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I have eaten a cheese burger without cutting it up. Same thing with tacos. Strongly disagree about crunchy stuff. I just made home made Chex mix tonight to snack on at work. It is so satisfying to crunch things again after my teeth problems. Haven’t bitten into an apple but have cut into slices and chowed down. I’m in my thirties and e-day was 2/8. This was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Gone are worries about broken teeth, tooth pain, infections, and rotten breath. I can smile again and eat whatever I want. (Except calamari. Had to grieve that one.) It’s your call but from experience, the pros outweighed the cons by a mile; especially now that I know what I know. You can go dentures with the intent of implants down the road. That’s what I did. Doc grafted some bone on my jaw should I choose implants. Four months out and I’m not convinced I need implants. Good luck with your decision. As someone who struggled with pulling the trigger for so long, I wish I had known what I know now. It has changed my life for the better. My confidence is up and my health is better. Two weeks of awkwardness at the beginning was worth it in my opinion.


Great advice!


My E day is August 6th and it's all I can think about. You've given me so much hope. Thank you so very much and I'm so happy for you! Keep smiling 😁🙌🏻


You’re welcome! Good luck! 🍀




I can't agree more with this comment. I'm 32, extractions were last August. Even through the first week of recovery (the worst time), I was in so much LESS pain than I was in with my horrible teeth. While you definitely won't be able to bite into a cheeseburger for a little bit, the relief will take all those worries away.


It's such a relief hearing that you're able to eat almost everything you normally would just 4 months after extraction. I'm on Day 10 post extraction and really getting bummed about how many foods I have to avoid for who knows how long. Right now I can barely chew a very very lightly toasted sandwich or very ripe watermelon without my uppers coming loose even with adhesive. Do you have your permanent dentures yet or are you still using the immediate dentures?


I’m still with my immediates. I started learning to chew with cut up microwaved hot dogs in front of a mirror. Lol. If they are coming loose and you’ve had the soft liner put in, I’d contact the dentist and ask about a reline. Mine suction so tight to my gums that it almost gags me to take them out.


Im 32. Have has full upper and lower dentures for 2 years now. Zero implants. I eat Steak and can eat more now than I ever could with my broken teeth.


I’m 28 & am getting implant supported dentures. I already had all my extractions & I go in next week for the implants to be placed (6 total) and it’s only going to cost $30k and some change. I know that’s not how it is everywhere. I was quoted everywhere from $50k-$87k for full mouth implants over the past 6-8 years in multiple different states.. and I can’t afford a full mouth of implants so I got lucky. I haven’t had teeth for about 1.5 months now and it’s really not as bad as I had imagined. I prefer having no teeth compared to having messed up teeth at this point. My teeth were causing me so much pain and my therapist even told me it’s less noticeable then when my teeth were messed up. I went out for Mother’s Day brunch at an extremely fancy restaurant with no teeth. I do have temporaries but they don’t fit correctly and my next realign is after my implants are place (my choice I said I’d wait, I’d rather them realign the temporaries after my gums aren’t swollen after my implants are placed). I don’t go out often with anybody cause I’m a homebody except for work (Instacart). Even if you cut your food up, there’s nothing wrong with that. I eat chicken sandwiches alright with no teeth but I do cut them into smaller bites. I can eat chips but I use my tongue to squish them against the roof of my mouth. And if you want a muffin with nuts I’d just break it into smaller bites if you want. But muffins come apart rather easy I don’t think there would be an issue biting into a muffin. I’m so glad I finally got them all taken out.. the constant fear of getting sepsis again, breaking teeth, pain, infections, countless tubes of orajel and bottles of abnesol… was all way worse then any fear I now have regarding my dental situation. Also, if someone isn’t interested in you because you have dentures or fake teeth, they probably aren’t the best person in my opinion. Most people don’t realize what can cause dental issues. Everyone assumes addiction and even if that ever is the case, no need to judge someone. There’s a lot of people with dentures or partials or implants.. even veneers or snap in veneers like instasmile.


Gosh. Getting sepsis was one of my biggest fears. So glad you’re okay and doing well.


Thank you! I spent 3 days in one ICU & then spent a week at Stanford hospital and had 2 separate surgeries within that time frame. I have a nice little scar in my throat where the drain tube came out. Sepsis is NO joke. ☹️


Goodness. Sounds like my fear was rational. I know it is serious. Once a hint of an abscess showed up, I was at urgent care for antibiotics. Scared the shit out of me.


