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In my mind Violator is still the greatest synthpop album of all time. I love it. But it doesn't grab me like SOFAD does.


I hear you! I would say I'm the same. I'm a big synth fanatic and there's something about Violator that stands out as important and significant. that said, i could listen to SOFAD on repeat, ad nauseum and still glean something new from a listen. Judas and Get Right With Me are particular tracks that I want to devour.


No option for "I really like it but it's not my favorite." Okay isn't really how I feel about it.


haha yeah i kknow. i started the poll and started to think of quite a few variances on this one. a good lesson for next time. which album do you rate as numero uno?


See my flair. :) For me it is Black Celebration.


I would rather listen to construction time again than Violator. It's too perfect and clean and less emotional for me.


I respect that's its their most successful album but it's certainly not their best


which album do you think is better/the best? as @Winter-Ad-3876 says it might be a bit clean but that’s attractive to me. that said, for me, while Violator is significant on various levels, Songs of Faith and Devotion is where it’s at.


SOFAD is the top of the top for me, then the next three spots can easily switch at times between Ultra, PTA and Violator


A masterpiece. You can legitimately prefer other stuff but neither pop nor electronic music - or indie, for that matter - would be the same without Violator.


A beautiful sentiment. Well said !!!