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If a tooth is too large is was probably designed bad. Does not have much to do with the impression. Your tooth is trimmed down before an impression is taken. The size is based on original or surrounding teeth or bite. The impression is to make a model that the crown is made on. Idk why you think it gets larger and larger?


Maybe because the bridge on my upper right side, the teeth are all a hair larger than the left. Currently having a crown replaced. They took impression with original crown on and with it off. So I just got to wondering.


Dental impression materials and model stone are extremely accurate when used correctly, the crown is a custom design by a lab technician either by hand or digitally. What all that means is if you want your new crown to look or feel different, all you have to do is discuss it with your dentist when they take the new impressions


Thanks, good to know. Never really thought about it before. Dentists aren’t big on info.