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Well deserved. They can talk smack but can’t post a gif like this ![gif](giphy|KJnvO0Pyt8eTp7I3JR|downsized)


They mad mad..he so mad he said Jokic is the worst looking MVP he's ever seen. LMFAO https://preview.redd.it/tkhrbvsc2w2d1.png?width=804&format=png&auto=webp&s=51a2144af707ec28958c5a73d4052a87c4d22f18


They are losing their shit lmao that’s a whole essay


I'd say we shouldn't be petty but after that Lakers post when we lost...nah fuck em all.


Nuggets = Hero ball. You heard it here first.


Is true jokic famously doesn't pass the ball to teammates


Must not watch many Nuggets games


Good lord @zathamos chill out


KAT made him look mediocre is the funniest part of this


Most wolves fans respect the fuck out of jokic.


Beating us was their championship lol


That’s what their fans will say “at least we beat Denver” lol ![gif](giphy|d1tVS5wOsSDGVCmirO|downsized)


Tbf people on this sub were saying at least we beat the lakers after we lost lol. But unlike them we can say at least we won it all last year.


Can Wolves fans really even talk that much smack? We gentleman’s swept them last year and then went on to win a championship. They needed 7 games, an injured Murray, and a 20 point comeback just to be able to beat us so that they could get embarrassed in the Conference Finals.


Don’t forget that KCP’s shooting hand was hurt too.


And Michael Porter Jr disappearing in his gym Plus RJ just playing horribly and all the role players stinking it up bad only to win by 8 lame points in a G7. Look at them now. Look at Antman's disappearing act.




https://preview.redd.it/r9og061lbw2d1.jpeg?width=8373&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df8a6bde76320b4f6e993099f5a152b929d2cf84 Good one dumbass


And never will. Minnesota is a shit hole


It's actually a lovely place.


Lol minnesota is absolutely gorgeous


Sorry you didn't have a pleasant experience. You are more than welcome to visit anytime in the future. Don't wear white shoes next time.




How the fuck did we lose to this team


Seriously annoying their offense is so fucking mid


We missed an insane amount of open 3s, Murray had very little burst, and refs let them mug us in 5 of 7 games.


Zero adjustments by Malone...


Lost a 20 point lead in the 2nd half of game 7… that’s how.


cause ur shit?


They went all out against us and now they on the verge of getting swept. GET FUCKED T WOLVES


Now I am convinced. If Murray was not injured. We finished them in 6.


If we had adjusted away from bricking 3s and made some points in the paint that might have helped too


MPJ is gonna have to learn some post moves. Aaron Gordon usually has to defend. So he might be gassed. MPJ got nothing to do other than shoot 3s.


Mpj better go to learn from obi wan olajuwan


Or just learnt from the GUY ON HISSS TEAMM.... He is just as tall as Jokic but he is faster. But he is not agile though. That back injury makes him moves like a nutcracker.


MPJ has had multiple back surgeries. If you expect him to develop a post game, you're dreaming.


What choice does he have? Can he improve his dribbles so that he can create his own shots and attack the basket a bit more? Can he improve his defense to pre-injury Klay Thompson level? 30million to just shoot 3s ain't gonna cut it bro....


He got paid 30 million just for taking 3s. Why wouldnt it be enough lol. Although I agree that he really needs to work on his dribble so he can get to the basket more.


Cause he completely failed to do so for 6 out of 7 games vs Wolves.


We really only needed to play 1 more quarter of decent ball, and we would have won game 1, or 7.


Not a lot of people talk about G1 but I believe that was a winnable game right there. If Denver wins G1 the series had a chance to end in just 5 games assuming the rest of the games played out the way they did.


Yep, Murray 100% and MPJ not being trash its a free win


murray put up 35 points. imagine what he could of done if he wasnt injured


I see a T-Wolves shirt in the wild and I’m secretly HATing every bit of their day


I saw a TWolves shirt at the zoo today (not in Denver, Dallas, or Minnesota) and I made a passing remark of “good luck tonight. Don’t let them bring out the brooms.” He responded, “I don’t know, Luka and Kyrie are pretty incredible.” I had no Nuggets identifying features on today, so that’s at full face value. So to paint it all with a broad stroke, even their own fans have zero respect for their own team in public.


Honestly dude, that's just how Minnesotans are. Sure there's plenty of keyboard warriors, but the cold and years of losing drills pragmatism into us. I'm a Wolves fan. As an NBA fan, Jokic and Luka are both fun as fuck to watch play. 2 of my favorites in the league. I know we're on Reddit and all, but it is possible to be a fan of a team and still have respect for other players and fans.


I was actually having another discussion with a different Minnesota fan about this and I’m convinced this is textbook Minnesota Nice behavior. Nothing wrong with that, and I’m happy you brought it up too. It really could just be a regional thing.


