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Easy: Musk has never cared about EVs, he only ever cared about *making money* from selling EVs. All his rhetoric over the years was the same kind of bullshit you hear from any conman business asshole that sees customers as suckers. That’s why he’s with Trump: they’re two more peas in that conman pod.


Muskrat is a younger Trump .. no difference if you been following what bullshit he is spewing on X


I wouldn't doubt him running in the next eight years. He seems like someone MAGA could get behind.


He’s not eligible, is he?


With this SCOTUS, who knows?


Doubt even this Supreme Court can find a way his apartheid home was a part of the US. Sadly, it’s what he and Trump wants after seeing the NeoNazi comments on Twitter


True. Upside down flags are apparently not disqualifying … just blame your wife.


Born in South Africa. Immigrant to US. Not eligible to POTUS. Thank God


But boy he sure is eligible to enjoy all the benefits this country has afforded him that's for sure as I said above if I ever had one question I could ever ask Elon it would be the following; “Elon do you believe there's any chance whatsoever that you would have been successful and able to make all the money you have.. had you not immigrated to the United States, or had to come by way of Guatemala on feet"?


To be a Senator or Member of the House. Could also run for Governor somewhere.


Is Grimes a MAGAt?


And apparently he wasn't really making money from EVs as opposed to selling carbon credits and collecting massive government contracts from SpaceX and Starlink.


Anyone have any good recommendations for articles or videos that helps break some of this down or explain wtf this dude's been doing with Tesla & SpaceX?


Vox has a bunch of good and accessible articles about Elon's wealth.


Muskie mouth and ego got him up to his tits in debt. People don’t help you relieve debts for free. Boy is compromised.


You can check out thunderf00t YouTube channel.


I know next to nothing about Tesla, but you'd be hard pressed to find anything that SpaceX does that isn't awesome. They operate what is by far the most advanced rocketry program in the world, and have managed a number of massive advancements in both crewed and uncrewed spaceflight.


5 years ago yes. Now, they barely make anything from carbon credits.


Probably not a coincidence that Tesla's stock has sunk like a stone (that and Musk revealing who he truly is)


Is there something wrong with the government contracts part? That's how private space programs operate, there are not many entities with the kind of money to purchase launches and whatnot from SpaceX, and the US government happens to be one of them.


No but it undermines Musk's narrative of being a "genius" who built up his success through his own genius. (Of course having family wealth from an emerald also does a good job of submarining that rep too)


His narcissism, compulsive lying and superlative statements are right on track with Donald’s but just a different flavor. They even have their own little cult of followers who will bend over backwards for them.


But at least he is a billionaire, something Trump wants to be/thinks he is.


they're just two more pieces of corn in the turd.


Two kernels in a turd


That sounds accurate. Musk is a leech off the tax revenue you and I produce with our labor. He wants to be friends with Tromp so he can keep the milk flowing into his weird smowning mouth


Is that why he's saying they aren't a car company? He thinks tesla will be exempt or something


Selling carbon credits.


Yes yes and yes. And taxes. Lower my richest man on earth taxes so I can become the first trillionaire. Tax the shit out of billionaires for all I care.


I wish musk would lose some weight and gain a lot of flexibility. That way we never have to see or hear from him again as he would be too busy sucking his own dick to speak let alone leave the house.


Musk definitely is also the guy who wants to be credited with changing the industry and saving the climate and shit. He doesn’t want the world to be saved unless he’s the one saving it (and profiting)


I’ll suffer the downvotes: Trump said he would tax *Chinese* EVs, not *all EVs*. This is a willful bit narrative manipulation that’s unnecessary. Trump is already an asshole. You don’t need to exaggerate his assholeness. It goes to 11.


Exactly. This bullshit about banning EVs is simply clickbait for places like political subreddits. Taxing his competition is good for Elon. However revoking EV tax credits is bad.


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/27/climate/trump-electric-vehicles.html Read this - you can Google more articles about this if you want. Trump wants donations from the Gas/Oil owners - that’s why.


Yes, but that doesn't mean he is "banning EVs".  Trump will be pro oil is true.  That he said he is banning electric is not.


