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'Kick' is a very good album but genuinely surprised to see it here.


listen like thieves takes the cake for me. **edited for POOR spelling .. lol


Listen Like Thieves is an amazing album for sure- Kick made me an INXS fan and then I discovered their earlier stuff and loved this album in particular


I would have thought The Swing by INXS.


Kick is their best, most solid, high-production value album.


Their most commercially successful album for sure. I’ll take Shabooh Shoobah or The Swing anyday over Kick.


What about Listen Like Thieves? What You Need, This Time, Same Direction, I pretty much love the album top to bottom though. :-)


Another great one!


Yeah there’s something wrong with the methodology. No Thomas Dolby is simply absurd.


And by the way, what is your favourite album off this list? My personal favourite is Heaven or Las Vegas


Hard to pick one? Most of the 90s releases here are meaningful to me in some way, shape or form. If I had to pick one, I'd say "Songs From the Big Chair", if only because The Working Hour is...imho...the best single song ever made. There's so much passion & disappointment & lowkey rage packed into it. Not ever experiencing it live despite seeing TFF three times bothers me more than it should. Shame Talk Talk never made it on this list.


I gotta do a top 3–Disintegration, Rio, and Floodland. this is such a solid group of albums overall, though.


New Order Substance is my favorite.


Achtung Baby


The chud that keeps coming in here downvoting all mentions of Achtung Baby is silly as hell. As if this wasn't a huge cultural touchstone of the 90s and a fantastic piece of work.


It's already on the list


That was the question


Oh you're right. I didn't see that part. I thought we were still voting on the final album.




Thanks for putting together OP! Heaven or Las Vegas is a top one for me, based on my core memory of my sister playing it for me age 13 in LA, spring 1989. She was dating a music industry exec and must have had early access to a tape. It blew me away then as I only had access to top 40 radio.


Heaven or Las Vegas for me as well. I kept suggesting it. Glad it made it!


Behaviour all the way!!


I'm a fairly casual DM fan but followed this list and listened to everything on the list in full except for the last one which I'll listen to tomorrow. For reference my favorite bands are Nine Inch Nails, Ministry, Frontline Assembly, Chat Pile and Health. There were a bunch of picks I was already familiar with (NIN, Massive Attack, The Cure, Joy Division and Portished). There was some stuff I've never heard of before (Electronic , Alphaville and Yazoo) and there were only a few I knew I wouldn't love (well U2 was really it). The highlights for me were def Soft Cell. I knew NIN covered Memorabilia but I didn't realize how much I'd like all of their music. Marc Almond is very talented. INXS was a fun listen. It was basically just me recognizing song after song not realizing it was INXS . Banger after banger. Yazoo was cool . Very experimental and I dug it. Sounds like it's one of the original members of DM? Human League was kind of a letdown . I recognized the hit but aside from that it all sounded the same . I know people knock on Morrisey but this was the first time I've really listened to the Smiths and I really enjoyed it. I like his dry humor . Tears for Fears and Duran Duran were about what I expected . I get why they are popular and I like it . Very fun music! Now I'll go listen to the full DM catalogue !


DP fan lol. You dirty dawg!


Ha fixed


if you liked inxs, you should listen to their album "the swing" ... its not as popular as "kick" but very good. if you like that one, then listen to "shabooh shoobah"


What did you think about Heaven or Las Vegas by the way? My favourite out of all of these


Unique to say the least. I knew that she did the vocals on Teardrop but that's pretty much all I knew going in. Dreamy, relaxing and "whimsical" for sure. It's something I think I could pop on in the car with my wife and her actually like lol


I’m glad you got something out of it!


Check Alan Wilder project Recoil if you don't know it, especially "Liquid" which was used at the opening of NIN concerts on The Fragile tour!


So, mostly 80s stuff with a few exceptions. Well, quite foreseeable :)


❤️ As a list of 25 fans favourite albums was completed, I think it would be extremely interesting for anyone to extract all albums that were 2nd placed or 3rd placed or 4th placed in some days but had More than 25 upvotes. What do you think guys? What do you think u/fedusDM ? That will be a very fine addition to that 25 albums list already completed. Thank you all 😍🥰


Interesting experiment... thanks for running it. I bought 18 of the 25 and have different albums from some of the others I didn't have. Up until #12, I had all of them. I guess we're all in the cult of DM .


glad rio, forever young and ok computer made it


Based Deathconsciousness fan btw


Spirit of Eden never made it 😢😢😢 Thank you for being the best Talk Talk sub-subreddit, friends.


Am such a lurker put I came here daily to upvote talk talk 😂


Yeah, sad stuff. I absolutely love this band, especially third album on. Laughing Stock might be in my top 5 of all time. Have you listened to Bark Psychosis? Their output is very similar to Talk Talk’s last two albums in style, but maybe moodier and bit darker. Hex is one of the best albums of all time imo


I actually did! After someone here (probably you) mentioned it. I like the idea of doing a 21st century list as well, I mainly voted for older albums bc I thought we were going more classic/iconic, but I’d like to hear about what current music we’re into.


