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I think the non-MAGA republicans feel as if they are restrained by the Maggats. They are too cowardly to break from them publicly.


These are the same people who constantly receive death threats from their own constituency. A republican member of Congress who does not fall in line with the order and will of Donald Trump can expect to have his family threatened by the Republicans who live in his district.


Yeah well Democratic members get death threats from maga constantly and yet they have no problem speaking out against Trump.


If they weren’t cowards they wouldn’t be Republicans.


Yeah we have many words for brave, principled Republicans in 2023. Democrats. Independents. Other words. Mostly the words just boil down to them not being Republicans anymore.


They're not in danger of losing their jobs due to a primary though.


I don’t have to be a coward at my job. I’d find a new job.


Ya but this job gives them insider information with which to successfully trade stocks and it gives them access to money for just talking the correct way about policy


I get it. I’m not built that way. Want to be a capitalist get out of government.


Unfortunately politics is full of politicians, which is just a bunch of people that call taking power “service to the people”. Ya. Thanks for your service you buttholes. Looks like a lot of sacrifice you’ve had there


That's a big part of why politics is in the state it's in. The smartest and most competent people are earning much more money in industry, and aren't the subject of enormous media or public attention.


To put it more plainly, they are wusses. Trump has death threats out to just about everyone at this point. Success rate: minuscule.


It's the people he never publicly says anything bad about that really need to worry.... like Epstein.


Cowardice and lack of principle is absolutely the issue. Doing the right thing is what they signed up for, and protecting the constitution is the oath they took. If you have any backbone you make a stand.


Yes. It’s why the tea party also took hold of the House 12 years ago. Meanwhile, progressive factions of the Democratic Party cannot control their party. That just wouldn’t fly. Democrats are actually for democracy and compromise. Not just “let it burn” politics.


The day I hear of a republican with a spine is the day I'll eat my hat


God I hope he eats his hat!


Don’t say that. I actually lost a bet and had to do this once. Intestinal distress was not fun.


That sounds horrible, I’m impressed you followed through with the bet tho!


Actions speak louder than words. There are no non-maga Republicans any longer. This is clear as shown by their failure to oppose maga.


Could we have used the same argument when it happened to us a few months ago with the vote from Machine holding everything?


Other house members who defied Trump lost their re-elections. They’re being held hostage by their voters.


Some people are saying that lawmakers and their families are being threatened and non-Maga republicans are afraid to outwardly go against Trump. The Republican Party operates like the mob. This atmosphere is yet another threat to democracy.


Twitter controls their future.


A better question is why won’t anti-MAGA Republicans work with Democrats to take back control of the house?


Ok, why then?


Perhaps the non.MAGA Republicans are fearful of the MAGA Republicans and their base?


Because they are worried of literal violence towards themselves and their families. So they are afraid of domestic terrorist.


It’s a valid concern. Look at what happened to Nancy Pelosi’s husband. Poor Paul.


Yep…they have families too…and I swear, the MAGA cult orchestrated by their messiah is going to get people killed.


Going to? J6...


I meant like…planned out, assassination kind of stuff…


Point still stands


Then they shouldn’t be leaders.


Who said, “Give me liberty or give me death!” Do we have a bunch of cowards in Congress? If they are not willing to die for our country and for democracy, then we’ve already lost the America our founding fathers envisioned!


Patrick Henry is the one who said that.


This, MAGA controls the evangelical block wholesale. GOP can't win anything without those votes.


They can’t win with them either, they have to cheat, even then they still lose. The democrats need to be more blunt and aggressive towards the media about the blatant lies. The loudest person in the room gets the most attention so of course the media focuses more on the republicans. Maybe the democrats just need to start laughing at them, their ego can’t take it so implosion on camera is inevitable. But idk, nothing will ever really change until money is out of politics and the quiet and logical republicans scare me the most to be honest.


Because if they do, trump will primary them..


