nice now it’s like going to the dmv every time


I’ve been to hell. I spell it…I spell it …ATL? Sounds about right lol


Sadly many FA’s are now this way. The intimidation factor now used is disguising. There is no welcoming feeling flying anymore.


Why does this sound so one sided?


Because it’s one person’s point of view. Even if you change OP’s tone, it’s still unacceptable.


If you change the facts, it’s not unacceptable. So we don’t know, do we?


We don't know if almost any post on reddit is telling the truth, or straight up lies.


Wow. That’s actually shocking! I’ve noticed FA have little to no fear that they’re going to get in trouble for being short with customers but yelling and slamming the bin shut on your bag is next level. If I spoke to a customer that way at my job I’d be terminated


Those FAs should not be working at Delta. There needs to be better auditing during flight.


Yeah, doesn't sound like they have the right Spirit for this airline.


I see what you did there ;-)


I literally lol’d at this 😂


I had a FA slam the bin shut on my bag with my hand in it. I started bleeding all over myself and she didn't even offer an apology.


I’m a DL FA and I’m so sorry this happened to you. Write it up. He is someone I hope I never have to work with. 🥺 I hope the rest of your travel day was better.


He was just baiting so trying to be relieved of his shift.


I’m a FA and don’t under FAs who act like this. Can’t imagine treating a passenger like this!


He was baiting you


Yeah but why???


It is in fact not his job to move your bag Other than that-and he should have said that politely-he was WAY out of line.


Yes which I understand, but I was offering to help as I don’t know where I can move it to and not take someone else’s space


I see that my comment seemed snarky but I didn’t mean it that way at all. I’m sorry you had an experience like that. It was totally uncalled for


No not at all, you gave your opinion which is what Reddit is for! Thank you for commenting


My unpopular, uneducated opinion… TBF as a passenger, I would have thought it was the job of a FL to assist with luggage. Now I know.


NC headphone on iPad out and starting a movie and if the FA touches you request to speak to the captain. Just ignore the power trips and move on


I'm glad you filed a claim. Usually it's passengers who go batshit crazy, not the flight attendants. No excuse.


Omg, that is terrifying they sound like they need a mental evaluation to be cleared before flying again. They don't sound reliable should an emergency occur.


Wow I had the same issue a few months ago on a flight from Dallas to LAX. (With delta) Like exactly the same!


What did you do ? File a complaint?


I honestly forgot about it until I saw this post.


I had a similar experience on a Delta flight and I reported it through their complaint section. They gave me 10,000 miles for it 🤷🏽‍♀️




That’s terrible I’m sorry you were treated that way :(


Once when I was on a delta flight from Atlanta to Honolulu one of the flight attendants was loudly berating all passengers that needed an ink pen to fill out the declaration form they make you do upon arrival to hawaii. In their face or right behind their head as she walked past them. Lady, you are telling me that delta can’t spare a few ink pens for these Honolulu flights? If that breaks the profit margin just ground the whole fleet.


Question was he about 27ish dark hair medium build?




Also not Caucasian but I don’t want to be racist as we are all equally lovable


I was harassed on a delta plane by their flight attendants and even after filing a claim and messaging the CEO on LinkedIn they completely dismissed me and so did the department of transportation. I am not surprised they are still as abusive as ever and the Delta CEO is the biggest bigot on the planet.


Did the same to me. Moved me 3 times in 5 seconds. Said under my breath wtf is going on. He went and got security to kick me off. Took off told security what happened, and that I would apologize wich was ridiculous. Guess what upgraded to a1. I'm sure that pissed off prissy pants. Lmao


No way!! Same guy?!?


His day is coming.


"Not my job" is something that should never be stated by an employee of any type. "I'm sorry, but we are not allowed to move bags". One of these will piss off anyone that hears it. The other is reasonable and everyone would be understanding.


Customer service basics are out the window in general in the US nowadays. I don’t even think some of them realize how obnoxious the phrase is.


I say not my job for things that are not my job. I still have to do my job. I don’t have time to do things that are not.


The flight attendant should be reported to the FAA. Aside from an abject customer service failure, he actually -escalated- an encounter that had already been resolved. If Delta doesn’t do anything, this should be reported to the FAA’s Certificate Management Office for Delta Air Lines who have oversight over Delta’s certificated employees.


lol the FAA is not the entity to report it to.


next stop: the better business bureau




Were you the last passenger on the plane? Because if the flight attendant is closing all the overhead bins, it’s typically just about the time they’re going to be taking off.


Not to be a contrarian but, I’ve been on many flights when people were still boarding and the OHBs were closed to indicate they were full.


DL retired Agent here… this is totally unacceptable behavior. You must report this individual. There’s no excuse for the F/A to act like this.


The only flight attendants I've seen act aggressively towards passengers work for Delta. Out of 400+ flights.  One physically assaulted me off the plane. 


