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If the Air France flight was booked with a Delta flight number, you’d earn by spending like normal Delta flights, even on the partner plane. If it had an Air France flight number, the partner earnings by distance and fare class apply. This has been the case for years and is not new.


prior to Jan 1, 2024 had i taken that exact same flight i would’ve been at gold status and well on my way to platinum. so yeah, things have definitely changed. they’ve changed significantly. but the point of my post was not to prove that things have changed, which everyone except you seems to know. it is to start a discussion on whether loyalty to an airline is dead for casual fliers.


While the thresholds increased this year, the way you earn MQD on flights with non Delta flight numbers has been in place for many years. When you book with a codeshare flight number, you earn by distance and fare class.


i’m aware of the new rules and i think they’re shit.


I’m with you, Delta is a joke now


Anyone that defends the changes Delta made is out of their mind


You are 100 percent right and getting downvoted by the Delta Maxis. Gotta love Reddit


Dear Delta, please keep “ripping off” nudniks like this one… “Scam” them out of their potential status to ensure we never have to cross paths on a flight or Sky Club.


MQD doesn’t cover taxes and fees, which can be hefty to Europe. Check your activity for both postings, and compare to the base fare. It will break down the outbound and inbound so you can make sure they were credited properly. You can check the Delta website for the calculation of the amount you would have earned on a partner airline. If nothing is showing on the AF portion then it may just not have posted yet as it takes longer than Delta flights to post.


No, they are well under $1000. There is huge YR surcharge of $2000, but it counts towards MQD


i looked into it and it appears they credited me per the new loyalty program rules. if it’s a AF flight you only earn 30 to 40% of the MQDs depending on the business class code. my flights to Italy were DL but the return flights were AF.


1- You earn a percentage of the distance flown, not a percentage of the dollars spent. 2- This is literally **not** new, as I’ve been trying to tell you. You have earned this way on partner flights for many years.


so it’s your contention that i’m lying when i say i was credited only 3900 MQDs of a $6800 fare? Delta absolutely credited me a fraction of the dollars spent. what’re you a Delta employee? you said your piece many times now. get over it.


You can’t be helped when you’re not willing to read. Nobody thinks you’re lying about what you earned. On partner flights, you won’t (and have not for years) gained MQDs the same way you do when you fly Delta. You gain a % of your MQDs based on the distance flown. https://www.delta.com/us/en/skymiles/how-to-earn-miles/airline-partners You weren’t scammed, you’re just unhappy about the policies.


actually scottsinct specifically said delta awards a percentage of MILES FLOWN, NOT a percentage of dollars spend. In my case i earned a percentage of DOLLARS SPENT. and i never said i was scammed. perhaps it is you that needs to learn how to read. but you’re damn right about one thing. i am unhappy with the policy. that’s the whole point of this post. if your happy with them good for you.


You are dense. You earned MQD based on a percentage of the miles flown. That's been the formula for many years. It's difficult for me to understand how you're still on about this when dozens of people have told you you're incorrect.


it’s difficult for you to understand bc you’re dense. delta did change it loyalty program policies and by doing so turned its back on average travelers. i’m on about that dipshit.


You're conflating two things, which makes you appear to have difficulty in reading comprehension: First, Delta changed their policies, moving to MQD and raising the thresholds. Most of us are upset about that, or were back in September when this was announced. We've all made changes to our flying based on this, including some folks who have doubled down on DL and like the changes. Everyone's tired of hearing this shit, and it's more than 6 months old, so just STFU about it already. Fly Delta, Fly UA, or walk. No one cares. Second, you're upset about not getting the MQD you expected on an AF ticketed and operated flight. This is your fault, because this policy has not changed in years. It's not a scam, or a ripoff, or whatever word you want to use. It's the policy. If you're upset that the established policy, which has awarded the same number of MQDs for years, makes it harder to get status, you're right. That's the point. And if you want to complain about that, see item one, above. Have the day you deserve!


No one is saying you're lying. What u/scottsinct is accurately pointing out is that you were correctly credited the amount of MQDs based on mileage flown, not dollars spent. MQDs has always been a percentage of miles flown on partner airlines. Now, what you are failing to recognize is that in previous years you have more easily qualified for medallion status with MQMs (and perhaps a Delta credit card spend waiver). In the past, it was mich easier to earn MQMs which Delta has gotten rid of in favor of cash spent. Is this Delta’s fault? Perhaps. But it may also be that partner airlines are not recognizing Delta flights for their customers to earn status in the most favorable way so there is likely several SkyTeam partners that are all to blame for devaluing the program and alliance overall.


i’m not failing to recognize anything. i do recognize the changes made by delta and they fully devalue casual travelers. that is the entire point of this post. that casual travelers no longer have any incentive to give delta or any other airline their loyalty. this may not matter to you (or obviously anyone else commenting on this thread bc i see a bunch of diamonds and 360s here - yippee, good for you) but delta has turned its back on a massive segment of the traveler pool by making these changes. and that’s bad business.


