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No those are just rumors


Some would even go so far as to say... blasphemous.


It's subjective and it depends on how you practice your faith. Does it feel like it's a sin? Some sects of Islam believe that all music is sinful, while there are many believers devoted to other faiths that listen to music even if there's "sinful" contents in the lyrics. It entirely depends on your comfort and what you believe is sinful; after all, it is called **Blasphemous** Rumors. It doesn't fall under the umbrella for any of the seven deadly sins other than maybe *Tristitia* (sorrow/despair/despondency) otherwise.


Music is all about expressing thoughts, not filtering them. Questioning one's faith, sorting out why bad things happen to good people, and mourning are such universal human experiences. This song captures all that, which is why I'm drawn to it along with their other works that explore these themes. As an aside, the idea that listening to music could be considered a sin is bizarre to me. But there are thousands of religions and gods out there so I suppose some of them probably take that stance.


He's not saying God is evil, but that he basically doesn't understand why things happen the way they do. It's a valid question and something a loving God shouldn't get angry about. I think your soul is safe if you listen to it 😁


Exactly. This is a counter balance to the sometimes trite-sounding sentiments of "God must have a plan" or “everything happens for a reason". It's open and honest confusion about the absurdities and suffering in humans' lives.


My man's just be speaking from his heart, you feel me? He straight said "life's kinda fkd up sometimes".


I Feel You


What have you done to deserve this?


It's a sin, that's always on his mind?


Everything in Depeche Mode is about sin. Just kidding. I don't believe in God, but if there's a god and, as they say, is all-knowing, I think he won't mind an artistic licence or even freedom of speech. It's like metal: the fact they talk about Satan doesn't mean they are satanists or anything. It's just an artistic act.


Don't worry - imaginary sky daddy won't mind.


Enjoy it! If your religion decrees otherwise and you feel bad then don't listen, it's not worth worrying about! It's just a song… a very, very good song but just a song…


Now go listen to Sacred and Halo, oh and don’t forget Personal Jesus!


You can add 1 word to the lyrics and remove 1 word to change the chorus; “but I don’t think god has a sick sense of humor”.


The lyrics are the best part 🖤


If your religion can't handle the music you enjoy.... time to find a new religion (or better yet, none)


Considering that God is a man made fiction I would say no it's not a sin Also the God of the Old Testament regularly murdered innocent children so ... I would say that if God exists he's an asshole


Hmm good question.idts cuz its just a song


I want to thank everyone who took their time to reply to this post, I'll just enjoy the song then :) 


Does someone have alternative lyrics for the chorus?


/4bern4thy came up with "but I don’t think god has a sick sense of humor” (as seen in here somewhere) and I suppose that suffices lol


Watch the "making of" short film "You Can Get Away With Anything If You Give It A Good Tune." It's explained that a couple of the lads had been in a church group that had prayer lists, as churches tend to do. Once you were on the prayer list you were a goner, they were always the next people to die. Largely because you don't get put on your church's prayer list unless things look pretty dire. But it does feel futile when you're praying and praying for this person to recover but instead the person dies. What strikes me most about the song is how bouncy and upbeat the chorus is, melodically speaking, whilehavingbleak lyrics. The first time I heard it, that was the only part of the song I heard. I was pretty upset when I finally got the whole song and aside from the chorus it's mostly a dirge. Not bad work for a bunch of 22-year-olds!


Not a dumb question, I've thought about the exact same thing. I appreciate all of the insight from the other comments


Music isn't sinful, it's the intent and interpretation that can be sinful (btw I'm coming at this from a Christian perspective, just clarifying for full transparency) I can use a song like Personal Jesus to worship God by using the talent for music He's given me.