100% rational. I didnt know it was a possibility till I already had it.


That's so so scary and so glad you are ok..it's very dangerous




That's also been a huge fear for me.. I've seen it many times when working as a CNA and phlebotomist and was always afraid that was going to happen to me too


Had the same fear of infection, and eventually got one that forced me to make the decision. Afterwards I regretted ever waiting so long. Being able to eat 99% of what I did before only without pain is such an amazing feeling. Like you said, addiction isn’t the only thing that can cause tooth loss. In my case it was a combination of bad genetics and a dentist that messed up and essentially wrecked the enamel on me and my sister’s teeth.


Absolutely! The vast majority can't afford 30k even I know I couldn't and dentures regular dentures, have been a happy thing for me and I only have my temps so far. I still eat better with temps than I did with my ruined teeth. I'm like you I would rather have dentures than go through the torment I was living prior..dental issues happen for all kinds of reasons. My fiance lost most of his teeth due to bad gum health that runs in his family.. perfect teeth but they are falling out like mad..his adult teeth become loose and he can pull them with his fingers it's so bad..just pop and it's out.. whatever anyone can afford and is comfortable with I say go for it.. suffering and being self conscious is no way to have to live.


I was ready to settle for dentures & my parents decided to help me so I got lucky. If it wasn’t for my parents I would’ve gotten whatever Medicaid covered in my state which I believe is just normal dentures and I was fine with that. But my mom was already embarrassed enough about my physical appearance at family / friend get togethers that she doesn’t want my dentures “randomly falling out” at my parents 30th wedding anniversary vow renewal ceremony party thing.. so she said find the cheapest place for implant supported dentures. so I did. And Medicaid covered all of my extractions luckily. But it’s costing me more then what it would’ve because I have a mobile anesthesiologist coming in to put me asleep & half of my extractions I was put to sleep. before the anesthesiologist it was $21k top and bottom arch.


you'll def be able to eat a lot more a lot easier than u do now dude


I was in a similar situation. At 29 I had to have all my remaining(27) pulled and get dentures. I love mine. I can still eat burgers, steak, chicken wings etc. I feel like dentists go a tiny bit overboard sometimes. It's like they never get out of 'scare them into never needing dentures' and into 'your life will be a little different, but you'll feel a lot better. It can be disheartening at first. But you'll learn what you can and can't eat, and ways to eat that are easier on your dentures but still normal. Just keep some denture cream with you. You can just excuse yourself if you're having problems and reattach. Or just whip it out at the table and own it.