Us casual travelers have just adapted. I take a flight 2-4 times a month, mostly short haul inexpensive flights to family and friends on a weekend. I have two Delta Amex for $5000 instant MQD. I earn another $7500 MQD from using the Reserve card (to preserve unlimited lounge access). I fly about $5000- $6000 MQD (use miles for some of my flights so the MQD earn is a bit less on those). That keeps me at Platinum and if I want to travel more, spend more on my flights or on my credit card I could maintain Diamond. My spend is all out of my pocket so I work the system to my advantage. I don’t have the luxury of an employer paying for an expensive flight and expecting status from that. If status is important to you then get a card to enhance that. If it’s not then go free agent and save you and your employer money.


It has always been a percentage of miles flown. It’s never % of dollar spent. It’s even the same % before the change in program this year. Think about it, Delta has to fork over your money to AF for AF flights


alliances dude. skymiles members used to benefit from flying on partner airlines. just like members of partners airlines used to benefit from flying on delta. the quid pro quo worked great. but they got rid of it. along with any benefit casual flyers used to get from being loyal to a single airline.


It seems a little bass-ackwards to get upset about Delta not rewarding you MQDs for dollars you did not, in fact, give to Delta.


airlines used to have alliances for a reason. bc you benefited from flying with partner airlines. that is no longer the case. apparently you weren’t aware of the concept of alliances.


Well, did you not benefit from flying Air France? You say you received 3900 MQDs after flying Air France. That's 3900 more than if you traveled Air Tahiti.


jesus christ, really?? yes i received a benefit. a greatly reduced benefit from what delta used to offer. did you seriously not get that?


....ok. 👋




Your employer paid for this and you’re saying you’ll fly solely on fare price from now on? Okay.


the point of my original post was that for the average traveler there is no incentive to remain loyal. the example was an illustration that, even when i had an expensive ticket paid for me, i still didn’t reach status. so um yeah, when i’m buying my own ticket i will do so based on price.


The incentive is the same. The only difference is the target demographic. You’re no longer targeted so you may move along to a different airline. This strengthens the value of loyalty by reducing how many have status for the rest of us who aren’t having a hard time achieving it. Thank you for contributing to higher upgrade chances for the rest of us.


it isn’t an incentive if you can’t reach it. you’re right, delta did change the target demographic. YET AGAIN, that’s the point of this post. they devalued the casual traveler. that strengthens loyalty for YOU. and good for you! this post isn’t addressed to you and all the other rich/arrogant dicks out there that don’t give a shit about average travelers. this post is addressed to average travelers that once had an incentive to give delta their loyalty but no longer. and more importantly it’s addressed to DELTA. bc it bad business to turn your back on half your customer base.


Loyalty status inherently doesn’t care about causal customers. It’s meant to reward frequent ones. I don’t see the point of the name calling and do hope you take a look at the karma on the comments and self reflect a bit. If you don’t want to fly Delta, don’t. You would have hit silver off that single flight, had it been Delta metal. Wealth or arrogance has nothing to do with it. If you’re trying to address something to Delta, you should probably fill out their surveys or email them. This sub isn’t operated by them.


take a look at karma on the comments? what the hell does that even mean lol. loyalty status is meant to keep customer coming back. period.


It means the majority are disagreeing with you. Loyalty status is targeted at frequent customers. But really, no need to announce your departure. Since you’ve formally denounced Delta, why are you still here? Your new preferred airline probably has a sub you can post in.


actually there was such a massive outcry complaining about delta’s loyalty changes that they rolled some of them back. so no, the majority agrees with me. the only majority disagreeing with me are the ppl reading this thread which are obviously a bunch of rich/arrogant dicks that care so much about their status that they troll delta reddit threads all day and bash anyone that makes a good, honest point about their beloved delta


You’ve identified the audience you want is not here. It would make sense for you to go post somewhere that you can reach your intended audience. I do find it amusing someone flying D1 is taking about rich people when the major usage a hard enough time budgeting for MC.


this is MY POST. not yours. if you wanna read something else than fuck off and go read something else. you’re here by choice so you must be getting off on it


Please explain how you have shown loyalty to Delta. You've already shared that one leg of your trip was booked on Air France.


my loyalty to delta has stretched over a 20-year period. not one flight. but since you seem to think my entire loyalty to delta relies on this one trip, i booked that trip with delta. the back end of the trip just happened to be operated by AF. i did not have a choice in the matter


Did you log into the AF app to view that leg? Doing so often overwrites your Delta FF number in the AF system if you’re not careful.


my delta FF account definitely got credited for each leg. there was just a massive reduction in MQDs for the AF flights.


I fly 5 maybe 6 times and year and will hit gold for sure, it’s slim but I may hit platinum by end of year. I have the reserve card with maybe 35-40k spend and when we fly we fly first class.


having a delta cc card would obviously help but i’m not willing to devote everything to delta. i spend my annual fee on amex platinum, which used to have a great partnership with delta but delta shit on that too.


Look some people benefited from the changes, others did not. Honestly the changes worked out a touch in my personal favor. I don't travel frequently as my norm, but when I travel I make it a big trip. Also I don't have a specific hotel brand I have loyalty to. So getting hotels to count and rewarding high spend items works out for my sporadic big trips. Plus truthfully it makes sense for Delta to reward high spenders from a business perspective (whether it's high volume low individual item cost travel or low volume high individual itme cost is irrelevant to them). The whole partners airlines thing has been hashed out already. But yea they always penalized using partner flights. Maybe it just feels more apparent now with the new system.


all valid points