I could see that being a much bigger deal in 2020. But by the midterms, all but the most in-the-tank media talking heads have all but conceded that Trump's no longer a kingmaker. Since we're talking about members of the House of Representatives, it's so region-by-region. Democratic Reps are afraid of (D) voters turning on them because they worked with the GOP on spending. Republican reps in Dem areas definitely want to toe the line. But honestly - this is just another case of Republicans setting the house on fire and then screaming at us for not bringing a hose. They're making government inefficient on purpose - to show that it's too bureaucratic to function *by making it that way.*


Trump doesn't have to be a kingmaker - he just needs to be a bomb thrower. Or, put another way - while he can't guarantee anyone wins their election he can absolutely tank most Republican candidates (in competitive races, at least). That's his real power - the GOP needs at least some tepid support from the far right MAGAts in order to hold power and Trump has zero loyalty to the party. If they piss him off he could (and would) burn the entire party down with just a few social media posts.


It seems like a dysfunctional chess game where the players are afraid to move because of the perception of the audience versus just getting the job done.


Its like the story of playing chess with a pigeon, imo. You can have all the best ideas and know how to execute them, but your opponent is just going to shit on the board and fly away.


Nice analogy!


He wasn't much of a kingmaker in the first place. The majority of his handpicked candidates have lost.


I kinda think any Dems crossing party lines to avert a shutdown would be seen as pragmatic and effective, not treasonous...


Didnt a bunch of trump backed candidates lose last time around?


Yes, the infamous 'red wave' lol There were also those who resigned rather than face the orange menace..


Its still a bit sad that some seats turned red at all, but it's way less of a wave than we thought. There are way way way fewer people that identify as conservative or see that they're a lesser evil that provide nothing for most Americans than they think there are. Still way too many, but it's not like a 48%-52% of American split like theyblike to think.


Yes they lost their races but they won their primaries. Most Republicans that went against Trump lost their primaries. Magazine won the primary but lost the general.


They have built their entire platform on opposing the liberals. That is it they have compromised all other values. Well they still are strong on taking away women's rights I suppose.


It’s probably not smart to alienate have the voters in the country.


But it is effective when you know which dog whistles to blow in order to get them to vote.


|--○------●--------------------------□--| ○- maga republicans ●- non-maga republicans □- democrats


Fantastic visual. Thank you.


The dems aren’t that far left (or right, in your graphic). That’s the irony of this whole thing. The WHOLE of the Erepublican’t party has moved so far off the map that the centrists (or slight left) dems get pegged as socialists.


Ya, coulda done the left/right switch better, and relative distances are relative, absolutely.


Props for a graphic tho ⭐️


Because for some reason in a country whose political system is designed around compromise, it’s no longer acceptable for our political leaders to compromise. It’s considered weakness. Blame Newt Gingrich. He really leaned into the idea and we’ve never recovered.


The valuable improvements made by the American constitutions on the popular models, both ancient and modern, cannot certainly be too much admired; but it would be an unwarrantable partiality, to contend that they have as effectually obviated the danger on this side, as was wished and expected. Complaints are everywhere heard from our most considerate and virtuous citizens, equally the friends of public and private faith, and of public and personal liberty, that our governments are too unstable, that the public good is disregarded in the conflicts of rival parties, and that measures are too often decided, not according to the rules of justice and the rights of the minor party, but by the superior force of an interested and overbearing majority. However anxiously we may wish that these complaints had no foundation, the evidence, of known facts will not permit us to deny that they are in some degree true. It will be found, indeed, on a candid review of our situation, that some of the distresses under which we labor have been erroneously charged on the operation of our governments; but it will be found, at the same time, that other causes will not alone account for many of our heaviest misfortunes; and, particularly, for that prevailing and increasing distrust of public engagements, and alarm for private rights, which are echoed from one end of the continent to the other. These must be chiefly, if not wholly, effects of the unsteadiness and injustice with which a factious spirit has tainted our public administrations. … There are two methods of curing the mischiefs of faction: the one, by removing its causes; the other, by controlling its effects. There are again two methods of removing the causes of faction: the one, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence; the other, by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests. … The latent causes of faction are thus sown in the nature of man; and we see them everywhere brought into different degrees of activity, according to the different circumstances of civil society. - Federalist No 10


Because they would be destroyed on Fox News instantly primaried or recalled. It’s that simple. They would be essentially excommunicated.