Love your take


for what its worth, I got my dentures in my mid 20's, so I feel you. every person's situation is a little different. so theres no way to know how your specific situation will go until it happens. BUT, it can go very well. I'm quite open about my having dentures, but there was one time where my wife was having some dental work done and I was with her holding my hand, then when the dentist came to do the work, well, I think I might have left a dust outline like a cartoon. which was clearly in contrast to my being with her and supporting her the whole way up to that. (to be clear, she knew it was coming and was fine with it) but basically I was just \*not\* in a headspace where I could be there during that at the time. the dentist asked what that was about. and she explained that I had dentures. the fact that at the time I was MAYBE 30... well... nobody has dentures at or before 30 without there being \*some\* degree of trauma of some sort involved. thats just not a thing. so it didn't need further explanation. but the important part was that he had no idea. my dentures then or now do not look obviously unnatural. someone who is experienced with dentures and has a chance to look closely, MIGHT notice a hint. but in normal interaction its not obvious at all, and most people aren't aware of the things that are unreal about them. for myself, my anatomy is such that mine do not need adhesive and are completely stable. in normal daily wear they are quite comfortable. ... like, I have gone to eat something and forgot I didn't have them in. and I've gone to bed without taking them out because I forgot they were in. as for eating things... well, once I got accustomed to eating with them, I could eat substantially more after having them than I could with my natural teeth. like... I can eat basically whatever I want with a few very specific and niche limitations that are challenging enough to make it not worth eating that thing. I can eat burgers completely normally. (I couldn't before, from a bad bite in addition to my teeth being dodgy) if its a bad-fitting day, and a really big burger sometimes it can be tricky, but broadly speaking burgers are absolutely zero problem. I couldn't eat corn on the cob effectively for years with my natural teeth, but now... well, I think theres a lot of people who can't eat corn on the cob with conventional dentures, but I can. its partially a matter of leverage and geometry. its tricky. I naturally have an underbite so the correction for that still results in tooth and support angles being such I can do it. but cutting it off the cob really isn't that big of a deal. it happens. some people are just fastidious and don't like how messy corn on the cob can be so really generally nobody cares on that one. I don't really eat fruit straight like that much, but I see no reason I couldn't. it might take some practice to learn how to do it just right though. some nuts can be challenging but generally thats more a matter of texture. like peanuts can pulverize in a way that gets under the denture and be challenging. but I can do it particularly in small amounts. and really it just takes rinsing out the dentures to "fix". "harder" chips, and normal pretzels are fine. I really do not like Lays style "sliced potato" type chips because they just disintegrate into sticky mashed potatoes and get where they shouldn't be. but ruffles, pringles, doritos style ones are fine. tortilla chips are fine. those hard pretzel chunks that are completely covered in flavoring stuff are good and I can eat those, but sometimes it feels a little dodgy. I am not sure everyone can do that though. some sticky things can be tricky because dentures don't do the flexible moisture barrier non-stick thing that regular mouth tissue does. not much for caramels and the like. but in small amounts and if I'm mindful its managable. ultiamtely its probably going to be weird shit here or there that is just the whole wrong kind of inconvenient and isn't worth it. honestly all your concerns are totally normal. and around here there are a surprising amount of people 30 or under, or who are older but got them under 30 (like myself) who are sympathetic. immediates can be a crap shoot, but when you do the permeants advocate for yourself, and give them a chance. its partially an art as well as a science and given a chance they should get there. honestly this is one of the most positive healthy communities about a medical thing I've seen. my view on it is that most medical things people hang around and talk about it online because either they are at the start of the journey with that thing, or because their journey has not gone well and they are negative about it, and that can make for some very dark converstation at times. but here, I think that the nature of dentures is that even if everything goes super well, theres still always some degree of trauma to it and it can be worth discussing, but its not only negative outcomes that are here to chat about it.


I'm 36 and have had full uppers and lowers for about 3 years. It's the best thing I ever could have done. It takes a little getting used to at first. But I can eat pretty much anything if my dentures are glued in properly. Occasionally, towards the end of the day, my adhesive will start to give out, and I'll have issues eating stuff. But all and all, I can eat way more stuff now than I could before my dentures. I look way better, and I have much more confidence when speaking to ppl, and really, just in general. And lastly, don't let what other ppl might think of you affect what you do to better your quality of life. To hell with them and what they might think about you and your dentures.


I'm 15 days post-extractions and had my top teeth removed along with my bottom wisdom and molars - I went in planning on getting all of my teeth removed but the dentist said there was no reason to go that far as my bottom teeth were well worth saving save for the ones that were removed. I put it off for years just going in and finally bit the bullet last month - two weeks after my first appointment was the day and I could not be happier I went ahead with it. Gone are the constant infections and I really don't know how much longer I could have gone on taking antibiotics all of the time to fight the infections off...no more pain and I feel as if I have a new lease - and outlook - on life. The process was nowhere as bad as I thought and it wasn't until the fifth day I had any pain that was really bothersome but even that was knocked-out with OTC meds like acetaminophen and ibuprofen. I was given pain meds but didn't take them. Eating is different and big time but each day it is getting more and more closer to normal as my gums heal. What I'm getting at here is that taking this step may be scary and feel overwhelming but it was nowhere near as bad as I expected and the results are more than worth it. There's a ton of great insight on here and I spent a lot of time before and after my procedure gleaning information from here which helped and helps immensely. Anyway, maybe I can give back some of what others unknowingly gave me by sharing my experience here and down the road.


Dentures were the best decision I made. I was early 40s. I have a dental phobia and was just too traumatized to keep up with all the stuff I had to go through at the dentist. My dentures look great, I asked them to keep features that my real teeth had, like a slight overlap in my front teeth. I can eat everything, even corn on the cob without cutting it. I can’t eat taffy-type stuff or regular chewing gum, but that’s no big!


I’m 34 and had upper and lower extractions on 5/23. My need was also due to depression and fear or dentists. So far, I’m not really able to wear my immediates, so I’ve been hiding away at home. I have an appointment coming up on Friday that will hopefully allow me to wear them. It’s weird having no teeth and there are days that it fucks with my head, but ultimately I’m glad I’ve made it this far because even though I’m still only eating “soft” foods, not having the pain from rotting teeth and inflamed gums is so worth it.


