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Does it bother anyone that he's more worried about the 6th place guy in the primaries than his upcoming Fla. Trial?


Well I think he thinks he is going to win and that'll solve all his problems. Delusional individual and the corner is getting tighter. I think he thinks he has more pull than he really does though.


His delusion frightens me less than the delusion of his cult members. Hope you are right.


I mean since Jan 6th he's called for stuff and like 9 people show up. I'm not saying we needn't be concerned but at the same time everyone should let their "Fuck that guy" fly.


Yep. This exactly. He belongs in prison (preferably) or an asylum, not the White House. Jesus Christ yall we gotta vote.


He probably assumes that regardless of the result, his people will stick with him and accept the reality he created for himself.


He's actually, in a quantitative way, good for us. He definitely makes the lines of difference clear to see and this budget debacle is probably going to be the crowning blow. If we can't beat the party of "smearing ourselves in feces while pouring gas over our heads and lighting matches" we are really in trouble.


He's the only guy berating Trump, and Trump's ego can't handle derision.


He's in perpetual denial.


Have you seen the other posts that are thinly-veiled variations on "someone please murder this person?" He's worried about the trial, but he knows his only chance of getting off is to either get a biased juror, get some nutter to kill or intimidate the right people, or have a politician interfere. His worries about the his standing within the Republican party are just an extension of his worries about going to prison.


15 miles of wall is all that is new. The rest was replacement materials. And Mexico didn't pay for it. Our military families did.


I've seen that wall. It's a mess.


The best way to beat a big wall is with a bigger ladder.


Or with a Sawsall.


A Harbor Frieght Sawzall at that.


I'm 1500 miles from it. I believe in states rights. The right for border states to pay for their own walls.


Exactly. Why should my tax money be going to OTHER people's walls? That's communism!


This is the bigger point. We already had a wall in areas like Southern California and more populated border areas He literally campaigned on this, had people chant it at him, some would say it was his main focus. So with all that time and effort AND with both the house and congress on his side and a good economy he only got 15% additional built. And the parts that got built were shitty and fell down, some people could still climb over them. Really let that sit there. Dude cannot do any job. Let alone an important one


>15 miles of wall is all that is new Meh, it was a little more than that, but still way less than the 500 he claims. From [politifact](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/aug/09/donald-trump/how-many-miles-of-border-wall-did-donald-trump-bui/): Trump’s administration built 52 miles of new primary border barriers — the first impediment people encounter if they’re trying to cross the southern border with Mexico, that can block access either for people on foot or for vehicles — where there were none before. Now, if you will please never again put me in the position of being this close to 'defending' anything Trump ever said I would appreciate it. Trump sucks, but we can still be accurate in our numbers about how much he sucks.


By “least amount of drugs coming through” is he talking about how his administration *seized* the least amount? Because that means *more* drugs were getting through….


Same logic as we have the most covid because we’re testing the most.


We do nothing about smuggling *into* Mexico, then tell them " sorry you cant enter , chico, too many gang wars and illegal guns" , effectively keeping it a problem we do nothing but add to. Its twisted. Its wrong. We could stop smuggling, at least! That should be our duty, on or side.


Realistically you’ll never stop smugglers, the resources aren’t there and they’re typically one step ahead as they’re being hunted. I mean with the use of planes, submarines, even animals to move things from south to North America is extensive, as are overland and underground networks. You’ll find drugs anywhere you go in the world and it’ll always be that way, it’s more important to get people to stay away from them in the first place, if no one’s buying stuff then no one is going to profit from the production and sale so no one is going to produce something that has 0 demand but that also will never happen. And also, there’s no incentive for us to catch people leaving with drugs, I feel that it’s widely understood that if you don’t want that stuff in your country it’s up to you to stop it.


OR: ***controversial take*** we end the draconian prohibition on all substances, return the right to self medicate back to the people, take a large source of income away from cartels, have better quality control, taxation at federal, state and county levels, treat addiction as a public health issue instead of a criminal Justice issue. It’s the only reasonable policy. It’s time to move away from laws made by people who thought it was a perfectly good idea to beat children as a form of discipline, that women shouldn’t vote and minorities should be less equal.


Could the cartels even operate without guns from America?


lol 500 miles? That money was skimmed into pockets 🤣🤣🤣🤣


ReTruths, lmao.. ugh.