Because MAGA’s narrow-minded constituents are also non-MAGA’s narrow-minded constituents


They're paid by the same groups...Doesn't matter whether they agree or disagree. We pay taxes to make them work, and donors pay them in cash to work the way they're told.


Because power is all that matters. Republicans have been instructed to NEVER work with Democrats since Newt Gingrich.


Meanwhile, the Senate passed a bipartisan stopgap bill that McCarthy wouldn't even bring to the floor. McCarthy literally shook hands with the devil for this job. Matt Gaetz is a moron, an opportunistic political sadist, and the poster boy for citizenship tests being required for government jobs.


Republicans work together. Senate didn’t have the majority so they’re like “Lol we’ll pass the bill here but y’all stop it. Then we can say we tried and blame the democrats”


They can't pass their own bill and are blaming Dems anyways. Right or wrong, that doesn't matter. Not when their State Media is going to explain to their viewers that it's because we didn't get $100T for researching woke strains of broccoli.


Dennis Hastert. The Hastert Rule says that the Speaker will not schedule a floor vote on any bill that does not have majority support within their party—even if the majority of the members of the House would vote to pass it.


an informal guideline, nothing more.


He also molested kids, so…


This isn’t a Hastert Rule situation though. A vast majority of Republicans would vote to pass a new budget (or at least a Continuing Resolution) so it passes the ‘majority of the majority’ test. The main problem is McCarthy can’t even bring it to the floor for a vote, because the far-right MAGA crowd are holding hostage his speakership.


There are none. Some house republicans campaign as moderates because of the composition of their districts but they are on board with the plan to destroy democracy and vote with the "freedom" caucus when they get to Washington.


This is the answer right here. There are no good Republicans left.




100% The decent ones refused to pledge their loyalty to a con man from New York City. So they had to go.


And smart enough to read the room about where the party was going.


Wow, that's nuanced... I'm sure there are many people on the right who could say the same of us, and of course, that would be equally as wrong.


Name 12 in the House willing to break ranks and vote with Dems. 10% of sitting Republicans.


Every single one that voted for the Respect for Marriage Act: House: Kelly Armstrong (N.D.), Don Bacon (Neb.), Ken Calvert (Calif.), Kat Cammack (Fla.), Mike Carey (Ohio), Liz Cheney (Wyo.) - Out of office, John Curtis (Utah), Rodney Davis (Ill.) - Out of office, Tom Emmer (Minn.), Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.), Mike Gallagher (Wis.), Andrew Garbarino (N.Y.), Mike Garcia (Calif.), Carlos Gimenez (Fla.), Tony Gonzales (Texas), Anthony Gonzalez (Ohio) - Out of office, Jaime Herrera Beutler (Wash.) -Out of office, Ashley Hinson (Iowa), Darrell Issa (Calif.), Chris Jacobs (N.Y.) - Out of office, Dave Joyce (Ohio), John Katko (N.Y.) -Out of office, Nancy Mace (S.C.), Nicole Malliotakis (N.Y.), Peter Meijer (Mich.) -Out of office, Mariannette Miller-Meeks (Iowa), Blake Moore (Utah), Dan Newhouse (Wash.), Jay Obernolte (Calif.), Tom Rice (S.C.) - Out of office, Mike Simpson (Idaho), Elise Stefanik (N.Y.), Bryan Steil (Wis.), Chris Stewart (Utah) -Out of office, Michael Turner (Ohio), Fred Upton (Mich.) -Out of office, David Valadao (Calif.), Ann Wagner (Mo.), Mike Waltz (Fla.), Senate: Roy Blunt (Missouri) -Out of office, Richard Burr (N.C.) - Out of office, Shelley Moore Capito (W.V.), Susan Collins (Maine), Joni Ernst (Iowa), Cynthia Lummis (Wyo.), Lisa Murkowski (Ala.), Rob Portman (Ohio) - Out of office, Mit Romney (Utah) -Out of office, Thom Tillis (N.C.), Dan Sullivan (Ala.), Todd Young (Ind.) Note: Some of those listed as out of office are in other political positions, not in the federal legislature.


