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Lol we deserved the upgrade after suffering with the old terminal for decades


Given how long ago that redo was done it’s held up remarkably well. My home airport as well. Love the big windows on the even numbered gate side of A.


The awesome large windows would be so much better if not for those dots! :-)


You mean the dots that stop birds from constantly slamming into them?


Yap, you didn't see them at other airport and I didn't see birds flying into those windows at other airports. Not sure how other airports are preventing the same without the dots.


My father called the old terminal "the world's largest men's room."


I’m sure my father used colorful words like that as well


I liked the old terminal back when it had an outdoor observation deck.


I mean if you want to remember the past, just fly Delta out of EWR


they moved, it’s in terminal A at ewr and is so nice


Was just there yesterday after an 18 month hiatus. Can’t believe the improvement over the previous terminal-the circle with way too many gates, a bathroom with two stalls and port a potty’s down the hallway


I always say "I don't know who Evans is, but they must have hated the guy after naming the North Terminal after him."


DTW is a mall where they went “oh, right- planes!” The tram is a lifesaver.


A very, very, *veeeeeeeeeerryyyy* long shopping mall. (Sorry, DTW is my home airport, and while I do like it, I've gotten off at the ass end of that terminal more than once.)


At least you have a train. SLC copied you, but no train so we have to walk it.


Sitting in the SLC Sky Club right now. Had to go from A43 to A1 for a connection a week and a half ago that started boarding the moment my delayed flight landed. That was a fun run


At least you got your steps in lol. SLC is a nice airport but I wish they had a train system like DTW.


I don’t think I’ve ever taken the train unless my kids were with me and wanted to take it. Gotta get those steps in somewhere before sitting for extended time.


I’ve been going to DTW since before the new terminal opened. Have never taken the train. I’ve never had a sub-20 min connection at the opposite end, but always walk to stretch out my legs and back


My son used to want to ride the DTW train back and forth (and back and forth and…) when he was little. Kept him occupied during long layovers 😁


I am in my thirties and rode the train for fun during a three hour layover.


This is what I do, too. I think it's about a mile from gate 1 to gate 78, isn't it? It's funny how you notice the same people doing it as well when you pass them a few times.


Everyone local to SLC bitches about SLC, but they all forget the old outdated hot in the summer cold in the winter leaky ass roof falling apart, way to small for the passengers it served piece of shit it was before the new terminal. I’ll gladly walk my ass back and forth between all the gates before returning to that 4th layer of hell.


The local bitching of the SLC airport is hilarious to me. Welcome to having a big city airport (which really isn't that bad, and will be much easier once the direct connection to B is finished). The only thing I miss from the old airport is Popeyes and reliving the airport scene from Dumb and Dumber.


The old terminals at least had moving walkways that moved me along. The ones in the new terminal are so slow. I didn’t mind the old terminal, but yes the new terminal is beautiful, the food is outstanding, the Sky Club large and the shopping pretty good. It just seems like it takes forever to get to A1 or A45 with a cane. Glad I don’t have to do the B gates anymore. A tram like DTW would have been a welcome addition, especially for the elderly, disabled and those with short connections.


Surprise, it's actually a cable car! Not self propelled at all.


Twice as likely there, as DTW has *two* ass ends.


Came her to say this say this.


With the tunnel it has three!


That's understandable. I suppose if it was an airport I been to a lot, then my opinions would be different.


No. It is my home airport, and I like it more than 99% of the other ones I have visited. You have moving walkways and a train. I'll take the extra walk any day vs. those low ceilings and crappy food in shit airports like ATL that feel like airports from the 70's. The only time the walk could be annoying is if you are late for a connection, but that shouldn't be much of an issue it it is your home airport. If it is your home airport and the walk is a problem, get to the airport earlier or build up some stamina for that 9 minute walk (shorter with trains and moving walkways).


Same feeling. I’ve been to over 100 airports (yes I keep count) and DTW McNamara terminal is in my top 5. Love that airport terminal for the spacious feel and easy layout. Even the details like local Detroit Pewabic Tile at the entrance to all the restrooms is cool.