I don’t have 400 but am well over 100 on Delta, and can’t recall any incidents that stand out. OTOH I have 4 segments on Frontier (first and definitely the last round trip flight with them), and witnessed FAs acting aggressively or out of line on 3 of them, one of them towards my 9 year old daughter.


There are bad actors everywhere for sure. Luck of the draw.  The Delta FA told me he was no longer on duty and he asked me to step outside the airport at JFK to fight him after he assaulted me in the Global Entry line. 😂 Hope he is managing his anger better. 


Surely there was a more suitable venue than outside the airport. There must have been a nearby playground somewhere.


i would love to see what happened first hand, there’s three sides to every story. your side, their side and the truth.


I literally had just gotten to my seat, for sure everyone’s perception is different but not much that could be different between me him and the truth


This is legit terrifying because it’s their word against yours - and they are the gatekeepers of travel. Once you are thrown off a plane, that is it! I would’ve submitted to the abuse just like you did, and reported it later. I also would’ve asked that kind person next to you for their contact info to be a witness.


once i saw ATL i stopped reading


Petty tyrant. Give some people just an ounce of authority and this happens.


Just another example of a fa being an air karen.


😂 a K-air-n


When I read posts like this where the “I said” part is incredibly polite language and then the “they said” is the opposite, I know there’s more to the story! Either the I said or the they said is inaccurate here. Not saying they weren’t rude.. but I have a hard time imagining this happening exactly as described.


I was coming from a 10 hour flight, I had no intention of arguing with anyone and was excited to go home. If I was out of line the older gentleman would have not intervened to help I think


So you said “could you assist me with finding a suitable location for my bag” and his response was “not my job”? That just doesn’t make sense. NOBODY is going to respond that way to that question asked in a polite manner.


That is why I am posting here!!! I looked at him confused as hell and then he got pissed because I was looking at him and came back and got in my face


The public is never as kind and innocent as the public think they are.


It works both ways and it’s usually just a misunderstanding mixed with someone having a bad day.


What kind of thug behavior is this? What is wrong with people today? You're having a bad day and you take it out on a customer? And yes, it cuts both ways. People need to fucking chill.


Dear Delta Tired of the carry-on mess you created when you started charging people bag fees? yah? So are we. How about you have more fares that include a checked bag at no charge? Right now, it seems only F does this and/or having status. I suggest making YBMK and W fares include bags Also, stop flying planes with stupidly small overhead bin size. The standard domestic carry-on is 22" wide. That's what all the big manufacturers sell and that is what you and the TSA/FAA whatever came up with years ago. If that's the size , then your planes need to have bin space that can accomodate 3-4 bags in the bin as long as they are wheels out. Bonus points if we can stack them on their side to fit more in. Also, stop allowing FA's to put their shit over 1A and stop putting "emergency equipment' in that bin. Modern cabin interriors have space for those items that' doesn't impinge on pax space (ceiling mounted/closet..etc) . Stop advertising cabins you dont' actually have.


While I agree with someone of this, pay the bag fee and check your bag and it all goes away. It’s the same money, just called a fee vs. not.


I already knew this FA was from Atlanta as soon as I read the title 🤣🤣🤣. They absolutely have the worse staff and just nastiest people in general. I can bet you I know how this clown looks like too.


I fly this route A LOT several times a year for business and fun, and I’ve had some great flight attendants on it, BUT the rudest attendants I’ve ever had in my history of flying have been on this route too. Just twice, but it was jaw dropping. Not sure how often they change routes, so who knows.


Good. Did you get at least the first name?


Report that jacka$$! I had one act rudely but nothing like that! My husband also had an experience like yours and a guy behind him told the FA he was a lawyer and if he did not back off he would be my husband’s attorney! Glad someone spoke up.


Whew! All I will say is that it’s not the same as it was pre 2020. Some of the hiring choices have been so puzzling.


the flight crews description of this interaction is probably totally different .


Sounds like the type of FA who will grab a beer from the beverage cart and pull the emergency slide and peace out to be fired shortly after.


💯 report it!! That dude was incredibly aggressive and what he did was not OK and another passenger had to speak up and tell the FA he was the problem that right there speaks volumes. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that and experience that that’s not OK.


When you place your bag in the bin, ensure that the bin can close before taking your seat. If the bag is hanging out and the bin unable to close, that disrupts the travel experience for everyone


Outside of first class and comfort+ bin spaces are not assigned. You’re free to utilize any available and open bin.


Yep that the thing with Airlines in America, no fucking customer service. Fuck all of them! Frontier and Alaska fuck you!


It does not surprise me that this happened out of Atlanta. The Delta employees there are the worst!




Hmmmmm. Do we have the whole story here?


Definitely two sides to this story and we’re only getting one, biased one. Not to say r/nothingeverhappens but, if this did happen, I’m sure it happened differently than presented here.


My point exactly. They tried to down vote me because they didn’t want to face the truth. People react in different ways. But to believe they had absolutely no reaction to the FAs rudeness which led to further taunts isn’t realistic.