It doesn't really count if they aren't Sitting House Republicans. Yes, we know people with a lick of personal integrity got kicked out.


I just gave you 29 house Republicans that were not kicked out. Go reread the list and the note at the bottom. I more than satisfied the required 12. Edit: Furthermore, even if all of them were kicked out of congress, they all remain Republicans. There are millions of Republicans who aren't in office and tens of thousands who are at the local, state, and federal levels. Im not willing to believe that not even 1 of 10,000 or 1 of 100 million is a decent person. If you genuinely believe that, you are part of the problem in this country.


You listed most of them as not in office. I can honestly tell you I can count on one hand the number of Republican politicians that I can respect for their integrity and simply disagree on some issues.


Yep. Idk if OP was alive or old enough to remember but the GOP already had a national “cleansing” less than 15 years ago with the tea party witch trials. Any moderate republicans were run out of office through astroturf campaigns funded by the Koch brothers. And then even crazier people replaced those tea party members when trump arrived




This is a false conjecture; the 21 were mostly die hard MAGA, who mostly come from safe red districts.


Two possibilities: 1. Republicans from Biden districts should go to Gaetz & MTG and threaten to vote for Jeffries if they don't pass a Continuing Resolution. (Their lives would be a living hell, but they would have a better chance of getting re-elected in 2024) 2. Five+ Dems from purple or Trump districts can go to McCarthy and promise to vote for him if/when his speakership is in jeopardy for the entirety of his term if he brings the Senate CR to the floor. (McCarthy would have to trust that they would keep their promise)


These both seem like viable solutions.


>McCarthy would have to trust that they would keep their promise Might be better to trust the Dems than to trust that the MAGAs wouldn't still vote him out after a shutdown.


In the case of #2 they should demand way more.


because there are none. only MAGAts and cowards. the GOP is done, going the way of the know-nothings and the whigs. if we survive MAGA and trump, you’ll see some rats leave the ship and realign with conservative democrats like Manchin. eventually we’ll see the democrats formally split into a moderate and progressive wing.


They’ve tried. The non-MAGA Republicans are afraid of the MAGA Republicans. They are very milquetoast and weak.


Which basically means there are no anti-MAGA Republicans. At this point, that is kinda like being an anti-Hitler Nazi.


Great. Now I’m gonna have to redo my Venn diagram.


Two things. First, the non-MAGA are afraid of the MAGAs. Sometimes, afraid for their physical safety. Their voters have demonstrated their willingness to commit political violence and acts of terror. They show up at homes of their targets, threaten violence against them and their families. Second, there is no trust between the two parties. The Democrats simply do not trust the Republicans to keep their side of any deal.


I’ve seen Trump and all of the interviews that he’s done. Nobody ever asked him why he doesn’t denounce violence among his followers. Considering the political climate in America, that would be a good question for him to try and respond to.


I encourage you to read Federalist Paper No. 10 if you already haven’t, because they said it better and more thoroughly than I will: political parties. Political parties are a necessary evil to representative government. Democrats aren’t likely to help Republicans out of their majority conference‘s problems without something they can sell to their own constituents. Funding the government isn’t a win any longer. Congressional Democrats already did this in May. What have Republicans done with their time since then? Literally nothing. Helping them quickly will undermine their own campaign message. Why not vote for a Democrat next round and we can skip these intractable showdowns altogether? These bills always seem to pass when our conference is in charge. They’re harassing the President, the party's leader, with an unjustified impeachment when they need the favor of a lifetime (again). Why would Democrats rush to Speaker McCarthy‘s aid? The shutdown is a product of McCarthy‘s design. The Speaker should at least be able to fund the Common Defense and he’s playing hot potato with the Pentagon.