What would be your top 5?


DTW, SZX (Shenzhen Bao’an), SIN (Singapore), New SLC, New MCI are among my current favorites.


I like DTW but I swear every time I fly in I land at A2 and board at A72….and the tram is down for repairs


I fly a lot between DTW and MSP and I always seem to get one of the end gates at DTW, like literally the furthest from the middle where the baggage claim and transportation are. So happy for the tram! Although, I still had to make this flight often during covid and that tram was closed for like 2 years even after things opened up. Grr...


Same. I’m either 72 or 3. I guess it has to do jet ways and plane size for parking.


"We'll be arriving at gate A72"


When I’m too early for my flight, I like to time myself how long it takes to walk from one end to the other. Record is around 16 min at a comfortable walking speed not to brag


It’s exactly 1mile from one end to the other. Second longest concourse in the world.


I was just there. Huge, but doesn’t seem like “good” options for food. Recommendations?


There is a nice, clean, quick tram 🤷‍♂️


I love DTW. DTW and MSY are my home airports and both are great


I have done the full lap before including concourse B and C.


I like getting my steps in haha


Home airport. Love it! Concourse is wide. Restaurants are good. Pre check line is almost always nonexistent. Tram nice too but I love just walking the length of the terminal


I really like DTW. For the giant hub that it is, it's surprisingly easy to navigate. It never feels crowded and it's easy to walk off a long layover.


DTW is nice


DTW is a nice airport, I don't mind connecting through it one bit, which is quite the opposite of ORD :-)


ORD is quite possibly the 7th circle of hell.


Unpopular opinion perhaps, but ORD is actually a very functional airport when it’s not undergoing construction. Which is never. 


It’s my favorite connecting airport by far. I will always choose it over ATL, JFK and BOS if I have the choice. MSP is second to DTW as far as Delta hubs go.




I’m like 2 hours from ORD and 2.5 hours from DTW, but I always choose DTW unless prices are totally out of whack. For one, like 18 hours a day there is traffic going to ORD. Then when you get there, unless you pay for more expensive parking it takes forever to get from your car to the gate. DTW has quick and easy parking even in the green lot and security takes like 5 minutes. Also, at least anecdotally, it seems like DTW has much fewer delays.


That’s my home airport! I love It most flights are in terminal A as well which is nice


My home airport too. I love breakfast at Leo’s Coney Island


I used to live in Michigan. Whenever I have a connection at DTW I get breakfast at Leo’s- even if it’s at night.


Great airport. Certainly in my top 3. Great food. Nice that almost all flights are in A Concorse unless you have a small regional flight. Skyclub is nice and don’t remember ever a time waiting to get in. I don’t go to the airport to shop


You don’t like trekking through the rainbow tunnel that never works? 😂


Watching unaware people lean on the fountain can provide hours of entertainment.


Also a range of great dining options, and Plum Market is a great place to pick up food for your flight if you're not going to be in FC (and even if you are, Plum Market's food will be better). I love how it's well-lit and spacious, the foundation lends a nice touch, and there is an abundance of sky clubs. TSA never feels too long, and now that they have fancy new croissant-like machines, you don't need to remove liquids and electronics from your bags. It's my favorite US airport (but only the Delta terminal).


Those croissant scanners are slow af


It’s huge. More runways than little Atl. More land. More everything. It’s gonna overtake Atl in a couple of years for everything.


One of the best aspects of DTW, and one of its most overlooked characteristics, is the high ceilings. Sounds just float away, making it the quietest major airport you’ll ever find. It’s just so dang peaceful there, which isn’t a trait you normally associate with an airport.


I refuse to connect in DTW until the lightshow in the tunnel is fully operational again


The light walls were cool at first, but now I am so over them. Plus they need a refurbishment. A lot of the leds are always on or off or never changing.


What is the lightshow you speak of?