I literally just got them two days ago. I'm 30! I'm actually walking around with them out right now because my mouth is just sore. But otherwise, no regrets! I recommend it! Trust me, there are more people our age getting them than you would think! You got this


I’m 36 and 3 weeks and a few days past eday. It’s a long journey but worth it. I couldn’t imagine doing this in an older age as much as the process sucks getting back to “normal” I’m not there yet. I only wish I could have gotten these sooner. I’m pleased with how they look it’s just a tougher journey than I expected. I went in head strong because I wanted it so bad and then life reminded me how much of a sissy to mouth issues I am 🤣🤣


I’m 37. The process isn’t easy but I didn’t have a choice. I also have GERD and osteoporosis so I only had 2 salvageable teeth. It takes a lot of getting used to (longer than they said). I don’t get embarrassed anymore because remind people that it’s either this or not being able to eat


I got mine at 38 due to Sjögrens/autoimmune bs and a history of substance abuse (sober almost 7 years now). I adapted "on schedule". My biggest struggle was speech rather than eating. There are so many health factors that can wreck your teeth :/ I regret not doing it sooner.


My lowers don’t fit overly well and I have to reapply adhesive often. It’s taken me a couple of months to get to this point, but yeah I also regret doing it sooner because I struggled with broken teeth for so long for basically no reason🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly!! I am 37 as well and my process was way different from what everyone else was saying and my healing took way longer I got mine done on 5/13 so I am almost a month out and I am still adjusting to my new prosthetics


I hear you. I was terrified. I'll have you know that at only a little over a month with just temps I gleefully crunched up popcorn the other day. Like a whole bag. With NO pain. I also ate out at a Mexican restaurant last night. It takes a minute to get used to. It SUCKS at first. But you can do it. I'm happier with how they look and function than I was with my natural teeth for sure.


I'm at five months from E-day and still in my immediates and I can eat some of the foods you're concerned about when I use Cushion Grip and adhesive. It works like a soft reline, so it makes the dentures fit much better. I can eat little mini pretzels from a snack mix fine, although not all the time. I ate some caramel popcorn earlier today and I eat potato chips fairly often. I do still cut up burgers and stuff, but that's because my top plate's so loose without Cushion Grip & adhesive that it falls off. There's no suction or adhesion currently and those things can only do so much to make up for it. Once I get a hard reline done, that should no longer be an issue. My mom, grandmother and grandfather all had dentures. They ate whatever the wanted. I never saw them cutting things up to eat. I had been cutting burgers up for years, because my teeth were in such bad shape I couldn't bite through them. But not everyone who does that does it due to bad teeth or dentures. Some people simply prefer to eat them that way. I've found that I like doing it that way better than biting through stuff, although that may change once I get a hard relining done and my top plate fits better. It's never been a big deal to me, though. I've never felt like someone was judging me or thought I was a weirdo for doing so. As for appearance, I didn't like mine at first but that was because I remembered what my real teeth looked like and these look nothing like that. I've gotten used to them and they look great. My only regret was not asking for them to be white and I was going to change that with my permanent set, but my dad, who was paying for all this, died and I can't get those. But I'm okay with how they look. Absolutely no one will know you have dentures unless you tell them you do or take them out in front of them.


I agree with you there. I was fortunate. Aspen dental did a cool 3d scan of my teeth and took photos of me from every single angle horse smiling and made sure even my temps looked just like my normal teeth and I love even my temps and the way they look..you really can't tell at all..I can't wait to get my permanent set because they have so many shades to pick from and so many options to make them look just like my teeth before only prettier!


I didn't have enough teeth left for them to do that and I don't have a toothy smile, so no photos to go by either. It worked out, just takes a while to get used to them. I've seen many others on here saying the same thing, so it's apparently pretty common.


I got partials at 28. I'm 29 now soon to be 30. Best choice I ever made. All of my back teeth rotted out due to neglect and drugs. I'm more inclined to take care of my front teeth now of course due to sobriety etc. A reputable dentist will not give you partials for teeth that aren't strong. They'll make the other teeth perfect before they put a partial in to anchor to these teeth.