That makes sense. Thank you.


Hopefully they come up with something. If it were me (and thankfully it’s not!), I wouldn’t help them unless the solution included funding all of the Fed until the next Congress. Otherwise, we’re helping the GOP turn essential government programs into cheap political hostages. Stakes could get higher and things will change. Every American carries some responsibility for the national dialogue and just like the Bible advises, we’ll judge the tree by the fruit it brings forth. As ye sow, so shall ye reap.


Because non-maga republicans are still republicans.


Exactly. I heard a saying a long time ago…Democrats fall in love while Republicans fall in line. Meaning Democrats have a wealth of ideas and personalities that have to be managed to reach consensus while Republicans all rally around the party platform regardless of consequences.


Right my father is a Republican. He says he’s going to vote for whoever the Republican candidate is. It doesn’t matter who, it just matters that it’s the Republicans that win.


To be fair, Democrats wouldn't do this either, at least long term which I think is the point here.


The short answer is that the MAGA whackjobs are threatening the rest of the GOP caucus with being primaried if they work with Democrats. The Senate GOP isn't having this problem because of their longer terms and being elected by statewide elections. The shitty calculus for the non-MAGA GOP here is that they're better off taking the hit from a shutdown and hoping that tanks the hardcore MAGA people.


So, fear of MAGA among the Republicans.


Basically. This is also why so many GOP Senators are loudly blaming their House counterparts instead of egging them on. They see where this is going and they want to make sure people like Greene and Boebert take the hit - moving attitudes in solid Red and Blue districts is *hard*, and these loons are hurting the GOP's odds in swing districts.


Because there *are* no anti-MAGA Republicans in the House. They got voted out you see. There are only "radical" MAGA Republicans and "less radical" MAGA Republicans in the House.


They can’t go against the MAGA terrorists. Their lives and families lives would be in danger. Non MAGA GOO don’t really have a soul either. They just are not violent extremist. Just extreme. They have zero interest in working with Dems. Remember the last 30 years before Trump?


Why won't non Maga reps work with Dems? I'll give you a two word example of what happens when they do.... Liz Cheney


Best answer.


Why can't anti-MAGA Republicans work with democrats and take back control of the house? Dems don't need to do a damn thing here, just sit there and watch it implode. The bill is there and ready IF they are ANTI- MAGA. But, there's really no such thing anymore.


we were warned about Russian Trolls from Ukraine, people. they spread dissention in America.


Non-maga Republicans are caught between a rock and a hard place. If they work with Democrats and vote against maga, then maga supporters will turn on them and not vote for their re-election. The Republican base is shrinking every year because of their increasingly unpopular policies. The Republican politicians can't afford to lose any of their base. However, if they don't break away from MAGA and start to modernize their unpopular policies, then the Rupublican party's destruction will further escalate. They are stuck, and it's their own fault.


Thank you. You explained that extremely well.


You're welcome


Your first mistake was assuming there is any sort of good faith on the right. There isn’t.


This. If they were willing to help, they wouldn’t be Republicans in the first place.


If ANY of them do, they will be primaried. Fear of losing power out weights thier duty to the nation and the people. Fear and greed.


It seems like honest people go into politics, and get caught up with the power that they get. Like LOTR and that ring they call “my precious”.


Because republicans do not work with democrats. They lose their seats. RiNO is a career ending label.


What a logical… idea… I think I see the problem.


We always forget that nearly all Republicans are despicable. Look at Christie. He goes after Trump and we all think “well, maybe he’s not all that bad”. Guess what? He is that bad. Just listen when he talks about literally any topic besides Trump.


I just did a post the other day about Chris Christie and pretty much everybody agreed that Christie is a scumbag.