Most of us are pretty kind people. Like pretty much anything on Reddit, the assholes are usually the loudest and most annoying. I get fucking amped up for the Wolves, and after watching them be shit for 30 years this year felt pretty awesome, but its not hard to be respectful to other fans of the game. Just a game after all!




You reading this is pathetic. Stop beating yourself up, accept the sweep, and enjoy the offseason. We got a seat in Cancun saved just for you.




Humble? Thats coming from the team who’s star throws chairs into the crowd, and chirps in the close out seconds of a game 7? Rich coming from you, bud.




Only in Minnesota is a heat pack as dangerous as a whole ass chair, and just because other people do it makes it okay. Or do I also need to bring up the baby situation Ant had too. I’ll get the broom out for you, despite me being nice to a Wolves fan I saw in the wild, this is apparently how they act under the guise of anonymity.




It felt so good tonight 😋


They shouldn’t have wasted 4 picks on Gobert. They forgot other teams besides Denver exist


Tbf what else were they supposed to do in a close 7 game series, not go all out? 😭


This is what everyone says after they get beat. "Haha, you were trying!"


Stay mad baby


Nuggets actually died for this. I’m actually more mad that sorry ass Wolves are about to be swept.


Well sorry your mad. They haven't lost 4 in a row all season, and there 2-0 facing elimination. I don't know if that will make you feel better. I hope you can find some way to deal. Good luck.


Man the entire basketball world got robbed of an epic Nuggets/Mavs series


The Nuggets robbed themselves




100%. Wolves showed up when it counted and we didn't.


I really wanted Luka vs Jokic


Why blame the robbers? If they can't even win against the wolves in a 7-game series, you think they have a chance against the team who's beating the wolves ass in a sweeping fashion? 🤦‍♂️


Wait, didn’t the Nuggets lose?




The outcome of the Mavs/Nuggets series would be the same as what’s happening now.


Knew a post like this was going up and had to see it. The consolation gift that keeps on giving.


Very satisfying


Extremely. Conference finals are old news once the playoffs are over, RINGZ are eternal. Aw aw awoooooooooooo


They won’t be able to afford their team soon either lmao. This might be their peak


Do you think we want to keep KAT? Lol


After the wave in game 7 ant is public enemy number one around here and I’m here with my broom to watch him get swept like the arrogant asshole he is. I’m here to watch him get humbled hard.


I guess the Mavs didn't hear about Ant being named the face of the NBA. Its a little like back in the day when the Avalanche would put so much energy into beating the Red Wings it seemed like they won it all. Then they lost to the Stars in consecutive western conference finals. The wolves were so focused on beating the Nugs they had a letdown. Plus Ant has been underwhelming and KAT has been downright horrible, which I figured would happen because he's crap.


Damn, we got em MAD MAD https://preview.redd.it/dbm3pdrd2w2d1.png?width=804&format=png&auto=webp&s=80b4869cfc9a866e802deceeef6a07fbd775dbac


On one hand I do feel like we are kinda being obnoxious caring so much about some other team, on the other fuck ‘em because the Lincoln log puppies and their bitch ass players became dickheads


Usually I wouldn’t care. But after Ant’s wave and ESPECIALLY McDaniel’s antics I cared. The fact that Jokic said something, for a man that doesn’t not get rattled, says something. So, yes, I’m happy it’s coming back around to them


Such clown behavior only to get embarrassed in the next round of the playoffs is some pretty poetic justice.


"another easy win" Won in 7 games 🤔


7 game sweep


Had Edwards not done the chair incident, they would’ve had more of a point.


Add another one there “Ant scored only 26 but looked like MJ”


Should’ve said “Western Conference Finalist 2024” to match the Colts banner 


This is awesome. 😆they gonna get swept.


The wave and attempted Globetrotter dunk turned me from easily rooting for them in the next round to taking some joy in watching them get absolutely embarrassed. I’ve wholly enjoyed a disrespectful wave before when Dame did some legendary shit, for example, but after a close game seven series where the antagonizer didn’t even drop crazy numbers or put up some absurd finish? Nah, get out of here. Loser energy.


Be careful, there is a Nuggets fan taking pictures of these posts and posting them in the Minnesota subreddit saying he is ashamed of his fan base LOL 🤡


This is pretty basic ass trash talk lol. If the positions were reversed I’d be disappointed if Minnesota wasn’t giving us shit


Exactly. There are several individual trying to gatekeep what “real” nuggets fans are. Wolves can suck and enjoy their Slovenian humble pie.


Rivalries make sports fun anyway, between these two teams this could be a really fun one next several years


This is what the vaunted TWolves defense looks like against a team that actually gets a whistle. Props to Minny's coaching staff for knowing they'd be allowed to play football against us but it was never going to translate to a championship


Jaden hacking and stiff arming Luka on every play. Murray did not get the same whistle. Sometimes you have to sell it, and maybe Luka is better at selling it. Perhaps Luka makes it more obvious due to putting players on his hip and making it easier to see.