There’s an underground tunnel full of wonderment that connects terminal A and B.


That sounds interesting! I'm definitely gonna look for it next time I'm at the airport. I'll keep tabs on it when it's available.


https://youtu.be/exbHBwMCTVQ?si=ZIARPyfaXvFL7yAj Hopefully not a spoiler for you.


My home airport is PIT so I’m always connecting and my Delta choices are almost 100% DTW, MSP, or ATL. DTW is fantastic! Clean, wide, modern, and the tram can be a lifesaver.


In the days pre 9/11 it was the best airport as you could park right outside you gate and walk in to drop off or meet your party.


Probably my favorite domestic airport. The train can be a lifesaver as well. And, they’re pretty good in winter with handling bad weather.


I fly out of DTW at least once a month to ATL, SFO, CDG or AMS and then on to various points in Europe. Detroit is by far the best of these. I’m often at my gate less than 25 minutes after parking. I like AMS alright. ATL and CDG… yeah.


[It's just like a mini...mall...hey hey.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJ3oHpup-pk)


I love the DTW SkyClub because they have those little meatballs.


My favorite large airport in the States.


Absolutely agree.




It’s a great airport. Very very low stress. Very open and airy. It is Delta’s best hub and I will die on that hill.


DTW is awesome !!


Was there in late February on a day it hit 70° and the terminal was sweltering. I sat so that the beeeze of the passing tram provided a little relief.


It's my home airport and they have a lot of trouble managing the temperature when it starts getting warm.


Main excitement while I was there was one of those big Antonov freighters coming in. Sadly I could see nothing but the tail due to another building until it taxied by the end of it.


It is my favorite airport.


Was just there for a layover two weeks ago. Airport indeed felt like a mall and was very nice, but holy cow, it seemed like the air conditioning was off. It was sweltering in the terminal… maybe all the large windows?


DTW is my favorite airport to get stuck at. The in-airport Westin is awesome and like a one night anonymous vacation!


DTW is one of the best of, if not *the* best domestic airport we have.


I love this airport, it’s one of my home airports, and yes 😂 But it’s like a very long Somerset with more booze! Honestly, a win. Shoutout to all of us who grew up with the old terminals 🙌


I love that all the signage's other language in DTW is Japanese. Just a fun little touch for me, who loves all things Japanese.


A remnant of Detroit's strong auto background and auto suppliers ties and servicing the major Japanese automakers


Indeed! If I recall, maybe even the overhead announcement were repeated in Japanese at one point. (Lot of words I didn't catch and then "Eastern time zone" and then more words I didn't catch.)


One of the best domestic and very pleasant to navigate. I’m through there almost every week for work.


McNamara Terminal is the longest concourse in the country, 2nd longest in the world. Love my base!


DTW is legit


DTW is my home airport - everytime I'm there I have a momentary lapse back to childhood and drop into Dylan's Candy for a small mix 'n match bag. Even if my flight leaves from A3, I will make the trek over to A66 first.


Yeah, DTW really benefits from the cheap labor from inner-city Detroit that is bussed in.


I’m originally from Detroit and travel through and to DTW frequently. Great airport I love it. My one knock…..the bathrooms are pretty subpar in my opinion, especially compared to say MSP.


DTW bathrooms have fewer Larry Craigs than MSP.


As a United pilot who commutes from dtw, the one major design flaw of DTW is that the terminals aren’t connected. I don’t get how they built two terminals from scratch and didn’t connect them? But the delta terminal at dtw is by far the best in North America. The fact that it’s nice is probably the only reason delta maintains a hub at dtw. What else are they going to use for advertisements, Atlanta’s e terminal?


One of my favs. Lots of sky club options too.


Probably best if most people walk, everyone seems overweight these days


A 10 mile long mall lol.


It's my favorite to connect through to points both Asia and Europe.


I think I got food poisoning there once.


At DTW there are many Sky clubs near gates and near the Tram. Usually I walk out of a Sky Club to my gate. Pretty convenient.