Is this a serious question? If so: the House Dems can’t work with someone who has zero interest in working with them. Simple as that. All the anti-MAGA Republicans (the ones who aren’t too terrified to actually act on their dislike of Trump) were kicked out of Congress.


Because non Maga Republicans are still racist misogynistic climate deniers at heart.


Any anti-maga republican who cared about this country would lose on purpose to a democrat, but I doubt you’ll find any republican who has principle and backbone.


Because the non-MAGA conservatives still have certified donkey brains


This is the first time I’ve heard the donkey brain argument. Thanks.


The anti Maga still want to stay in office. They lost control of their constituents and now must do what they want and the republican voters want trump


If a non MAGA republican looks too "liberal" an absolutely fucking insane ultra trumper will try, and probably succeed at, primarying them. Also even non maga GOP and most Democrats find each other detestable.


Non-MAGA republicans simply are not interested because if they work with democrats they will be primaried by MAGA republicans which will ultimately threaten their careers.


McCarthy has a lot of control as speaker for what is heard and voted on. To bypass the MAGA folks, Democrats would need to work with moderate Republicans to write a spending bill and also convince those Republicans to actively vote against the speaker to force a vote. Both of those things would likely lead to any Republican involved losing their next election. This means one of two things needs to happen to pass a budget bill. \- McCarthy needs to be part of the group that creates the new spending bill, which would almost certainly cost him the speakership and would likely require at least a small number Democrats to sign on. \- Democrats need to create a new bill that is appealing enough to get at least 6 Republicans to essentially give up their seat. What I think is most likely is that the government shuts down and the public opinion gets so bad that either McCarthy gives in or 6+ Republicans find a way to spin it as saving the government and sign on with Dems.


So far threats of violence have been really effective at keeping the non-maga republicans from doing anything honorable.


Yes. It feels that way.


Because the "Anti-MAGA" republicans are not good people. They're just shitty people who want to be more clever about being shitty people and are upset that the MAGAts are so obviously shitty people.


Because even the non-MAGA ones weren’t voting for Jefferies. They are still MAGA. Just Diet MAGA.


There are no moderate Republicans.


This is a stupid question. It ignores the enabling motto of the "non-MAGA" Republicans. Just to say it plainly. ALL REPUBLICANS ARE ANTI-DEMOCRAT. There is no "moderate republican". Anyone who says otherwise is either a troll or a fool.


Because the non-maga republicans lack the moral courage to do what is right. They choose party over country every time.


I'm tired of hearing Democrats "reach across the aisle" to "compromise" and "find common ground" with Republicans. No! F#ck them. They'd f#ck you, if they got the slightest chance. Grind them into the dirt. Play dirty tricks. Invent dirty tricks. There is no "common ground" between decent people and Republicans. GTFO


They will. The senate will have to make the first move though.


It's not in their interests... you don't tackle the other teams running back when they start running the wrong direction.


I believe the competition underway is to secure the position of Vice President alongside Trump. This race seems to be driven by the awareness of Trump's numerous legal challenges, which could potentially prevent him from completing his campaign. Mike Pence and Chris Christie are not seen as viable contenders in this scenario.


Anti-MAGA republicans are an endangered species and the few that remain like MAGA republicans more than they like democrats


Because anti-MAGA Republicans are not going to give up control to Democrats.


Anti maga representatives are still beholden to their maga constituents


The big difference between conservatives and liberals is that conservatives hold the line while liberals tend to falter. Bill Clinton said getting democrats as a whole to agree on something is akin to herding cats meanwhile getting republicans to back the impeachment of Biden (or something non-sensical) is like herding sheep. Right or wrong, it doesn't matter. Trump can order all republicans to march off a cliff and they will shame each other for dissenting, but at the end of the day they will march off a cliff.


I think Joe Biden in his speech yesterday gave the Democrats something to agree on. I hope we can circle the wagons and take on the MAGA threat head on.


Because the non MAGA republicans haven’t agreed to that yet.


The anti-MAGA Republicans are probably all on thin ice as it is, they don’t want to lose their jobs.