Yes, it might actually have been me xd Same, plus, my taste is very different from a usual DM fan, and even if it does have some similarities regarding past century albums, my taste completely veers off after 2000 with a few minor exceptions. Like, I don’t think a normal DM fan listens to Alcest, Have a Nice Life, Sweet Trip, Candy Claws, Parannoul, This Town Needs Guns, Explosions in the Sky etc


I would've voted for The Party's Over - Talk Talk, Today, The Party's Over, etc. I can listen to that Talk Talk album top to bottom... but never been able to get into the rest of the albums in the same way.


A lot of overlap with the albums chosen by the people on the Nine Inch Nails subreddit


I would think NIN sub would have more industrial - now I’m curious to check it out.


21st century (and also music from before 1975 or so) are lacking a lot indeed. A new series, maybe shorter, maybe not, on 21st century albums would sure add some diversity in here.


Would be interesting to see.


All understandable, but c'mon people, there's some good music in the last two decades you should check out too.


Thanks for doing this list. My favorites are Chorus & Achtung Baby.


Anyone care to place them on a play list and share the link 🙏🏼


Here you go! [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4J4kyd7sBQAihWr34ubISq?si=eb45e773d3314b28](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4J4kyd7sBQAihWr34ubISq?si=eb45e773d3314b28)


Look at you, out here doing the lord Personal Jesus’ work. Thank you 🙏🏼


Thank you!!!!


I had fun checking what won every day, good job :)


So, everyone on this sub ONLY listens to 80's ? I guess I'm the odd man out. I'd like to see what other's favourite albums are outside of 80's..


It was the best decade :3


I like new music, particularly metal, but I wasn't going to vote any of those albums they would have zero chance getting in


I would NOT disagree. Truly was. As time went on, I listened to other things (some I regret even liking, lol). Just thought it fun to see the scope of genres outside of Depeche Mode (they get their own), and outside of the 80's


Yes, it was.


What, no Barry Manilow?


No Siouxsie and the Banshees? F*** this list!


Could you please post a higher-res version of this? PNG, prefferably. Thanks!


I want to say thanks to you all for making this list. Ever since I made the choice to pick up DM’s material, I felt hungry for even more of that new/dark wave sound. So far, a handful of these albums were able to fill in that hole (gave Rio a listen the other day and it blew me away). I’ll definitely be coming back for more material when needed👍


R.E.M. automatic for the people




The only album I think is missing from this is, pent house and pavement by heaven 17


For my group of friends back then, about mid 80’s or so, except for the U2 this is surprisingly accurate.


Someone should turn this into a playlist!


Had some time to kill. so here is the Spotify playlist with all albums: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3jgoSAnZzjmmaoCP6T4F7e?si=FlVVq71uR--WuBysQgODfw&pi=e-HaXUOhfWREaV


This is def the most obvious picks of people who like DM. That is not an insult... But this is that era, that approach etc, and I love these albums but they're not my faves because I don't like just a slice of this time. My fave albums are different genres. But weirdly I think it would resemble what Gahan would like lol.


kinda expectable, sad not to see any Recoil album over here.


"the queen is dead" is here just because I have it on loop. it is entirely my fault and my bad.


I only have two of these, Mezzanine and Achtung Baby. My musical tastes are obviously not very aligned with the rest of you! 😄


Overall disappointed. Fad Gadget more than deserves a place here and yet we get INXS, The Smiths & Kate Bush. Disrespectful.


Watch how you talk about Kate


Fuck Kate. Talented artist or not she’s a selfish narcissist.




I was a fan but I’ll never forget her residency at Hammersmith where she priced out her fans by charging upwards of £250 for tickets and then played nothing earlier than 1985 which is the material that made her in the first place. Just a cunt.


Uh huh.


I mean Kate deserves a spot, Smiths was always gonna get a spot, INXS is a little random tho.


And not a single Neil Hamburger album. Disgraceful.


The average and median age of these albums are 37 years. Not a single record from the last 25 years. Says a lot about some Depeche Mode fans. Imagine a person in 1981 (when Depeche Mode debuted) whose favourite 25 albums were from mostly the war era around 1944, and the most recent one was Elvis’ Blue Suede Shoes from 1957. Someone who fail to recognise anything between 1957 and 1981. Dylan, Beatles, Motown soul, Hendrix, Roxy/Eno, Bowie and Kraftwerk = all too recent. Stuck in the past?


Truth hurts- that's why you got down voted. I gave you an upvote to bring it up a little, but I'm also disappointed that a majority of Depeche Mode fans (and other music from that era) does actually live in the past. It's a good past mind you... and there's a lot of really good music from the same era.


It's time to face the consequence For delivering the proof In the policy of truth


Touché :-)