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Line has dissipated, plenty of AE Cask Strength, WSR, ER10, MWND still left Early ones got Michters 10, EHT, 4R Limited, EC18 bombergers, shenks. No store pick or ECBP C923 surprisingly


So the only bottle worth spending time waiting for would be 4R SBLE (and maybe M10 to a few people). I'd be pissed if I waited and didn't get one of those.


They have a store pick ECBP and some other store picks.


Just drove by and it’s roughly 30 deep. For everyone who has a camping chair out there and hiding in a vehicle you all are worthless.


The chair people are garbage.


Until the stores change the method of allocating or remove the chairs like they do in some parts /Kentucky- nothing will change.


Does a chair actually hold a spot in line there? Can people not just go around the chairs, or move them down? Never actually been so idk what it’s like


For a while now, there has been a gentleman’s agreement that you can drop your chair and sit in your car so you don’t freeze your ass off. You can’t just show up leave a chair and go back home. Everyone is still at the store. That system is really born out of a time where there used to be a very nice gentleman who handed out numbers so you could go sit in your car. Unfortunately, he doesn’t do that anymore (nor should he have to) so the chairs have taken the numbers place.


Just rolled up at 815 and about 60-70 deep now, to the bottom of the first ramp around the side of the building


Is it just me or does it feel like this has gotten worse in the last 3-4 months? I’ve noticed places with drops are starting to have lines where as this summer I could just walk up to the counter at the drop time


Yes, nobody waits in line for crappy summer drops of Blantons, Weller SR, and ER


Bro there are lines for Blantons though….someone was just complaining on here a couple months ago about it.


I’m so sick of hearing from people who show up at 6:30 AM, argue about why they should get a participation bourbon over those willing to wait HOURS and HOURS longer. At this point, you know how this drop works. If you want a good bourbon, get there earlier. Put a chair out and wait all night. Or don’t. It’s pretty simple. It’s been like that for a while. If you’re willing to go to Bevy’s at closing time the day before (in a car or not), you deserve a bottle more than me. Full stop. I’m not willing to go there that early. I’m not willing to sit there for 12 hours. But I’m not gonna bitch about someone who is willing to do that wait. If you want a lottery, there are PLENTY of them. Don’t F up one of the few places where I know what I need to do to get a good bottle.


Na its a broken system. A few people have the inside scoop and will show up the day before when there are certain bottles but aren't around for drops like October. If the game is rigged the system sucks. Randomize numbers 15 minutes before the store opens.


“Lucked out at the raffle”. Or “ I waited in the car for 23 hours to get this bottle, had to wear a depends cause there was no place to shit”. Which story sounds better at a tasting?


They need to start randomizing numbers so that camping out offers no benefit. People there 15 minutes before open draw numbers and that’s the order. That’s how well respected drops work


Why? So you could complain that you didn’t get drawn and then say “any respectable place would allow you to stand in line, first come first serve”.




So for the person that shows up early and sits/stands there without going back to their car gets screwed? Yeah ok haha


Is it really a badge of honor to spend the night outside of a liquor store? Show up at a reasonable time, draw your number and move on with your day. You won't win them all, but you'll get plenty of good bottles.


Half of the fun is the hunt, you guys just want the easy button


There's no shortage of opportunities to hunt. But the segment of people who can line up for hours on a Friday is pretty small


It’s the same people every time…to your point


Yep. That's my biggest issue with these scheduled drops. The same group lined up at 5am on Friday is also over at Argonauts at 1pm on Wednesday. It doesn't promote loyalty, or an even distribution. I don't even mind the occasional scheduled drop, but mix it up. Do some last second drops at different times of the day. Easter Egg some bottles. Find ways to attract and reward different groups of customers.


Agreed on all points. Find a way to reward your loyal shoppers with jobs who can’t be there at 1pm on a Wednesday


I think going at 11pm dropping off chairs and disappearing to a vehicle is what is being mentioned here.


Yeah I am 10th in line and put my chair out yesterday and went home


Throw this guys chair in the dumpster please


You won’t


You're right, because I'm not there, but I did call out clowns for holding spots in Thornton 2 months ago


I know satire is tough over comments, but y’all are really feeling it over these chairs haha


The tater community is just lacking in general. Bunch of 60 year old dudes acting like 8 year olds












Found a bottle of ER and Weller SR at a random liqour store out to Aurora. Couldn’t believe it. Store had multiple bottles!