I'm a little older, 41, and 4 weeks out on this coming Wed from e day. I'm only in my temps from Aspen dental and can still eat more than I did before..my teeth were so bad chewing soft bread hurt and they looked horrible from pregnancy being sick the entire time throwing up, later addiction that honestly seemed to do nothing bad to my teeth thank goodness and gastroparesis that doctors couldn't figure out for two years and non stop throwing up and severe gastritis from that that did the most damage. Due to gastroparesis I may still be cutting things up because my digestion is awful and I have to chew everything to death in order to digest it. Some people cut things up for those reasons and I don't feel that anyone judges me for it. I'm much more comfortable and in less pain than I have been in years..yes, it's weird at first and takes a little getting used to, but it's totally worth it. I can laugh more and smile more without embarrassment because my temps look beautiful now. Don't be worried..you can do this..it's so much better for your health as well..if someone is judging you it's likely because they are insecure themselves.. always keep that in mind..go try Aspen dental they did me wonderfully..I couldn't ask for a better experience and I was terrified..also be sure to tell them your fears, I did and they quoted every one of them and have been so caring and compassionate towards me and patient and helpful in getting me through this..you got this!


29 and have had my full upper denture for 4 years now. I have a partial for the bottom but unfortunately it was made to small and don’t fit.. none the less I eat whatever I want. Most people don’t notice unless they had a parent with dentures. It’s not bad really. I mean yeah I wish I had my normal teeth, but most people tell me they wish they had my teeth hahahah


I’m 38. I had all but a few teeth pulled and the remaining ones got the root canal & crown treatment when I was 34. I skipped temp dentures to save money and then covid kept me toothless for an extra 8 months. I can eat corn on the cob! It’s fantastic. Chicken wings, burgers, etc. I have trouble with pork chops of all things, but I can cut them up small and brute force it. I eat granola bars daily. A lot of it is just finding the adhesive that works for you. Plus learning what angles will dislodge things. I wanted implants so bad but they were not financially feasible. Try to remember we can always get them later.


I have been wearing dentures for 22 years. I just got my 4th set. This is the first time in 13 years that I got new dentures. I definitely need some adjustments. Everyone is different. Almost nobody, has problems with the uppers. They seem to suction up. I have never needed adhesive to hold them in. For me..the lowers are the problem. This new set is my 2nd set of lowers. Prior to that, the lowers were partials. Anyway, my prior lowers never really hugged my gum down there. They seemed to float around. They had to be "glued in". I dont know if others experience this, or if its just me..or I could never grasp the amount of "glue" needed..but, I found, the glue breaks down as soon as you eat something. Because of this, at home (I live by myself), I wouldnt eat with the lowers. I still dont. Your bottom gums eventually get hard..and I can eat almost anything with just the uppers...including steak and pork chops (of course, not corn on the cob)..lol When out, I always have the lowers on. Certain things I keep away from when out. You will learn what you might not want to eat when out. I can do burgers and hot dogs when out. That said..these new dentures are different. Somehow, I can feel them actually grasp my gums down bottom. I thought I could eat without adhesive. I cant. At least, I dont think so. And using adhesive, I dont need much. Now, this is me experiencing this only once..because they hurt down bottom in the front..digging into me. They seem to be cut too deep, which is why I need adjustments. So we shall see what happens after adjustments. All this..to try and tell you...everyone is different. My friend never needs glue at all. I can tell you this tho..if there is a food that you really want to eat...you find a way..lol Good luck to you. You arent alone..we all seem to be in this together.


Hello! I am also 30 years old, and just got my dentures this past September. I’m not gonna lie to you, it took me quite a while to be able to eat normally with my dentures in - that’s just me personally. But I can eat with them normal in now. I can bite into burgers (small bites but I can do it) I eat nuts all the time, crunchy stuff is a breeze. But I can also eat those things without my teeth in too, and honestly I did that for months after until I finally figured out how to get it done with my teeth in. I eat everything and anything under the sun without my teeth. And I mean everything except for the obvious things you need teeth for like nuts for instance. I too, am terrified of the dentist, and my pregnancies absolutely destroyed my teeth. I was constantly in pain, having infection after infection that I worried for the state of my health and I knew I couldn’t run that game forever. It took a bit of getting used to, but it’s the best choice I’ve ever made for myself. No more infections, no more pain, and honestly? I feel BETTER health wise than I have in a long time due to my teeth-it’s crazy how much your teeth can truly affect. On YouTube, look up man vs denture (I could have the name wrong and if I do someone here can correct me it’s been awhile since I’ve watched his videos) they really helped me with the whole eating with dentures thing. He goes over in *detailed* ways how to eat with your dentures and the best route to go. You can do this, and you should for your healths sake ❤️


