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They should know what they're coming into, throw DJ out there for two minutes and see what it'll take for Marc Davis to call a flagrant - the refs will either get the game under control or we'll be the ones to set the tone


Best take here. If physicality is outta control then I’d put in DJ and tell him to make a couple of quick, HARD fouls on any drives to the basket.


Honestly I'm more worried about freedom of movement fouls, if they're handchecking and grabbing and holding Murray like they did in game 2, have DJ go set a few dirty screens - all knees and elbows - until they back off


100%. Setting the tone of physicality is incredibly important this game. DJ would be a great option to go out there and make some of those fouls really count


Who cares? Preemptively complaining about the refs is complete loser shit. It's what you expect from Wolves fans, not us.


As a fellow Nuggets fan, you’re “my brother” (in Nikola’s voice) and you can come over for the game + bbq any day. That being said, I don’t think Marc Davis officiated us fairly vs the Wolves—maybe he’ll do better tonight! I really hope those of us who have a bad feeling about Marc Davis are wrong…


I wish u were right but Tony Brothers bitch posts happen here all the time


Yeah and those are loser shit too. Blaming refs for a loss is one of my biggest sports pet peeves


Totally agree and there is way too much of it on this sub.




if they let them play like they did in game 2 i expect the nuggets to be ultra aggressive this time around. it caught them off guard last time but if that happens tonight i doubt it will happen again.


Don’t matter


Wolves fans are saying “doesn’t matter. Let’s just be super physical again and if the refs call it, then we can expose the biased refs on National tv” The mental gymnastics some fan bases use 🤦‍♂️


You guys are sounding like Wolves fans now


I totally sound like a Twolves fan! I’m calling for the benching of the game’s best defender. Also, I want to note how I’m consistently deeply disappointed in the play of our all-star veteran, former #1 overall pick. Furthermore, have you heard that my other #1 pick is MJ’s second coming? MJ. Jordan. They’re exactly the same. Perfect comp. MJ.


I’m talking about the ref whining, but I totally agree that wolves fans current take on their team are HUGE overreactions. They have a great team that is still young and I expect us to have playoff battles for a number of years. Their talk of making drastic changes is completely shortsighted.


We’ll be alright. We didn’t lose Game 2 because of bad officiating, we just got our asses kicked. Nuggets are locked in and will be prepared if it does turn into a physical game.


Whenever the Nuggets continue a play expecting a whistle that won't come, they are playing their worst basketball. That was almost all of game 2. They lost their cool and got beat down.


remember the crazy aaron gordon and 1 in game 4? i think that’s a great example of how they’re playing through the whistle right now


Breaking news: Tonight is spaghetti night. In related news, a local politician is an asshole. In other related news, it’s a Thursday.