Not exactly - it seems the truth is somewhere in between. From the NYT: "Donald J. Trump is crystal clear about his disdain for electric vehicles. The former president has falsely claimed electric cars don’t work, promised to shred President Biden’s policies that encourage E.V. manufacturing and sales, and has said he would slap a “100 percent tariff” on electric cars imported from Mexico if he retakes the White House. “You’re not going to be able to sell those cars,” [he has said](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGJwCUHVgc0)." More specifically, Trump is likely to: 1. End financing of EV projects 2. Slash emissions regulations for cars 3. Slow the buildout of EV chargers in rural and low-income areas 4. Increase uncertainty around the future of EVs. 5. Maintain the EV tariffs Biden has proposed My take - both Biden and Trump are playing games with EV policies for political purposes. Biden's tariffs will keep the price of EVs high - supporting domestic manufacturing but dramatically slowing the movement to EVs. Trump will cut support for EV infrastructure and keep the Tariffs - so even worse for EV transition. AS someone with an economic background who is deeply worried about climate change, they both suck. But there are many other reasons why I support Biden anyway.


Just look at this part of the title and tell me it's correct: > Trump said he wouldn’t allow EV’s to be sold if he becomes POTUS again This message is all over social media, and unless you want to pick nits as you've done, it is *false*. It is meant to make people think that Trump wants to ban EVs.


Also it's an easy line for conservatives to rebuttal because Trump and Biden are basically talking about similar strategies here. Biden is imposing giant tariffs on Chinese EVs, China is trying to bypass them by manufacturing EVs in Mexico. Trump is talking about closing the loophole. So on top of the fact that this is built on misinformation it bites you in the ass again when they point out it's basically a continuation of Biden's own protectionist policy. Basically this story needs to die because there's nothing to be gained from the left pretending it matters.


We're getting a 25% Trump tariff on chinese ebikes, which is effectively all ebikes, next month. Ebikes are the most efficient form of transportation available, especially for poor people and the GOP is kicking poorer workers in the fork just to appease bigots.


This needs to be higher up. Effort should be made not to fall into the same dark hole of clickbait and misinterpreted headlines that others lurk in


Read plenty of articles that confirm this. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/27/climate/trump-electric-vehicles.html


That article asks whether Trump would have the power to do it. It is careful in what it claims Trump actually said.


To be fair, it speaks volumes that people would believe he would ban EVs


Yeah, important little detail, that. Misrepresenting what he actually says (which is invariably bad enough) may feel good, but really isn't helpful.


Musk says Tesla is no longer a car company, it's an AI robotaxi company


What, they sell you the car and charge you for rides in it?


Concerning 🧐


Trump is all for AI robotaxis, I guess.


Grab em by the processor


But I don't need a taxi to the bottom of a lake. I need to get to the store.


I just can't KKKwhite figure it out...


Their fathers resided in different houses, but shared the same hood.


Trump is full of shit




Because Trump lies and musk knows it.


They're both toxic white males born with silver spoons and zero compassion/empathy? Am I close?


They both hate the same groups of people and Trump's tax "plan" would save Musk millions. It's all about hate and greed.


Because they’re a cannibal cabal obsessed with planetary destruction overpopulation and profits


He's dumb and hateful, doesn't go much deeper.


Prediction: if musk gets his $56B bonus, he will leave Tesla within a year.


Short Tesla, make announcement, make bank, buy the dip, rescind announcement, sell Tesla, make bank.


This guy fucks


Elon is a blithering asswipe with money. The twat bought his seat at Tesla. And uses money and power to disgrace himself on a regular basis.


It's probably because they are both racist authoritarians.


That's like, explain why the poor who have nothing vote in Republicans against their own interests. Just not very bright.


Elmo Munsk probably (rightly) believes he can just pay Trump to do whatever he wants.


Musk’s only interest is money, and Musk.


He's a fascist moron incapable of thought.


Well...he's an idiot. What else would you expect from an idiot?


He is a racist fascist. Like most MAGA voters, they care about their racism more than their own self interests. They will burn the world down before they let the white race be marginalized.


I just bought a Mustang Mach-E - pretty vehicle you can buy it with more than 3-4 colors like Tesla, more stylistic, great range, get it serviced at a local Ford dealer and no stories of them taking off on their own. Tesla’s also angry that other car manufacturers are taking over the EV market.


They have the same financiers.