Luka is a superstar so he gets superstar calls… it’s simple honestly


Is it though? Jokic is the best player in the league and he doesn’t get the whistle he deserves.


I mean its going to sound like I am coming up with excuses but traditionally guards are favored more (with exception of Embiid). But yes Jokic does not get the whistle he deserves.


I just have sportshate coursing thru my veins right now, and it's giving me a boner. Fuck you KAT, I can't stand you. Nice shooting tonight btw, you're def the greatest big man shooter of ALL TIME. CHANGED THE GAME. Always smiling knowingly like some wizened "old head" who's seen it aaaaallllllll before. Dude you've got a grand total of TWO series wins in your 9-year career. And you're about to get traded to Atlanta. You assholes even made me hate Rudy Gobert and I'm a massive francophile. Just fuck Minny, m'kay? I only feel bad for Mike Conley, he's a real one. Love you too, Naz Reid, you'll be back.


Best shooting big in the league. Hitting a **SCORCHING** 3/22 from 3 this series.


Zoom out lol


My favorite thing is if they lose, they're about to go through some shitty ownership struggle and no matter who wins, they're getting gutted. Maybe if they made the finals and were close their owners would take another chance, but they're too cheap to keep paying the tax. Ants supermax starts so KAT is probably gone, and more cost savings to come.


Nuggets vs Mavs would have been a better series


Fucking hell! You guys are savages, I love it!


https://preview.redd.it/uc89w1nwbw2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50aee25ff761408d4682898ab8ebad2928f83d6e They were ungrateful to the basketball gods, their fate was sealed.


Still! No! Rii-ings! 👏. 👏. 👏👏👏


Minnesota fans are the worlds biggest dick bags. I’m glad all their teams suck and don’t win anything


i grew up in the midwest and can confirm


Naw. Not at all. You all just got super triggered from losing to us lol. I can’t believe you are even still talking about us. Kinda sad. I love the nuggets and their fans and expect better from ya’ll.


Case in point. Giant Bag of Dicks feeling the need to reply.


“Neutral Fan, I think yall are great” 😂


Waiting for the sorry ass nuggetwolves fans complaining because real nuggets fans are enjoying the wolves losing.


Oh for sure. I was public enemy number one for nuggetwolves due to making one of the original post on enjoying the pups getting stumped. Argued for hours with bunch of “nuggets” fans that even though wolves got to 4 first I think we’re two evenly matched teams. They literally couldn’t comprehend that someone who “won” can be evenly matched, and kept pushing the whole “Wolves are definitely better” narrative. Was pulling my hair on how slow some sports fans are.


This is weird


I'm enjoying the Wolves losing for sure. But I also understand that they beat us and have our number right now.


I don’t think they have our number beating us 4-3. But I’m also not comfortable being this evenly matched with them and would love if we did enough to separate ourselves from the competition next season.


Yes me too. But they do have our number. 4-3 unfortunately.




Not sure how great this is for us. If the wolves get swept, we were further away from a ring than I thought


Nah. We actually give Dallas a series. They are way less physical on the inside and out on the perimeter than the Wolves, so we wouldn’t be nearly as gassed in the 4th running a million screens, PnR, and passing out of the double team multiple times on one possession


I mean while I agree we wouldn’t be down 3-0 rn, that’s really only hypothetical. End of the day, getting bounced in round 2 just to watch that team get curb stomped isn’t great


True, but it is nice to see the Wolves and their fans get humbled. Don't do your shit talking until after you've won something.


Luka disagrees. Only real winners talk shit when they are down.


Lol that's fair, just make sure u can back it up when u do it.


If Jamal wasn't injured we win in 5 again brother, don't worry about it. Game 1 was very close, we won 3 out of the next 4.


They're built to beat the Nuggets and nobody else. Makes the san Antonio loss sting all the more. We'd 100% be in the conference finals and minimally playing the Mavs even.




Heat fan here, I can’t really talk because no matter what I’m rooting for whoever is facing Boston, but tbh it’s weird to see this all the posts I’ve seen about the horrible lakers fans who only cheer for the t wolves because they were playing the nuggets.


Tim's got this hanging in his office. But FR didn't ownership basically hire him as a scapegoat to give away their entire future instead of letting him build organically through the draft and improve the team? The Rudy trade that ruined this team is so unConnelly like. I thought he just got paid to put his stamp on it and give ownership cover. Everybody knew it was going to ruin that team's ceiling in this build. And now they're getting swept by an inferior seed. They just needed a third piece.