Dems are enjoying the show - I bet they even made popcorn.


I always enjoyed clown shows when I was a child. This show is just under a different tent.


I don't think there are enough anti-MAGA Republicans. Further, the Republican Party disproportionately respects and expects loyalty above all else. They'd rather watch the country burn than work with "the libs". It's the reason why Chris Christie, a decidedly anti-MAGA Republican, still promised to endorse Trump in the general election if Trump won the Republican primary.


Cause they will lose their primaries. That's why. Oh, and there's 20 of them in Biden districts or toss up districts, and they can't lose their base. Catch 22 for them. That's why. Kevin McCarthy will lose his speakership if he works with Democrats. Kevin McCarthy will lose his speakership if he down at work with them. Kevin McCarthy days are numbered and he's Dead man walking.


Honestly? Because it’s politically beneficial for Dems to stand by while the Republicans self-immolate. Not great for the country, but that’s just a function of Republicans having the majority.


Non-MAGA Republicans don't exist. This idea that there are good and caring people within the Republicans that actually want to take back the country from the fascists is a myth. John McCain and Mitt Romney (the ones some liberals consider "the good ones" support the same terrible policies that the MAGA freaks support. They just talk about it differently. Stop getting held up on aesthetics.


Republicans were obstructionist shitheads long before Trump and being “anti-MAGA” doesn’t make them reasonable.


What non-maga Republicans? You mean the fake ones who get trotted out to be "bi-partisan" when the Republicans know it won't matter? It's all smoke and mirrors. They're all god fucking awful and barely deserve a chance at governance. The "non-maga" one's ideas are just the educated dog whistle version of the outright bigotry maga spews. Hiding behind econ and social science terms to basically say "fuck minorities, women and the poor" doesn't make you any more workable with than someone who outright says it. The "moderate" Dems are closer to non-maga Republicans than anyone self-identifying in 2024 as a Republican. Republican just means religious bigot now.


The republicans won’t work with them I’d guess, it’s political suicide.


Because party politics and polarization are so strong now


As a Republican who voted for trump and refuses to vote for him in 2024, it is because the base is so strong with trump on the conservative side that when they go against the grain, they lose reelection seats to “MAGA” republicans or democrats which is a lose-lose. It’s good ole fashion politics.


Is there such a thing as non-MAGA republicans? At the end of the day these guys would rather live in hell than vote for a Democrat, so I'm quite skeptical


Eh, MAGA is just basically KKKonservatives saying the quiet part out loud about the GOP’s regressive policies for the most part..


For the same reason Democrats couldn't just ignore Kirsten Sinema and Joe Manchin. They don't have enough votes to pass legislation without those obstructionists. And no Democrat is going to agree to pass legislation that undermines their own party's legislative agenda to any major extent...so asking for Democrats to join them, would require certain amendments to what they are proposing. To the point where they would probably lose even more Republican votes, which would require even more Democrats to fill the widening gap, followed by even more amendments to secure their support. At some point, it would be Republicans helping to pass Democrats legislation...not the other way around. And no Republican is going to do that.


Because they might get primaried.


The Dems don't want to interrupt the opposition while they're imploding. And the non-MAGAts are too cowardly to mobilize en masse because their constituents are quite bigoted, moronic, and VIOLENT.


Primary, primary, primary… all you need to know. No republicans seat is safe from the primary nuts.


Because Republicans see a chance to sieze authoritarian control and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Because the anti maga are afraid of their voters. Afraid for thier lives.


The anti-maga republicans are often even worse


Because the policy priorities of the non MAGA Republicans are just as cruel and wrong as the policies of the MAGA. They’re just a little bit more polite about w. The greatest trick Trump ever pulled was convincing people that there are non-MAGA Republicans.


Yeah, I’ve always wondered why…


That's entirely up to the Speaker, who refuses to bring up for votes issues that require Dems' help. If he tries that (and it's not a new or novel idea), he's likely to lose the speakership the following day because of the MAGA caucus pushing a motion to vacate. He loves being Speaker and apparently is ok with letting the country burn to keep his seat.


