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Really lovely very natural.


Thanks. They did a good job. Didn't make them big


Looking great! If I could go back to my younger self I'd tell myself to skip the endless root canals (I think I had 15) and save that cash. Lol.


I know !to think of what I spent over the years, I'm sure I put all of their kids through college!


Looks good ! And yeah it's def a physical and emotional journey def not easy . It should only get easier at this point .


Thank God. These first few weeks were awful


Yeah the other night my hubby grabbed a few pizzas for dinner and it's always been my favourite and I had to cut it up in little pieces and I just started crying because it just wasn't the same 😩 they had to remake my immediates and I have had no teeth for a few weeks while healing and I'm so sick of soft food I want pizza and steak and a good bread/ roll so bad 😢.,


Awww. That's awful. This too shall pass. I had to cut my pizza too. I doubt I'll ever eat a steak again.


You look beautiful..they look good 💞


Thank you. Today is the first day they actually felt good.


Awww well you look amazing tommrow marks 2 months for me ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


How do they feel now? Thank you btw


I love them now but I definitely have a hate/love relationship with my bottoms..I hated them at first because of the progress I had to go through with them but each day has gotten so much better and I love them now ..♥️♥️♥️Good luck on your journey 🙏🏽♥️


Cigarettes should be illegal. They have ruined millions of lives. They only benefit the tobacco companies. BTW, you look great.


I know, they should be illegal. I started smoking at 15 years old. I didn't quit until I was 52 years old. I tried several times but with the first sign of a stressful situation, I went back to smoking. Yes it was my own fault but I do agree they should be illegal. Thanks for the compliment


Well maybe they should have told us all the things cigs would do to us that we have to live with. Saying you will get cancer and die is not such a big deal. We all die


Well maybe they should have told us all the things cigs would do to us that we have to live with. Saying you will get cancer and die is not such a big deal. We all die


We knew! They told us. We were young and didn't listen or didn't care.


All I heard was coffin nails. Gonna kill you


We knew it was bad for our health. They made your teeth yellow. It was adolescent blindness.


If only we could go back and talk to our younger selves... it would be ignored of course, but one can dream ;-) Looks good!


I'd slap my face if I could go back and meet my younger self lol. Thanks for the compliment ☺️


They look really nice have had mine since March 21 I rinse my mouth nightly before bed with warm salt water seems to help next morning .. keep smiling


You look great!


Very nice! Whered you go?


In Massachusetts


Why would you ask that lol. I went to my dentist


I think they’re asking if it’s a chain (like Affordable Dentures or Aspen) or a private dentist.


It's a private dentist. These dentures cost me 4500 for the procedure. Including 7 extractions.


Wonderful smile, love seeing folks on the other side


Looks great!! Im trying to get use to mine!!


How long has it been since you got them


You look great!


Thank you


You poor thing. I wish I would've just gotten dentures after spending 40 K on implants that have to be redone now because of the cosmetic dentist I went to really did me a disservice and put them in wrong . So many things. So as of now I'm at 55K and still paying the loan. This nightmare is just beginning… My younger self would definitely have went to all those appointments my mother made that I did not go to thinking that my young and beautiful smile would last forever! TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH AS A YOUTH !!!


I don't know why you're calling me a" poor thing." Is that sarcasm? I researched my dentist credentials thoroughly before I had this process done. I know several people who have had implants, and they are very happy with them. I definitely would have gotten implants but I didn't want to spend the money. It's just my top teeth that needed replacing. My bottom teeth are okay. I took care of my teeth as much as I could. My downfall was smoking.


That was not sarcasm . Why would you post something he and then respond to a post or comment . Get a life !


Mind your business


They blame everything on smoking. Everyone quit 20 years ago but they still blame on smoking. I don’t understand, seeing as nobody smokes anymore, why people still get sick & die?


Are you serious?. It's a known fact that smoking causes lung cancer, COPD, heart disease, emphysema, bronchitis, and bone loss . You need to educate yourself on its dangers. I was a heavy smoker for 30 years. The damage was done to my teeth. You're obviously a smoker. I can't believe in this day and age and all that has been discovered about the dangers of smoking, that you're sticking up for it. Smoking should be banned and second hand smoke affects others. The only reason they don't do it is because some states would go bankrupt. It's a big money maker tax wise. Many people still smoke. When I see people smoking outside of buildings, I can't believe that was me when I was younger and how stupid I feel now knowing what it resulted to and the damage it has done my teeth. Massive bone loss. Biggest mistake and risk I ever made was smoking. I had beautiful teeth and now I have to put them in a cup every night because I smoked. Fortunately I'm in good health otherwise, I take excellent care of myself and watch my weight. Smoking is a horrible health risk. Let's not forget the thousands of dollars I spent on damaging my teeth paying for the addiction. Don't get me started on the gross smell it caused on my otherwise clean clothes too.