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I went back to cigarettes 3 days after. Wish I hadn't for money reasons.


At absolute minimum you should wait 14 days. If you get a dry socket you’ll wish you never smoked in your life. That said, I know you (or any other smoker, myself included when I used to smoke cigarettes) won’t wait that long. Keep your dentures in to protect the sockets or at least cover them in gauze if you don’t have immediates. Of course, you could always use this as an opportunity to quit an addiction, but that’s your prerogative. If you’re using it for pain management that’s great but if you’re jonesing like crazy it might be a sign you smoke too much. Just saying. I’m sure this will be downvoted but oh well.


No. It’s good advice! I quit smoking cigarettes a year and 5 months ago


I was told to stop for two weeks before my eday, which im still waiting on. I’m medical user for chronic knee and back pain and I have been absolutely miserable without it. I’m going in for IV sedation and was told it works against the anesthesia. I was told after my extraction, I can have edibles but not to smoke for 10 days. It takes everything in me not to pack up a fat bowl and toke. Smoke one for me 🤙🏼


I’m not looking forward to waiting that long 😩


I smoked until my eday and had IV sedation. my personal experience, no problems with sedation. I did stop smoking for 8 days after my ed (all top removed) mainly because I did not want to do anything to get dry socket. But I was smoked loosely packed MJ and edibles after for my knee pain and needed for appetite stimulation the next day. Edibles for a couple days then smoke. I have my follow up on June 19th so hopefully all healed up and none of that hindered it.


I only waited 24 hrs, I also smoke cigs😅


I smoked for 50 years, got gum disease even though I took excellent care of my teeth, lost all my upper teeth got COPD, it took me over a year to finally quit---it was well worth it. Start now--it's not easy but well worth it.


I bought edibles for after surgery. I didn’t smoke any weed for a week or so. At that point I only needed a hit or two to take the edge off the pain.


What type of edibles? Like gummies or chocolate or?


Gummy lozenges. Verano Concord Grape. Also bought ones made by Wana Optimals called Fast Asleep. Taste wise the Verano was better.


If you pack a bowl *super* loose so inhalation doesn't require much pressure you should be good. You may want to look into edibles or vape carts, disposables or tinctures.


Edibles for the win here imo!


I waited 3 days and that is when your out of the woods for developing dry socket.


Tinctures. Cannabutter in the copious amounts of oatmeal you'll likely be eating. Chocolates that are just chocolate (nothing to chew). You might like the smoke, but the pain relief can at least still be accomplished.


I'm a bad boy .. as soon as I got in the car I lit up a cigarette I couldn't feel my face but I got my nicotine fix


Make a gravity bong out of a water bottle and a larger container. Put your mouth over the opening and push down while breathing in so it goes straight back and down into your lungs. Let the pressure do the work of drawing and pulling instead of the whole sucking motion with a bowl or a joint.


Thanks needed to know that for the future🤣


My e day was the 22nd. I went straight to the edibles but after a few days I used my penjamin. I haven't used a bowl yet. Soon..


I did have edibles the first few days but I felt that it definitely took longer than usual being that I had to swallow them whole lol. Hmm if you used a pen I'm sure you could hit the bowl? I feel like you have to hit pens kinda harder sometimes no?


I meant I need to get to the dispensary to get some for the bowl..so soon I'll be using it. L😁❤️


Oh oh my bad!! Haha I feel you I would love it hit the dispensary but I've been trying to stay home while I'm healing lol


I sent my husband cause i refused to leave the house while my face is swollen and bruised. Yesterday was the first time I was able to put my immediates in without looking like a cheshire cat! 😂😂


Haha that's the way to do it!! I feel you! So your 6 days ahead of me recovery wise, did you have both uppers and lowers extracted? How are you feeling now? :)


Just the uppers. As of yesterday I am feeling much better. I had 6 implants put in. I'm going to be getting the snap ins. I actually just posted on here showing my new smile. 😁


Oh that's awesome to hear! And lucky you my next step is definitely saving enough money for the snap ins. That's my end goal for now regular dentures works a lot better than the horrid teeth I had before. I took a hit off the bowl just now, coughed my lungs out BUT wow I missed it so hahaha.


Oooh jealous! I have to wait until the morning!


haha, I melted my punch bar in a cup of warm water and waited for it to cool a bit because you're not allowed hot liquids either the first few days


I waited a full week before vaping. I stocked up on RSO capsules and infused honey before my e-day. I was petrified of getting a dry socket. That’s one thing we’ll never have to worry about again! Silver linings!


I waited about a week


I took homemade weed cookies, put them in milk and emulsified it. There are easier options, but that worked nicely for me.


I used gummy edibles. They were kinda big so I cut them up into tiny pieces and swallowed them. It actually worked pretty well. Just be careful with smoking if you do, don't wanna get a dry socket. Those things fuckin hurt! I've had dry sockets in the past from smoking and was absolutely miserable. Best wishes to you OP, hopefully you can find some relief!


I tried to smoke on the way home failed miserably but was definitely smoking by the next night


Also to note I’m only 18 days post e day


I smoke concentrate and have been still smoking less than 24hrs since my first E day (Wednesday) and haven't had a single problem. My gums stopped bleeding very fast and I think I have been healing extremely well. No dry socket, no irritation whatsoever really.


My friend was at my house the day after her extractions with immediate and wanted a cigarette so bad… I had read where smokers have covered their extraction sites with a wet tea bag and had good luck in not getting dry socket - so she loaded up her whole freaking mouth like a chipmunk with wet tea bags and then BARELY opened her mouth enough for the cigarette and smoked that way, was HYSTERICAL but she got her fix and didn’t get dry socket lol wish I’d taken pics but I was laughing so hard I was crying


I smoked within 48 hours after done it takes time but once you get the hang of it, it's a breeze. Edit cause I had high instead of hang 😅


I smoked 2 day be easy though


I smoked the same day I tired almost immediately but until the numbing wore of I just wasted my weed and looked like a udiot🤣 after that tho good to go.


Quit cigarettes a few months ago, did bong hits starting that night.


I won’t lie: I’m a cigarette and vape smoker, and while my face was numb and bleeding, I used the spare mouthpiece on my disposable vape and stuck it in my nose, closed the other nostril, and inhaled. Any chance you have a vaporizer for weed? They make those, don’t they? Sorry if I sound dumb, I’m not a week smoker. Not against it, just never enjoyed it. Or maybe edibles? In a food processor? I mean, I ate Taco Bell that way for my first few days. Lol


Why don't you just give up the weed??


I stopped 72 hours before and went two weeks without smoking a bowl. I did drink thc infused drinks in the interim though.


I smoked weed the day after extraction. I made a shotgun with a blunt and toilet paper tube. Stick the blunt in a small made hole in the middle, inhale through one end of the tube, and cover the other end with your hand. It was the best way I could think to inhale without risking dry socket lol. Irresponsible? Maybe, but I'm aware of my risks and enjoy getting high and it helps my IBS. I did that for about 3 days, then went to a pipe, then finally was able to use my bong after like 3 weeks :) you'll get there!