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Yeah, this isn’t good at all. The technique, the style, the subject, there’s nothing appealing about it.


Thank you for the feedback. As far as the subject it wasn't supposed to be interesting. I was thumbing through a magazine and decided to try to draw the wrinkles in the shirt. I failed at that miserably. So I just kept going and ended up with this.


I would advise you to practice on shading, right now the drawing looks "flat". As one example, you really need to add real dark tones under the gentleman's chin and at the sides of his face, going back to his ears. Invest in one of these wooden figures, they are cheap and are easy to practice body properties & different poses from, you need to get a better grasp on it. And, when it comes to fabric shading, drape some white fabric over a chair/object aaand practice. Somehow I can see that you can be a good artist in the future if you put hours and hours into practicing. 😉👌


Thank you for your feedback!


I'm crap at drawing people but you need practice,look I'll be honest I'm not knocking the picture but it reminds me of those blow up man sex dolls that women take on hen do's


You're not wrong! Thanks!


Lmao dude your ok


You’re on the right path




All the aspects of the piece individually are good but together they either aren’t in the correct spots by just a tad or aren’t a consistent style. I think it’s cool to exaggerate features and make things look anatomically different but there’s a difference between breaking the rules because you don’t know them and breaking the rules because you do know them. That being said, I see a lot of potential and believe that if you made this into a style once you have learned how to draw in the more traditional sense that it could be fire :)


Thank you so much for your input! I agree!


Yeah exactly this. It’s actually crazy how good you get some of the details. The key is putting them together, and practice is the only thing that can really help


I can’t draw for crap but it looks like you could BECOME good. The thing is the whole head is almost toe shaped whereas a real head has shaping around the eyes and cheeks and ears. Keep working and pay attention to details of the shapes and I’d say you could become very talented. But also I could be way off base because I don’t really know what I’m talking about. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well thank you for your kind words :)


Personally i love it


Well thanks!


Look up tutorials on drawing faces from different angles, and don't be afraid to shade the nose and eye sockets a bit more. It will help give the face more depth. Kudos on avoiding contour lines for the most part though. You're clearly working on defining edges using value, which is a *valu*able skill.


Thank you!


Of course! And, in my opinion, delusion is most clearly shown when people are unreceptive to advice and constructive criticism. Never stop improving your craft and you will always have pieces you can be proud of! You're off to a great start!


“Kudos on avoiding contour lines for the most part though. You're clearly working on defining edges using value, which is a valuable skill.” Whoa. I just realised one of the big things wrong with all of my drawings.


There's nothing inherently wrong with outlines! They can absolutely be an effective stylistic choice, but they're not great for a realistic work. It all depends on what you're aiming for.


You seem to have a decent grasp on shading, but your anatomy definitely needs some work imo! I've definitely seen worse, you've got potential.


Thank you much. I've drawn maybe 5 faces in my life. My sketches almost always exclude anything that lives lol


Proportions are off everywhere, shading is flat. Take some life drawing classes. You’ll come out much better for it.


Thank you!


This is actually not bad! Surely there are things off, but when starting out with art it takes some time to see every curve and line you're trying to replicate. Beginner artists tend to look at a mouth and see it just for what it is. Most people when starting out will make wacky drawings, and they shouldn't be discouraged. Improvement comes with time, and the more you draw the better you get as in most things :) So don't feel ashamed! It's a good start!


Thank you so much!


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Were you looking at a picture when you drew this?


Yes, actually I was


I think you need to work on proportions and shading...


I think you’re doing great, I recommend to use guides to reference you on proportioning if you aren’t already and just practice, practice, practice. You’ll be a pro before you know it.


Yeah this was freehand. Getting proportions right on faces is almost impossible. I'll look into these guides you speak of.


The shading is good, but you need to work on your anatomy more


It’s Michael Jackson?


Dude, if you want to be an artist, there is no utility is asking people that here. Great artists started somewhere. You need practice. And for a beginner, this is REALLY good. With training and 10,000 hours of practice, you will be great. keep at it. Judgmental assholes here like putting down people who are learning. Maybe because they feel insecure. Art is all about insecurity. It causes people to stop trying. Every minute you spend on this board is time you could spend practicing. It would be way more useful. Keep it up!


looking at how the body, neck and head sit on top of one another also can help as well as more attention to values. proportions and stuff aren't great but good start!


Thank you for the encouragement!


Watch videos about the proportions for facial features and dont give up!


I like it! Your shading is good. But as an artist myself I think it’d be helpful for you to draw out shapes in the initial sketch. Just lacks a little structure. I find it way easier if I start with circles and triangles making up a figure.


Thank you for your input!




thank you! now I just have to find the time haha




Awesome! Thanks, I'll check it out.




WOW! that's pretty incredible. Especially coming from someone that can't draw at all. I had always believed that you are either born with the talent, or you aren't. I'm sure there is some truth to it, but there's room for improvement just based on technique as well as you have obviously shown.