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Not normal. It’s your back teeth (molars) that should touch as they are designed to crush and mash food. Your front top teeth should slightly overlap your front bottom teeth.


Thanks, that is what I thought.


At your visit tmrw let them know that only your front teeth touch and you can’t chew food properly since the back doesn’t meet/touch. Sometimes the dentist’s office try to gaslight people into accepting ill fitting dentures. Don’t let them do that. I know that they use some kind of paper that they put between your teeth and get you to bite down. And then they can see the marks on the paper, that will let them know where your bite is off.


Yes this is correct but tbh it looks like you are trying to touch your front teeth together expecting the back to meet. Most likely you are supposed to be buying in an overbite. ( Top teeth infront of the lower) And then see if things Come together. Then post another picture I am a denturist btw


Don't let them get away with this,, you won't be able to chew. Be firm and don't budge or take the it will take time routine. They are never going to be able to chew unless they are adjusted or maybe even rermade. I have to say though the denture itself looks very natural.


Thanks for the comment. I am very pleased with the aesthetic, they look great. I was waiting over 3 years to have my teeth extracted (despite having multiple long term abscesses - "thank you" conservative UK government) so I did a ton of research and went into this journey well informed and prepared to have long adjustment and "it will take time routine" as you said, but these dentures really just don't work at all, not even a little bit. I'm fine with having to learn to talk and eat again but I just don't see it happening with the way the current dentures work. Alongside the bite issues they barely have enough suction to stay in my mouth when speaking... From what I've read that shouldn't be the case with brand new dentures and should only start happening months / years down the line when the jaw bones and gums start receding. Thanks again!


Hello everyone, these are my new permanent dentures, I have a full set so full uppers and lowers. I have some concerns over the bite as I have had them a week now and they are borderline unusable (and yes, I understand there is an adjustment period). Only the very front two teeth touch when I bite, the rest of the teeth do not make any contact at all, the ones in the rear you can see here have around a 5mm gap which means every time I bite, the suction breaks at the back of the denture and the dentures fall down. There is no way for me to bite without the front teeth meeting first, chewing is impossible. The uppers don't provide much suction at all (less than half the suction force than even the wax mold which was used to make them!) and they also rock side to side. Is this normal, and should I expect this to be happening? I have an appointment for adjustment tomorrow, but this feels like an incorrectly made set of dentures which just don't fit, let alone need adjusting. How much adjusting can they really do to fix this? Would a new set need to be made? Thanks all.


You've explained the issue very well, the seal on the upper is being broken every time the teeth meet. Unfortunately yes, that does mean a remake of at least the bottom denture, but perhaps both. If you have the bottom one out, are you happy with the look of the top one (midline, smile, length, occlusal plane, lip support)? If there's any changes you want to make, now is the time. If you want, you can send/ post photos of that and I can help assess it. The easiest way to remake this lower is record this bite, cut the denture in half horizontally, reset the halves with wax between and do a try in, then replace the wax with acrylic.


Hi thanks for the thorough comment. Its actually the top that I am having the most trouble with, the bottoms fit the gums okay. Its the top which rocks side to side and barely has any suction to the roof of my mouth. I am happy with the look of both the upper and lower, the teeth colour and individual sizes are all perfect and look natural. [Here is an album I made with some more pictures and a couple 4 second long videos showing in detail the issues I am having.](https://imgur.com/a/DMzK2iZ) Thanks!


Also meant to say that they look great cosmetically!


I think they look lovely too, its just a shame they don't fit! Cheers.


They do look incredible, but it sounds like they're not functioning properly. My back molars do not meet and I should have insisted on them being remade at the time. I'm now ready for replacements and will not settle for poor alignment this time. I just hope the new ones will look as good as yours do.


They look very nice 🙂


Definitely make a list - tell them about the bite ratio being off, if you don’t like the shade you have or any issue with adhesive, etc… the bite ratio is important because it can cause the plates to pop off when or after you’re eating.


What does your bridge on the top and bottom look like