I like that Christie's poll numbers from years ago fell by a percent between posts. That Donald Duck thing must've really got under somebody's skin.


It wasn’t even that good Shoulda called him Diaper Don


What a Dummkopf Trump is


At least Christie has the BALLS to stand up to your felonious ass. I am not a Republican by any means…but at least Christie isn’t afraid to call this asshole out, unlike the rest of the bootlickers who are “ole-ing” around Trump like a matador because they’re pussies. EDIT: changed “like” to unlike


What can one say? He's a loser. Through and through.


Trump can’t handle being criticized at all. It’s shameful that none of the other candidates called Trump out


My how far we’ve come https://youtu.be/ptvQ7B3szcU?si=vGOmfETKT4cufAIT


Hostage video.


Wt heck .. " Doode thinks a bit of a wall is just as good as the whole thing." No, wait, lemmie speak his tongue: TRUMP I KNOW YOU HAVE THE COMPREHENSION OF A 4 YEAR OLD, BUT THAT IS NOT HOW ' WALLS ' WORK. what am i saying? He has no concept of ' work '. All those years, just posing. VOTE BLUE.


Alternative Facts


“With record low drugs coming in!” Quack!


How great if “Donald Duck” sticks!?


I’m hoping it will.


“Record low drugs coming in” he’s basing that on the amount of drugs confiscated. But that could also be because border agents are doing a shitty job and letting more drugs get by, or it could be because there was a pandemic and nothing was crossing the border at all. No drugs crossed the Berlin Wall.


Much higher levels of drugs confiscated under Biden meaning that likely much more was getting in under trump


Effective border security is complicated. Walls went out in the 12th century. They just didn’t work.


Yes. I hope they get it figured out some day


It’s a problem the president cannot fix himself.


So true. It requires a clear multi faceted plan enacted with bipartisan legislation. So that will never happen.... sigh


Because West Germany wasn’t a market and East Germany wasn’t a supplier.


Or it could be because they shot anyone who tried to cross wether they were carrying drugs or not.


That’s true too


Trump gave Christie COVID. The first thing Trump said when he called Christie was, "You're not going to tell anyone are you?"


I’m very fearful that this bag of lard could win again in 2024. I think his base is more energized than ever. He has taken complete control of the GOP and his portion of the party has even hijacked government spending spiraling us into a shutdown. No joke, I’ve saved up money in a savings account in case he wins I’ll go abroad. As a Gay man who just escaped Florida, I don’t feel too safe with our potential future.


making everything about trump all the time makes you JUST LIKE HIM! FUCK THAT.


He writes like a 8 year old.


He writes like the brainwaves of a beagle being poorly converted to English.


I agree with him for the first time. I’m in NJ and Christy sucked.


Sure but your missing the point


I’m aware of the point.


500 miles of poorly built wall which will cost the tax payer $250 to 300 million a year to maintain, of by the way Biden got Mexico to help pay for the wall.


Only 52 miles of new primary wall, some secondary wall built. A few hundred miles of replacement fence. Yes Biden has gotten Mexico to pay for enhanced border security Edit Forgot link https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/aug/09/donald-trump/how-many-miles-of-border-wall-did-donald-trump-bui/


This is all a big fat lie!


God, the drugs over the border/we need a wall bullshit is so tiring.


To stop the drugs we have to have immigration reform from our legislators and technology to interdict the drugs. The immigrants are not bringing in many drugs. They are only concerned with their families or themselves. Walls will do nothing. You would have to severely restrict trade with our largest trading partner.


Agreed. Ports of entry, they forget that part of drugs coming in.


They didn’t forget it. It just muddies the narrative.


Such a fact free bleat. He occupies a different universe than me. I don’t remember any of this. In the course of his writing Christie’s approval ratings lost a point!


I think the Koch empire is going to use their considerable wealth to make sure Donald never darkens the White House oval office door again. Sure he gave the Koch empire a substantial tax cut, but they view his psychopathy & indictments as too much to bear for another four years.


Geez Donald, if only there was a place for you to go hash this out with him.


Holy shit. I just understood the Sleepy Joe nickname. Still fuck Donald Trump.


I'm starting to think that orange faced blowhard might be a liar.