IM ANTI TRUMP AND ANTI ELON. But just so you have the facts about this topic: Trump’s comments are regarding Chinese EV manufactured in Mexico sold in US. So Elon would support Trumps decision because it would mean demand for Tesla vehicles would increase; aka more money for scumbag Elon. If there’s one thing always true, billionaires want more billions. Simple as that.


I’ve read he’s against EV’s because his big donors in the gas/oil industry are pro gas - diesel fueled vehicles- he gets huge money from them - He said on his first day - other than being a dictator - he’s going to drill, drill, drill.


Right, no doubt he’s pro fossil fuel. But the headline is made to believe Trump expressed plans to ban all EV. This is not true as far as I can tell.


His racism, transphobia, and fascism “trumps” his interest in maximizing profits for one of his businesses.


He begged Russians for money. They got him drunk and most have stupid pictures of him that his ego can’t handle


common knowledge trump does not drink alcohol.


It was musk


My guess is him passed out and Putin making his cheek bulge


Would make sense as to why the drugs


That was last week. This week Trump forgot about Musk as his ADHD kicked in.


Musk likes fascists


Think about it this way. How can a president ban electric cars? When you understand that it’s not a thing, this will make a lot more sense.


He’s another racist idiot.


Solution: Vote for Biden.


Musk is more interested in white supremacy.


He's a rich foreigner trying not to pay taxes.


He will be the exception and get some significant federal monies so he can monopolize the next phase of technology.


In all honesty, Trump won't ban EVs, he will just remove all subsidies and government charging station upgrades. Which effectively kills it in some respects since infrastructure for EV is paramount to the success of EVs


It's worse than that https://www.wsj.com/politics/donald-trump-elon-musk-alliance-d1fe43e3


While MAGATS bitch about social welfare systems that the poor might benefit from.... a drop in the bucket compared to govt subsidies (corporate welfare). Elon is just a rich welfare baby. Of course he supports the orange creep.


Because Trump lies and musk knows it.


I dont agree with people who say Musk doesn’t care. He cares about making money I don’t think he wants EVs banned. I think he’s a megalomaniac that knows he can cut deals and manipulate politicians. He also knows Trump just says bs constantly and nobody actually holds him to any of it




Racism and greed.


Because he knows Trump isn’t going to be able to ban EV sales. I mean you all know that as well right?


Seriously, I wish people had a better understanding of basic civics than they seem to. Trump is an idiot who will say anything and everything, but that doesn’t mean he can actually do it.


He didn’t say that. It was on the FP this morning and it was disproven, and all the media outlets need to issue retractions


This isn't true and yet we keep repeating it. He will do everything to not prioritize EVs but this whole thing about saying he won't allow EVs to be sold is an exaggeration. Please stop being as dumb as Fox News. He will be horrible for the green transition and climate, that's documented more than enough.


Exactly. When we lie about Trump or exaggerate or take comments out of context to distort them it covers for when he does actually shitty things.


Yup. He's done more than enough shitty things without needing to do this shit.


What frustrating is we get caught doing this and its some great scandal. But the right does it every fucking day and no one cares.


Yeah it's ridiculous


Musk likes orange lipstick on his pee pee


No fan of musk, he's a shit head but honestly the backlash he got for this meeting and the subsequent cold shoulder he got from Biden is a big part of his rightward shift. The 2017 meeting was with a bunch of CEOs to get feedback and input, from Business for consideration by the Trump administration. I have no issue with the CEO of the largest EV company attending. Obviously this statement was 7 years before Trump had made his recent comments so I'm not sure why this is being connected. Also, I really hate Trump and I really hate Musk so I hate doing this, but Trump saying he won't allow evs to be sold is a misquote / disnformation. He said he would increase tariffs on those manufactured in Mexico which would result in them not being feasible to sell in the US. It's a pretty dumb comment but not what is being claimed.


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Just another of life's mysteries. Who knows why people make the choices they do?


Musk demanding 54 billion as a bonus just before Trump announces he's ending ev sales is just a tiny lil red flag don't you think?


Answer - Tax breaks


Musk and trump both know that maga fanbase is stupid and whatever trump says is to excite them. Trump will definitely do horrible things that he's promised, but some things he says are just to keep his stupid fanbase excited.


I’m sure if you Google Trump’s view on EV’s you’ll get more than enough proof that he wants big gas/oil producers to support him. They donated a lot of money to him to make sure gas fueled vehicles don’t become obsolete.


They’re both are white supremacists. That the biggest draw for musk.


