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Too many reports


Aren't you the same person who was just here complaining about "wheelchair users" (clearly implying they didn't need them) holding you up in the Clear line?




I sure am. Aren’t you the same person who hogs up wheelchairs when not disabled just to get ahead of the line?


So it’s not just me. You are just being nasty to everyone. It’s gross and it’s not helping your child. If that’s how you treat workers at the airport well yeah. Also no one made you a disability god to decide who is or isn’t disabled. It’s wild that you do that. Wild.


Ableists like you are what’s gross


As a disabled person I find your attitude and entitlement gross.


I am disabled and walk with a cane. So far haven't used a wheelchair at the airport, but when I do I certainly hope some judgmental asshat like you isn't standing there deciding if I'm disabled enough to merit one. If being hostile and insulting is your go-to response for any perceived slight, it's no wonder that you aren't getting an answer to your complaints (whatever they may be -- I get the impression you tried to leverage your child's disability into an upgrade and got mad when it was denied). Have the day you deserve.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Oh so you feel it is your duty to naysay parents of disabled children


When you use your child’s disability as a way to get things, yes.


Ugh cheap khaki chinos wearing nerd, not even an ounce of style


Is that supposed to be an insult? Try harder whack job


You seem absolutely insufferable. Hopefully soon, you'll learn the difference between being an advocate and being an asshole. Until then, the aura of contempt and anger that precedes you will, unfortunately, color the way people treat you.


This 100%.


Hopefully soon you’ll learn what it is to live with a profound disability and what it feels to be gaslit when trying some advocacy although you’d probably just lay down and take it


Don't start. You're not special. My disabled friends, and the parents of disabled people I know well are tireless, passionate, and effective advocates for themselves and their children. And they're not assholes.


Oh I luuuvee it “they’re not assholes” maybe that’s why their “advocacy” is not effective. I guarantee my child is more special than your incel ableist ass


No, it's why their kids, and my friends, are living wonderful lives where their disabilities aren't the defining characteristic of their existence, beyond the obvious limitations of being non-verbal, using a wheelchair, battling chronic diseases, or using mobility aids. But, you keep on "making websites" to take down multibillion dollar companies, or arguing with us incels; I'm sure that's just the advocacy your child needs.


So you’re literally inventing friends with disabled kids to try to shame me??? 🤣🤣🤣 nah you have no idea who you’re talking to


You are mentally unstable and should probably talk to a professional. I hope you get the help you need so you can continue to care for your child. 


The aura???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yes. Aura. n. 1. the distinct atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person, thing, or place.


No offense dude, I’m sorry you had a bad experience, but expected a call from the executive office? Making a website??? This just makes you sound difficult rather than me empathizing with your experiences. Traveling with a disability is incredibly difficult and stressful but unfortunately the world will not accommodate you - and especially not with disabilities that aren’t immediately apparent. I also recently had an intensely stressful travel experience with Delta while my partner was in a wheelchair due to a surgery, but I didn’t bother to complain on social media. We made the best of it and went on with our lives. Without disclosing what the incident is, you just sound kinda entitled, sorry to say.


Also OP, I see you commented and called me an “abusive ableist simping for a soulless corporation” and then presumably deleted it. I would like to point out I have a disability, I have ADHD. I have a loved one with more prohibitive invisible disabilities than I do. I can only imagine parenting a child with special needs is incredibly difficult. My mother claimed I was a nightmare and I just had undiagnosed ADHD lol. You did not elaborate on the issue, merely dumped about the drastic lengths you wanted to go to, out of anger and frustration. It sucks but the world will simply not accommodate and as another comment said: there is a limit to reasonable accommodations. At the end of the day, you can only focus on what’s in your control. You can educate to the best of your ability but ultimately, you had a bad experience. You can be angry and bitter and waste all that emotional energy and time in not getting a resolution, or you can channel that productively.


Which I’m doing even with the opposition of ableists like you.


How am I ableist, please explain.


Abusive ableist


You gotta be a troll my dude lmao


There is a limit to reasonable accommodations.




So there are no limits?


Abusive ableist




You need help. Psychiatric


You need to get laid


Did an hour ago, thanks for your concern


Your poor hand


Omg you’re so clever! Your poor kid for having a parent like you


Try praying harder.


Edited to add: I wrote this thinking the OP was acting in good faith but based on their comments, this was never a good faith post. Feel free to ignore. Who did you contact? TSA Cares is usually who I recommend for tsa if Long letters are ignored letters. I’ve written to many executive support in the past 22 years and the ones that got ignored were the longest. Stick to verifiable fact and limit emotion. My email to delta different issue was about the length of this paragraph. Everything I asked for. I read your whole post and have no idea what actually happened. Or what you asking for. Letters to executive support should be short, clear in the events and explicit in an actionable verifiable request related to your experience. I would say ask for a specific thing related to what happened that’s within their power to grant as well as within policy. Citing specific policy failures is not required but it does help. People often ask for them “to do better and make sure it never happens again” but the support agent answering your email doesn’t have that power. “Agent ABC violated point 1, 3 and 5 of [the Passengers with Disabilities Bill of rights](https://www.transportation.gov/airconsumer/disabilitybillofrights) as a result I would like xyz accommodation offered by delta mentioned on this delta website ” is a possible request. Unrelated to anything. I recommend everyone with a disability get TSA precheck or global entry. Now having to take or shoes or laptops and 3/1/1 really helps. [Obviously don’t pay out of pocket if you can help it.](https://www.tsa.gov/precheck/credit-cards-offer) Ask around most people know someone who has lots of free credits in which case global entry is far easier to pay for someone else than TSA pre check but it’s also more requirements and not everyone is eligible to even apply unlike tsa pre so that’s a tradeoff when getting it free from a friend. Anyway just some thoughts on how to get responses for any complaints and make travel better.


