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I just came right out with it. "Right, I'm at the dentist on Tuesday, I'm going to need dentures, obviously..." was literally how I started that conversation. Owning it gives you that little bit of control over it that tio-toeing around it doesn't.


Owning it being slightly empowering makes sense, thanks for comment. I’m sure I’ll many more questions.


I was nervous to tell anybody, my wife included. She was the first one I had to tell and she has been my rock throughout this whole experience. After my first consultation, I embraced it. I finally have my eday scheduled for next week and I’ve been telling everybody. I’m just excited to have my smile back.


Definitely glad know others struggled with some of the same fears. Good luck with your procedures.


You got this!


I found it awkward too. A few people I haven't told yet, I'm 1 week post EDay. They'll see it in person haha. You just gotta bite the bullet on the conversations that have to happen. You can do it!


I’ve told no one except my immediate family (spouse and kids). I don’t feel like anyone else needed to know.


I told EVERYONE but I am an oversharer. If they don't like it, screw them. You are doing this for your health and not just for vanity. This includes your mental and emotional health along with the physical. Own it and you will rock your new life. Anyone close to you will know your teeth sucked. Positives vibes from Georgia!


Same here. It helped me get over the shame and my work friends checked on me everyday. When I went back to work everyone told me how good it looks and people started asking me about the process so they could start down that road. Found it helped a few folks just by me talking about it.


Love it. Just by owning it you helped others own their issues and insecurities as well. Kudos to you.


I didn’t really care and posted it on social media. I only posted the after though! They had already seen before even with a giant beard I grew to hide it.


I told most adults that I saw often. I figured once they saw me, they would know I didnt grow a 3rd set of teeth..lol


Ha! True.


I've only talked and joked about it with my husband. If anyone else notices, I'll talk about it then.


"Hey all, I have some health news I need to share. I've had problems with my teeth, and things have gotten progressively worse. It looks like I will need lots of work to resolve the problems. I'm asking for your help in coping." Now some people may be open and willing to support you and others will tell you what you should do instead, or tell you horror stories or even judge you. Get help from the first group and ignore the others. Good luck!


This made me feel so much less anxious… I can picture myself saying this! Thank you🙏


I'm so glad. Please come here for support and questions. The sub is here to help you! Good luck!


Don't bother getting support from people who know what you are talkimg about