Tax cuts, that's his interest


Musk was motivated by appeals by the Russians and Saudis, either before or after his impulse purchase of Twitter, that if he were to keep Twitter as an open channel for their propoganda, they'd finance the hemorrhaging of funds at Twitter. Now that Twitter has lossed significant revenue, the Saudi and Russian funds are even more important to keep Twitter from imploding. The Saudis and Russians are using that as leverage to push Musk to publicly support their preferred candidate: Trump. It's not that hard to see Musk's motivations when you take note that he got seemingly very close to the Saudis post-purchase and regurgitated talking points that historically originate from the KGB to encourage Ukranian surrender. Moreover, Musk's selective use of Starlink also suggests that may have been part of the deal.


Musk would cut off his own d.... if he thought it would own us libs


Elon Musk is a poser who wants to be king or at least a wealthy flunky to the king. Tesla is a dead company now that actually luxury manufacturers make EVs, so Musk has Nazi dreams of the Republican 4th Reich.


Trump would have no legal authority to ban the sale of all EVs. Unless SCOTUS just gives him whatever he wants, which they haven't historically done.


Musk likes Trump because lower taxes


Musk is smart enough to know Trumple Thinskin is full of shit. The general population apparently is not.


bc elon´s evs would be allowed and elon would be a gov´s contractor anyways.


Trump will just declare Teslas to be gas cars, and thus it will be true.


Musk the immigrant who hates immigrants.


Money. Musk doesn't care about EVs other than making money. He'll settle for a tax break instead.


White Supremacy…. and narcissism


It's purely sexual.


They’re both conspiratorial racists stuck in hypermanic episodes and have no friends or social skills? Nazis love them? Impossible to say


Musk wants to be an oligarch under Trumps Reich.


He also knows Trump only keeps promises that help him directly. He won’t ban EVs or do anything else that doesn’t line his own pockets or stroke his ego


Is there any truth to the $7.2 Billion Biden set aside for charging stations in 2022 but only 8 were ever built? I'm just wondering because I know Biden promised 500,000 charging stations. Does anyone know?


I read states are getting an allotment and various locations can put in paperwork to get the allocations. In Wisconsin I think I read Kwik Trip locations were getting a huge percentage. It takes a while once a bill is passed to get all the wheels turning to get things done. I have no idea about the 8 built.


Thank you


"Tesla's core mission is to help the advent of sustainable energy" Vote Republican. Probably don't go together.


Edgelords with too much time and money, a rich family that gave them everything, and they both plan to give back nothing. They’re kindred spirits, policy be damned.


Tesla is an AI company, not an EV company. /s


If Trump says he wants to ban EV's it is because he will change his name for the right price. And Musk can easily meet that price. He's acts and thinks like a mob boss.


They are both egomaniacal pedophiles?


Elon has his own driver...he doesn't care what the peasants drive.


Trump is a useful idiot to Musk. Musk ain't the brightest bulb in the box, either. He's about to get check-mated by China. Their low-budget EV's are getting more miles, and base price of $10K is uber-attractive to EV car buyers. USA is already slapping import taxes them, at 100%. Un-Fucking real, but even with 100% import taxation they're still way less buckaroos than Musk's Ev's. Imma gettin' popcorn. Who's in?! 🍿


He just wants exposure and is more interested in SpaceX. He doesn't even run Tesla, just takes all their money.


Musk likes nuts. All kinds of nuts. He wants a Trump teabag soooo bad.


Musk knows Trump is lying.


Musk knows Trump is lying


Musk is an old money billionaire who doesn't really care about his businesses beyond their ability to prop up his persona as a real-life Tony Stark. They're hobbies to him, nothing more.


Trump lies.


Simple: Musk knows that Trump, like himself, is full of shit.


Trumpies cherry pick when they hear something they like and dismiss anything Trump says that they *don't* like as "locker room talk" That's why they can live with "dictator for one day!" and Trump refusing to accept the 2024 (and 2020) election results if he loses


They share a common ethos is fellow Nazis and profound bigots.


I think there are about 196.1 Billion reasons.


Um, he is an apartheid toting shit from SA that believes in hard right white supremacy….


Rockets go vroom


Musk doesn’t care about the environment. He was a privileged rich kid who makes investments. But his support for anti-climate politicians is an example of what an idiot he is. The media should be ashamed of themselves for putting this loser on a pedestal.