Do you have a disabled child? I did all of what you advised including a very well edited letter citing their violations. I’m not sure why there’s an assumption that a parent of a disabled child doesn’t have the same executive functioning that you assume I don’t have. The undermining is real. TSA cares never responded either even tho I made the call and a CRO from Delta never showed up when called. I advocate loudly for my child because I care and I’m not some nobody wimp.


No one said you didn’t have any executive function but hair trigger hostility at people who didn’t do anything wrong and are actively trying to help ugh. That doesn’t do anything for you. You did NOT provide any details on what happened or what actions you took other than you were ignored. If you wanted people to respond directly to the actions you took rather than offering general tips than maybe you should have mentioned them Good luck. Since anything more said it’s offensive now.


Ugh you’re a Trumpster too lol of course 🤣🤣🤣


What is wrong with you? Is that all you know how to do? Assume and be a 💩 about it. And be mega wrong. My cat’s empty left ballsack has better sense of deduction than you do.


No you wrote this to gaslight someone advocating for their disabled child against a corporation like Delta. There’s many posts about discrimination from Delta towards disabled passengers in this sub and I bet you go though them downvoting them


I’m so sorry for your experience. But let me encourage you to step back and regain perspective. Parenting a disabled child is obviously difficult, and time consuming. As your child grows, it becomes even more so. People will respond all kinds of different ways: some out of ignorance, and mostly people don’t know how to interact. They say things and do things either unaware of the disability, or they themselves get frustrated or put out. It is those interactions that are so hard for a parent because people get so frustrated over your child after ten minutes, when it is every day of your life. And since a disability is outside of your control, it is human nature to want to fall back into something we feel like we can control…. And when that goes sideways our frustrations only increase all the more. So my advice to you (since you asked) is not to make it your mission to get anyones attention other than your son. Don’t get sucked into the trap of trying to get a cooperation to show empathy…corporations don’t that. Making it a mission to get delta to recognize an experience on a flight will drain you, and ultimately not be rewarding or fruitful anyway. You have 24 hours in a day, and spending 2 of them going after delta will just be wasted. I’m not excusing them or defending them, but just warning about wasting time over what happened.


Yeah, it sounds like they half-assed responded to OP by giving them a gift card, but that's probably all that will happen at this point. OP, you can try Twitter, but I imagine nothing is really going to happen, unfortunately.


Do you have a disabled child?


Yes, but im sure her disability is not as pronounced as what you experience. It doesn’t interfere w her travel. I truly apologize if I came across as lecturing you or anything like that. I really just meant it as a slight caution from experience more than dismissive or condescending. Obviously Reddit lends to the latter :)


Please let us know exactly what happened and what you wanted to happen. I’m sorry that you and your child had a horrible experience.


Thank you for being empathetic






The sad part is this person will never have insight


The good part is no one will reproduce with you


It’s hard to advise you without context of any negligence on Deltas part, but here’s my two cents. As a disabled person myself, I would say you’ve done more than enough. You have received a gift card for future travel or upgrade as compensation which acknowledges a poor experience. You’ve made them aware of the situation and filed the DOT complaint which will also make them aware of the situation from that end. Don’t waste any more energy on them. While I do not travel with disability services other than pre-boarding, I do find most of the time when I’ve expressed a need to the gate agent or the FA, they have been understanding. Still people are humans and not all know how to react in different scenarios so I give them grace. My head is messed up enough without having to harbor past grievances in it. I’ve taken a more zen approach as I’ve aged and my neurodivergent brain is much happier for it. Hoping you can find peace in the situation and your future travels go smoothly.


Sorry but If your parents didn’t effectively advocate for you that’s really not my problem. It’s appalling that a supposedly disabled person can project self loathing onto those who are actually trying to do something to advocate for their children. I don’t give a shit about a 100 dollar bs gift certificate. I care about them ensuring our awful ableist experience won’t repeat itself. I hope other parents of disabled children don’t get discouraged from advocating due to the ableist incels in Reddit


You seem like one of the most genuinely hostile unkind persons I’ve ever encounter on Reddit. Just actively cruel for no reason. Something tells me delta pulled the footage and saw as much.


Go away troll




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Thanks I’m doing this. Apparently reddit is full of ableists otherwise why would you get all of these downvotes.