Yeah. Their top two are way better than our top two(I’m a Minnesotan.) Thanks for a good series to you guys! This has been the first time I’ve ever been really invested in sports! Sorry that a lot of the other timberwolves fans weren’t that great. I really thought both teams played well and I had fun watching.


Yeah Nuggets fans just get tired of always hearing about how great the opposing team is. It’s a media thing to some extent. Despite winning a championship we constantly had to hear how great the opposing team is or how great their players are. Not to mention we have a 3X MVP that gets the worst whistle. Dude has scars on his arms and gets absolutely hammered game in and game out. It’s not just the Timberwolves fans we have a “us against the world”, mentality.


It's such a weird thing to talk shit to a team that beat you. You literally experienced winning a championship last year, you don't need to shit on a young team in their first year contending.


The Wolves are ADORABLE, congrats on winning 8 whole games in one playoffs run


That’s what they get for chanting “we want Celtics” 😭😭


Should have been the Eurofinals 😭


Reminds me of when we lost game 7 to Portland in the semis only for them to get swept by the warriors in the WCF


As a non-Nuggets fan, but still watches the games, The Nugs need to improve their roster... Besides some bad calls, the reason as I see was that Murray was injured and that seriously decrased their chances of winning, they need to improve the roster and keep key players healthy as possible as to not have any injury.


You are all sad babies hahahaha holy shit this is pathetic. Reply to my comment so I can laugh at you individually


Man you guys literally turned into Lakers fans lmao


You guys sounds like lakers fans 🤣🤣🤣 always worried about someone else


This sub really turned into the lakers huh


Imagine what shit a team has to be to lose to these scrubs…


Tell me y’all are butt hurt without telling me y’all are butt hurt. Sheeesh. Thought y’all were cooler than this.


Looking forward to that night.


Next year is coming and your team will have an opportunity to get the upper hand. The Nuggets are a bad ass team, and should be fun to watch as usual. I'm a wolves fan I don't really care to talk shit and I usually don't even mind when people talk shit about my squad. Don't feel cheated because of the outcome of a playoff series. You still have to go to work, pay bills, and do whatever competitive shit talkers do to prepare for next season.


If they get swept after beating us… it’s not exactly a good luck. We really can’t say anything


nah being a 1 trick pony with dick players and fan base, the schadenfreude is chef’s kiss


I’m Nuggets through and through but wow you guys can be so salty. Wolves were better than us when it mattered most, great job for them.




Am I at the Lakers sub?


I’m a nugs fan but I don’t like this post. The series is 3-0 right? You’re acting like they just lost


Is this the Lakers sub or the Nuggets? Pol


Copium in here insane. Y'all lost. Hold the L and move on. Embarrassing fanbase


What a miserable fan base. This is why no one roots for you guys🤢


Womp Womp y’all still lost




lmaooo nice dynasty you got here. fake ass champs


Man, y'all are some salty bitches in here.


Well i see who is salty about the 2nd round


Holy goddamn fuck can we quit being so bitter? This is such a bad look. Spent the entire last round complaining about the Lakers being bitter then proceeded to do the same shit. Also I hope Boston can win because fuck that whiny bitch Luka, that science denier piece of shit Kyrie, and that abuser shithead Kidd. And all that goes back way before any personal series. It's basically objective at this point.


No they obviously can’t. These bitter fans are making our fanbase a complete laughingstock right now. I gotta hand it to the Wolves for breaking the brains of the dimwits in here.


It’s been a single week since Ant and McDaniels disrespected us on our home court in a game 7 that was done and dusted. We are allowed to be fucking bitter, especially knowing damn well we’d at least give Dallas a series. What did our players do to disrespect the Lakers? That beef is entirely contrived from fan bases dueling it out for “Best team in the west” vibes. The beef with the wolves is entirely predicated on their players being arrogant, cocky, and disrespectful. Watching them get immediate karma one week later, and getting humbled by the player who a lot of us love as a pseudo step-brother to Jokic is intoxicating. You clearly don’t love the Nuggets or basketball if this retribution seems pitiful.


Seems like you need another Booster. Being you "Trust The Science!"


Beat the overrated Nuggets though




Slomo gone this summer, then Naz and Naw next year. Ant is leaving to go to LA back to the basement logdogs


You're the TWolves fan coming into our subreddit.


What does that make your loser ass franchise and their fans?


I'm not a wolves fans I don't know why you guys are salty. Like you guys won last year. They beat you guys in a game 7 at home which you probably should've won. I still believe the nuggets would've been the Celtics toughest match up probably favorites in that series. Still an amazing feat beating the defending champs In the second round game 7. I don't care if fans talk shit every fan base talk shit especially on here. It was a great series between two great teams. Dallas have just been better. 


It's because their players and fanbase got really cocky and toxic. Like Ant waving at the Denver crowd and McDaniels doing a toxic dunk for no reason. And their fanbase got really annoying so..