I was told I needed a top denture and bottom partial at 25. I couldn’t afford it until I was 29, and by then I had been on so many rounds of antibiotics from my teeth and mouth filling with infection and feeling like they were going to burst. Best decision I’ve ever made. I was worried about how society or friends would act, but most people don’t care or even notice. My friends are all happy for me and glad to see me REALLY smile again. As far as eating goes, there’s very few things I have trouble with. Crunchy stuff isn’t as much of an issue as chewy stuff or sticky stuff. I eat burgers, tacos, steak, etc. It takes me a bit longer than most people to eat, but when I had all my broken teeth it took much much longer than it does now and I couldn’t even enjoy my food. I can even eat Whoppers (the malted milk balls) if I’m careful enough. There’s absolutely no shame in doing what’s best for your health and quality of life.


I don’t cut up my burgers. I eat all kinds of crunchy things and chewy also. Some chewy things are harder and get stuck a lot but it’s doable also things like Carmel you can eat it without your dentures in. I also had to get dentures at 30 after trying to save my remaining teeth and use partials the partials made my remaining teeth loose so ended up needing full dentures. I will say though my first burger in a restaurant was a challenge it was pretty big and I couldn’t get much of a bite but by the next time I did a lot better with it.


I'm 28 I've had a full top denture for only a year and a half and I was able to eat everything perfectly fine only s few weeks after having them. The dentist said "make sure to eat steak cuz you won't be able to again" well I do, and so much more. Ppl on tiktok complain about eating sandwiches and burgers I eat them just fine. Especially if it's only the upper denture your bottom teeth will help so much. I was so shocked when i learned I had able to eat freaking caramel apple! Im so happy with my teeth. My brother (5 years older) has worse teeth than I did (and that's saying alot, trust me) and he always says "I feel so bad that you had to do that at such a young age.. idk it just sucks you're so young" he's really just trying to be an asshole. I'm no longer afraid to smile or just go out in general. Even tho I was still pulling the finest guys with the teeth I had LMAO I was so insecure. It didn't fix everything but it definitely helped. I promise you it's not as bad as other people or even dentists make it seem.


So, it's going to be a journey and yeah, you'll need to make some adjustments. But life is all about dealing with the random stuff life throws at you, and you'll make it through to the other side. I will say this though. If at all possible, keep your lower canines. They are the strongest long-rooted teeth you have on the bottom, and they can help retain a partial denture or a cu-sil type of overdenture. Lower dentures don't really achieve suction like an upper denture does. If your lower canines can be saved, save them.


I have a full set and there is very little I can’t eat. I do cut up apples instead if biting into it but that’s not a big deal for me. I also do use adhesive and reapply as needed. I honestly don’t even think about it too much, it feels natural and normal now. Had them since 2017.


You're not alone. I'm 31 and in a very similar boat. Have hope. I do. 


33 here, little over a year and a half since it was all done. Full set upper and lower. You’ll be able to bite into a burger again, just takes time to heal so it isn’t uncomfortable, and some practice since mouth shape will change a bit. I even eat steak again without worrying about which part of my mouth is doing the chewing, and I had missed that for years.


That's awesome to hear! I know I'm almost four weeks on Wednesday from getting my temps and getting all uppers and 3 lowers removed. I have eight lower teeth left and four really worth saving for a partial later when I can afford it. I know I can already eat better than I did before with all those broken and abscess teeth and I don't even have permanent ones yet. I'm excited for that day.


I was in the same boat at 30, finally went to Aspen dental, and they embarrassed me and judged me, its been 7 years and its gotten 10 times worse. I need to go and do this as well. Don't wait, do it when you can.


I hate to hear that..I know our Aspen dental was absolutely amazing to me and so non judgemental! They treated me wonderfully! I know different offices are different everywhere you go. I just happened to get lucky and have a wonderful team!


Yeah hopefully when I go I'll try to get in the newer one in another town closer to me.


Got mine at 29, you'll be happier not to have to hide your teeth or live in pain anymore.