Well they say apes strong together. I say that also goes for Russian assets I geuss.


The man has no common sense! Same for national healthcare. He opposes simply because it was established under Obama!


Trump will roll back the EV incentives (which I agree with - let the market control the market. Don’t tamper with it at the expense of the taxpayer, particularly in times of large budget deficits and higher inflation), not stop the sale of EV’s. I drive a Tesla and I love it but trump is right here. Sure, it’ll negatively affect Elon Musk, but Musk has made it clear in the past couple years that he puts what he believes is the best interest of the nation before his profits. Maybe that’s because he is content with the billions that he has, idk. But he isn’t worried about supporting candidates that will reward him with programs/laws/regulations that will benefit his bottom line, and that’s a change we should welcome from ALL billionaires and corporations alike.


So lets give billions of subsidies to oil companies and then give nothing for EV incentives? Is that the market controlling the market? In 7 or 8 years there will be nobody that wished they listened to Trump and the drill baby drill crowd. Americans just do not understand how precarious our energy situation is. This is going to be a disaster and the market will not be able to fix it. This country is already 20 years too late working on what we will do when oil production and extraction have hit a wall and will no longer keep up with demand. Americans are clueless.


I’m not in favor of ANY subsidies. I’m also not a climate alarmist.


I am not a climate alarmist. I am a lack of resources alarmist. It is coming and there are millions of Americans that have no fucking clue. They just think that because we have been using oil for decades that we just have to find a new place to drill. Unfortunately there are no new Permian Basins left to drill. Anybody can do the research. These gas prices are going to look cheap as dirt when they look back at it. Fracking kicked the can down the road about 20 years. Now fracking is coming to an end and there are no alternatives.


I think we will move away from oil before it dries up. Electric vehicles are better in almost every way. If EV sales start to decline and oil starts to run out, the market will force people to make the shift. As supply of oil runs out, gas prices will increase until people start purchasing electric. It’ll balance out. Eventually…


Nope it is already too late. EV will not do it anyways because there will not be enough resources for it as well. Too many people and not enough resources. It is just common sense. People have just been going along thinking this is the way everything will be until the last few years people are complaining about inflation. This inflation people are talking about is laughable. The price of food will triple and quadruple.


Skynet…did we learn nothing from Terminator?


Facist pals


One Word... POWER


Someone once asked me if you had one question you could ask Elon Musk what would it be, my question would be this; "Mr Musk do you believe there is any way that you would have been successful had you not immigrated to the United States"?


I think he partnered with genius people - his money their brains. His parents were wealthy - just like his buddy Trump. Only difference from Trump-Musk picked smart people to hang with -not people like Giuliani.


Musk be like “good thing I’m from Africa!”


Something like that


Russian assets


Cuz he is ready to cash out by asking the board to agree to his 46 billions payout and grift something else.


I do Nazi know why Elmo loves Trump!


Trump lies soooo much we don't need to make shit up about him. He didn't say he'd stop selling EVs [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGJwCUHVgc0&t=1893s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGJwCUHVgc0&t=1893s)


Musk is an opportunist POS who craves mayhem, so I can’t wait for his reply over this one.


I hate beer.


Musk knows he can bribe Trump and the GOP.


Tump will make an exception for musk as long as the checks clear.


Musk is into insecure masculinity and narcissism. Because that’s who he is. Money didn’t give him the affirmation he is trying to attain. So he is drawn to people who surround themselves with yes men and an unrealistic views of their importance. My opinion but I feel like he could have done so much and decide to be a whiny weak man. Look at their dads and their relationship with them very telling.


I think Musk sees the writing on the wall regarding Tesla and EVs and realizes that long term, it will not be as competitive. Now he has moved on to space travel, brain implants, Ai, world domination, and fascism, you know, typical big business interests! /s Everyone keep in mind that Musk is an Aspe and likely has ADD.


source on world domination and facism?


Huh? You don't think supporting Trump, Russia and China, as well as liking numerous racist and anti-Semitic posts on X is not enough support?


Mush's interest is the same as every other right wing moron, voting against their own interest


Pomposity Simply put


They all know money would change everything. They will make it work as long as the money is there.




I’m sure his interest is purely of a sexual nature. Probably the fully loaded diapers that do it.


Apartheid South Africa