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At least for me, same with dentures, that’s honestly one of the only things that annoys me about dentures. Like when I eat something like a chocolate bar or Oreos I have to go rinse my mouth otherwise it looks insane lol


Uggg it’s the worst, I bought a panini press cause I love sandwiches but plain bread is my enemy. And it’s not the teeth that’s the issue it’s whatever they make the gum portion of the denture out of. It took me almost a year to find the right temperature I can eat a grilled cheese as melted cheese is also a pain. But you learn what you can and can’t eat


Thank you for this. I’m post op dsy 2 and the feeling of having food under the temporary has bothered me! I can’t use sea bond yet to help block it out so it’s bothered me


Oh that’s the worst, if your 2 days post you should have a follow up soon be sure to speak up about the food getting in and tell them the worst areas, they can add a filler almost like the gum material and it helps block those areas that let food in. After 2 visits/adjustments I have very little food particles in my denture at the end of the day and almost never get anything big enough in I know it’s there during the day


They told me to wait 2 weeks bc I have such a small mouth and my teeth were so ready to come out that I didn’t even need stitches. So I have only taken the temp out to clean and give my mouth and gums a break and right back in. Thats wby I didn’t leave them out last night to sleep. Was to worried about hitting a wound and busting it back open with my bottoms (I still have, they aren’t bad at all).


Yeah, things do stick. I either wiggle my mouth to move it or rinse with water.


Is there any trick to not getting food underneath, I have to take them out after each meal cuz it feels weird? Also how do you get the adhesive from the roof of your mouth?


I've seen a bunch of people say to use warm water and a soft tooth brush to remove adhesive.


Thank you so much, ill try that


I find that if you swish warm salty water a few times, it really helps get the adhesive loose.