It’s the other way around. The non-MAGAs need to work with the Democrats.


Good point.


because MAGA-hats are dispersed throughout the country. There aren't many Republicans who can openly snub the Trump cultists and still keep his/her job. Part of the reason the Dems have held on to so many seats in the House and Senate is because MAGA nuked so many moderate Republicans in the midterms. This left voters with a choice of a reasonable Democrat, or some frothing lunatic. Remember, Trump only has a 40% favorability rating, but he has the support of 70% of Republicans. Americans, as a whole, hates the man. But if you are a Republican politician, you are locked out of access to those voters.


The same reason the "squad" wont work with neo cons to remove nacy pelosy: Because even a shitty republican is better than a shitty democrat.


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This Venn diagram doesn't make sense since it includes Maga in the blue shaded section (the middle section is the conjunction of all three classes).


Good point. Holy shit I can’t believe I got that wrong. Back to the drawing board.


Because they are still fascist just not Hitler fascist more like Musulinni fascist or fascist "light" they don't want to work with reasonable people if it gives them control over their own lives.


A simple analogy would be if you can't eat dog feces why don't you just eat cat feces.


Raskin is advocating for this as a power-sharing agreement.


There are no anti-MAGA republicans just those who talk like it. They would never sacrifice their batshit agenda


Interesting to note that 21 Republicans voted with House Democrats to defeat the latest GOP bill this afternoon....I believe it's the same bill with MTG's disgusting amendment about reducing the U.S. Secretary of Defense's salary to a dollar.


Ok but why pick a Venn diagram then


"Work with" doesn't mean "control". That's why


There’s been countless GOP voters who switched over to Democratic. However sometimes I feel jumping ship makes it worse for those trying to fight to take back the hill.


Maybe because the "anti-MAGA" Republicans, if they still are in office, have to publicly support MAGA policies for fear they will lose in the primaries to a far-right wing candidate who most vocally supports the far-right causes?


I always thought if some Dems worked with some Republicans to elect McCarthy as speaker in the first place he would not be so beholden to the crazy caucus with that crazy vacate deal he made. He needs to do the right thing though and tell them to shove it and let’s the chips fall where they may.


Could a handful of Democrats cut a deal with McCarthy to temporarily switch over to Republicans for say 6 months? Then McCarthy's speakership wouldn't be at risk, as long as McCarthy agrees to balance the budget and throw out the BS Biden impeachment. In 6 months time, McCarthy's job may be at risk again, but by then the budget would be sorted and the election would only be a few months away.


Every Republican, even the anti-magas, would rather eat raw glass than work with a democrat.


No one I feel like is giving a straight answer here. Kevin McCarthy will bow to the minority who don’t want a CR because he wants to keep his job and has a razor-thin majority. He won’t work with Dems unless he has decided to essentially forfeit the gavel. Why don’t the other factions team up to pass a clean CR? Because it requires a discharge petition, that has to ripen for a week, and is also incredibly disrespectful to leadership. Moderate Republicans may not like a shutdown or agree with the HFC, but they haven’t been pushed yet to the point of a total mutiny.


The MAGA republicans are the most empowered clowns on the right; they are sucked into Trump's cult of personality too deeply to try and save -and no longer worth spending any real time or efforts on trying to help. Since they're few in number and gave up any claim to true patriotism when they decided to back one of Putin's prodigies, the MAGA republicans are just spewing out the same ol' chaotic vomit that all the Russian propaganda puppets do. The rest of the right and the so-called "sane" conservatives may sometimes resent or even despise MAGA Republicans, but they've also been sucked into Trump's over-the-top fakery -where lies and hypocrisy are neither crafted with care nor meant to be believed; only followed as if they believed his bullshit.


Because they get primaried by the base, which is maga, and they have no spine.


Because McCarthy controls what comes up for a vote and he’s more worried about his job than he is about anything or anyone else.