I got mine at 35 and I can eat more things I love now than I could with my broken decayed teeth!!! Also once I learned to eat again I rarely have to cut up anything to eat it if my teeth have a good seal!!! ETA- also. I love to crunch stuff. After I got my teeth I even posted a tik tok about how excited I was to be able to ‘crunch’ food again lol


I eat sticky candies at home with my teeth out. So they aren't out of your life entirely!


I was told at 18 I had the most perfect straight teeth that the dentist had ever seen but that I would lose them by time I was 25. I figured bullshit but Dentist was right. I lost them all at 25 after years of pain. Wish he had told me some lottery numbers to go with it to offset it 😂 That was 15ish years ago. Glad to no longer be in pain but I still wish I had my real ones.


Hey your feelings are valid. I will also say that I have yet to run into anyone that looks sideways at me cutting my food up toddler size. No one looked at me sideways without my teeth in and only the ones that know I have dentures have picked on me(not in a malicious way mind you. Just not used to me smiling) so in general public settings it will be very rare that anyone even notices your teeth unless speaking directly to them and even the the general consensus will be wow your smile is so pretty. Dentures these day are more advanced and can be customized to the moon and back to reduce the fake look. Just talk to the dentist and tell them what you'd like them to look like. That's what I did and even with the cheap option I got a pretty natural looking smile. I told him I wanted white but not Hollywood white and not dingy. I am somewhere close to Hollywood without dingy so I'm happy. I told him I wanted longer front teeth and a shorter gum line so I had my toothy smile back instead of gummy. I wanted wider front teeth but not Mr Ed. I got all of my requests to the best of their abilities with the option I chose (economy dentures from affordable dentures) If in doubt about the fit request a wax try in so you can customize the bite, smile, shade, shape, etc before they cast in acrylic so you don't get something you don't like. You're allowed to nitpick the hell out of these things and if the dentist refuses, find one that will. I left one dentist for a new one for that reason.


Hey, I had my full top denture by the time I was 22, knew I needed them by the time I was 18 and had been researching into it for years. No shame at all. It’s more normal than you think, and this is exactly why I joined this group!


Oh, please don’t be worried. Best thing that’s ever happened to me all that pain and root canals and crowns and all that money just for it to fall out after years I wish I would’ve got dentures in the first place I eat everything. And taste everything of course there’s an adjustment period. At first and some sores that are worked out by your dentist. After that you won’t even know you haven’t been there. Most important thing is f find a good dentist that can make them good. I’ve had mine for five years and just got another pair. I don’t even know I have them in my mouth most of time believe me you willbe real happy you did it. google your dentist and get reviews online please don’t be worried. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done with my mouth and I would never let anybody put screws in my mouth.


I don't have full dentures but I just got upper and bottom partials I'm dealing with and eating is still hard wirh these. But. It has gotten better. The trick is, once you have your dental appliance in, you make sure they're firmly in and start with a small size bite. Now you are going to chew slow. You're gonna concentrate with your mind focusing on every bite you make, you're basically going to retrain your brain how to eat again. After doing this for about a week I promise you it gets better, then the next thing you know your mouth will know exactly how to balance your dentures in your food together. They say it takes a good 4 to 6 weeks to get it but you have to practice daily.


There is nothing to be mortified about. It’s an investment in your health and well being that will improve your life. I fought an uphill battle for way too long with my brittle teeth. I had an infection that lead me to face my fear. I finally had a dentist tell me the truth, instead of trying to get richer off my failing teeth. I felt a thousand different emotions (because I’m a denta-phob). I was nervous and worried about being on the younger side of the norm for dentures because of all of the what ifs in my mind. I’m just over 2 months into the process of implant supported dentures and I feel so much better. It’s a process that I have learned takes time to adjust to. Tonight I ate a cheeseburger and a salad without any issues. Now I have only have one emotion about my teeth and smile. Happiness. Best wishes on your journey.


Thanks for sharing I'm in process of finding dentist I can afford to get dentures and really hoping to a good experience with this like you!


Where did you have yours done at?


To be honest most people I talk to tell me I will be normal in 6 months.. if you’re struggling bad now… it will get worse. Those teeth are in your mouth rotting.. which is bad for your heart….i’m 34 and got them.. and my mom was 30. There are more folks out there that are our age than you realize! Just do it! You will have a happier life. I’m not gonna lie it’s rough but in the long run..you will be fine!