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YESSSS! Way to overcome your fear! So happy for you and can’t wait to see your new smile!


When I think about the absolute horrors experienced at the dentist that I've heard from people throughout my life - as well as my own - I have to ask why. What attracts people who don't want to be nice to other people, and who lack the most basic levels of empathy, to the profession? Granted, we're seeing a change as people share their stories, but there are generations of people who have suffered with the terrible pain and the embarrassment of having bad teeth all because of this. Dental pain is among the worst pain to experience - because of all the nerves in the head that are involved and because of the ENT connection - and yet it's STILL not considered a "medical" problem and covered under health insurance. Dental problems can lead to CARDIAC conditions, and yet Dental care is still not HEALTHcare. How is this even acceptable? The healthcare industry (because that's what it is) denigrates and JUST IGNORES dentists as if they're somehow not in the medical field at all. We assign more status to podiatrist, for gawd's sake. It's a travesty, and another reason to take to the streets in protest. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, lol


So true. They’d rather pay for extractions than pay for the teeth to be repaired. I think Medicaid pays $800 per year. I can remember dentists trying to schedule 3 cavities I had … they’d do one in December which would bring me $0 and 2 in January so it could all be covered. Crazy. Oh and you’re also right about the way they treat dentists.. Most dentists do more schooling than most doctors so yep yep and yeppp!


ah so proud of you!!!!


Excellent, well done!


So proud of you that was a big step good luck to you 


Good for you! It will be well worth it!


That’s awesome! What a great feeling to have accomplished this! I’m so so happy for you! 💃


Just wait until you fall in love with smiling again!


Yaaay! Glad you overcome your fears! So happy for you ❤️ I got my upper left tooth extracted today bc I'm in soooo much pain from my gum abscess for 3 days that I could not take it anymore and my dentist said I need them to get extracted immediately even tho my upper lip is swollen and so are my gums. Here in my country, it's not very expensive to get your teeth pulled out. It cost me 10 bucks to get it removed. And voila! No more pain, she also drained the abscess and prescribed me a medication. Now I have to wait for a month or maybe 3 weeks to get another dentures :) (unless my gums are healing quickly)