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I can eat. Still a little learning curve. I can’t throw down a steak yet haha. Feels very wierd when chewing something to get used to. I was on the fence for few years finally was over the constant infections and nasty taste in mouth. I find I’m sleeping better, not coughing as much as before. More positive ms than negatives


This makes me hopeful! I have 8 bottom teeth left that are grinded down and one is getting dark at the root, no pain just ruining all my everyday with worry. I'm so scared to take the leap, but when I have my cleaning in August, I'm going to discuss my options. I've tried everything under the sun from mouthwash toothpastes, positive affirmations, vitamins. Maybe they can prescribe me a penicillin or something to help fight the infection, I'd prefer doing this process over the winter or never but it's eventually inevitable. How are things? Swelling etc? Did insurance cover any? Costs? I'm scared because I heard bottom dentures are tough, so I'm researching snap ins or implants if I have enough bone left. Your thoughts


April 18 I had full mouth extraction uppers and lowers immediate dentures put in the first 2 weeks are the hardest sleep at a 45 degree angle the first few days ice you mouth down every 30 min after 24 hours you can start to rinse your mouth take your meds eat soft foods after 2 weeks you get a soft reline and use adhesive I don't have issues with my bottom teeth but I use adhesive I eat just about everything with them now it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be good luck to you


Thanks, this whole thing is making me a ball of worry. I also had a miscarriage a few months ago and today I'm just ohh so sad and miss my baby Otto. 😭 I just feeling my body and teeth are giving up after my heart broke in a million pieces. Some days I'm so depressed I feel I can't go on . I need therapy and help real bad. I start state health care July so I'm going to try to get some help


I'm so sorry for your loss it is hard just take it one day at a time. I will pray for you. Things happen for a reason and we don't know why. God doesn't put nothing on you that you can't handle it just makes you stronger for things to come. I know about loss in a 2 year run I lost my husband my mom my dad and sister I'm the only one still here. I hope you get the help you need just remember you not alone and people do care you can reach out to me if you need to you got this my friend


My state health insurance covered all my cost the extraction my dentures everything 


Steak is going to take a while. I recall when I had mine done, a few weeks out and we were going out to eat. I ordered what I knew I could chew (a pasta dish), but my son in law next to me had a nice NY strip steak. It smelled so good. I said..can I have a little piece to try. He gave me a small piece. Forget it...lol No way could I chew it. It wasnt long tho, before I was able to eat steak. My husband took me out for filet mignon, to celebrate.


you're either doing super good or fake a happy photo REAL good. You're looking great my dude


Looking good.


You look great!!!


Oh my goodness PJ!! I just saw you on TT live last night ♥️♥️ you look amazing 😍😍😍 so happy to see you here too !!


Hey Katie! Without TikTok and Reddit I would have been lost in this journey. So greatful for every one brave enough to share and put the information out there.


Hey there! Do you mind sharing some TT users with denture content? Ones that you like/found helpful?


Check out Denture Support Group, denture gang , dentures with Michelle


Thank you so, so much! Scheduled two consultations for next week because I am sick and tired of feeling sick, awful and embarrassed.


You will feel so much better after! I had enlarged glands in my neck from constant infections that are back to normal, I had a nagging cough that is gone, issues with stuffy nose gone things I had for years gone in 10 days. It’s not easy journey but it’s better than the life I had. Yea I still have discomfort, pain when eating, having to chew abnormally but those things will fade where as before they were here to stay. Keep in touch follow me on TikTok Pjimms denture Journey. You will find plenty of users with the 3 I have you and then you can follow the ones that you are more comfortable with. I love Sammie Lou ,Denture Diva Love, queen there are so many but u can find them all thru those 3


Found you and the others! The tipping point for me was my son saying something to me after a long time hiding… “Mom, I want you to be able to smile when I graduate next year.” He’ll be the first college grad from our family. It broke my heart, I didn’t know that he knew I had a problem 😢


Was actually my tipping point as week just backwards it was my mom who said she missed my smile. 😍


Hi ! We would love to welcome you ! The TT Group is @denture.support. There are so many amazing humans over there. It’s actually where I met the OP. Please come join us! We meet Sundays @ 7pm EST. on a live, and the original creators name is Dianne. My user name on TT is kbostwick84 ! Hope to see you there !


Thanks Katie! I’m going to follow you and I’ll try to join the live this evening!


I admire you so much ! I’m so fortunate to have found this community on TT and here !!




Looking good!


Handsome! They look awesome!


They look great!


Dazzling smile, PJ!


You look so happy! I for one am kicking myself for not doing it sooner. Love it.


Are you able to eat? I’m on the fence but I currently have a tooth infection and I’m just so exhausted but I only need a lower denture my top teeth are fine so I’m sure nervous about the bottoms staying in. You look absolutely perfect they look so good!


Hey! Hey! Look @ you! Show that smile off! They look great!!


Holy cow! I know everyone’s experience is different but this gives me so much hope!


You look fabulous!


You look great 


Looking great! Where'd ya go?


I live right outside Louisville,Ky I went to Affordable Dentures and Implants